满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Before World War II,all bank tellers(出纳)...

Before World War IIall bank tellers(出纳)were men. But as men went to war during the early 1940s, banks trained women to take their place. I was among 20 women selected by Bank of America to work as a teller at a small branch in Los Angeles.

November 231942 was a day I'll never forget when I was 22 years old and just two months on the job. When a well-dressed man in a suit, tie and hat came to my window. I greeted him with a friendly  “Good afternoon.” But he shouted,“This is it!”

'The man placed a brown bag on the counter and said; "Fill it up.”Because of 'the way he was dressed, it didn't dawn on me that this was a hold-up(持枪抢劫). I was sure it must be a test of the new tellers' ability to follow bank rules. Eager to pass such a test, I coolly opened the bag, and then calmly filled it with marked bills.

“None of these!” the man shouted, insisting that I fill the bag with cash from another teller’s drawer. Well, that was a big no-no from training: You never touch another teller's cash! I firmly told him it was against bank rules. You can imagine the disbelief on the robber' s face. Other tellers later told me they couldn't believe I refused the robber's demands.

When the man told me to stand in front of the other staff along the wall, threatening to shoot me if anyone moved, I finally realized this was real. After the robber fled the bank, the manager got his gun and went after the robber but he failed to catch him. The robber was caught after another bank hold-up, and I was told I was the first female teller to be held up in California, which was a fact that attracted many reporters.

1.Why was it easy for the author to become a bank teller?

A. Females were thought responsible.

B. There was a lack of male workers.

C. She worked far better than men

D. Women could be trained easily.

2.Why did the author feel calm at the beginning of the incident?

A. She was well trained.

B. She took it for a test.

C. She knew the man had no gun with him.

D. She had experienced the same thing before.

3.How did the robber feel when he heard the author's words in Paragraph 4?

A. Worried.    B. Disappointed.

C. Skeptical.    D. Ashamed.

4.What can be inferred about the author after the incident?

