满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The reality is not beautiful as we thoug...

The reality is not beautiful as we thought. If you choose only to complain and escape, it will always follow you wherever you go. But if you decide to be strong, the1.   (hard) will turn out  to be a fortune on  2.  new hopes will arise. For me, small dose of hope is enough.

When I was in my first year in my high school, I hit a stretch where every area of my life was a disaster. I felt hopeless and alone, and more 3.   ( depress) than I knew was possible. I have no idea about my future.

One day, I was walking from class across campus to catch my bus home head down, fighting tears of total despair, 4. an old man came down the sidewalk toward me. Embarrassed at5. (see) such an emotional mess, I turned my head away and hoped to hurry past. I felt he’d walk on by,6. he moved until he was directly in front of me. That time, I thought he was a  strange man who got on 7.  (I) nerves. But, to my surprise, I looked up and found him smiling. Looking into my eyes, this stranger spoke8. a quiet voice, “What  is wrong will pass. You are going to be ok, just hang on”  He then, smiled again and 9. (walk) away.

I can not explain the impact of that man’s unexpected kindness and unconditional caring! He gave me one thing I had lost 10.  (complete): hope.


1.hardship 2.which 3.depressed 4.when 5.being seen 6.but 7.my 8.in 9.walked 10.completely 【解析】1. hardship 2. which 3. depressed 4. when 5. being seen 6. but 7. my 8. in 9. walked 10. completely 1.考察名词。句意:如果你的意识够坚强那么艰难险阻就会转化为……根据“new hopes will arise……”分析句子结构可知此处缺少名词,,故填hardship。 2.考查连词。句意艰难险阻就会转化为一笔财富,先行词为fortune 故填which 。 3.考查形容词。句意:我感到无比的失望和孤单,这让我更沮丧,故应形容词形式,故填depressed 。 4.考查连词。句意:我正往校园外面走,这是一个老人过来了……另个动作同时发生,故填inwhen。 5.考查非限定性定语从句,句意:尴尬的看着我情绪混乱……故填being see。 6.考查转转折句。根据“I felt he’d walk on by,”和后面的“he moved until he was directly in front of me.”分析句子结构可知此处表示转折。故填but 7.考查代词。由句意可知,这个陌生的男人看到了我的紧张,故填my。 8.考查介词。句意: 这个陌生人用安静的预期说道……in a voice 固定搭配。,故填that。 9.考查动词。句意:然后他又笑了,并离开了,and连接动词前后形式应一致 前面的是smiled那么后面的也应该是walked, 故填walked 10.考查副词。修饰整个句子用副词,故填completely。 【名师点睛】解“语法填空”题的一般步骤是: 一、浏览全文 把握语篇 浏览全文的目的是把握其大意,为下一步“填空”做好“语义”上的准备,因为“语义”决定着空白处应填一个什么意思的词语并采用什么样的语法形式。在通读全文的过程中,为较好地把握其大意,很有必要弄清该文的体裁、题材(语题)、中心思想、写作主线、段落大意、段落层次等。这些有利于考生真正读懂全文大意,也有利于在“填空”时进行必要的逻辑推理。 二、边读边填 先易后难 在通读全文,基本了解文章大意之后,就可以动手填空了。填空的过程是一个判断空白处应填词语的“语义”(已给出词语的除外)和正确的语法“形式”的思维过程。遇到一时想不起来的空,先跳过去,等检查时再仔细对付,不要用太多的时间停留在一个单词上。 三、验证复查 清除难点 有时间的话,进行复查是必要的。复查的方法是:将所有答案“填进”短文并进行通读,以最后确定答案。

When I spent the summer with my Grandpa in Warwick, he sent me to Miss Bee's store. _____ the counter was Miss Bee. A pair of glasses teetered(摇摇欲坠) on the __________ of her nose, gray hair was___________  on her head.

