满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I went to the store to get some balloons...

I went to the store to get some balloons and wrapping paper for a present for my daughter’s birthday. I went to stand in line and saw a lady trying to get her kids to come to the register,______them as they were taking their time picking out something. I _______to let her go before me, but she ______declined. She tried again to get her two children to get a move on. I could hear the ______in her voice.______I was paying for my items, I asked the_______if she could hold my balloons for a second.

Then I heard the _____of the lady as I guess she thought I was taking too long. What she didn’t ______was that I asked the cashier to hold the ______for me so I could get a $20 bill out for her. I turned to her and ______her the $20. At that time her kids finally got in line and were obviously_______. I advised the lady to buy some ______for herself to make her not that depressed. I told the kids to make sure mommy got flowers and they _____ . She so appreciated this random act of ______. I was happy and left the store.

Once outside the store, I was at my car_______my daughter’s gift as I would be going straight to her home as soon as I was done. This lady ______to me and asked me if she could take a picture of us ______. I agreed and she got a picture and was so ______to me. I gave her a ______and told her to be ______to herself.

1.A. scolding    B. rushing    C. ordering    D. dragging

2.A. offered    B. promised    C. refused    D. hoped

3.A. anxiously    B. proudly    C. patiently    D. politely

4.A. tiredness    B. sorrow    C. depression    D. excitement

5.A. Although    B. As    C. Because    D. Until

6.A. cashier    B. seller    C. assistant    D. waitress

7.A. shout    B. sob    C. scream    D. sigh

8.A. ignore    B. admit    C. realize    D. imagine

9.A. balloons    B. items    C. bag    D. basket

10.A. dropped    B. delivered    C. handed    D. threw

11.A. thrilled    B. amazed    C. frightened    D. disappointed

12.A. flowers    B. gifts    C. food    D. clothes

13.A. approved    B. discussed    C. hesitated    D. agreed

14.A. beauty    B. kindness    C. carefulness    D. spirit

15.A. A. wrapping    B. cleaning    C. decorating    D. repairing

16.A. pulled up    B. carried on    C. came up    D. turned out

17.A. alone    B. together    C. soon    D. later

18.A. devoted    B. kind    C. friendly    D. grateful

19.A. glance    B. talk    C. hug    D. look

20.A. gentle    B. mean    C. faithful    D. good


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.C 11.B 12.A 13.D 14.B 15.A 16.C 17.B 18.D 19.C 20.D 【解析】 1.考察非谓语动词及语境的理解。根据“kids to come to the register,___1___them as they were taking their time picking out something. ”可知此处应为分词形式,“ I ___2___to let her go before me, ”可知,他们很仓促。故选B。 2.考查动词及语境的理解。根据“saw a lady trying to get her kids to come to the register,___1___them as they were taking their time picking out something. ”可知,看到这位女士很急,她决定让他们先来。故选A。 3.考察副词及语境的理解。根据“ they were taking their time picking out something. I ___2___to let her go before me”可知,我让那位女士先,但是她拒绝了。A anxiously焦虑地;B proudly自豪地;C patiently耐心地;D politely礼貌地。故选D。 4.考察语境的理解。根据“. She tried again to get her two children to get a move on. I could hear the ___4___in her voice.”可知,她又试着让她的两个孩子动起来,我能听到她沮丧的声音。故选C。 5.考察连词及语境的理解。根据“___5___I was paying for my items, I asked the___6___if she could hold my balloons for a second.”可知,当我支付我的东西时,我问她是否要抓住我的气球。故选B。 6.考察名词及语境的理解。根据“, I asked the___6___if she could hold my balloons for a second.”可知,我在支付东西,则问收银员。A cashier收银员;B seller售货员;C assistant 助手;D waitress服务员。故选A。 7.考察动词及语境的理解。