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Every year, during the Lantern Festival,...

Every year, during the Lantern Festival, the Chinese village of Nuanquan hosts one of the 1. (much) beautiful shows in the world. The tradition 2. (call) Da Shuhua involves experienced blacksmiths showering 3. (them) with molten(熔化的) iron.

Da Shuhua 4. (date) back to 300 years ago, 5. local blacksmiths came up with a unique alternative to fireworks. The rich would always celebrate New Year with firecrackers, but poor blacksmiths could not afford them, so they 6.(find) a cheaper alternative. Inspired by iron striking, the blacksmiths started melting iron to a temperature of around 1,000 and throwing it at a large stone wall to create an effect similar 7. fireworks.

The effect was so wonderful that Da Shuhua 8. (gradual) gained more appeal than firecrackers, attracting many people in the celebration. Throwing molten iron soon became a tradition in Nuanquan. Over the years the celebration has changed into 9. even more amazing show, as the blacksmiths start experimenting with other metals, like aluminium (), to create green and white 10. (flower) instead of just red.


1.most 2.called 3.themselves 4.dates 5.when 6.found 7.to 8.gradually 9.an 10.flowers 【解析】本文为介绍说明文。文章介绍了暖泉镇元宵佳节期间的“打树花”习俗的起源。 1.考查形容词最高级。根据语境可知,此处指“最美丽的展出之一”,beautiful为多音节形容词,应使用most构成最高级。故填 most。 2.考查非谓语动词。此处与the tradition构成逻辑动宾关系,应使用过去分词作后置定语,意为“被称为打树花的传统活动”。故填called。 3.考查反身代词。句意:被称为打树花的传统活动涉及到有经验的铁匠亲自泼洒熔化的铁水。根据句意,此处应使用反身代词。故填themselves。 4.考查动词时态。句意:打树花起源于300年前。date back to“追溯到”,要求使用一般现在时的主动形式。故填dates。 5.考查定语从句。此处为定语从句,先行词为300 years ago,从句主谓宾齐全,连词在从句中作时间状语,应使用表时间的关系副词。故填when。 6.考查动词时态。此处描述的是过去的动作,应使用一般过去时。故填found。 7.考查介词搭配。similar与介词to搭配,意为“与……相似”。故填to。 8.考查副词。此处修饰动词gained,应使用副词形式。故填gradually。 9.考查冠词。此处泛指“一个甚至更令人惊奇的展出”,even是元音音素开头的词,应使用不定冠词an。故填an。 10.考查名词单复数。根据语境可知,此处指“很多绿色和白色的花”,肯定不是一朵,应使用复数形式。故填flowers。 【名师点睛】 本题中的第5小题考查了定语从句中关系副词的使用,这里很容易误填which。定语从句中关系代词与关系副词的区分是语法填空和改错中是经常考查的,也是难点。现简单总结如下: 基本方法如下: 先把主句和定语从句分开,再找出定语从句所修饰的名词/代词(即先行词),然后放入定语从句中,看看这两者的搭配情况。 1)如果定语从句和该先行词可以直接相连,且在从句中充当主语/宾语/表语的话,则用关系代词。因为关系代词也属于代词,而代词功能同名词,在句子中一般充当语/宾语/表语。如:This is the city (which/that) you visited last year.解析:定语从句所修饰的先行词是the city,放入定语从句you visited last year中,则它直接充当visited的宾语,变成you visited the city last year. 2)如果定语从句和该先行词无法直接相连,必须另外多加上介词,并在定语从句中充当状语时,则使用关系副词。先行词是地点,用where;先行词是时间,用when;先行词是原因,用why。如:This is the city where you stayed last year.解析:定语从句所修饰的先行词也是the city,将其放入定语从句中不能直接作成分,必须加上介词in,一起做从句的地点状语,即定语从句变为you stayed in the city last year.

My dad is my hero because he is brave, skilled,and respectful. I know many people say their dads are their heroes, but my dad __ me about becoming a man, which is    __ important for a young boy.

Respect goes a long way with my dad, as does patience. As a(n)    __,my dad must __ people every day,some of whom are nice and some are not. Either way,he __    his well-mannered attitude.

Dad is not afraid of many things, or if he is, he doesn’t tell me __     he wants to seem tough. He may not be a big guy but since he works with his __ all day, he is very strong. Dad works outdoors in all kinds of __ but the worst thing he has to do is __ up and work in an attic (顶楼) in the middle of the summer. Trust me, this is the __ place you will experience as an electrician and when you come back __,what is in your lungs will make you __ for hours.

