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参考词汇:校园campus   海报创新设计 creative design of posters



Notice _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


To enrich our campus life and promote our creative thinking, the student union has decided to hold a competition of creative design of posters. All are expected to take an active part in it and submit your designs, which should be closely related to our campus life in a creative way. After your posters are collected, we’ll hold an exhibition at the student Activity Center from April 15th to 18th, and then prizes will be presented to the best designers. This event is thought to be the first of its kind in our school, and it’s hoped that each of you can get involved. 【解析】因为你校学生会准备举办一次“海报创新设计比赛”。本次作文要求你写一则书面通知,并号召大家积极参与。内容要点如下:比赛目的:丰富校园生活,提高创新意识;参展地点:学生活动中心;展评时间:4月15日-18日。 写作亮点:本篇条理清楚,要点全面,结构连贯。其句式上的变化既使得文章生动而流畅,也体现了作者驾驭句式的能力。例如:文章运用了定语从句which should be closely related to our campus life in a creative way.和主语从句it’s hoped that each of you can get involved. 特别是一些词汇也运用恰当:如submit your designs和be closely related to等。  







Dear Ralph,

I'm a senior student. I have be in love with a boy for three years. But he is a shy boy, so I wrote him a letter firstly to express my feeling. And he wrote back. In his letter he said, “We are students. Our task is study. Let us wait to see until we have any chance after graduation.” So after graduation I telephoned to him, asking him about go out . But he said he didn't want to. He just wanted to sleep and watched TV. How do you think I should do? Do you think I should continue to love him and give up.



1. (locate) in a mountainous region of Chengde city, the Jinshanling Great Wall section is the 2. (good) preserved part of the Great Wall from the Ming Dynasty with many 3. (origin) features.

Three towers are must-sees at the Jinshanling Great Wall. Each tower contains 4. own legend. The General Tower was named to commemorate Wu Guihua, a heroine who sacrificed herself to resist invasions 5. the north. The Black Tower and the Taochun Tower were named to commemorate two girls, Heigu and Taochun, 6. made great contributions to the construction of the Great Wall.

If you go, you will find yourself experiencing 7. (total) different scenery in four seasons. In spring, apricot flowers decorate the Great Wall. In summer, the winding dragon-shaped Great Wall 8. (surround) by a sea of green plants. In autumn, the Great Wall turns into a colorful place and in winter, heavy snow covers the Great Wall, 9. (add) a sense of magnificence and solemnity.

The annual Apricot Flower Festival kicks off at the beginning of April. If you have time, you should witness the true 10. (beautiful) of the China’s landmark.



A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had _______a beautiful sports car in a showroom, and knowing his father could well_______it, he told him that was all he wanted.

As Graduation Day came near, the young man awaited _______ that his father had bought the car. _______, on the morning of his graduation, his father called him into his_______ study room. His father told him how _______ he was to have such a fine son, and told him how _______ he loved him. He handed his son a beautifully_______ gift box.

Curious, and somewhat disappointed, the young man opened the box and _______ a lovely, leather- bound (皮纸封面) Bible, ________ the young man's name pressed in gold. ________, he raised his voice to his father, and said “With ________ your money, you give me a Bible?” and stormed out of the house.

Many years passed and the young man was very successful in ________. He had a beautiful home and wonderful family, but realized his father was very ________, and thought perhaps he should go to him. He had not seen him ________ that graduation day.

Before he could make arrangements, he received a telegram________ him his father had passed away, and gave all his possessions to his son. He needed to come home immediately and ________things.

When he arrived at his father's house, sudden ________and regret filled his heart. He began to search through his father's important papers and saw the still gift — wrapped Bible ________ as he had left it years ago. With tears, he opened the Bible and began to turn the pages. Suddenly, a car key dropped from the back of the ________. It had a tag (标签) with the date of his graduation on it, and the words PAID IN FULL.