根据“. I could hear the ___4___in her voice”“Then I heard the ___7___of the lady as I guess she thought I was taking too long. ”可知,听到她沮丧的声音,所以我听到那位女士在叹气。故选D。 8.考察动词及语境的理解。根据“What she didn’t ___8___was that I asked the cashier to hold the ___9___for me so I could get a $20 bill out for her”可知,我在问那个收银员的时候,那位女士没有意识到。故选C。 9.考察名词及语境的理解。根据前文“I was paying for my items, I asked the___6___if she could hold my balloons for a second.”和“ she didn’t ___8___was that I asked the cashier to hold the ___9___for me so I could get a $20 bill out for her”可知,我问她是否要抓住我手里的气球。故选A。 10.考察动词及语境的理解。根据“so I could get a $20 bill out for her. I turned to her and ___10___her the $20.”可知,我可以得到20美元的钞票,我转头看她,把钱给了她。故选C。 11.考察形容词及语境的理解。根据“. I turned to her and ___10___her the $20. At that time her kids finally got in line and were obviously___11___. ”可知,我转过给她20美元,那时,她的孩子在排队,我很惊讶。故选B。 12.考察名词及语境的理解。根据“ I advised the lady to buy some ___12___for herself to make her not that depressed. ”可知,我建议那位女士买一些花给自己,使自己不要那么沮丧。故选A。 13.考察动词及语境的理解。根据“I advised the lady to buy some ___12___for herself to make her not that depressed. I told the kids to make sure mommy got flowers and they ___13___ . ”可知,我建议那位女士买花,并且告诉她的孩子们,孩子也同意了。故选D。 14.考察名词及语境的理解。根据“She so appreciated this random act of ___14___. I was happy and left the store.”可知,她很感激这次偶然的遇见,我也很开心的离开这个商店。故选B。 15.考察语境的理解。根据“Once outside the store, I was at my car___15___my daughter’s gift as I would be going straight to her home as soon as I was done. ”可知,我一出商店,发现我的车缠绕着我女儿的礼物。故选A。 16.考察短语及语境的理解。根据“I would be going straight to her home as soon as I was done. This lady ___16___to me and asked me if she could take a picture of us ___17___”可知,这个女士赶上我,问我们是否拍照。A pulled up拉起来;B carried on进行;C came u赶上;D turned out装束。故选C。 17.考察语境的理解。根据“This lady ___16___to me and asked me if she could take a picture of us ___17___”可知,这个女士拉着我,问我能否和我们一起拍照。故选B。 18.考察形容词及语境的理解。根据“I agreed and she got a picture and was so ___18___to me”可知,我同意和她一起拍照,她很感激我。故选D。 19.考察动词及语境的理解。根据“I agreed and she got a picture and was so ___18___to me. I gave her a ___19___and told her to be ___20___to herself.”可知,她很感激我,所以我给了她一个拥抱。故选C。 20.考察形容词及语境的理解。根据“I agreed and she got a picture and was so ___18___to me. I gave her a ___19___and told her to be ___20___to herself.”可知,我给了她一个拥抱。告诉她对自己好点。故选D. 【名师点睛】完形填空的考点: 重语境 完形填空着眼于整体理解,必须在对短文大意进行了解的基础上才能准确的推知答案。因此,需要注意上下句的逻辑关系以及整片文章的情节,尤其是在需要填连接性词语时更需要上下文提供的线索,把自己置身于情景当中进行填空,这样才能比较顺利且有把握地捕捉到正确信息。如(2)小题,你要通过前后文才能得知答案。 重实词 完形填空的命题是在一句话中的关键词语上做文章。考察的词语大多是名词,动词,形容词,副词等实词,当然也不排除能左右文章内容的一些虚词,如介词,连词等。如本题的第 (11)小题,A thrilled非常兴奋地;B amazed惊讶的;C frightened害怕的;D disappointed沮丧的。 完形填空主要是对文章意思的全体把握。

A warm car and a long journey means that staying hydrated(有水的)is essential for all the family, so keep your drinks within easy reach with a holder.1.That is, you can keep everything in one place, rather than having to search through endless pockets and bags.

One of the keys to a successful road trip is having enough space to be comfortable.2.A roof box means there’s plenty of safe, dry storage for bags and cases, without a tower of belongings piled on the knees of everyone on the back seat.

Kids are messy and adults aren’t always much better.3.Keep it clean and tidy when you’re on the move.

Sunshades(遮阳蓬)are a must for long journeys with children.4.Many are transparent (透明的)enough for your children to still be able to see the world outside.

If tiredness hits, help little passengers to catch 40 winks and wake up refreshed with a supportive travel pillow.   5..

Make sure journeys aren’t any longer (or more stressful) than they need to be. It’ll get you where you want to go without any needless routes or arguing over directions.

