满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Mistakes can be extremely1. (value), but...

Mistakes can be extremely1. (value), but when you try to get others to pay for your mistakes, then you lose the opportunity to learn from them. When something goes wrong, 2. is usually very easy to find someone else to blame, but what does that really accomplish?

Much of the value of mistakes comes from the fact 3. they demand a cost that must be paid. The person who learns the most from a mistake is the person who pays the price for that mistake.

When you make a mistake, the last thing you want to do is run away 4. it. You need to accept it because you can learn a lot from it. The mistake 5. (make) already, so make the most of it. 6. (pay) the price, learn the lesson, and grow that much stronger.

When you make a mistake, don’t look 7. at it long. Remember the reason for it, and then look forward. Mistakes are lessons of 8. (wise). The past cannot be changed. 9. present is still in your power. Take full advantage of your mistakes 10. (achieve) your goals and aspirations.


1.valuable 2.it 3.that 4.from 5.has been made 6.Pay 7.back 8.wisdom 9.The 10.to achieve 【解析】本文讲述了要利用好自己犯的错误,错误是很有价值的,你可以从错误中学到很多来实现你的目标。 1.valuable 考查形容词。be valuable“有价值的”,be动词后需用形容词作表语,故用value的名词形式valuable。 2.it 考查形式主语。这里是it引导的形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式。结构是it is +adj. +to do sth,故填it。 3.that 考查同位语从句。该句连接词在句中不作成分,解释说明fact的内容,故是作fact的同位语,故用that引导同位语从句。 4.from 考查短语。run away from sth从……逃跑,故填from。 5.has been made 考查现在完成时。由already可知,该句需用现在完成时,又因mistake与make之间是被动关系,所以该句需用被动语态。 6.Pay 考查动词。由后文的learn可知,这里并列连接的动词pay也需用原形。 7.back 考查词组。look back“往回看”。这里指的是犯错误时不要往回看的时间过长。故填back。 8.wisdom 考查名词。介词of后需用名词,所以需用wise的名词形式wisdom。 9.The 考查冠词。这里表示特指“当下”。所以需填the。 10.to achieve 考查动词不定式。这里用动词不定式表示目的,这里的意思是:利用好你的错误来实现你的目标和志向。故填to achieve。 【名师点睛】 本题难点解读 1:形式主语it引导的主语从句,其常用句型之一为it is +adj+to do sth,此时动词不定式是真正的主语。 ______2______ is usually very easy to find someone else to blame. 该句中it作形式主语。 2:that引导的同位语从句在句中不做任何成分,且所补充的名词多为抽象概念的名词如fact,idea等,注意区分同位语从句与定语从句的区别,定语从句中that在句中担任成分,且先行词不限定。 Much of the value of mistakes comes from the fact ______3______ they demand a cost that must be paid.句中含有抽象名词fact,且句中不缺少成分,故填that,引导同位语从句。

Abby Harris has a dream. But unlike most ordinary 15-year-old girls, Abby’s dream has _______ to do with expensive shopping, meeting her _______ boy bands or throwing huge parties with her friends. This US teenager wants to be the _______ astronaut to walk on Mars. And she’s using the _______ of social media to make sure that she gets there.

According to Abby’s Internet blog, Astronaut Abby, she has wanted to be a (n) _______ since she was 5 years old.

She _______ more in the post People Say I’m A Dreamer: “When you’re that young and you have that big a dream, most people just _______ you. But I stuck with it. I made plans, I worked hard and I _______ on my goal. As I got older and continued to stay focused on science, technology, engineering and math(STEM), people in my life(my family, friends, teachers), began to notice and _______ me to dream big. I had huge ambitions, and was ________ to have people around me telling me that I could achieve them.

In the seventh grade, Abby ________ a Twitter account as part of a history project she was doing on the International Space Station. She ________ wanted to use Twitter to get in touch with NASA employees, but soon she found that it was a ________ place for her to write about her dreams, connect with others who have interest in space and ________ pictures of projects that she was working on. Her connections on Twitter then ________ her to create her website and blog, Astronaut Abby, located at astronautabby.com.

Several years ago, Abby ________ Italian  astronaut Luca Parmitano at an airport and ________ him into becoming her mentor(导师).

Abby is obviously doing everything she can to make her ________ a reality. Want to help her along? You can visit her ________ to learn more about this amazing girl and her ________ dream.

