满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Here comes a story that many years ago a...

Here comes a story that many years ago a man arrived at a village in India to catch monkeys so he could sell them to zoos. The monkeys, however, were very clever and every sort of trap he set failed. A young boy watched the man's pathetic efforts and laughed.

The man said, “If you can catch me a monkey, I'll give you $ 2.” That was a huge amount of money then.

The boy went to his home and took a clay pot with a narrow neck. He placed a few nuts around the pot and put lots of nuts inside. He then tied the pot to a tree and told the man, “We should have a rest in a few hours. Let's wait in the village. The monkey will call us when he is ready.”

Certainly enough, a band of monkeys soon discovered the nuts and the pot. One slipped his hand in the pot and grabbed a handful of nuts, but he couldn't pull his hand out of the narrow opening of the pot because his fist(拳头) was clenched. The monkey feared and started making loud noises. Some of the other monkeys tried unsuccessfully to pull the pot off his hand.

The boy and the man heard the noises and the boy got a big strong bag. As they approached the monkeys they all ran away except the one with its hand in the pot. The boy grabbed the monkey and the pot. The man was amazed and asked the boy the secret of his monkey trap, “Why was it so easy for the monkey to get his hand in but so hard to get it out?”

The boy laughed and said, “The monkey could have easily got his hand back out and escaped, but he would have had to let go of the nuts in the pot and he just wasn't willing to let go. They never are.”

What lessons can be learned from this story? Do people sometimes trap themselves by holding onto things that they should let go? Do you?

1.What does the underlined word “clenched” in the 4th paragraph probably mean?

A. quickly pushed    B. lightly pulled

C. tightly fastened    D. closely held

2.Why couldn’t the monkey pull his hand out of the pot? The reason lies in that       .

A. the pot’s neck was too narrow    B. the monkey wouldn’t let go of the nuts

C. the monkey’s fist was too big    D. the nuts in the pot were too delicious

3.Which of the statement is NOT true according to the story?

A. The boy just played a trick on the man.

B. The monkeys were too clever to be trapped.

C. The boy was helpful.

D. The boy could ask for $2 from the man.

4.What might be the best title of this passage?

A. the monkey and the boy    B. the boy and the pot

C. the monkey and the pot    D. the man and the pot


1.D 2.B 3.A 4.C 【解析】本文通过一个捉猴子的故事,告诉我们有时候,我们不放弃某种东西反而会使我们受困。 1.猜测词义题。根据第四段中“The monkey feared and started making loud noises. Some of the other monkeys tried unsuccessfully to pull the pot off his hand.” 猴子害怕并开始发出叫声。其他一些猴子试图把罐子从他的手上拔下来。推知是猴子手紧握着坚果没有松开所致。故选D。 2.细节理解题。根据“but he couldn't pull his hand out of the narrow opening of the pot because his fist(拳头) was clenched.”但是它不能从罐子里把它的手拔出来,因为它紧握着拳头。故选B。 3.推理判断题。根据短文可知,那个男孩不是在作弄那个男子,而是在帮助他故推知选项A是不正确的。故选A。 4.主旨大意题。本文讲述猴子不放手反而被罐子所困的故事,告诉我们在生活中该放弃某些东西的时候就要放弃,否则会被其所困。故选C。

The plan had been made to create a beautiful nature park with a large man-made lake on the outer parts of the city of Zhengzhou, the capital of Henan Province. However, thanks to a terrible trick played by nature, what the officials have ended up with, is a natural sandy mess!

The government wanted to create a beautiful place where people of this busy industrial city could come to relax. But things did not quite turn out that way---shortly after digging up thousands of tons of sand, the underground water dried up. As a result, the dry sand has changed into a Sahara-like desert. While official reports show that the sand is piled up to 10 meters high, some people say that it is ten times more or about a 100-feet high in certain areas.

If that is not bad enough, the sand hills that now spread across an area the size of four football fields, have influenced the environment. What’s worse is that on windy days, the dry sand moves into the city center, making it almost impossible to drive and forcing people to wear face masks and protective eyewear to prevent the sand from getting into their eyes, nose, and mouth.

In an act of trying to keep the sand and provide the illusion(幻想) of green fields, the officials have even tried covering it with a green plastic netting. However, that has not done much to improve the terrible situation!

As you can imagine, many of Zhengzhou’s residents are upset by the disaster. They think that desert wasteland that looks nothing like the green landscape they were promised, has resulted in polluting their pleasant city environment. Some think it is even stopping businessmen from coming to the city.

1.The author may agree that it is_________ to build a large man-made lake.

A. possible

B. impossible

C. great

D. interesting

2.The dry sand has changed into a Sahara-like desert because________.

