满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加...







This afternoon I went to the bookstore near my house, only find it was closed. Just then, I noticed a schoolboy walking in front of me. When he passed by a white wall, he left two footprints on it. An old man, who saw that had happened, shouted at him angry. The boy felt afraid or ran away quickly.

    A few minutes later, another boys passed by the white wall and saw the footprints. He thought for a moment and took out of a pencil from his schoolbag. While I was wondered, I saw the boy painting the panda on the wall. And the footprints become the panda’s black eyes. What a smart boy I was!


1.only find之间加to 2.that 改成what 3.angry改成angrily 4.or改成and 5.boys改成boy 6.去掉of 7.wondered改成wondering 8.the改成a 9.become改成became 10.I改成he 【解析】第一处:考查非谓语动词。only to do表示一个出乎意料的结果。 第二处:考查名词性从句。“what had happened”是see的宾语从句,what在从句中做主语。 第三处:考查副词。angrily是副词,修饰动词shout。 第四处;考查连词。句意:男孩感到很害怕,很快跑开了。felt afraid和ran away是顺承关系,故要用连词and。or表示选择关系。 第五处:考查名词。another意为“另一个”,后面接单数可数名词。 第六处:考查介词。take out意为“取出,拿出”,后面直接接宾语。故of多余,应去掉。 第七处:考查语态。句意:我正在疑惑的时候,看到男孩在墙上画了一只大熊猫。I和wonder是主动关系,且表示“我正在疑惑”,故该句应用过去进行时态。 第八处:考查冠词。panda是可数名词,该处指男孩画了一只大熊猫,不是特指,故应将the改为a。 第九处:考查时态。由上文可知,该句描述的是过去的事情,故要用一般过去时态。 第十处:考查代词。he指画大熊猫的那个男孩,不是指作者。故要将I 改为he。 【名师点拨】不定式和现在分词作结果状语的区别: (1) 现在分词用作结果状语,通常表示一种自然的结果,即属预料之中的事。如: He died, leaving his wife with five children. 他死了,留下他妻子和五个儿子。 (2) 不定式用作结果状语,主要表示没有预料到的情况或结果,即属预料之外的事。该用法通常与副词only连用。如: He hurried to the house only to find that it was empty. 他急忙赶到那所房子,却发现空无一人。 在该文第一句中,only to find it was closed属于意料之外的结果。  


Smile is a universal language, which is widely used throughout the world. 1., the meaning of a smile in different cultures may be different. Depending on different cultures, smiling can express joy and2.    (amuse), but it can also indicate embarrassment. The following examples show this point of view:

In an attempt to be open and 3.(friend), people in the United States smile a lot. Every one smiles at each other and this nonverbal communication shows being polite in the United States. But in China, smiling is not only     4.expression of happiness, but also a way to avoid5.(be) embarrassed. Chinese people like smiling when they are embarrassed in order to avoid embarrassment. Smiling is a kind of good will but not sneer (嘲笑). For example: When a child 6.(fall) off from a bike, the adults in China may smile,7.is a kind of gentle encouragement and may not be a kind of impolite laugh.

Related8.the smile is the laugh. Also, different cultures have different 9.(meaning) about laugh. Americans can enjoy a very heartfelt belly (腹部) laugh that comes from the deepest emotions while most Chinese may think10.silly to laugh that way.



Being born and brought up in a village called Bruis, I lived a simple life with my father. I was 16 when one morning, Dad told me I could drive him into a______________village called Burbank, on condition that I took the car in to be ___________at a nearby garage. I readily accepted. I drove Dad into Burbank, and ___________to pick him up at 4 pm, then dropped off the car at the __________. With several hours to spare, l went to a theater.___________, when the last movie finished, it was six. I was two hours late!

I knew Dad would be angry if he__________I’d been watching movies. So I decided not to tell him the truth. When I__________there I apologized for being late, and told him I’d _________as quickly as I could, but that the car had needed a major repair. I’ll never forget the___________he gave me. “I’m disappointed you__________you have to lie to me, Jason.” Dad looked at me again. “When you didn’t _________, I called the garage to ask if there were any__________, and they told me you hadn’t yet picked up the car. “I felt____________as I weakly told him the real reason. A ___________passed through Dad as he listened attentively. “I’m angry with___________. I realize I’ve failed as a father. I’m going to walk home now and think seriously about____________I’ve gone wrong all these years.” “But Dad, it’s 18 miles!” My protests and apologies were _________. Dad walked home that day. I drove behind him,___________ him all the way, but he walked silently.

Seeing Dad in so much __________ and emotional pain was my most painful experience. However, it was  ____the most successful lessonI have never lied since.

1.A. small    B. lonely    C. distant    D. familiar

2.A. kept    B. repaired    C. watched    D. changed

3.A. agreed    B. planned    C. determined    D. promised

4.A. village    B. community    C. theater    D. garage

5.A. However    B. Then    C. Therefore    D. Still

6.A. found out    B. gave out    C. figured out    D. came out

7.A. went    B. ran    C. walked    D. hurried

8.A. come    B. left    C. moved    D. started

9.A. word    B. appearance    C. look    D. face

10.A. find    B. believe    C. feel    D. decide

11.A. turn around    B. drive out    C. go away    D. turn up

12.A. questions    B. problems    C. mistakes    D. faults

13.A. ashamed    B. frightened    C. nervous    D. surprised

14.A. nervousness    B. sadness    C. silence    D. thought

15.A. you    B. myself    C. me    D. yourself

16.A. where    B. how    C. why    D. when

17.A. meaningless    B. useless    C. helpless    D. worthless

18.A. asking    B. persuading    C. begging    D. following

19.A. natural    B. practical    C. personal    D. physical

20.A. indeed    B. always    C. also    D. almost



Nowadays more and more children now chat daily either online or through their mobile phones. 1.Some are shy “in real life” but are confident to communicate with others online; others find support from people of their own age on relationship issues, or problems at home.

