满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



内容提示: 1.描述吃零食的现象;



注意: 1.词数80-100,开头已为你写好(不计入总词数)。


Dear fellow students,

There is a serious phenomenon in our school.










Dear fellow students, There is a serious phenomenon in our school. We find many students will crowd in the school store to buy snacks after each class. Some students even eat snacks in class. Eating snacks is a bad habit and is also a waste of money. In addition, most snacks are unhealthy food, for they contain too much fat and sugar. Eating snacks improperly may lead to fatness and illness. What is worse, some students throw the wrappers everywhere, which pollutes our campus. Dear fellow students, we shouldn’t act like kids any more. We high school students should develop good habits. Remember that three regular meals a day as well as a balanced diet are essential for us. Let’s form good eating habits and say no to snacks! Li Hua 【解析】 试题分析:本文是提纲类写作,要点已给出,根据要点文章可分三段来写:第一段描述吃零食的现象;第二段阐述吃零食的影响;第三段提出合理化的建议,并总结全文。写作时可适当增加细节以使行文连贯同时要把所提示的点写全,语句通顺,同时要注意准确运用时态、语态、上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。根据句意适当使用并列连词,同时也要合理运用高级词汇和高级句子为文章增色添彩。 【亮点说明】 本文是一篇倡议书,分两段,结构合理,内容齐全,文中使用高级句子。We find many students will crowd in the school store to buy snacks after each class.宾语从句用在句中;Eating snacks is a bad habit and is also a waste of money.动名词作主语;In addition,most snacks are unhealthy food,for they contain too much fat and sugar. for在这里是并列连词,意思是“因为”,引导并列句;some students throw the wrappers everywhere,which pollutes our campus.非限制性定语从句运用巧妙;We high school students should develop good habits.同位语堪称经典;另外,In addition,What is worse,的运用为文章增色添彩。 考点:考查话题作文  







I was really sad while I found my bicycle went wrong again. Tired of repairing it again and again, I decided buy a new one. After school, I went to a shop locating in the center of the city with a friend called Jack. The black bicycle attracted my eyes as soon as we went into the store. It looked very cool that I could hardly wait to ride ft. The shopkeeper told us that it was the latest style. He wanted to charge me for 800 yuan, that was too high for me. I just couldn’t afford such an expensive one. Then I choose another one, which cost him only 200 yuan. It was not perfect, so it was much better than the old one.



Tom: Do you believe in UFOs?

Daniel: Of course, they are out there.

Tom: But I’ve never seen them.

Daniel: Many people have. I have read several articles in the newspaper about different people 1.(see) UFOs and aliens.

Tom: They put those articles in the newspaper to attract peopled attention, just for fun. Dont take them too 2. (serious).

Daniel: Well, I didn’t believe those articles either, before I read an article in The Sun

3.there was some interesting 4. (evident). And you know what? I saw UFOs and aliens 5.I was sleeping last night.

Tom: You saw aliens? What did they look like? What were they going to do?

Daniel: They looked like robots. Their task was to make friends6.human beings.

Tom: You talked to them? Oh, come on! You must be 7. (joke)! Surely they must speak alien language. How could you understand each other?

Daniel: They also learn English.

Tom: That's interesting.

Daniel: They even invited me8. (visit) their planet, and I said I would be

9.(delight) to go.

Tom: You can’t be serious! It’s    10.crazy idea!

Daniel: Yeah, I know. But I really want to go and see other planets.



It was lunchtime and I walked into a small branch bank on the West Side. I had come to __ a checking account. The only officer on __ was a fortyish black man, standing __ a small counter from a young white boy who was wearing a V-necked sweater. I thought I was especially __ of the boy because he looked more like from a prep school than a __ in a West Side bank.

The boy continued to __ my attention because of what happened next. He was holding an open savings-account book and __ an expression of disappointment. “But I don’t understand. I opened the account myself, so why can’t I __ any money?” the boy said, his voice breaking.

“I know it is, but those are the rules. I’ve already explained to you that a fourteen-year-old is not __ to withdraw money without a letter from his parents,” the officer explained patiently.

Suddenly I noticed the __ had a series of small deposits (存款)and withdraws. Then I questioned the officer, “How do you __ that? Why did you let him withdraw money before, but not now?” He looked __ . “Because the tellers were not aware of his age before and now they are. It’s really very __” I turned to the boy with a shrug. “You’re really getting __,” I said. “You ought to get your parents to come here and protest.” The boy looked destroyed. __, he put his savings book in a rear-pocket and walked out of the bank.

The officer turned to me. “You know,” he said, “you really shouldn’t have got __.” I couldn’t believe what he was saying. “We were __ this morning that some neighborhood bully has been shaking down (敲诈) this boy for more than a month. The guy was __ him to take money out every week and hand it over. The poor kid was __ too scared to tell anyone. Anyway, the police are on the case and they’ll probably make a(n) __ today.”

“You mean there is no rule about being too young to withdraw money from a savings account?”

“Not that I ever heard of. Now, sir, what can we do for you?”