A. the weather in Zhengzhou is too dry

B. there are enough trees in Zhengzhou

C. they haven’t finished digging the lake

D. there is no underground water

3.What kind of pollution have the sand hills caused?

A. Light pollution.    B. Water pollution.

C. Air pollution.    D. Sound pollution.

4.What do Zhengzhou’s residents think of the man-made lake?

A. Scary.    B. Small.

C. Helpful.    D. Great.






1. 词数100左右;

2. 内容包括要点但不要逐字翻译,可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;

4. 参考词汇: clone (克隆)  resist (抵抗)  adopt(领养)

Dear Peter,

I’m very glad to receive your letter of May 2nd,_______________________________________________





Best wishes.


Li Hua








2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

One day when I was still a primary school pupil, I get back home after school and found Daddy seat in a chair reading. “Daddy, there is going to have a parents’ meeting this evening and you’re required to attend it,” I said to him by a low voice. Hear this, Daddy started to comb his hair. When anything was almost ready, I begged him to take me with him. So he did. When we got to school gate, Daddy was surprising to find it was strangely quiet in the school. Looking at his puzzled face, I told to him that it was just a small meeting and that we two were the only people invited. Daddy seemed to understand everything and he had to go ahead.



Once upon a time, a powerful king commanded his men 1. (build) a public arena where crime was punished or innocence(无罪) was decided. When a person 2.(accuse) of a crime, his future would be judged in the public arena.

Usually the king sat high up on his chair. He gave 3. sign and a door under him opened. The accused person stepped out into the arena. Opposite the king 4. (be) two doors. The person on trial(审判) had to walk 5. (direct) to these doors and open one of them. He could open whichever door he pleased. If the accused man opened one door, out came a hungry tiger, the 6. (fierce)(凶猛的) in the land. The tiger immediately jumped on him and tore him into pieces as _ 7. (punish) for his guilt. The case of the suspect was thus decided. 8. , if the accused opened the other door, there came a woman. To this lady he was immediately married, in honor of his innocence.

This was the king’s method of 9. (carry) out justice. Its fairness appeared perfect. The accused person could not know which door was hiding the lady. He opened either as he pleased, without knowing 10. he was to be killed or married



A few days ago my family and I were out for an evening walk. As we headed home, dark _____ started rolling in and we knew we probably wouldn’t make it back without getting wet. _____ enough, the rain started falling just as we______ our neighborhood. We all ____ down the street and into the house but when we got there I noticed that one of my sons was _______ I went back out in the rain and found him  _____ in an irregular pattern in front of the house. His face was one of ______as he seemed to be going in circles. This is my child that usually hates getting _____.

I shouted to him, “What are you doing?!!”

“I hate getting wet!” he _____ back.

“Then why are you running around in the _____ ? Hurry inside!”

“I’m trying to but I have to _____ the rain drops!”

He was getting more wet than any of the rest of us _____ he was trying to avoid the raindrops. As I went and put him _____ my arm and walked him inside, I realized that there is a good_______in this story.

How often do you_______life “avoiding the raindrops”? How often do you get so worried about the little _____that might happen, the failures that you miss out on the great _____ that you could be having? We can spend all of our time running around in circles trying not to fail or we can accept that failure is going to come and ______forward anyway. Any happy and successful person will tell you that the road to success is  _____with failures.

But every time you fail, you learn. Every time you learn, you improve. The more you improve, the more ______ you will be.

1.A. buses    B. clouds    C. mosquitoes    D. smoke

2.A. Sure    B. Anxious    C. Strange    D. Funny

3.A. surrounded    B. noticed    C. crossed    D. entered

4.A. paced    B. escaped    C. hurried    D. advanced

5.A. missing    B. outstanding    C. disturbing    D. charming

6.A. jumping    B. trembling    C. running    D. sliding

7.A. happiness    B. pleasure    C. excitement    D. suffering

8.A. cold    B. wet    C. hungry    D. thirsty

9.A. screamed    B. waved    C. turned    D. looked

10.A. distance    B. darkness    C. rain    D. wind

11.A. collect    B. experience    C. fight    D. avoid

12.A. because    B. though    C. unless    D. if

13.A. with    B. under    C. by    D. beside

14.A. ending    B. plot    C. lesson    D. theme

15.A. care about    B. rely on    C. sort out    D. go through

16.A. failures    B. accidents    C. emergencies    D. disasters

17.A. pains    B. dangers    C. diseases    D. adventures

18.A. float    B. wander    C. move    D. flow

19.A. equipped    B. paved    C. buried    D. covered

20.A. successful    B. generous    C. considerate    D. intelligent



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