A. She was the subject of many news stories.

B. She caught the robber in another hold-up.

C. She was to blame for losing money.

D. She succeed in changing her job.


fact that attracted many reporters. A选项She was the subject of many news stories..☞关键词the subject of many news stories 【解析】文章讲述作者作为一位银行的女出纳,被劫持的经历。作为第一位被劫持的女出纳,事后成为了新闻的焦点。 1.推理判断题。根据第一段的句子But as men went to war during the early 1940s, banks trained women to take their place.因为男士们在20世纪40年代早期,都去打仗了,银行训练女士来取代他们的位置。可推断作者容易地成为银行出纳的原因是缺少男职工,故选B。 2.细节理解题。根据第三段中的句子Because of 'the way he was dressed, it didn't dawn on me that this was a hold-up(持枪抢劫). I was sure it must be a test of the new tellers' ability to follow bank rules.因为他的穿着,我并没意识到这是一个持枪抢劫。我认为这一定是对新出纳的能力测试。所以我一开始保持冷静是因为我误认为这是一次测试。故选B。 3.细节理解题。根据第四段中的句子I firmly told him it was against bank rules. You can imagine the disbelief on the robber' s face.可知听到作者拒绝他,他感到难以相信。故选项C(怀疑的)正确。 4.推理判断题。根据最后一部分内容I was told I was the first female teller to be held up in California, which was a fact that attracted many reporters.我被告知我是加州第一位被抢劫的女出纳,这是一个吸引很多记者的事实,可推断这次事件之后,作者成为很多新闻故事的焦点,故选A。 【名师点睛】 推理判断主要的解题策略有: (1)根据不同文体,推断目的意图。不同的文章可能有不同的写作目的, 通常作者的写作目的有以下三种:1) to entertain readers(娱乐读者,让人发笑),常见于故事类的文章。2) to persuade readers(说服读者接受某种观点)常见于广告类的文章。3) to inform readers(告知读者某些信息)多见于科普类﹑新闻报道类﹑文化类或社会类的文章。阅读时要善于根据文章的文体来学会推断作者的情感态度和目的。 (2)根据用词风格,推断情感态度。一篇好的文章,其用词风格常常直接流露或蕴含作者的内心世界和情感态度。所以阅读时要善于捕捉表达或暗示情感态度的词句或短语,捕捉那些烘托气氛,渲染情感的词句,进而很好地洞察作者的思想倾向,是支持、反对抑或中立?对于选项而言,要分清选项中的褒义词、中性词和贬义词,以此对照全文。如:1)表示褒义的词语:positive赞成的,supporting支持的,praising赞扬的,optimistic乐观的,admiring羡慕的,enthusiastic热情的等;2)表示中性的词语:uninterested无兴趣的,不感兴趣的; neutral中立的;impersonal不带个人感情的;subjective主观的;objective客观的等;3)表示贬义的词语:disgusted感到恶心的,厌恶的;critical批评的;negative 否定的,反对的;suspicious怀疑的;tolerant容忍的,忍让的;worried 担忧的等。 (3)根据写作思路,推断段落发展。不同的文体,写作思路和写作手法也不尽相同。做题时,要善于体会作者的写作思路,揣摩作者的谋篇布局,从宏观上左右文章的结构框架;同时,还要把握作者行文时所运用的修辞手段,如对比、举例、下定义等。通过梳理写作思路,明晰写作手法,即可对文章的发展做出比较科学合理的推断和预测。 (4)根据事实细节,推断合理信息。推理题要求在理解原文表面文字信息的基础上,做出一定判断和推论,从而得到文章的隐含意义和深层意义。推理题所涉及的内容可能是文中某一句话,也可是某几句话,但做题的指导思想都是以文字信息为依据,既不能做出在原文中找不到文字根据的推理,也不能根据表面文字信息做多步推理。也就是说,要做到判断有据, 推论有理, 忠实原文。切忌用自己的观点代替作者的本意,切忌片面思考,得出片面结论。例如:本题中的第4小题: 4.A【解题剖析】此题属于推理判断题中的(4)根据事实细节,推断合理信息。答案需要从文章最后一段中的I was told I was the first female teller to be held up in California, which was a fact that attracted many reporters.进行推断。 【答案定位】根据文章最后一段I was told I was the first female teller to be held up in California, which was a fact that attracted many reporters. 我被告知我是加州第一位被抢劫的女出纳,这是一个吸引很多记者的事实。 【推理关系】题干What can be inferred about the author after the incident?☞文章内容I was told I was the first female teller to be held up in California, which was a fact that attracted many reporters.

Looking for volunteers


Fancy running a programme item or two?

We are looking for volunteers to run a number of programme items. If you meet one or more of the following requirements, we are very happy to hear about them at programme@dwcon.org.

Have guitar, will travel

We have two sing-along items planned (one of them aimed specifically at kids). Unfortunately, one organizer had to leave for some personal reasons, so we need one or two people. We are happy to discuss what we had in mind, but this can be run in any way you want.

Have questions, can point

We have two panels(专家咨询组)for this year: panel on writing and panel on story archetypes(原型).

We are looking for two volunteers to run these panels as chair. The main responsibility will be to point at people with questions, and have a few questions /remarks(评述)ready in case the audience has no ideas yet. Or if you always want to know something of course.

Play recorder

On Friday evening we will have a karaoke-like programme item, and we are looking for one or two volunteers to act as “DJ”. Music and equipment will be provided, so we mostly expect you to keep track of whose turn it is to sing

Have eyes for colour

Guess what, this is a paint-related item. We would like to make “rock puppets(木偶),and we need one or two volunteers to guide that. Paint and rocks will be provided.

1.The volunteers who will work on the two panels should __________

A. be experts on writing.

B. be skilled at telling stories.

C. be good at asking questions

D. be experienced in chairing competitions

2.What is the duty of a volunteer “DJ”?

A. To make sure the equipment works well.

B. To play records for the person who will sing.

C. To make plans for the karaoke-like programme.

D. To choose the right music for the person to sing.

3.What should the volunteers work as for the paint-related item?

