满分5 > 高中英语试题 >








As the saying goes, chance favored the prepared mind. I learned this from one of my experience.

I was not chosen as member of the volleyball team of our school. Because of this, I decided to give up play volleyball. Luckily, my best friend stopped me but pointed out that it was my laziness and poor preparation which led to my failure. After that, I practiced playing volleyball on every day. When another tryout arrived, I was full prepared and tried my best. As a result, I was selected and became an important player on our school team.

From this, I am firmly convincing that we are able to seize a chance as long as I get well prepared.


【解析】第一处:考察时态,由于这句话是谚语,谚语一般采用一般现在时,故要将favored改为favors. 第二处:考察名词单复数,one of the/形容词性物主代词后应该加可数名词复数,故要把experience后加s,变为experiences. 第三处:考察冠词,可数名词单数前要加冠词,且此处表示泛指,故要在member前加上冠词a. 第四处:考察非谓语动词,此句中出现了两个谓语动词,分别是decided和play, 所以需要把第二个动词变换成非谓语动词,且需跟在介词up之后,(介词后面的动词需用-ing形式),故要将play改为playing. 第五处:考察逻辑连词,but前的句意是“我最好的朋友不让我这么做”,but后的句意是“是我的懒惰还有准备不足才导致了失败”,前后并没有转折的意思,而是承接的关系,故要将but改为and. 第六处:考察强调句,it is/was…that…,故要将which改为that.. 第七处:考察介词,介词on后应该接名词才可以构成状语,且every day本身相当于副词,可以单独 作状语,故要把on去掉. 第八处:考察副词,副词修饰形容词,形容词修饰名词,而形容词full后面不是名词,而是形容词,故要用副词来修饰,故要将full改为fully. 第九处:考察形容词,convincing让人确信的,主语是物,convinced感到确信的,主语是人,而此处主语是I,故要将convincing改为convinced. 第十处:考察代词一致,convince后引导的是一个完整的从句,从句的主语是we,故要将I改为we.  

Flying cars may soon become a 1.    (real). The rideshare service Uber has asked 2. expert from NASA, the American space agency, 3.    (help) the company develop cars that can fly.

Uber plans to use flying vehicles 4. the future to avoid traffic in and around cities. The company wants to use small, totally electric aircraft, 5. could take off and land like a helicopter on top of parking garages. Uber said its flying vehicles would be much 6. (quiet), cost less to operate and produce less pollution than helicopters.

One person in San Francisco 7. (write) on Twitter, “I used to think that flying cars was a ridiculous idea. 8. I changed my mind this morning when I sat in a heavy traffic.” Another person added from Mumbai, India: “I’m reading about Uber 9. (hire) a NASA engineer to build flying cars, while Fm stuck in traffic. There is hope.”

The expert predicts there will be several early models of cars that can’t fly 10. (they) but with human pilots within one to three years.



Thinking of my good friends, I sense that my attitudes are totally different towards men and women.

My earliest childhood friend is Donald. In the street was a (an) __ old German truck. No wheels. No doors. Each day, __ we were flying over the Atlantic in that truck our “airplane”,there came that wonderful moment: “Engine __!” I’d shout, “We’ll have to jump out.” Glancing at me,he’d say, “I can’t __!” “Fear not! I’ll drag you to the __.

And when we swam __ the dust, Donald cried “Sharks!” But I always __ him. The next day, changing __,Donald would do the same to me. We saved each other hundreds of times, but when my family really did leave for America, we could do __. We just cried silently as the train __.

These days, Jessica is one of my best friends. Recently we were swimming at a beach in the Atlantic, the __ one I had “flown” over in my German truck with Donald. We were far form shore when we both thought we __ a shark! We began swimming __ toward the shore. Although in __,I fell back to protect her. In the end» the “shark” proved __,but not my deep emotional feeling for my friend. We looked into each other’s eyes and said, “I love you!”

You see with women I could be __    ,emotionally honest and transparent. With male friends, it seemed impossible to __ caring feelings however deep the friendship was. “Am I normal?” I thought to myself. Much to my __,researches show that men and women have very different __ and rational (理性的) processes. I do love all my friends - only the means of expression __.

1.A. advanced    B. decorated    C. abandoned    D. updated

2.A. before    B. while    C. after    D. until

3.A. loss    B. death    C. pressure    D. failure

4.A. jump    B. swim    C. die    D. run

5.A. dust    B. river    C. truck    D. shore

6.A. over    B. through    C. across    D. beyond

7.A. left    B. fetched    C. rescued    D. defeated

8.A. roles    B. manners    C. images    D. forms

9.A. something    B. nothing    C. anything    D. everything

10.A. broke down    B. moved in    C. pulled away    D. blew up

11.A. very    B. last    C. first    D. only

12.A. attacked    B. spotted    C. annoyed    D. killed

13.A. eagerly    B. casually    C. hardly    D. crazily

14.A. panic    B. hesitation    C. doubt    D. silence

15.A. fierce    B. friendly    C. imaginary    D. true

16.A. cool    B. shy    C. passive    D. open

17.A. express    B. hide    C. admit    D. control

18.A. embarrassment    B. disappointment    C. relief    D. surprise

19.A. emotional    B. physical    C. mental    D. moral

20.A. changes    B. develops    C. matters    D. differs



Mary had feared the day she would draw a blank during a presentation. Then one day during a 45-minute speech, it happened. 1.. To help herself get back on track, Mary asked the audience to look at the handout and tell her what topic was up next. At the end of her presentation, audience members gave her top marks for organization.