“Excuse me. I need to get these. ” I said.  “So?” She pushed her glasses__________  her nose. “There's no one here except you and me and I'm not your__________  . Go get them. If you're lucky you'll finish shopping by sundown. ” Sundown was five hours  ________  . I wasn't sure l would   _____ it .

How could I hope to find anything on the packed, jumbled(乱堆的)shelves around me?

I visited Miss Bee several times a week. Sometimes she short-charged me. Other times she overcharged. ________  she sold me a/an________ newspaper instead of one that was current. Going to the store was more like going into battle.

“That bread is only twenty-nine cents!” I corrected her one afternoon. I had watched the numbers change on the cash register (收款机) closely, and Miss Bee had added 35 cents. She didn't seem  _________ that I had caught her __________ . She just looked at me and____________.  the price.

All summer I learned the hard way to________my list. But she still found ways to _________ me into making mistakes. No sooner had I memorized the items'  location on the shelf than Miss Bee ________  the shelves and made me hunt for________all over again. The morning I was to _____   to Brooklyn, I stopped in to get a packet of gum.

“All right,” she said. “What did you learn this summer?” She was mean! I  pressed my lips together. To my ________ , Miss Bee laughed. “I know what you think of me,” she said. “ but when you get older you'll be glad our paths __________!” Glad I met Miss Bee? The idea was__________.

Now I grow up and I finally understand I really learned a lot from Miss Bee.

1.A. On.    B. Under.    C. Behind.    D. Over.

2.A. bottom.    B. side.    C. tip.    D. middle.

3.A. piled.    B. covered.    C. grown.    D. worn.

4.A. down.    B. up.    C. out.    D. over.

5.A. boss.    B. guest.    C. customer.    D. maid.

6.A. before.    B. away.    C. about.    D. off.

7.A. make.    B. depend on.    C. see to.    D. keep.

8.A. But.    B. And.    C. Or.    D. So.

9.A. new.    B. bad.    C. broken.    D. old.

10.A. pleased.    B. embarrassed.    C. excited.    D. satisfied.

11.A. paying more.    B. charging more.    C. charging less.    D. paying less.

12.A. increased.    B. rewarded.    C. corrected.    D. raised.

13.A. add up.    B. bring up.    C. look up.    D. put up.

14.A. arguing.    B. forcing.    C. persuading.    D. tricking.

15.A. rebuilt.    B. rearranged.    C. regained.    D. reclaimed.

16.A. them.    B. her.    C. it.    D. him.

17.A. leave.    B. start.    C. come.    D. return.

18.A. amazement.    B. joy.    C. regret.    D. disappointment.

19.A. led.    B. crossed.    C. went.    D. passed.

20.A. reasonable.    B. instructive.    C. absurd.    D. wise.



Nowadays more and more children now chat daily either online or through their mobile phones. 1.Some are shy “in real life” but are confident to communicate with others online; others find support from people of their own age on relationship issues, or problems at home.

Sometimes the online world, just like the real world, can introduce problems, such as bullying or arguments.2. But there are also a few people who use the Internet for offensive (冒犯性的) or illegal aims. Children must be made aware of both the good things and the dangers.

3.Just as you decide which TV programs are suitable, you need to do the same for the websites and chat rooms your children visit. Remind your children that online friends are still strangers. Reminding them of the risks will keep them alert (警惕).

4.So it’s likely that your children may know more than you do. We get left behind when it comes to the latest gad-gets and the interactive areas of websites, like chat rooms and message boards, which are especially strange.    5.Chatters love to use abbreviations (缩写) such as: atb — all the best, bbfn — bye bye for now, gr8 — great, Idk — I don’t know, kit — keep in touch, paw — parents are watching, lol — laugh out loud. It seems like another language, and it is!