My dad and I have a very good __. We talk about almost everything. We go hunting, fishing,and everything a dad and son would do. My dad and I enjoy hiking __ because it gives us time outdoors together and there is nothing like that. He has __ and taught me everything I need to know about ___

I am __ to be the son of Mike C., and would not have it any other way. People come up to me all the time to __ me I have a good dad. It makes me feel __ that a lot of people think so __ of him. He is a good teacher of my life and would do anything for me. This is why my father is my hero.

1.A. arranges    B. teaches    C. worries    D. reminds

2.A. specially    B. extremely    C. nearly    D. hardly

3.A. worker    B. officer    C. electrician    D. engineer

4.A. look after    B. deal with    C. wait for    D. search for

5.A. offers    B. makes    C. hides    D. keeps

6.A. though    B. unless    C. until    D. because

7.A. brain    B. mouth    C. hands    D. legs

8.A. positions    B. situations    C. conditions    D. destinations

9.A. climb    B. put    C. send    D. set

10.A. coldest    B. highest    C. best    D. hottest

11.A. down    B. over    C. inside    D. up

12.A. rest    B. cough    C. ache    D. sleep

13.A. relationship    B. friendship    C. agreement    D. companion

14.A. widest    B. least    C. most    D. latest

15.A. learned    B. referred    C. shown    D. collected

16.A. animals    B. nature    C. study    D. skills

17.A. excited    B. eager    C. surprised    D. proud

18.A. ask    B. warn    C. tell    D. promise

19.A. well    B. good    C. nervous    D. nicely

20.A. easily    B. seriously    C. highly    D. lightly



The new school year is right around the corner, and the adjustment to returning to school may take a few weeks. 1. Kids today are faced with far more than learning new material. Interacting with teachers and other students, bullying (欺凌), peer (伙伴) pressure and school violence are just a few of the challenges children face.

The Kern County Sheriff s Office would like to provide the following tips for parents on how to protect your children, and how to teach them to protect themselves.


Map out a safe way for your children to walk to school or to the bus stop.

Teach your children to always be aware of their surroundings. 3. Choose a different route or walk on the opposite side of the street.

Bus Safety

Make sure your children arrive at least five minutes early for the bus.

Be aware that bullying often happens on the bus. Ask your children about their bus rides, who they sit with, and what goes on in the bus. 4. After School

5. It could be your parents or any of your neighbors who can take care of your children for you. Make sure they inform you of it the moment your children arrive home.

At School

Teach your children to resolve problems without fighting. Many parents mislead their children to solve problems by force in fear that their children may be bullied at school, which will only lead to more trouble. Anyway,encourage your children to report bullying behavior, either as a victim or a witness.


A. Getting to School

B. Preparing for School

C. Encourage them to report any bullying behavior on the bus.

D. Some kids just can’t wait to return to school after a long holiday.

E. Have your children check in with an adult as soon as they get home.

F. Be aware of slow moving vehicles or parked vehicles that appear to be occupied.

G. Returning to school can be fun and exciting, but it can also be difficult for some children.




Researchers have created a backpack that has a computer and medicines in it that can help even untrained soldiers save the lives of wounded troops. Wounded soldiers have a better chance of survival if they get help soon after being hurt and are quickly taken to a hospital or clinic. But soldiers who do not have medical training may not know how to help their injured friends.

Doctors and engineers have developed what they call an “intelligent backpack”.It has a computer and electronic measuring devices. The backpack also has robotic instruments and medicines ready to give to injured troops.

About 16 doctors and engineers from the University of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon University and several other places are working on the project. The U. S. Department of Defense has given money to the project.

Ron Poropatich leads the project. He is a retired army surgeon. He says the backpack will help soldiers care for those who are injured. The devices included in the backpack can monitor a person^ heart rate and blood pressure. The robotic instruments can even tell whether the soldier has a collapsed lung.

The intelligent backpack's computer can compare information gathered about the injured soldier with thousands of similar cases, and quickly tell the best methods to use to save the soldier’s life.

Sometimes, it is not always possible to quickly remove the injured soldier from the battlefield.So,Dr. Poropatich says, the researchers hope to create a backpack that will have devices .that can keep a .soldier alive for a long time. Dr. Poropatich hopes the backpack and its instruments will be ready for testing animals in about three years.

1.What can we learn from the first paragraph?