1.A. something    B. nothing    C. everything    D. anything

2.A. best    B. top    C. favorite    D. worst

3.A. first    B. last    C. youngest    D. oldest

4.A. energy    B. ability    C. strength    D. power

5.A. blogger    B. astronaut    C. dreamer    D. star

6.A. argues    B. agrees    C. explains    D. explores

7.A. believe    B. blame    C. praise    D. ignore

8.A. took    B. focused    C. counted    D. lived

9.A. pushed    B. prevented    C. encouraged    D. discouraged

10.A. anxious    B. confident    C. determined    D. fortunate

11.A. set up    B. built up    C. made up    D. took up

12.A. rapidly    B. originally    C. rarely    D. finally

13.A. comfortable    B. real    C. great    D. quiet

14.A. share    B. draw    C. take    D. stick

15.A. persuaded    B. stopped    C. made    D. helped

16.A. came after    B. came across    C. came into    D. came at

17.A. talked    B. forced    C. trapped    D. fooled

18.A. plan    B. media    C. dream    D. life

19.A. website    B. home    C. school    D. city

20.A. awesome    B. absurd    C. awkward    D. awful



How long can you safely freeze food?

Frozen food lasts indefinitely. But does that mean the raw chicken you bought on sale and froze will taste as good a year from now as it will three weeks from now? No. You can cook up that chicken a year later and it won’t harm you, but its taste and texture will be diminished. The key is knowing when frozen food starts to lose quality.1..

Fruits and vegetables.

You can freeze most vegetables and non-citrus fruits for about 8 to 12 months, according to the National Center for Home Food Preservation. (You can freeze citrus, too, but you need to take some extra steps.) Vegetables will benefit from blanching(用沸水烫)before you freeze them. 2., which affects nutrient levels and appearance of your veggies.


●Ground beef, turkey, veal, pork and lamb: For best flavor and texture, these ground meats are best used within three or four months of being frozen.

●Steaks and chops: These cuts of beef, veal, lamb or pork can be frozen for six to 12 months before losing quality. Chops of these meats start to lose quality after four to six months.

●Poultry: 4. ; pieces of birds keep their quality for up to nine months.

●Fish: For best quality, fatty fish (salmon, tuna) should be consumed within two to three months. Lean fish (cod, flounder) should be consumed within six months.

Soups, stews, chili and casseroles

Soups, stews chili and casseroles that have vegetables, meats, grains, pasta or cheese will keep their quality for two or three months in the freezer. 5..

A. Raw meat

B. General leftovers

C. Whole birds can keep their quality for up to a year

D. The point of that process is to stop the enzyme(酶)process

E. It’s still safe to eat, but it will have a lower quality taste and texture

F. This depends on whether they are newly purchased of freshly made and frozen

G. There isn’t a magic number of days for each food, but there are general guidelines to follow



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Matinees: Saturday 4pm, Sunday 3:30pm


Stalls:        £62.50        £33.50*

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* = Limited View

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There will be a maximum of 50 tickers per performance on Saturday matinees at the Group Rate.

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1.What do we know about the performances?

A. 750 million records of Thriller have been sold.

B. Tickets can be booked by credit card at any time.

C. You can watch the performance on Saturday morning.

D. You can buy more than 50 tickets for Saturday matinees at the Group Rate.

2.For Box seats, a man with two children should at least pay _________.

A. £ 100.5    B. £115    C. £125    D. £172.5

3.I f you are a student and want to book the performance. You’d better ________.

A. email education@seetickets. com    B. visit www.nimaxtheatres.com

C. call 0844 482 9674    D. call 0844 412 4650



On Sunday morning in Rio, when Chinese women’s volleyball team took on Serbia for the Olympic title, 70 percent of Chinese families watched live broadcast on TV, easily beating the audience rating for Lunar New Year Gala. As team captain Hui Ruoqi hit a powerful spike to seal it 19-25, 25-17, 25-22, 25-23 on Sunday morning in Rio, applause and cheers almost blew off the roof of Maracanazinho. China’s news program Xinwen Lianbo spent seven of 30 minutes reliving the story. This is their third Olympic gold medal the Chinese women’s volleyball team has won since the 1980s.