A. Going online is great fun.

B. Computer studies are part of schoolwork now.

C. The language of chat is strange to many parents, too.

D. There are some websites that are not suitable for children.

E. To keep children safe, your management must cover the family computer.

F. They are connecting to a huge number of other children all over the world.

G. Surfing the Internet takes too much of the time that should be spent on lessons.



The world’s first “Sky Pool” has been uncoated(曝光)-and it’ll give anyone a touch of dizziness(眩晕), unless he or she is not bothered by heights.

Situated in the capital’s new riverside district beside Battersea Power Station, the glass pool, hanging 10 storeys, or 110 feet up as a bridge between two apartment buildings, is 25m long, 5m wide and 3m deep with a water depth of 1.2m. Swimmers will be able to look down 35 meters to the street below as they take a dip, with only 20cm of glass between them and the outside world. It’s even got a bar, folding chairs and an orange garden.

The pool will be part of Embassy Gardens at Nine Elms, a huge£15 billion building project beside the new American Embassy in south-west London. The project is creating thousands of apartments, the smallest of which are expected to cost nearly $1 million, and the pool will only be open to the apartments’ owners.

Embassy Gardens takes design inspiration from the Meatpacking District of New York with floor to ceiling windows and brick frontages. The designer, Sean Mulryan, desired to push the boundaries in the capability of construction and engineering and do something that had never been done before. The Sky Pool’s transparent structure is the result of significant advancements in technologies over the last decade.

The experience of the pool will be truly unique and it will feel like floating through the air in central London.

Those people lucky enough to swim there will have a perfect view of the Palace of Westminster and the London Eye. It will be a selling point for developers when the second stage of the development is released to market.

1.Who can swim in the Sky Pool?

A. Anyone at Nine Elms.

B. Visitors to London.

C. People living in Embassy Gardens.

D. Those who are not terrified of heights.

2.People lucky enough to swim in the Sky Pool can do the following except.

A. drinking with friends.

B. experiencing diving and surfing.

C. appreciating the London Eye.

D. sitting in the orange garden.

3.What do we know from the text?

A. The pool lies in the centre of London.

B. The pool is 25 metres above the ground.

C. The pool was similar to New York’s modern constructions.

D. The pool is helpful for selling apartments in Embassy Gardens.

4.We can infer from the text that.

A. the apartments in Embassy Gardens are fairly expensive.

B. the new American Embassy has been moved away.

C. Nine Elms is a street in Embassy Gardens.

D. building the pool is not a complex job.



The 2016 Oscars, the 88th Academy Awards, once again thrilled people around the world, including the Chinese, who were excited about Leonardo DiCaprio winning the Best Actor Award.

But the annual carnival also put Chinese filmmakers in an awkward position, as no Chinese film makers ever pocketed a golden trophy(奖杯). The hard truth leaves people wondering when the nation, which is already the second largest film market, will earn a place in the well-known award ceremony’s spotlight.

There are good reasons to be optimistic about such an ambitious outlook.

First, China is one of the fastest growing film markets in the world, attracting abundant capital from home and abroad, which will attract more talented people to get into the industry. Latest statistics showed Chinese cinemas took a record of 6.87 billion yuan (about $ 1.05 billion) in ticket sales in February, with the monthly box office overtaking that of North America for the first time.

The achievement, which may be repeated in the future, has led to thinking that China’s annual box office could go on to surpass(超过) North America as soon as 2017. As capital rushes into the Chinese film industry, fierce competition is expected. The creativity and quality of homegrown movies, two outstanding shortcomings compared with Hollywood productions, will be improved.

Second, Chinese culture and stories have provided a rich source of inspiration for domestic(国内的) productions. For example, the most popular animations in China are the Kung Fu Panda series and Monkey King films. Once they master cutting-edge film technology and improve narration(叙述), Chinese film makers could see their potential released. Also showing promise is the younger generation of filmmakers, who are born after 1970. With more professional and international training compared with their predecessors(前辈), such as Zhang Yimou, they are equipped to make breakthroughs.