“What I learned is that the audience doesn’t care if you mess up, and what they care about is what you are going to do about it,” Mary said. “My nervousness went away when I concentrated not on myself, but instead just thought, ‘How is my speech going to help the audience?’ 2.. Every single step of the way,ask yourself, ‘What’s in it for them?’”


Carter is the founder of Canada-based presentation skills training company. When possible, he gets to the location of his presentation the day before to make sure all the electronic aids work. He wants to ensure the screen, lighting and inputs all work properly. “In addition, build an extra plan before you present.” he said.

● Involve the audience

Whether you are giving a one-on-one talk or a speech in front of 400 people, think “story-telling”. 4.. The way to a person's head is through his heart. Sometimes all it takes is a few seconds to connect an audience member with a story.

Moreover, one thing that shocks people back into attention is to leave an almost uncomfortably long pause. 5..

A. Keep order

B. Be prepared

C. That brings them back to the speaker

D. She forgot what she was going to say

E. Once you do that, it gets rid of the fear

F. Story-telling makes messages easy to remember

G. Stories combine data and information with emotion



On April 14th, 2010, my entire life changed in an instant. One moment I was joyfully riding through the sunshine. The next moment, metal, flesh and bone were spreading against the pavement in a thunderous crash. Another cyclist, biking carelessly, had cut me off and sent me supermanning toward oncoming traffic.

As if to symbolize the accident that had hit my life, another disaster also occurred on April 14th, 2010. It cost the airline industry $l.7 billion. Ten million travelers were stuck for days. Economies all over the world were disturbed. This was the eruption of Eyjafjallajokull, one of Iceland’s many volcanoes.

However, volcanoes are not all bad. In fact, they are necessary. They are responsible for the birth of new earth, and for the creation of rich soil. This eruption gave off 0.15 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere daily. But cancelling 48% of the worlds flight travel saved about 2.8 million tons of CO2 from entering the atmosphere,temporarily decreasing our carbon footprint.

Similarly, the accident had badly affected my emotion but it also allowed me to look more closely inside myself and discover things about myself I never would have realized. I learned how not to judge myself for my new limitations.

In 1973, another Icelandic volcano, Eldfell, broke out. Icelanders decided to bomb it with cold water until it froze and chose a different path. After their plan worked,they used the geothermal (地热) energy for the next 15 years to heat their homes. A good example of life bringing lemons, and making lemonade! One must move on from misfortunes, focusing only on the present moment and being hopeful for the future.

I ran from April 14th, 2010, to every kind of escape. Eventually I ended up in university for a new-found love in Earth sciences.

1.What happened to the writer on April 14th, 2010?

A. He was involved in a car crash.

B. He was stuck in Iceland’s airport.

C. He witnessed a volcanic eruption.

D. He was badly injured on a bike ride.

2.Which was an effect of the eruption of Eyjafjallajokull?

A. Economy was cost globally by the eruption.

B. Carbon dioxide was increased temporarily.

C. The earth in Ireland was terribly polluted.

D. Most of the world’s planes were held up.

3.Why did the writer mention the Eldfell volcano?

A. It broke out in Iceland on April 14th as well.

B. It symbolized the accident that changed his life.

C. It encouraged him to know more about himself.

D. It told us to make the most of given situation.

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A. Inspiration from Disasters    B. Escape from Volcanoes

C. Love for Earth Science    D. Attitude towards Nature



As her son Cameron sits at his laptop completing a task for his math degree course, Alison Thompson,a full-time mum,is busy helping her daughter Emma (two years younger than Cameron) get dressed. While help has always been available for Emma, Alison and her husband also have to fight to get Cameron the support he needs. “People could see that Emma has special needs but because Cameron was doing so well at school, his teachers never thought there was a problem with him.”    says Alison.

It took Alison and her husband a while to realize their son was different. Cameron’s ability didn’t become clear until he began primary school. Once he even corrected the teacher when she told the class that zero was the lowest number. Cameron told her she was wrong because there were negative numbers (负数). He was four at the time. Now 14-year-old Cameron is at secondary school, studying for a distance learning math degree with the Open University, having sailed through his GCSE at 11 and his A-level at 12, achieving top grades.

Bethany, another daughter of Alison, is bright too but not gifted. She is the one who will remind absent-minded Cameron to put on his coat. She also helps him out in social situations.

Emma attends a specialist school and the family is quick to celebrate her successes too.

“The other day she did up the buttons on her coat, which was real progress,” Alison says.

Late last year the Thompsons took part in a television documentary (纪录片) to prove that not all gifted children are the result of extremely ambitious parents. Gifted children need support too, but their lives don’t have to be that different. Cameron is an example.

1.What does Paragraph 1 indicate?

A. Cameron helps Emma with her math tasks.

B. Teachers at school ignored Emma’s problems.

C. Both Cameron and Emma need parental support.

D. The couple often have fights because of Cameron.

2.What does the underlined phrase “having sailed through his GCSE” probably mean?

A. Having passed his GCSE easily.    B. Having taken his GCSE seriously.

C. Having worked hard at his GCSE.    D. Having suffered a lot from his GCSE

3.There are at least         people in Mrs. Thompson’s family.

A. three    B. four

C. five    D. six

4.What can be known from the passage?

A. Emma has learned to take good care of herself.

B. Cameron showed his gift before primary school.

C. The children of the family are bright and gifted.

D. Gifted kids are not so different as people expect.



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