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假设你是某外国语学校的学生会主席。最近, 为了弘扬雷锋精神, 你校决定开展多项志...

假设你是某外国语学校的学生会主席。最近, 为了弘扬雷锋精神, 你校决定开展多项志愿服务活动。请用英语写一篇倡议书, 发表在校英语报上, 号召同学们加入本校的志愿者俱乐部。内容包括:

1. 陈述当志愿者的好处;    

2. 向同学们发出几点倡议。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2.可适当增加细节, 使行文连贯

3.开头已给出, 不计入总词数。

Dear fellow students,

Volunteering has a positive effect on our community. __________________________________________________






Students’ Union


Dear fellow students, Volunteering has a positive effect on our community. It can benefit us in several ways. First of all, volunteering can help us learn more about society and gain valuable experience. Secondly, by volunteering provides us with a good opportunity to put what we have learned to good use. I hope more and more students will join the voluntary club of our school. Let’s express concern for the old and disabled people around us and offer a helping hand. Let’s clean the parks near our home. Let’s go to nursing homes to bring love to those in need. Remember, we can make a difference to society if we are willing to lend a helping hand, so let’s take action. Students’ Union 【解析】试题为应用文中的倡议书写作,试题只给出写作要点2条,为半开放开放性写作。范文采用三段。前两段各一个要点,最后一段收尾。第一段用总—分的方式陈述了写作要点一:当志愿者的好处。用了First of all,Secondly一条一条列举,条理清晰。第二段连用了三个let’s的祈使句呼吁同学们加入志愿者行列,语言地道流畅。最后一段用一个复合句收尾,与开头呼应。  





1.The number of the learners have increased by 30% since 2010.

2.The woman as well as the children were invited to the birthday party last night.

3.Only when the war was over did the family can return to their country.

4.The mother was delivered by a healthy baby, which made everyone happy.

5.Lin Qiaozhi devoted her whole life to show consideration to the patients.

6.Just dream for things, however, costs nothing.

7.This character was social failure but was loved for his optimism.

8.You may find it astonished that she was married to a rich man.

9.That was a generation where girls' education was placed second to boys’.

10.He has intended to catch the early bus, but he didn’t get up early.



When China’s astronaut Zhai Zhigang carried out the spacewalk on September 27, he was wearing a spacesuit developed by Chinese scientists. Being worth more than 30 million yuan, the Feitian (飞天) spacesuit is not 1. ordinary one. It 2.(take) Chinese scientists four years to develop it. But what is special about the suit? First Let’s take a look at why 3. (astronaut) need to wear spacesuits.

When you visit a world with little or no atmosphere, not 4. (wear) a spacesuit, the following things would happen:

You would become unconscious within 15 seconds because there is no oxygen.

Your blood and body fluids(液体) would “boil” and then “freeze” 5. there is little or no air pressure.

Your would receive various types of radiation.

You could 6. (hit) by dust or rock that moves at high speeds.

So, to protect you 7. these dangers, a spacesuit must:

*Have a pressurized atmosphere;

*Give you oxygen;

*Keep a(n) 8. (comfort) temperature;

*Let you see clearly and move easily.

The Feitian suit did all that and 9. it did made it like a mini-spaceship in 10. the astronaut stayed alive in outer space and carried out tasks.




1.Suddenly it _______ me how difficult _______ was for a woman to _______ _______ her research into chimps in the forest.


2.Jane Goodall has been ______ ______making the world understand and show ______ _____ the life of the chimps.


3.Yuan Longping has _______ to _______ the world _______ hunger for the past five _____.


4.________ ________ our Party, the farmers are________ _________ their life.


5.Charlie Chaplin _____ _____ the lace of the shoe and eats it______ ______ it were spaghetti.





1.When people manage to do something difficult, they will get a sense of a______.

2.She studied history at university, and became a s________ in history 20 years later.

3.You’ll be punished if you don’t o_______ the rules.

4.The _________(观众) are touched by his performance.

5.He works very hard to _________(养活) his family.

6.The news of his marriage has__________(传播开) among his fans.

7.The famous superstar became the_______(焦点 ) of everyone’s attention.

8.Everyone _______(强调) the importance of protecting the surroundings around us at present.

9.She said it in w________, so most of us couldn’t hear what she said.

10.My good friend e_________ me to dinner last night.



My friend Tim came from a big family. His father was an alcoholic and died very young and his mother was unable to ____ the family. Unfortunately, the children were ____ and placed in different foster homes.

Tim dropped out of school and did nothing to ____ himself. He eventually went through a divorce. Tim’s brother, ____ experiencing the same childhood, ____ himself for a degree and got a well – paid job. He possessed a(n) ____ home.

Both brothers gave a ____ answer when asked why their lives ____ the way they did. They said. “You’d live this way too if you had a ____ like mine. ” Neither of the brothers could ____ his past, but one of them adjusted his ____.

It doesn’t take much to find an ____ whether that is the family background, the ____ of education, or that we live in the wrong city, or do not know the right people. Actually, each of these problems has a ____.However, if you believe that there is nothing you can do to turn your life around, then you won’t be able to change your life for ____.

If you really ____ to turn your life to a new course, to set your sail to a different port, it is a matter of ____. If you choose to move ____, the easiest way is to find a solution to your today’s situation. Solutions are there if you want to ____ them. Sure, it may take some hard work. But if you do not, then you will never have a different or happy life. Do not ____ yourself by finding an excuse, but restrict your self by refusing to have an excuse.

1.A. encourage    B. support    C. satisfy    D. expand

2.A. selected    B. grouped    C. separated    D. gathered

3.A. further    B. express    C. mistake    D. pardon

4.A. as    B. since    C. before                D. although

5.A. treated    B. educated    C. controlled    D. behaved

6.A. ordinary    B. temporary    C. wonderful    D. special

7.A. strange    B. precise    C. firm    D. similar

8.A. turned out    B. broke out    C. turned up    D. broke up

9.A. divorce    B. childhood    C. school    D. job

10.A. ignore    B. describe    C. recall    D. change

11.A. sail    B. post    C. pace    D. taste

12.A. expression    B. example    C. error    D. excuse

13.A. future    B. lack    C. focus    D. need

14.A. price    B. reason    C. solution    D. reward

15.A. the most    B. the better    C. the least    D. the worse

16.A. desire    B. refuse    C. forget    D. regret

17.A. time    B. money    C. choice    D. fact

18.A. off    B. in    C. backward    D. forward

19.A. wait for    B. go after    C. ask for    D. look after

20.A. limit    B. push    C. enjoy    D. calm[



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