满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

A researcher has made a report 1. says h...

A researcher has made a report 1. says having a lot of money makes you a bad person. Professor Paul Piff spent ten years 2. (look) at the personalities of rich people and 3. (find) that their behaviour was very different 4. the behavior of poor people. Rich people are more likely to break 5. (rule), not follow the law, and not care about other people. Wealthy people cheat more at games and are less likely to help other people. Professor Piff told the BBC, “Wealth makes you more 6. (worry) about your own interests, your own desires, your own welfare.” He added that rich people think their own goals and needs are the most 7. (importance) thing in their life.

Professor Piff also found that poor people are more generous than rich people. The poor give a higher percentage of their money 8. (help) others than the rich. The 9. (wealth) you are, the less generous you are. You give significantly smaller portions away to other people. However, he said that rich people could change their behavior and become nicer 10. more generous.


1.that /which 2.looking 3.found 4.from 5.rules 6.worried 7.important 8.to help 9.wealthier 10.and 【解析】考查学生的文章理解能力以及综合语法运用能力。 1.考查定语从句的关系词。句意:一位研究者做了一个报道,说有很多钱会让你变成坏人。这里report后接定语从句对其修饰限定,用关系代词that /which指代report。 2.句意:Paul Piff教授花十年时间观察富有的人的人格。spend +时间+(in)doing something花时间做某事,故填looking。 3.句意:Paul Piff教授花十年时间观察富有的人的人格,发现他们的行为不同于穷人的行为。并列连词and后接的成分和spent一致,用一般过去时,故填found。 4.固定搭配be different from“不同于”,故填from。 5.句意:富人更可能破坏规章制度,不遵守法律,以及不关心他人。这里rule是可数名词,用复数形式,故填rules。 6.考查形容词。句意:富有让你更担心自己的利益,自己的要求以及自己的福利。worried“担心的”。 7.句意:他补充说富人认为他们自己的目标和需要是他们生活中最重要的事情。这里用形容词的最高级形式the most important。故填important。 8.考查不定式表示目的。句意:穷人比富人给出更大比例的钱来帮助他人。这里表示目的,故用不定式to help。 9.句意:你越富有越吝啬。这里用比较级表示“越来越”,故填wealthier。 10.考查连词。句意:但是,他说富有的人可以改变他们的行为,他们可以变得更善良更慷慨。nicer和 more generous之间是并列关系,故用连词and。 【名师点睛】 spend, take, cost和pay的用法区别 1. spend的主语必须是人,常用于以下结构: (1) spend time /money on sth.在……上花费时间(金钱)。例: I spent two hours on this math problem.这道数学题花了我两个小时。 (2) spend time /money (in) doing sth.花费时间(金钱)做某事。例: They spent two years (in) building this bridge.造这座桥花了他们两年时间。 (3) spend money for sth.花钱买……。例: His money was spent for books.他的钱用来买书了。 2. cost 的主语是物或某种活动,还可以表示“值”,常见用法如下: (1) sth. costs (sb.) +金钱,某物花了(某人)多少钱。例: A new computer costs a lot of money. 买一台新电脑要花一大笔钱。 (2) (doing) sth. costs (sb.) +时间,某物(做某事)花了(某人)多少时间。例:Remembering these new words cost him a lot of time. 他花了大量时间才记住了这些单词。 注意:cost的过去式及过去分词都是cost,并且不能用于被动句。 3. take后面常跟双宾语, 常见用法有以下几种: (1) It takes sb. +时间+to do sth. 做某事花了某人多少时间。例: It took them three years to build this road. 他们用了三年时间修完了这条路。 (2) doing sth. takes sb. +时间,做某事花了某人多少时间。例: Repairing this car took him the whole afternoon. 他花了一下午修车。 4. pay的基本用法是: (1) pay (sb.) money for sth. 付钱(给某人)买……。例: I have to pay them 20 pounds for this room each month. 我每个月要付20英磅的房租。 (2) pay for sth. 付……的钱。例: I have to pay for the book lost. 我不得不赔丢失的书款。 (3) pay for sb. 替某人付钱。例: Don’t worry! I'll pay for you. 别担心, 我会给你付钱的。 (4) pay sb. 付钱给某人。例: They pay us every month.他们每月给我们报酬。 (5)pay money back 还钱。例: May I borrow 12 yuan from you? I'll pay it back next week. 你能借给我12块钱吗?下周还你。 (6)pay off one's money还清钱。

My wife and I were attending a wedding at St. John’s Church. The sound of _______ rang to the heavens as the ceremony continued.

