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Tea drinking was common in China for nea...

Tea drinking was common in China for nearly one thousand years before anyone in Europe had ever heard about tea.People in Britain were much slower in finding out what tea was like,mainly because tea was very expensive.It could not be bought in shops and even those people who could afford to have it sent from Holland did so only because it was a fashionable curiosity.Some of them were not sure how to use it.They thought it was a vegetable and tried cooking the leaves.Then they served them mixed with butter and salt.They soon discovered their mistake but many people used to spread the used tea leaves on bread and give them to their children as sandwiches.

Tea remained scarce and very expensive in England until the ships of the East India Company began to bring it direct from China early in the seventeenth century.During the next few years so much tea came into the country that the price fell and many people could afford to buy it.

At the same time people on the Continent were becoming more and more fond of tea.Until then tea had been drunk without milk in it,but one day a famous French lady named Madame de Sevigne decided to see what tea tasted like when milk was added.She found it so pleasant that she would never again drink it without milk.Because she was such a great lady her friends thought they must copy everything she did,so they also drank their tea with milk in it.Slowly this habit spread until it reached England and today only very few British people drink tea without milk.

At first,tea was usually drunk after dinner in the evening.No one ever thought of drinking tea in the afternoon until a duchess (公爵夫人) found that a cup of tea and a piece of cake at three or four o clock stopped her getting “a sinking feeling” as she called it.She invited her friends to have this new meal with her and so,tea-time was born.

1.Which of the following is true of the introduction of tea into Britain?

A. British people were the first people in Europe who drank tea.

B. It was not until the 17th century that British people had tea.

C. British people got expensive tea from India.

D. Tea reached Britain from Holland.

2.What does this passage most probably talk about?

A. It talks about how British people got the habit of drinking tea

B. It talks about how tea became a popular drink in Britain

C. It talks about the history of tea drinking in Britain

D. It talks about how tea-time was born

3.People in Europe began to drink tea with milk because    .

A. tea with milk stopped people getting a sinking feeling

B. people followed the way a French lady drank tea

C. tea with milk was then a fashionable curiosity

D. tea with milk tasted much more pleasant

4.We may infer from the passage that the habit of drinking tea in Britain was mostly due to the influence of      .

A. the upper social class    B. the ancient Chinese

C. a famous French lady    D. people in Holland


1.D 2.B 3.C 4.A 【解析】本文主要讲述了茶在英国的历史发展情况。从茶很稀有很昂贵很少人负担的起,炒它们加盐吃或做成三明治,到17世纪茶的运货多了价格下降很多人都能买到。再到后来一个法国女人用牛奶和茶一起吃发展到英国很多人都这样吃,后来一位公爵夫人开始把茶和蛋糕一块下午3、4点吃,宴请她的朋友,然后就被发展到现在并称为了“下午茶”。 1.细节理解题 第一段.People in Britain were much slower in finding out what tea was like,mainly because tea was very expensive.It could not be bought in shops and even those people who could afford to have it sent from Holland did so only because it was a fashionable curiosity.英国很少有人知道茶长什么样因为它很贵。来自荷兰的茶在商店买不到甚至有些人也买不起茶,只是因为它是一个时尚好奇事物。由此可知茶从荷兰运到英国。故选D. 2.主旨大意题 从第一段.It could not be bought in shops and even those people who could afford to have it sent from Holland did so only because it was a fashionable curiosity. 来自荷兰的茶在商店买不到甚至有些人也买不起茶,只是因为它是一个时尚好奇事物。到最后一段At first,tea was usually drunk after dinner in the evening.刚开始,人们只在晚饭后喝茶,She invited her friends to have this new meal with her and so,tea-time was born.她邀请她的朋友吃这种饭,因此,下午茶就诞生了。由此可知,主要讲的是茶是如何在英国成为一种流行的饮品的。故选B. 3.细节理解题 第三段Slowly this habit spread until it reached England and today only very few British people drink tea without milk.慢慢的这种习惯传到了英国到现在几乎没有人不把茶和牛奶一块喝的。因此可知英国人把茶和牛奶一起喝是因为这是一种时尚好奇的习惯,而不是单纯的模仿法国女人。故选C. 4.细节理解题 第一段.People in Britain were much slower in finding out what tea was like,mainly because tea was very expensive.It could not be bought in shops and even those people who could afford to have it sent from Holland did so only because it was a fashionable curiosity. 英国很少有人知道茶长什么样因为它很贵。来自荷兰的茶在商店买不到甚至有些人也买不起茶,只是因为它是一个时尚好奇事物。最后一段No one ever thought of drinking tea in the afternoon until a duchess (公爵夫人) found that……没有人会想到茶叶能在下午喝直到一位公爵夫人……由此可知喝茶的习惯是被上流社会阶层所影响的。故选A.

假定你是李华,听闻国外某网站要在全球范围内评选 “The Most Qualified Student”(最美中学生),请你用英语给该网站写一封推荐信。内容包括:

1. 介绍被推荐人(林扬)的基本信息;

2. 说明推荐理由。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头语给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Editor,









Yours sincerely,

Li Hua









As the saying goes, chance favored the prepared mind. I learned this from one of my experience.