1.A. admired    B. watched    C. seen    D. noticed

2.A. offer    B. afford    C. serve    D. supply

3.A. marks    B. supports    C. signs    D. promises

4.A. Finally    B. Instead    C. So    D. Shortly

5.A. public    B. hard    C. lazy    D. private

6.A. proud    B. sad    C. upset    D. puzzled

7.A. many    B. far    C. much    D. often

8.A. typed    B. wrapped    C. written    D. painted

9.A. looked    B. reached    C. showed    D. found

10.A. with    B. while    C. after    D. when

11.A. Interested    B. Pleased    C. Angry    D. Disappointed

12.A. none    B. all    C. little    D. bit

13.A. business    B. study    C. city    D. home

14.A. healthy    B. strong    C. young    D. old

15.A. on    B. until    C. since    D. after

16.A. telling    B. showing    C. saying    D. talking

17.A. look for    B. take care of    C. care    D. mind

18.A. excitement    B. disappointment    C. surprise    D. sadness

19.A. but    B. right    C. just    D. only

20.A. Bible    B. bed    C. desk    D. door



At long last, Stefano Boeri Architects’ brilliant Bosco Verticale towers are finally completed. The “world’s first vertical forest” consists of a fantastic pair of costly towers that add nearly 2.5 acres of lush vegetation to the sky line of Milan, a city notorious (声名狼藉的) for its air pollution. 1. Like a pair of green lungs, its forested appearance of 21,000 plants will absorb CO2, control noise pollution, lessen the urban heat island effect, and create oxygen and favorable micro-climates.

The Bosco Verticale mixed-use towers are constructed with a $2.5 billion public-private investment as part of the re-development of Milan’s Porta Nuova district. The towers, measuring 260 feet and 367 feet, house 800 trees between 9 and 30 feet tall, over 4,000 shrubs (灌木) and 15,000 ground cover plants. Bosco Verticale is created with LEED Gold Certification (绿色建筑黄金认证) in mind. 2.

The buildings shrub have welcomed their first residents. 3. A fast-growing bird population has already begun to nest in Bosco Verticale’s rich leaves, of which over a hundred different species of trees and shrubs are represented. 4.

The superstructure is also selected for the world famous International Highrise Building Award as one of the five most beautiful and original high-rises in the world that is completed. 5.

A. “We take great pride in this project, which may earn us an award” says Boeri.

B. Boeri is currently in China, where he plans to build another Bosco Verticale project.

C. It is also equipped with a gray water recycling and irrigation system.

D. However, Bosco Verticale will be more than just a beautiful sight to enjoy.

E. “The real key to this project is biodiversity,” says Boeri.

F. It is also well received by the Chinese experts in the field.

G. But those families aren’t the only ones to call the vertical forest home.



Do you ever wonder why trees begin to bud (发芽) earlier in some cities? Scientists finally found the answer but it’s not very pleasant. New science suggests a relationship between light pollution and the timing when trees produce buds, which signals the arrival of the spring season.

Light pollution is defined by the Lighting Research Center as the unwanted consequence of outdoor lighting such as street lights. Excessive (过多的) man-made light at night results in disturbed natural cycles, and also prevents the observation of stars and planets at night. But its effect on the environment goes beyond that.

By studying some trees, researchers found out that trees that are more exposed to artificial lighting at night bud up to 7.5 days earlier than those at the natural nighttime setting. And they found out that light had a more significant effect than temperature when the buds came out. The early budding may cause problems for insects, which feed on leaves, and the birds which then feed on them in turn. Professor Richard Ffrench-Constant, who helped lead the research, explained that more than the budding of trees, the study implies the danger to the balance of the ecosystem. “At the moment, caterpillars (毛毛虫) are timed to hatch to make the most of the opportunities to feed on freshly budded leaves, and birds hatch in time to feed on the young caterpillar,” he said.

Migratory (迁徙的) birds are also negatively affected by light pollution. The glare might confuse them and make them lose their flying sense. The phenomenon might explain why some birds accidentally knock into buildings.

Such results stress the need to pursue studies that aim to measure the effect of light pollution. If the issue were left to continue, it is estimated that by 2100, spring would begin almost a full month earlier than it does today.

1.What will happen if there is too much man-made light?

A. People’s eyesight will be damaged.

B. The ecosystem will likely lose its balance.

C. No stars or planets may be observed at night.

D. Animals’ living habits may change suddenly.

2.How does the early budding affect insects or plants?

A. It will cause the rising number of insects.

B. It could lead to trees growing fewer leaves.

C. It may result in some insects going hungry.

D. It might push insects to hatch more slowly.

3.What does the author want to tell us in the last paragraph?

A. The effect of light pollution is destructive.

B. The spring of 2100 will become much longer.

C. Light pollution should be taken seriously.

D. A further study on light pollution is scheduled.

4.What is the suitable title for the passage?

A. Why spring comes earlier in some cities

B. Why light pollution needs to be studied

C. How trees’ early budding takes place

D. How much light is “too much”



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