Sometimes the online world, just like the real world, can introduce problems, such as bullying or arguments.2. But there are also a few people who use the Internet for offensive (冒犯性的) or illegal aims. Children must be made aware of both the good things and the dangers.

3.Just as you decide which TV programs are suitable, you need to do the same for the websites and chat rooms your children visit. Remind your children that online friends are still strangers. Reminding them of the risks will keep them alert (警惕).

4.So it’s likely that your children may know more than you do. We get left behind when it comes to the latest gad-gets and the interactive areas of websites, like chat rooms and message boards, which are especially strange.    5.Chatters love to use abbreviations (缩写) such as: atb — all the best, bbfn — bye bye for now, gr8 — great, Idk — I don’t know, kit — keep in touch, paw — parents are watching, lol — laugh out loud. It seems like another language, and it is!

A. Going online is great fun.

B. Computer studies are part of schoolwork now.

C. The language of chat is strange to many parents, too.

D. There are some websites that are not suitable for children.

E. To keep children safe, your management must cover the family computer.

F. They are connecting to a huge number of other children all over the world.

G. Surfing the Internet takes too much of the time that should be spent on lessons.



For many people who live in cities, parks are an important landscape. They provide a place for people to relax and play sports, as well as a shelter from the often severe environment of a city. What people often overlook is that parks also provide considerable environmental benefits.

One benefit of parks is that plants absorb carbon dioxide and give off oxygen. According to one study, an acre of trees can absorb the same amount of carbon dioxide that a typical car emits in 11,000 miles of driving. Parks also make cities cooler. Scientists have long noted what is called the Urban Heat Island Effect: building materials such as metal and concrete (混凝土) absorb much more of the sun’s heat and release it much more quickly than trees and grass. Because city landscapes contain so much of these building materials, cities are usually warmer than surrounding rural areas. Parks and other green spaces help to lessen the Urban Heat Island Effect.

Unfortunately, many cities cannot easily create more parks. However, cities could benefit from many of the positive effects of parks by encouraging citizens to create another type of green space: rooftop gardens. While most people would not think of starting a garden on their roof, human beings have been planting gardens on rooftops for thousands of years. Some rooftop gardens are simple container gardens that anyone can create with the investment (投资) of a few hundred dollars and a few hours of work.

Rooftop gardens provide many of the same benefits as other urban parks and garden spaces, but without taking up the much-needed land. In the summer, rooftop gardens prevent buildings from absorbing heat from the sun, which can significantly reduce cooling bills. In the winter, gardens help control the heat that materials like brick and concrete release so quickly, leading to savings on heating bills. Rooftop vegetables and herb gardens can also provide fresh food for city settlers, making their diets healthier. Rooftop gardens are not only something everyone can enjoy but also a smart environmental investment.

1.The underlined word “emits” in the second paragraph probably means _________.

A. gives out    B. takes up

C. carries away    D. breathes in

2.Which of the following contributes to the Urban Heat Island Effect?

A. More building materials.

B. More trees and grass.

C. More parking lots.

D. More rooftop gardens.

3.When it comes to rooftop gardens, what can be inferred from the passage?

A. They make people much happier.

B. They provide more benefits from urban parks.

C. They help to save money and keep a healthy diet.

D. They have become very popular in recent years.

4.What’s the author’s attitude towards rooftop gardens?

A. Doubtful.    B. Supportive.    C. Critical.    D. Objective.



Many kids help out around the house with chores(家庭杂务) such as emptying the dishwasher, putting laundry away, and taking out the trash. In exchange, some kids get allowances(补贴) or other rewards such as extra computer time.

But some people do not think that kids should get rewards for doing chores. Susie Walton, a parenting educator and family coach, believes that by rewarding kids, parents are sending a message that work isn’t worth doing unless you get something in return. "Running any kind of household is a team effort," Susie said. "A home is a living space for everyone in the family. It’s important for kids to see that we all have responsibilities in the house, and that families decide together how they want their home to look, and how they are going to keep it looking like everyone wants it to look."

Other people believe that getting a cash allowance or other rewards motivates kids to do chores, and it also teaches them real world lessons about how we need to work to earn money. There are also new applications that give kids points and digital gifts that can be redeemed(兑取) either online or in the real world. With the ChoreMonster app, kids earn digital points by completing chores that they can turn in for real-life rewards such as extra Xbox time or a trip to the mall. "Our goal is to encourage kids to earn rewards," says Chris Bergman, founder of ChoreMonster. "Kids need positive reinforcement(强化) to help motivate them."

What do you think? Should kids be rewarded for doing chores? Or should kids help out around their homes without getting anything in return?

Write a 200-word response. Send it to tfkasks4you@timeforkids.com. Your response may be published in a future issue of Time For Kids. Please include your grade and contact information of your parent or teacher if you want your response to be published. The deadline for responding is February 18.

1.How does the author start the passage?

A. By comparing different views.

B. By listing some evidence.

C. By presenting some facts.

D. By stating his own experiences.

2.According to Susie Walton, _______.

A. kids should be rewarded for doing chores

B. parents decide what kids can do for the family

C. kids have the responsibility to share housework

D. kids can get extra computer time for doing chores

3.Paragraph 3 is mainly about ________.

A. Chris Bergman’s opinion on raising kids

B. the advantage of rewarding kids for doing chores

C. main reasons why kids need encouragement

D. how to motivate kids to try new applications

4.The purpose of writing the text is to __________.

A. inform readers of two different opinions

B. call on readers to reflect on their behavior

C. present the author’s viewpoint about parenting

D. invite readers to express their opinions



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