1.A. make    B. open    C. buy    D. choose

2.A. duty    B. board    C. display    D. business

3.A. on    B. after    C. over    D. across

4.A. sure    B. proud    C. aware    D. afraid

5.A. guard    B. customer    C. clerk    D. manager

6.A. attract    B. pay    C. attach    D. control

7.A. achieving    B. finding    C. reaching    D. wearing

8.A. use    B. spend    C. withdraw    D. bank

9.A. supported    B. inspired    C. encouraged    D. allowed

10.A. letter    B. account    C. note    D. message

11.A. think    B. explain    C. do    D. claim

12.A. annoyed    B. disappointed    C. confused    D. amused

13.A. difficult    B. strange    C. fantastic    D. simple

14.A. obeyed    B. stolen    C. cheated    D. caught

15.A. Happily    B. Silently    C. Cheerfully    D. Nervously

16.A. Interacted    B. interrupted    C. Involved    D. infected

17.A. occupied    B. discovered    C. suggested    D. Informed

18.A. rushing    B. forcing    C. requesting    D. begging

19.A. hardly    B. unwillingly    C. apparently    D. eagerly

20.A. arrest    B. sentence    C. apology    D. difference




A few things to do during weekends

to improve your life

Weekend at last! Something you’re so looking forward to after a tiring week at work. Here are several tips on how to make the most of your weekends.

Spend time with loved ones. Reconnect with family members or friends you neglected(疏忽) lately. Don’t do it out of guilt or because you have to. Do it because you want to. Reach out to them to see how they are doing. 1. Return their calls if you were busy when they last tried to reach you. Talk to them. Listen to them. Be there for them.

2.  Stay away from TV, iPad, iPhone and any other electronic devices. Unplug! Your brain needs to clear up from all the stress you’ve put on yourself during the week. Why not read a book instead? A paper one. Seriously, when was the last time you did that?

Laugh, laugh and laugh again. You can never have enough of it. Laugh is the best medicine ever. 3. For example, it helps you manage stress, strengthen your immune system and you are 40 percent less likely to suffer a heart attack.

Express appreciation. 4. Be grateful for your family, friends, health, the food you put on the table, the clothes you wear and the air that you breathe.

There you are. Doing a few things during weekends will have a positive long-term effect on your life. 5. .

A. Apply the “no technology” rule.

B. Pause and pay attention to your thoughts.

C. Friendship is the best source of happiness.

D. Don’t call them only when you need them.

E. Put them into practice and you’ll beat the Monday Blues.

F. It benefits your mental and physical health in so many ways.

G. This is something you should be doing every day, not only on weekends.



My friend Kathy and I were going to Colorado Springs for holiday. The only problem was, I didn’t have any luggage to pack my belongings in.

My friend Debbie offered to lend me a suitcase that belonged to her father, who had passed away long ago. “I don’t know if you’ll want to use it,” she said so gently, “it’s very old, worn out, and such an ugly yellow color." I was so touched by her offer to lend something that belonged to her father, but I was also concerned about the possibility of it being damaged or lost. She insisted that I take it. So with the suitcase safely in hand, I boarded the train with Kathy.

We spent two days and one night on the train, sleeping in our seats. As we slept, we were awakened at times, by the noises of the train pulling in and out of the stations.

The next morning we eagerly awaited the announcement: Next stop, Colorado Springs. But suddenly, there came another announcement over the loud speaker. “During one of the overnight stops, many pieces of luggage were mistakenly removed from the train and left at the wrong location.”

Kathy and I just looked at each other, as I felt the disappointment swell. Could my worst fear be coming true, was Debbie’s suitcase lost?

Just then two train conductors passed our seats. One of them jokingly said to the other, “Did you ever see such an old, ugly, brighter yellow, piece of luggage in all of your life?”

Before the other conductor could answer, I screamed, “YES, MY SUITCASE MADE IT!”

The two conductors stopped in their tracks! and, very red in the face, couldn’t seem to apologize enough for having insulted my suitcase.

When I returned it, I couldn’t wait to get the suitcase back into Debbie’s safe hands. She asked, “Did everything go well on the trip?” Somehow. I just couldn’t resist telling her what had happened. She laughed heartily.

When I recall the golden suitcase, Fm reminded, that like the suitcase, we can see ourselves as too old, useless, worn out, and of little value. Or, we can take a closer look and realize that we are one of God’s most valued creations -- unique, and holding inside our most valuable possessions -- that of love, faith, hope, and wisdom.

1.Hearing the announcements, the author        .

A. was happy to reach the destination

B. felt angry at the service on the train

C. feared that the suit case might be lost

D. asked the conductors to look for the suitcase

2.How did the two conductors feel when the author claimed her suitcase?

A. Puzzled.    B. Embarrassed.

C. Astonished.    D. Amused.

3.From the last paragraph we can learn that          .

A. a friend in need is a friend indeed

B. God helps those who help themselves

C. inner beauty is more important than appearance

D. a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

4.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. The Golden Suitcase.    B. An Unforgettable Trip.

C. A Warm-hearted Friend.    D. Two Impolite Conductors.



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