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欢迎晚会;向访华团赠送纪念品——校徽(school badge )


Dear Canadian friends,

Glad to meet you and welcome to our school. Now let me tell you the arrangement for your visit .








One Possible Version Dear Canadian friends, Glad to meet you and welcome to our school. Now let me tell you the arrangement for your visit. This morning our headmaster will meet you and introduce the general conditions of the school to you. Then you’ll be shown around our library, labs, students’ bedrooms and the school factory. This afternoon you’ll be invited in little groups to some classrooms to attend the tea party, where you can talk with the Chinese students freely. To welcome you we’ll hold an evening party. And each of you will get a school badge of ours as a gift then. I wonder if you like the plan. If you have any requests, please let me know. I hope you have a good time at our school. Thanks. 【解析】试题分析: 本文是作者作为学生会主席,向加拿大中学生访华团介绍一天的活动安排,并征询他们的意见和要求。文章给出了提纲,成文时应注意以下几点:(1)内容要点齐全。完整陈述一天的活动安排。(2)人称使用要恰当。(3)时态:一般将来时为主。(4)适当使用一些连词和插入语,使文章自然、流畅。(5)恰当使用一些高级词汇和句型,以增加文章的档次。 【亮点说明】 1.使用高级句型:祈使句的使用Now let me tell you the arrangement for your visit.;将来时态的被动语态Then you’ll be shown around our library, labs, students’ bedrooms and the school factory.;包含将来时被动语态以及非限制性定语从句的句子This afternoon you’ll be invited in little groups to some classrooms to attend the tea party, where you can talk with the Chinese students freely;使用宾语从句I wonder if you like the plan.2.使用了过渡词语:Then 等。3.使用了重要短语:show around领…参观;have a good time玩的开心。  








If we stand on a city street and looking up at the sky, the stars seems dim or far away. The lights of city blind us. Tall buildings shut out great parts of the sky.

But let us go out and climb a hill on a clear summer night. The city’s lights and buildings  left far behind. The sky seems like a soft blue curtain over our heads. And the stars are like diamond twinkling in the sky.

As we stand looking upward, we are doing something which men have been doing from the beginning of history. Wisely men and shepherds looked in wonder at the same pinpoints of light thousands of years ago. What were they made of? How did they come to be up there in the sky?

People watched the heavens to find answers of these questions. The study of stars is the old of all sciences.



She just makes Jell-O

While my 89-year-old grandmother, Donna, doesn’t bother to remember small details like who I am or why I’m at her house, she 1. (vivid) recalls conversations we may or may not have had many years ago. Obviously, while 2. (make) uncomfortable small talk over dinner, I once said, “This Jell-O is good.” She took that to mean, “This is my favorite food of all time, and if you don’t continue to make it, I will burn down 3. (you) house.” The next time I visited, she had a bowl of orange Jell-O with 4. (orange) in it just for me. I had to be polite, so I 5. (eat) it all. She took that to mean I didn’t think there was enough, so the next time, she made even 6. (much). For each visit since 7. , she’s made larger quantities of such food. Even worse, the rest of my family stop eating any of it 8.they think it’s funny to watch me jam a cubic yard of gelatin(果冻) down my throat. They won’t be 9. (laugh)when I die from overeating. Actually, they probably 10. , especially when my grandma makes a basin of Jell-O as the funeral food.



J. K. Rowling: The Wizard Behind Harry Potter

J. K. Rowling was born as Joanne Rowling on July 31, 1965 in England. At age four, Rowling and her family _____ to Winterbourne. It was here that she met a brother and sister who lived in her neighborhood with the last  ______Potter. During her childhood, Rowling  _____writing and story-telling.

Pressured by her parents to  _______ a secretary, Rowling attended the university of Exeter beginning at age 18 and studied French. After college, Rowling stayed in London and worked at several jobs.

While on a train from Manchester to London in 1990, Rowling came up with the ________for Harry Potter. Pen-less at the time, Rowling spent the remainder of her train-ride ________about the story and began to write it down as soon as she arrived home.

Rowling ________ to write snippets about Harry and Hogwarts, but wasn’t done with the book when her mother died on December 30, 1990. Her mother’s death hit Rowling _______ . In a (an)  _______ to escape the sorrow, Rowling accepted a job teaching English in Portugal.

In Portugal, Rowling met Jorge Arantes and the two married on October 16, 1992. _______the marriage proved a bad one, the couple had one child together, Jessica. After getting ________ in 1993, Rowling and her daughter moved to Edinburgh to be near Rowling’s sister.

Before starting another full-time job, Rowling was determined to finish her Harry Potter manuscript. ______  she had completed it, she sent it to several literary  ______ . After a year of searching and a number of publishers turning it _______ , the agent finally found a publisher      _____ to print the book.

Rowling’s fist Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone became hugely popular, attracting ________ of young boys and girls as well as adults. With the public demanding ________ , Rowling quickly got to work on the  _______ six books, with the last one published in July 2007.

In 1998, Warner Bros. bought the film  ________ and since then ________ popular movies have been made of the books. From the book, the films, and the merchandise bearing Harry Potter images, Rowling has become one of the richest people in the world.