A. The backpack can play a big part in the battlefield.

B. Most of the soldiers can’t use the backpack correctly.

C. Soldiers should have taken medical training.

D. War or battle has brought harm to the world.

2.How many kinds of items are mentioned in the backpack?

A. 4.    B. 5.    C. 3.    D. 2.

3.What can we know according to Ron Poropatich?

A. The project got support from the whole world.

B. The robotic instruments can monitor lungs.

C. The injurer's heart disease can he cured.

D. The devices can adjust soldiers’ blood pressure.

4.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. Researchers and Their Wonderful Discovery

B. Medical Care Tested on the Wounded Soldiers

C. Emergency Medical Care in a Backpack

D. Robotic Devices Used in the Battlefield



Though many people tell us we can’t succeed, we need to hear others,opinions. I remember my high school English teacher telling me not to apply to Cornell University because they wouldn’t accept me and even if they did, I wouldn’t be able to do the work. I almost didn’t apply but a few days later I saw Ivan Goldfarb, a former teacher and asked him about Cornell. He said, “If you get in,then you go. You can do it.” His words made all the difference. I applied, and was accepted.

Too often we think it’s our role to put “reality” into someone’s life. We think it’s our job to protect people from the pain of failure and defeat. We think we must point out how bad the economy is and how horrible the job market is and how the sky is falling. We think that dreams are meant for others.

I say    there    are enough “realists” in the world.    The    world doesn’t    need    more negativity and impossible thinkers. The world needs more optimists,encouragers,and inspirers. The world needs more people to speak into the hearts of others and say “I believe in you.” “Follow your passion and live your purpose.” “The job market is not great but I believe you’ll find the right job for you.” and so on.

When it comes to encouragement, I know that everyone loves working for and with people who bring out the best in us. And while we'll always remember the negative people who told us we couldn’t accomplish something, we will always cherish and hold a special place in our heart for those who encouraged us.

Today I want to encourage you to be an encourager. So often the difference between success and failure is belief. And so often that belief is instilled (逐步灌输) in us by someone who encouraged us.

1.After a talk with the English teacher, the author thought        .

A. he would have a try even if he was to meet with a failure

B. he cast much doubt on what the teacher had said

C. whether he should give up his dream

D. he should turn to another person for advice

2.Whom would you wish to get advice from if you were a person in need?

A. One who can foresee your failure in the future.

B. One who can analyze the severe situation ahead.

C. One who is willing to help you with your work.

D. One who can stimulate your courage and creativity.

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A. Your casual words may have a big effect on others.

B. It is better not to tell truth when you are asked for advice.

C. No one on earth is content to believe a true word.

D. Teachers should be cautious of what they do.



As confusion disappeared, we found freedom, time, and energy to do more of what we love. We started hiking more and added weekend and weeklong camping trips. In doing so,we realized more and more benefits of being outdoors.

The physical health benefits from being outside may be pretty obvious at first, but there are more than I realized. Studies have shown that besides the vitamin D intake, being outside can even reduce recovery and healing time. Activity outdoors can also have a higher fitness benefit than exercise done indoors.

A walk in the woods or even just a quick trip to a park can help reduce anxiety, improve short-term memory and reduce mental tiredness. Any time I need a boost in my mood, spending even five minutes in the sunshine will help. Imagine the benefits we receive from spending an entire day or even more outdoors.

As I’ve made it my preference to be outdoors, I find myself inspired and excited about life. Many people claim that their best ideas come to them in the shower. I have had the same happen when in nature. My creativity, confidence, and focus all increase after a hike or a weekend spent camping.

In between my my generation and the generation of my children, there has been an extreme decrease in the amount of time kids are spending more time indoors than ever before and shares shocking statistics of how little time kids get out VS hours of screen time each day. This has given rise to many negative consequences such as poorer physical and mental health.

However, as mentioned previously, all the benefits we as adults can receive from time spent outdoors, it is even better for our kids. It is clear that time in nature is good for both adults and children.

1.According to the passage, we can know that          .

A. it is necessary to take in more vitamin D

B. being outside helps us get well sooner

C. indoor exercise is kind of harmful to health

D. keeping fit is very important for children

2.How does the author give advice to readers?

A. By making comparisons.

B. By presenting his personal experience.

C. By giving warnings.

D. By following the order of importance.

3.When does the author have his best ideas?

A. When he is having a shower.

B. When he is with the kids.

C. When he is in nature.

D. When he comes back from work.

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A. The author is an expert in physical health.

B. The author is strict with his children.

C. Many children still prefer to stay indoors.

D. Most parents ignore the value of being outdoors.



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