A. Guides.    B. Painters.

C. Organizers.    D. Chairpersons.







Dear Editor,

I’m writing with regard to the topic in your newspaper that some children are strongly against their parents’ having another child.








Li Hua










The summer holiday is coming. My classmates and I are talking about how to do during the holiday. We can chose between staying at home and take a trip. If we stay at home, it is comfortable but there is no need to spend money. But in that case, we will learn little about world. If we go on a trip abroad, we can broaden your view and gain knowledges we cannot get from books. Some classmates suggest we can go to places of interest nearby. I thought that it is a good idea. It does not cost many, yet we can still learn a lot.



Just when I though there could be no way to comfort my two children, Robbie and Krista, only hours after burying their father, there was a special gift just for us. The morning was1.(cloud) with light drizzles(细雨)at times. The only2.(think) that came to my mind was how to comfort my children. My home was 3. (fill) with friends. My father had taken the children to play in the backyard to make them calm.

As my 4.(friend) would leave, I would walk them to the front door to see them 5.. We found the most amazing sight6.we walked out the front door:The end of a rainbow was clearly in our front yard,7. made all of us astonished.Before I could catch my breath,my father and the children were calling me from the backyard 8. (excite) to come and look at the beautiful rainbow in the backyard.

I ran to the backyard to see it. I looked over the house to see the most perfect rainbow 9. (shoot) its colors directly over our house. There were no words to describe the10. (warm) in my heart for what we were seeing: a true gift from God. It was a sign to me that he was still with us. I couldn’t help but cry.



The tourist bus winded its way into a mountainous area. When it was ______to make a turn, two passengers, —a ______ of young lovers—were so attracted by the beautiful scenery that they ______ a stop to get down. They were left behind and the bus went ______. Suddenly they heard a loud boom ______ of the road. It was a huge rock rolling down in the landslide that hit the bus and fell with it into a deep valley. The lovers were greatly ______ by the news that no passengers on board ______. When they calmed down they ______ and expressed their feelings in a few words.

The above story was told by a guide when we were riding a tourist ______ to a beautiful mountain. He asked us to guess what the lovers said ______ after the disaster that they had narrowly escaped.

Often we read reports about traffic accidents, among which there were ______ ones who missed the bus and ______ the disaster. Those people usually said with a sigh of ______ “Fortunately I was not on board.” On our bus the passengers’ ______ to the guide were various.

But the answer was quite out of our expectation. “If we hadn’t got down and ______ the bus, it would have ______ the dangerous spot and all the passengers would have survived.”

The story passed from person to person as a sort of wit test, but I think ______. It actually serves as a(n) ______ of a person’s mind. I pay my heart—felt respect to the couple who, instead of feeling lucky, ______ themselves for causing the loss of lives. People all have heart for ______, but it is often a flashing thought across one’s mind that decides whether it is good or evil (邪恶的).

1.A. ready    B. permitted    C. asked    D. about

2.A. couple    B. group    C. party    D. row

3.A. got to    B. called for    C. caught sight of    D. looked for

4.A. down    B. in    C. on    D. by

5.A. along    B. ahead    C. across    D. opposite

6.A. shocked    B. scared    C. moved    D. confused

7.A. died    B. saved    C. survived    D. witnessed

8.A. shouted    B. screamed    C. fought    D. sighed

9.A. car    B. bike    C. road    D. bus

10.A. immediately    B. even    C. only    D. ever

11.A. lazy    B. selfish    C. lucky    D. strange

12.A. missed    B. avoided    C. caused    D. remarked

13.A. sorrow    B. innocence    C. relief    D. regret

14.A. emotions    B. expressions    C. replies    D. attitudes

15.A. caught    B. delayed    C. missed    D. took

16.A. seen    B. passed    C. jumped    D. overlooked

17.A. otherwise    B. more    C. whatever    D. seriously

18.A. examination    B. change    C. quality    D. state

19.A. thought    B. blamed     C. enjoyed    D. helped

20.A. happiness    B. excuse    C. honor    D. mercy



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