1.A. carried    B. moved    C. sent    D. lived

2.A. family    B. member    C. name    D. sign

3.A. loved    B. preferred    C. chose    D. handed

4.A. change    B. share    C. assume    D. become

5.A. method    B. score    C. concept    D. possibility

6.A. declaring    B. making    C. dreaming    D. managing

7.A. continued    B. checked    C. exchanged    D. practiced

8.A. peacefully    B. easily    C. tensely    D. hard

9.A. plan    B. question    C. ambition    D. attempt

10.A. Instead    B. Although    C. Therefore    D. However

11.A. divorced    B. beaten    C. ached    D. thrown

12.A. While    B. Once    C. Before    D. Since

13.A. agents    B. subjects    C. volunteers    D. readers

14.A. off    B. up    C. down    D. over

15.A. wondering    B. aiming    C. looking    D. willing

16.A. reporter    B. partner    C. audience    D. friend

17.A. more    B. better    C. longer    D. thinner

18.A. last    B. whole    C. rest    D. next

19.A. powers    B. rights    C. guidance    D. leaders

20.A. directly    B. extremely    C. separately    D. eventually



High school students and families are increasingly questioning whether investing in a college or university education is still worth it.

The short answer is “Yes.” 1. A wide range of statistics shows the economic advantage of a four-year college education. Over a lifetime, students who graduate from college can expect to make about 60% more than those who do not, well over a million dollars more than they would otherwise. 2. They vote more often, volunteer more often and are more likely to own a home. They are healthier and less likely to smoke. They and their children are less likely to be overweight, and their children are more likely to go to college.

But what about the benefits of college that are more difficult to measure? 3.

College takes students to places they’ve never been before. College is a passport to different places, different times, and different ways of thinking. It gives students a chance to understand themselves differently, seeing how their lives are both like and unlike those who inhabited other times and other lands. 4.

College introduces students to people they’ve never met before. One of the most important ways in which students learn, at colleges and universities everywhere, is by communicating with people who are different from themselves both inside and outside of the classroom.

5. No one doubts the value of speed, connectivity (网络连通性) and the virtual world in an economy that enjoys all three. But “thinking” is a word that is too often forgotten in our rush to communicate faster and left behind as our brains struggle to keep up with our devices (设备). College teaches students to change information to insight and knowing to understanding, preparing students for lifetime of considering information and growing in knowledge and in wisdom.

Higher education is valued by people who dream bigger and achieve more, who create their own futures, and shape their own destinies.

A. There is no doubt that college pays off financially.

B. College teaches students the virtue of slowing down.

C. College graduates also tend to lead more active lives.

D. Education encourages people to live healthier and longer lives.

E. College opens minds and worlds in ways that are beyond measurement.

F. For many of us, it is the best chance we will have to follow our curiosity.

G. They are equally significant and add up to a lot of value over the course of a lifetime.



The language we use affects the decisions we make, according to a new study. Participants made more reasonable decisions when money-related choices were given in a foreign language that they had learned in a classroom setting than when they were asked in a native tongue.

To study how language affects reasoning, University of Chicago psychologists looked at a well-known phenomenon: people are more risk-taking when a decision irrelevant to their own feelings (such as which medicine to give to a sick elephant) is presented in terms of a potential gain than when it is framed as a potential loss even when the outcomes are the same. In the study, native English speakers who had learned Japanese, native Korean speakers who had learned English and native English speakers studying French in Paris all showed the expected tendency when they were asked the question in their native tongue. In their foreign language, however, the tendency disappeared.

A second set of experiments tested another cognitive (认知的) prejudice –we expect a personal loss will be more painful than the same amount of gain will be pleasant, so the benefit of winning must be disproportionately large for us to take a bet(打赌) (such as gambling with our own money). Again, the foreign-language effect was obvious in two different experiments, one with native Korean speakers and one with native English speakers. The Koreans took more theoretical bets in English than Korean, and the native English speakers took more real bets in Spanish than they did in English.

“When people use a foreign language, their decisions tend to be less prejudiced, more analytic, more systematic, because the foreign language provides psychological distance,” lead author Boaz Keysar suggests. Cognitive prejudices are rooted in emotional reactions, and thinking in a foreign language helps us disconnect from these emotions and make decisions in a more economically reasonable way. This study did not consider, however, the cases in which emotional engagement improves, rather than prevents, our choices: “We have an emotional system for a good reason,” Keysar says.

1.What is the foreign language effect discussed in this passage?

A. People make more reasonable decisions in a foreign language than in their native tongues.

B. Foreign languages play more important roles in making decisions than native languages do.

C. Emotional engagement can prevent reasonable decision makings but improve them as well.

D. Cognitive prejudices are more likely to appear in a foreign language than in a native tongue.

2.What does the underlined sentence mean?

A. People need to win a large sum of money before they decide to take a bet.

B. People are advised not to take a bet if they are not ready for the pain of losing.

C. People don’t take a bet unless they would win much more than they would lose.

D. People will feel more pleasant winning a bet than winning a large sum of money.

3.According to Keysar, what is the reason of the foreign language effect in this research?

A. Foreign languages have great effect on decision makings.

B. People are less prejudiced when thinking in a foreign language.

C. People are more risk-taking in a foreign language environment.

D. Personal feelings have little influence in foreign language thinking.



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