Young directors, who often travel to the United States and Europe for seminars and award ceremonies, are also more familiar with Hollywood productions. This being said, no one can predict the exact year when a homegrown film will surprise the world greatly. Patience is gold for domestic filmmakers.

1.Why do Chinese filmmakers feel awkward, according to the passage?

A. Because China has never earned any film award in the world.

B. Because Leonardo DiCaprio won the Best Actor award of the Oscar in 2016.

C. Because Chinese film makers have never won a golden trophy of the Oscar.

D. Because Chinese wonder when China will be the largest film market in the world.

2.In the author’s opinion, what are the reasons for Chinese filmmakers to win an Oscar in the future?

① China can raise capital from home and abroad.

② The creativity and quality of Chinese movies have been improved.

③ Film makers can find a rich source of inspiration from Chinese culture and stories.

④ The younger film makers, receiving international training, are more professional.

A. ①②③    B. ②③④

C. ①②④    D. ①③④

3.According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. The record in monthly ticket sales has overtaken that of North America in the past few months.

B. Kung Fu Panda series and Monkey King films are the most popular animations in China now.

C. Zhang Yimou, who is familiar with Hollywood production, will win an award at Oscar.

D. A Chinese film is certain to surprise the world greatly in the Oscar of 2017.

4.What is the implied meaning of the underlined sentence, according to the passage?

A. Chinese filmmakers still have a long way to go.

B. Oscar awards can provide gold chances for domestic filmmakers.

C. Hollywood is a great place for filmmakers to achieve their dreams.

D. It is certain that young directors are in the gold periods of filmmaking.



While dog keepers realize their dogs can read their moods accurately, scientists have always been a little doubtful. Now thanks to some researchers at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna, Austria, we finally have some convincing evidence.

For their study, biologist Corson Miller and his team exposed eleven selected dogs to digital images of women that were either angry or happy. Half the dogs were rewarded for touching the screen when shown a happy face, while the other half got their treat for selecting those that appeared angry.

Interestingly, the dogs were not provided with the entire face. Some dogs were shown only upper halves while the others observed lower halves. That’s because the scientists believe humans show their emotions on their entire face.

After some training like how to recognize small differences like the wrinkles between the eyes or the changes in their shape that accompany the happy or angry expressions ,the dogs were mostly able to identify the correct expression not only on a familiar face but on a strange face. The researchers concluded the dogs were smart enough to read human emotions.

They also found those being trained to read angry expressions took a longer time to learn. They guess it may be because dogs find angry faces disgusting, causing them to withdraw quickly. However, once the smart dogs realized they were getting rewarded, the trepidation seemed to disappear. In fact, the dogs had such a good time playing the computer “game” that scientists had a hard time keeping them away from the touch screens after the study was completed.

The researchers also noticed only dogs with a male owner had a hard time understanding the expressions correctly. Since the touchscreen models were all females, this confirmed what has been observed in previous studies—dogs are more efficient at reading facial expressions of people that are the same gender as their owner.

1.How did the scientist conduct the experiment?

A. By mixing the selected dogs together.

B. By leaving dogs to women who are either happy or angry.

C. By rewarding only half of the dogs touching the screen.

D. By showing digital pictures of women’s happy or angry faces.

2.Which of the following statements is True about the dogs in the study?

A. The dogs were not all provided with the entire face.

B. The dogs couldn’t read strangers’  facial expressions.

C. According to their size, the dogs were given either upper or lower faces.

D. The dogs could make out small changes accompanying facial expressions.

3.The underlined word “trepidation” in paragraph 5 probably means ______

A. curiosity.    B. horror.

C. excitement.    D. doubt.

4.How might the results change if the dogs with female owners are shown pictures of male faces?

A. They would be scared away at the sight of the pictures.

B. They found it easy to tell the emotions on the entire face.

C. They found it hard to tell the moods on the faces of a different gender.

D. They would only tell the emotions on partial faces rather than on entire faces.



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