At the church, I _________ an old friend. Casper, who happened to be at the _________. Now 73, Casper was a brilliant and _________ softball pitcher (投球手) back in the Men’s Leagues of  Philadelphia in the mid-60s. I did not _________ the now silver-haired fellow until my brother-in- law John mentioned his name to me! After a very pleasant _________, Casper asked if I remembered a letter of _______ I had written to him back in 1964. It appeared Casper fell on hard times, as professional pitchers _________ do, and he wasn’t pitching too well for a period of time. I did not _______ the letter, but he said, “Yes, I still have it, and I read it anytime ____________ aren’t going too well.” He said that he had read the letter many times, and the situation always seemed to improve. I was __________ and speechless!

He continued, “You don’t remember?” I said, “Sadly, no, I don’t.” But I did ask if I could have a(n) ____________ of the letter. He said he would email it to me. After the ____________, we met on the steps of the church. Casper came up to me and __________ the letter. He lived a block from the ____________ and had run home to get it. The envelope was __________ and turned yellow, and so was the letter inside. That letter had to be nearly 50 years old.

In ______________ terms, the letter read:

“These hard times are ____________ ! Keep your enthusiasm for the ____________. Never quit and you’ll be back on top again __________. Hang on there!”

1.A. wind    B. music    C. traffic    D. fireworks

2.A. took over    B. ran into    C. picked up    D. called on

3.A. meeting    B. service    C. scene    D. position

4.A. limited    B. balanced    C. devoted    D. talented

5.A. invite    B. recognize    C. disturb    D. inform

6.A. discussion    B. shaking    C. journey    D. greeting

7.A. encouragement    B. appreciation    C. apology    D. introduction

8.A. sometimes    B. entirely    C. rarely    D. forever

9.A. receive    B. write    C. remember    D. preserve

10.A. jobs    B. things    C. stages    D. effects

11.A. pleased    B. disappointed    C. puzzled    D. annoyed

12.A. address    B. copy    C. record    D. opinion

13.A. party    B. break    C. wedding    D. incident

14.A. dropped    B. delivered    C. opened    D. presented

15.A. theatre    B. church    C. office    D. station

16.A. folded    B. faded    C. painted    D. divided

17.A. gentle    B. patient    C. modest    D. simple

18.A. reasonable    B. temporary    C. relative    D. impressive

19.A. game    B. prize    C. glory    D. lesson

20.A. casually    B. properly    C. totally    D. shortly



The more hours that young children spend in child care, the more likely they are to turn out aggressive and disobedient by the time they are in kindergarten, according to the largest study of child care and development ever conducted. Researchers said this correlation (相关性) held true regardless of whether the children came from rich or poor homes, were looked after by a relative or at a center, and whether they were girls or boys.

What is uncertain, however, is whether the child care actually causes the problem or whether children likely to turn out aggressive happen to be those who spend more hours in child care. It also remains unclear whether reducing the amount of time in child care will reduce the risk that a child will turn into a mean person. What’s more, quality child care is associated with increased skills in intellectual ability such as language and memory, leading some academics to suggest that child care turns out children who are “smart and naughty”.

The government-sponsored research, which has tracked more than 1,300 children at 10 sites across the country since 1991, is bound to cause the debate over child care again: How should people balance work and family? And how should parents, especially mothers. Resolve the demands that are placed on them to be both breadwinners and supermoms?

That debate was already on display at a news briefing yesterday, where researchers themselves had different opinions about the data and its implications (含义). “There is a constant relationship between time in care and problem behavior, especially those involving aggression and behavior,” said Jay Belsky of Birkbeck College in London, one of the lead investigators of the study who has previously annoyed women’s groups because of his criticisms of child care. “On behalf of fathers or mothers?” interrupted Sarah Friedman, a developmental psychologist at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) and one of the other lead scientists on the study. “On behalf of parents and families,” responded Belsky.

“NICHD is not willing to get into policy recommendations.” said Friedman, contradicting her colleague. “There are other possibilities that can be entertained. Yes it is a quick solution—more hours in child care is associated with more problems. The easy solution is to cut the number of hours but that may have implications for the family that may not be beneficial for the development of the children in terms of economics.” In an interview after the briefing, Friedman said that asking parents to work fewer hours and spend more time with their children usually meant a loss of family income, which adversely(不利地) affects children.