A. Try to be as light as possible during your travels.

B. That needn’t mean you have to save on what you pack.

C. Once all is calm, parents might even be able to sleep, too.

D. They keep them comfortable and protect them from harmful rays.

E. It’s always important to take care of your health when you’re traveling

F. So when you’re on a road trip your car becomes a temporary mobile home

G. Many products also have a handy holder for phones, wallets and other small things.



A little before nine o’clock on Tuesday night, Antonio Gutierrez found himself facing a welcome dilemma. Might he, a waitress asked, have room for a second helping of pudding?

By day, the Robin Hood restaurant, which sits on a side street near the centre of Madrid, is a typical Spanish bar. But at night, it transforms itself into a pioneering place where homeless people, such as Antonio Gutiérrez, can dine, free of charge, at tables set with flowers and proper glasses.

The restaurant is the latest plan from the charity Mensajeros de la Paz, meaning messengers of peace, which

Was founded 54 years ago by Father Angel(安吉神父)García Rodriguez. “The inspiration came from Pope (教皇)Francis, who’s spoken again and again about the importance of giving people dignity, whether it’s through bread or through work,” said Father Angel. “So we thought, why not open a restaurant? People with nothing can come and eat here and get the same treatment as everyone else.”

Like many Spanish charities, Mensajeros de la Paz is still dealing with the human consequences of the country’s financial crisis, which has left the overall unemployment rate close to 20% and youth unemployment among Europe’s highest at 42%.

Each day, Father Angel’s nearby church provides 200 homeless people with breakfast and lunch. In the evening, the new restaurant feeds 100 homeless people. If the restaurant proves successful, the charity plans to extend the scheme and hopes it will attract famous chefs who will come to cook in the kitchen occasionally.

“The food here is tasty,” said Gutiérrez. “I’d give it lots of stars and I’ll be back tomorrow.” Gutiérrez had not eaten in such a restaurant for five years, except when Father Angel had taken him out.

1.Which of the following can best describe Father Angel?

A. Old and successful

B. Kind and respectable

C. Creative and gifted

D. Brave and determined

2.What can we know about the restaurant?

A. It was set up by Father Angel

B. It is in the center of Madrid

C. Its dishes are mainly cooked by famous chefs

D. It provides 100 homeless people with dinners every day

3.What does Gutiérrez think of the food in the restaurant?

A. Disgusting    B. Cheap

C. Delicious    D. Smelly

4.What’s the best title for the text?

A. A homeless person’s special experience

B. A pioneering Robin Hood restaurant for the homeless

C. A plan to reduce unemployment rate

D. Father Angel and his charity



10-year-old Mikaila Ulmer is building a lemonade empire, and hoping to save honey bees in the process! It all started when Mikaila was 4 years old and she was stung()by a bee twice in one week! This caused her to become very scared whenever bees were near.

In order or help her deal with this new fear, MIkaila’s parents asked her to do some research on bees. She learned that bees are very important for flowers, gardens and trees as pollinators(传粉者). She also learned that they are dying at a rapid rate. In the past year, honey bee farmers have reported losing nearly 42% of their bees! Many believe that this could be due to the overuse of pesticides(杀虫剂), which can have many bad effects on bees.

This is what set her mind to create a product to help save bees. She decided she would sell lemonade and she started her company, BeeSweet Lemonade. Her special lemonade recipe came from her great-grandmother’s cookbook. She decided to add honey to it, instead of sugar, in order to call attention to the problems honey bees face. Mikaila sells lemonade almost every day at her lemonade stand! And she takes every opportunity to tell her customers about the problems facing honey bees.

What began as a small operation is starting to grow. BeeSweet is projected to sell almost 140,000 bottles of lemonade this year! BeeSweet lemonade can be found on the shelves at select Whole Foods Markets as well as many restaurants and other locations near her home in Austin, Texas.

1.What’s Mikaila’s attitude to bees during her childhood?

A. Favorable    B. Frightened

C. Caring    D. Friendly

2.Why did MIkaila add honey to her lemonade?

A. To create a special flavor

B. To make herself famous and popular

C. To be in honor of her great-grandmother

D. To remind people of the problems honey bees face

3.We can infer from the 4th paragraph that Mikaila’s company_______.