I was not chosen as member of the volleyball team of our school. Because of this, I decided to give up play volleyball. Luckily, my best friend stopped me but pointed out that it was my laziness and poor preparation which led to my failure. After that, I practiced playing volleyball on every day. When another tryout arrived, I was full prepared and tried my best. As a result, I was selected and became an important player on our school team.

From this, I am firmly convincing that we are able to seize a chance as long as I get well prepared.



Flying cars may soon become a 1.    (real). The rideshare service Uber has asked 2. expert from NASA, the American space agency, 3.    (help) the company develop cars that can fly.

Uber plans to use flying vehicles 4. the future to avoid traffic in and around cities. The company wants to use small, totally electric aircraft, 5. could take off and land like a helicopter on top of parking garages. Uber said its flying vehicles would be much 6. (quiet), cost less to operate and produce less pollution than helicopters.

One person in San Francisco 7. (write) on Twitter, “I used to think that flying cars was a ridiculous idea. 8. I changed my mind this morning when I sat in a heavy traffic.” Another person added from Mumbai, India: “I’m reading about Uber 9. (hire) a NASA engineer to build flying cars, while Fm stuck in traffic. There is hope.”

The expert predicts there will be several early models of cars that can’t fly 10. (they) but with human pilots within one to three years.



Thinking of my good friends, I sense that my attitudes are totally different towards men and women.

My earliest childhood friend is Donald. In the street was a (an) __ old German truck. No wheels. No doors. Each day, __ we were flying over the Atlantic in that truck our “airplane”,there came that wonderful moment: “Engine __!” I’d shout, “We’ll have to jump out.” Glancing at me,he’d say, “I can’t __!” “Fear not! I’ll drag you to the __.

And when we swam __ the dust, Donald cried “Sharks!” But I always __ him. The next day, changing __,Donald would do the same to me. We saved each other hundreds of times, but when my family really did leave for America, we could do __. We just cried silently as the train __.

These days, Jessica is one of my best friends. Recently we were swimming at a beach in the Atlantic, the __ one I had “flown” over in my German truck with Donald. We were far form shore when we both thought we __ a shark! We began swimming __ toward the shore. Although in __,I fell back to protect her. In the end» the “shark” proved __,but not my deep emotional feeling for my friend. We looked into each other’s eyes and said, “I love you!”

You see with women I could be __    ,emotionally honest and transparent. With male friends, it seemed impossible to __ caring feelings however deep the friendship was. “Am I normal?” I thought to myself. Much to my __,researches show that men and women have very different __ and rational (理性的) processes. I do love all my friends - only the means of expression __.

1.A. advanced    B. decorated    C. abandoned    D. updated

2.A. before    B. while    C. after    D. until

3.A. loss    B. death    C. pressure    D. failure

4.A. jump    B. swim    C. die    D. run

5.A. dust    B. river    C. truck    D. shore

6.A. over    B. through    C. across    D. beyond

7.A. left    B. fetched    C. rescued    D. defeated

8.A. roles    B. manners    C. images    D. forms

9.A. something    B. nothing    C. anything    D. everything

10.A. broke down    B. moved in    C. pulled away    D. blew up

11.A. very    B. last    C. first    D. only

12.A. attacked    B. spotted    C. annoyed    D. killed

13.A. eagerly    B. casually    C. hardly    D. crazily

14.A. panic    B. hesitation    C. doubt    D. silence

15.A. fierce    B. friendly    C. imaginary    D. true

16.A. cool    B. shy    C. passive    D. open

17.A. express    B. hide    C. admit    D. control

18.A. embarrassment    B. disappointment    C. relief    D. surprise

19.A. emotional    B. physical    C. mental    D. moral

20.A. changes    B. develops    C. matters    D. differs



Mary had feared the day she would draw a blank during a presentation. Then one day during a 45-minute speech, it happened. 1.. To help herself get back on track, Mary asked the audience to look at the handout and tell her what topic was up next. At the end of her presentation, audience members gave her top marks for organization.

“What I learned is that the audience doesn’t care if you mess up, and what they care about is what you are going to do about it,” Mary said. “My nervousness went away when I concentrated not on myself, but instead just thought, ‘How is my speech going to help the audience?’ 2.. Every single step of the way,ask yourself, ‘What’s in it for them?’”


Carter is the founder of Canada-based presentation skills training company. When possible, he gets to the location of his presentation the day before to make sure all the electronic aids work. He wants to ensure the screen, lighting and inputs all work properly. “In addition, build an extra plan before you present.” he said.

● Involve the audience

Whether you are giving a one-on-one talk or a speech in front of 400 people, think “story-telling”. 4.. The way to a person's head is through his heart. Sometimes all it takes is a few seconds to connect an audience member with a story.

Moreover, one thing that shocks people back into attention is to leave an almost uncomfortably long pause. 5..

A. Keep order

B. Be prepared

C. That brings them back to the speaker

D. She forgot what she was going to say

E. Once you do that, it gets rid of the fear

F. Story-telling makes messages easy to remember

G. Stories combine data and information with emotion



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