Scientists said that the study was highly reliable. But the researchers said they had no idea whether the behavioral difficulties persisted as the children moved to higher grades.

1.Children who spend more time in quality child care will ________.

A. develop greater ability in language    B. be easy to manage and less naughty

C. possess great risk-taking spirit    D. be greedy and mean to their classmates

2.What is still unknown about higher level of aggressiveness in kindergarten children?

A. Whether higher level of aggressiveness can be avoided with longer child care.

B. Where longer child care equally affects children from different families.

C. Whether aggressiveness is a direct result of longer child care.

D. Whether longer child care improves intellectual ability in children.

3.In the fifth paragraph the word “it” probably means ________.

A. NICHD is unwilling to give parents recommendations

B. NICHD is willing to give policy advice concerning child care

C. the number of hours in child care should be reduced significantly

D. parents should discipline the behavior of their children more strictly

4.According to Friedman, Cutting the number of hours in child care ________.

A. may prevent families from having the necessary financial sources

B. will make families unable to enjoy much of the social benefits

C. will result in subsequent behavioral difficulties in children

D. should be accompanied with the improvement in the quality of child care



Anxiety has now surpassed depression as the most common mental health disease among college students, though depression, too, is on the rise. More than half of students visiting campus clinics cite anxiety as a health concern, according to a recent study of more than 100,000 students nationwide by the Center for Collegiate Mental Health at Penn State. Nearly one in six college students has been diagnosed with or treated for anxiety within the last 12 months, according to the annual national survey by the American College Health Association.

The causes range widely, experts say, from mounting academic pressure at earlier ages to overprotective parents to engagement with social media. Anxiety has always played a role in the development of a student’s life, but now more students experience anxiety so acute that they are seeking professional help. Like many college clinics, the Center for Counseling and Psychological Services at the University of Central Florida (UCF)— one of the country’s largest and fastest-growing universities, has seen sharp increases in the number of clients: 15.2 percent over last year alone.

Anxiety has become characteristic of the current generation of college students, said Dan Jones, the director of Counseling and Psychological Services at Appalachian State University in Boone, N. C. Because of increasingly pressures during high school, he and other experts say, students arrive at college preloaded with stress. Accustomed to extreme parental oversight, many seem unable to govern themselves. And with parents so accessible, students have had less incentive to develop life skills. “They can’t tolerate discomfort or having to struggle,” Dr Jones said.

More often, anxiety is mild and temporary, the indication of a student under the control of a normal developmental issue-learning time management, for example, or how to handle rejection from a sorority. Mild anxiety is often treatable with early, modest interventions. But to care for rising numbers of severely troubled students, many counseling centers have moved to triage protocols (分诊措施). That means that students with less urgent needs may wait several weeks for first appointments.

Like many college counseling centers, UCF has designed a variety of daily workshops and therapy groups that implicitly and explicitly address anxiety, depression and their triggers. Next fall the center will test a new app for treating anxiety with a seven-module cognitive behavioral program, accessible through a student’s phone and augmented with brief videoconferences with a therapist. It also offers semester-long, 90-minute weekly therapy groups, such as “Keeping Calm and in Control”, “Mindfulness for Depression” and “Building Social Confidence” -for students struggling with social anxiety.

1.Which of the following contributes to anxiety according to the text?

A. Protection from teachers.    B. An app in students’ phones.

C. Increasingly learning pressure.    D. Management of time learning.

2.What does the underlined word “incentive” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A. Prevention.    B. Motivation.    C. Acquisition.    D. Direction.

3.What’s the purpose of those therapy groups mentioned in the last paragraph?

A. To help students suffering anxiety.

B. To test what social anxiety is.

C. To introduce the cognitive behavioral program of UCF.

D. To emphasize the importance of calm and confidence.

4.Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

A. Tips on dealing with anxiety

B. Causes of anxiety and depression

C. Different mental diseases threaten college students

D. College mental health centers overburdened with anxious students



We can have conflicts with our important persons like friends, relatives, workmates, etc. But the conflicts doesn’t necessarily mean that the relationship will be destroyed. In fact, sometimes conflict helps people to let out their silent feelings, allowing them to free their suppressed emotions. However, when in a conflict, we usually get angry and say or do things which aren’t linked to the problem at hand. Therefore, it is important that we should try to avoid conflicts through effective communication.

In a heated argument, we usually say things that aren’t related to the real problem, and even use rude words to make sure we gain an advantage over the other person. Then the whole situation goes badly. So we should separate(隔离) the root cause of the problem and build our discussion around it. This ensures that there are no rude remarks and the situation moves in a positive direction.