In Rio, the Chinese women’s volleyball team was assigned to the so-called group of death and faced several strong competitors. But the team never gave up. When the team lost its Rio Olympic opener to the Netherlands on Aug 6, Lang Ping urged her players to support one another through the ups and downs. When China lost to Serbia and the United States, finishing fourth to get a narrow escape from Group B and had to face host Brazil in the quarters, Lang Ping helped her players grow from each defeat on the pressure-packed Olympic stage.

Lang Ping, nicknamed “Iron Hammer”, is a national heroine as well as a legend in world sports. She made histories in coaching many clubs and national teams to top level. She resigned due to health reasons in 1998. However, when the Chinese women’s volleyball faced difficulties after the Beijing Olympics, the 52-year-old lady came back in 2013 and took the coaching position. She dug out a group of young talents including Rio 2016 MVP Zhu Ting to help seasoned players Hui Ruoqi and Xu Yunli. But more importantly, she passed on the spirit to them.

Among all the Chinese sports teams, the women’s volleyball remain the most special one, whose victories fueled Chinese confidence in the 1980s and still represent the best things that sports can offer to the Chinese: perseverance, courage and unity.

1.What can we learn from Paragraph 1?

A. The game against Serbia attracted more Chinese audience than Lunar New Year Gala.

B. China’s Xinwen Lianbo reported the team’s victory for 30 minutes.

C. The roof of Maracanazinho was blown off by the excited audience.

D. The Chinese women’s volleyball team was beaten by Serbia.

2.It can be inferred from the text that ________.

A. the team beat the Netherlands on Aug 6

B. Lang resigned from a club due to health problems in 2013

C. Lang brought the Chinese women’s volleyball back to the Olympic glory

D. after the Rio Olympic opener, the team experienced non-stop victories

3.Who does the underline word “she” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A. Zhu Ting.    B. Hui Ruoqi.    C. Xu Yunli.    D. Lang Ping.

4.What make the Chinese women’s volleyball team so special?

A. The coach and strong competitors.    B. Some young talents and seasoned players.

C. Each defeat and pressure.    D. The teams’ success and spirits.



Speed-reading is a vital skill in the Internet age. We skim over articles and e-mails to try to grasp key words and the essential meaning of a certain text. Bombarded(轰炸)with information from our electronic devices, it would be impossible to cope if we read word by word, line by line. But a new trend calls on people to unplug and enjoy reading slowly.

A recent story from The Wall Street Journal reported on a book club in Wellington, where members meet in a café and turn off their smartphones. They sink into cozy chairs and read in silence for an hour. Unlike traditional book clubs, the point of the Slow Reading Club isn’t exchanging ideas about a certain book, but to get away from electronic devices and read in a quiet, relaxed environment. According to the Journal, the Wellington book club is just one example of a movement started by book lovers.

Slow readers, such as The Atlantic’s Maura Kelly, say a regular reading habit sharpens the mind, improves concentration, reduce stress levels and deepens the ability to understand others.

Yet technology has made us less attentive readers. “Screens have changed our reading habits from the linear, left-to-right sequence, to a wild skimming and skipping pattern as we hunt for important words and information, which leads to weaker comprehension than reading plain text. The Internet may have made us stupider,” says Patrick Kingsley from The Guardian.

Slow reading means a return to an uninterrupted pattern, in a quiet environment free of distractions. Aim for 30 minutes a day, advises Kelly. “You can squeeze in that half hour pretty easily if only during your free moments–whenever you find yourself automatically starting your laptop to scan your favorite site for something to pass the time—you pick up a meaningful work of literature,” Kelly said. “Reach for your e-reader, if you like. Kindles make books like War and Peace less heavy. “

1.What’s the real purpose of the book club in Wellington?

A. To turn off its members’ smartphones.

B. To let its members relax in cozy chairs.

C. To make people share ideas about books.

D. To provide a quiet, relax environment for readers.

2.Slow reading has the following benefits except ________ according to Maura Kelly.

A. sharpening the mind    B. reducing stress levels

C. broadening the view    D. improving concentration

3.What Patrick Kingsley said suggests that ________.

A. the Internet slows our reading speed

B. the Internet is full of mistaken information

C. electronic devices have changed our reading patterns

D. electronic devices enable us to have a better understanding

4.What’s the best title for the text?

A. Time to Go Slow Reading    B. Electronic Devices Takeover

C. Kindles for Readers    D. Reading Matters More



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