A. is in trouble    B. is in debt

C. runs very well    D. expands quickly



Parents must focus on a healthy balanced lifestyle for their children instead of focusing on weight or dieting in order to prevent obesity(肥胖)and eating disorder among teenagers, say new guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics. The guidelines were developed in response to growing concern about teenagers’ use of unhealthy methods to lose weight.

Quick weight loss methods can cause medical consequences such as unstable heart rate. Also, teenagers who diet in ninth grade are three times more likely than their peers(同龄人)to be over-weight in 12th grade, the researchers said. “Scientific evidence increasingly shows that for teenagers, dieting is bad news,” said lead author Neville Golden, Professor at the Stanford University.

Parents should not encourage dieting, and should avoid “weight talk” such as commenting on their own weight or their children’s weight. Instead parents should help their children develop a healthy body image by encouraging them to eat a balanced diet and exercise for fitness, not weight loss, the researchers states. Further, they should also never tease teenagers about their weight. Negative comments about weight can also be detrimental to a teenager’s health.

“Mothers who talk about their own bodies and weights can encourage their kids to have body dissatisfaction, which we see in half of teenage girls and a quarter of boys,” Golden noted. Such dissatisfaction is associated with lower levels of physical activities and with use of laxatives(泻药)to control weight.

Families should eat regular meals together, the researchers suggested, adding that eating family meals is likely to prevent weight problems, said the paper published online in the journal Pediatrics. Eating too fast, eating when not hungry, always eating dessert, eating out often are not advisable when you watch your weight.

1.What is likely to happened to teenagers if they go on a diet in ninth grade?

A. Their studies will suffer a lot

B. They’ll probably have unstable heart rate

C. They’re more likely to be overweight in 12th grade

D. They’ll probably have eating disorder problems

2.What should parents do to prevent teenager obesity?

A. Urge teenagers to go on a strict diet

B. Comment on their own weight when eating

C. Express their dissatisfaction about their bodies

D. Encourage teenagers to eat healthily and exercise properly

3.What does the underlined word “detrimental” in the third paragraph probably mean?

A. Strange    B. Harmful

C. Necessary    D. Deadly

4.Which is considered helpful to prevent overweight?

A. Eating family meals more often

B. Eating only when hungry

C. Dinning out often

D. Eating too slow



Here are four tips to enjoy a Swedish summer.

Stay in a cottage

There are nearly 600,000 summer houses in Sweden. And more than 50% of the Swedes have access to them through family or friends. A few of the most popular summer house destinations for Swedes can be found in the provinces of Smaland, Skane and Oland. If you want to spend your summer like a Swede, make sure to spend a few nights in a cottage.

Follow the trail to Gotland

The island of Gotland is where half of Stockholmers go during the summer. In the medieval (中世纪)city of Visby, ancient streets and city walls meet modern restaurants, cafes and shops. A short ferry ride northeast of Gotland lies the smaller island of Faro, where director Ingmar Bergman used to live. Both Faro and Gotland are famous for their many flea markets.

Check out a music festival

Swedish summer is a festival season. Way Out West, or WOW, is the most popular music festival with about 30,000 visitors. It is usually held in Gothenburg park of Slottsskogen in August. It has been prized as the Most Innovative Festival by MTV and, since 2012, WOW has only served vegetarian food(素食). The decision, praised by Jamie Oliver, has reduced the festival’s carbon footprint by 20%. WOW is also Europe’s biggest combined music and film festival.

Pick blueberries in Dalarna

Dalarna is perhaps the most Swedish province, with its red wooden cottages, deep green forests and Dala horses. This region is perfect for making yourself involved in traditional Midsummer celebrations or listening to Swedish folk music. When you need a break from all of this loud Swedishness, head into the woods for some quiet blueberry picking.

1.What should you do if you want to spend your summer vacation like a Swede?

A. Spend a few nights in a cottage

B. Pick blueberries in Dalarna

C. Follow the trail to Gotland

D. Attend a music festival

2.Where did the director Ingmar Bergman use to live?

A. The island of Gotland

B. The Gothenburg park

C. The island of Faro

D. The city of Visby

3.What is special about the music festival WOW?

A. It only serves vegetarian food now

B. It is held in honor of Jamie Oliver

C. It is the biggest festival in the world

D. It attracts about 30,000 Swedes every year

4.Which of the following provinces is a typical Swedish area?

A. Stockholm    B. Skane

C. Oland    D. Dalarna



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