It’s easy for us to think we’re right and if something isn’t working out, it surely must be someone else’s fault. However, if you aim to solve a conflict, first of all, you should show some respect and allow the other party to express themselves. Using remarks like, “I understand your concern on this” or “I know you’re right at your end”, would make the other person feel more appreciated.

Sometimes some people get too excited and may behave in the wrong way or say something others may not appreciate. This can cause a worse situation. Actually, they should control their emotions and keep calm. This has to be learned through self-control and observing behavior of other people.

The tips mentioned above are useful for most situations. However, we don’t rule out the possibility that there are some people always want to create some sort of trouble for others. You can tell them from others, and putting in an effort to resolve a conflict with them may just not be a wise idea. The best way to deal with these people is to forget them. A famous saying can help you and that is: “You should never fight with a pig; you both get dirty and only the pig likes it.”

1.What can we learn from Paragraph 1?

A. Conflicts may help us deal with our emotions.

B. Conflicts can improve our relations with others greatly.

C. Effective communication can help us avoid conflicts undoubtedly.

D. The closer two friends are, the more conflicts are between them.

2.When making discussions to solve conflicts, we should ________.

A. know others’ personal quality

B. know others’ ability of expression

C. avoid showing our disadvantages

D. avoid the root cause of the problem

3.The author suggests that when people get too excited, they should ________.

A. behave like other people    B. control the situation

C. learn to keep their head    D. say something unconcerned

4.In the author’s opinion, how should you deal with those who always want to create trouble for you?

A. Fight with them.    B. Ignore them.

C. Have a talk with them.    D. Give them something they like.



The Great War Exhibition

When: Sun 10 Jan, 9:00 am- 6:00 pm

Mon 11 Jan, 9:00 am- 6:00 pm

Where: Dominion Museum Building, 15 Buckle Street, Wellington

Restrictions: All Ages

Ticket Information: Admission Free

The journey is rich in personal stories which tell of the great experience of the battlefields and the hardships at home during war-time New Zealand. The visitors will experience the desperate horrors and the victories of the human spirit that were part of the Great War.

Kaipara Coast Plants & Sculpture Gardens

When: Sun 10 Jan, 9:00 am- 5:00 pm

Mon 11 Jan, 9:00 am- 5:00 pm

Where: 1481 Kaipara Coast Highway (SH16), Auckland

Restrictions: All Ages

Ticket Information:

● Adults: $10.00

● Children 5-13 (under 5, free):$ 5.00

● Groups 10: $ 8.00

● Over 60 & Students (with ID): $ 9.00

Come and enjoy a relaxing art and garden experience. Sculptures are for sale and the display changes completely ever 12 months with the new exhibition opening in December each year to give you a fresh experience each time you come.

Dream Works Animation

When: Sun 10 Jan, 10:00 am- 6:00 pm

Mon 11 Jan, 10:00 am- 6:00 pm

Where: Te Papa, 55 Cable St, Wellington

Restrictions: All Ages

Ticket Information:

● Adults: $ 15.00

● Children & Students 3-15 (with Student ID): $ 6.00

● Children under 3: $0.00

The exhibition features over 400 items, including rare concept drawing, models, interviews, and original artworks. Adults and kids can get creative with real animation tools, and soar above the clouds in the Dragon Flight experience from How to Train Your Dragon.

Balls, Bullets and Boots

When: Sun 10 Jan, 9:00 am- 4:30 pm

Mon 11Jan, 9:00 am- 4:30 pm

Where: National Army Museum, 1 Hassett Dr, SH1, Waiouru

Restrictions: All Ages

Ticket Information: Door Sales Only

The exhibition explores the impact the cruel reality of war had on colonial sportsmen and their loved ones as they were transplanted from the rugby fields of home to fight.

1.If a couple with their son aged 5 attend the second and the third exhibitions, how much should they pay?

A. $ 53.    B. $61.

C. $75.    D. $82.

2.Which of the following may attract a sport-lover most?

A. Balls, Bullets and Boots.

B. The Great War Exhibition.

C. Dream Works Animation.

D. Kaipara Coast Plants & Sculpture Gardens.

3.What is the writer’s purpose of writing the text?

A. Persuade people to study history seriously

B. Attract more visitors to join in the exhibitions

C. Advise people to spend more time with families

D. Compare the differences of four different exhibitions



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