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1.词数100 左右;



参考词汇: 清华大学Tsinghua University

Dear David,




Li Hua


Dear David I’m writing to invite you to the lecture on Confucius and Confucianism,which will be made by Professor Wang from Tsinghua University.It will be held in Room 102 on the first floor of No.3 teaching building on May 7th this Saturday.As far as I know,you like the traditional culture of China,so you will enjoy it. The lecture will last three hours from 8 am to 11 am.The activity mainly consists of three parts:two-hour listening to the lecture,half an hour’s discussion and thirty-minute Confucius’ classics recitation. I will be very glad if you come.Looking forward to you early reply. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】这是一篇提纲类作文。文章内容要点已经给出。考生在写这篇文章时,要注意以下几点: 1.通篇以一般将来时与现在时态为主。 2. 要点要齐全。但是不要对要点进行简单的罗列。可以使用适当的连接词,使上下文行文流畅,衔接自然流程。 3.. 注意语气。既然该文是以邀请老师出席讲座为主题,所以要注意语气应该比较恳切、尊重。要注意书信的格式问题,言辞要诚恳。 【范文亮点】 文章以“I’m writing to invite you to the lecture on Confucius and Confucianism”开头,直奔主题,开门见山,引出本文的主题与写信目的;“which will be made by Professor Wang from Tsinghua University”用which引导非限制性定语从句,对前句所提及的讲座进行补充说明;“The activity mainly consists of three parts”对讲座内容进行概述。 文章运用了“invite you to 邀请某人做某事”“As far as I know据某人所知”“consists of 由…组成”“Looking forward to 期望做某事”等高分词组。  







One Monday morning,Mr Li, a famous scholar and schoolmate of our school was invited deliver a speech to us Senior 3 students. Mr Li graduated from our school twenty years ago but then studied in Beijing University. Instead of being a programmer, he followed his heart and become a musician after the graduation. He is now a well-known musician.

In his speech, he said that it was his hard works and efforts that made him who he is today. Though the circumstance was hard, he made fully use of everything to study, which contributed to be admitted to Beijing University. His speech was so inspired that all the students present expressed that we would work harder for a bright future.



Bank of China and Alibaba are the dream employers for Chinese students, according to a new survey.

The survey of more than 55,000 students ,1.(conduct) by a research firm Universum, found that2.(rough) a quarter want to work for an international company,3.only 9% want to work for a start-up and Five per cent want to start their own business.

When it comes to desirable companies, business students 4.(name) Bank of China the top choice for seven years and it shows no signs of giving up its lead.

William Wu, manager of Universum, said that banking remains 5.attractive industry for young Chinese. “China’s government is now emphasizing the revolution of the finance industry, 6.leaves the younger generation with the 7.(impress) that though banking is a traditional industry ,there are still a lot of development 8. (opportunity),” Wu said.

Alibaba improved six places from 2014,9.(rank) second 10.business students. It held a record- breaking $25 billion IPO in September.



It is unavoidable that you have one of those days when nothing seems to go right. Although you try to keep a __ attitude towards the day, you find yourself getting worn down and starting to ___about the way things are going. And then __ walks up to you, gives you a smile and asks if you would like to have a cup of coffee with them. The small act of ___brings a smile to your face as you tell them you would love to.

It does not take much ___to perform an act of kindness. The effort is in learning ___it is needed the most and bringing yourself to do it. __ if you had been the person mentioned above who saw you __ throughout your day, you might not have felt so inclined(倾向于……的) to be____More than likely, you would have wanted to keep your distance and be critical of that complaining. But that person ___that you needed that act of kindness to brighten your day. In being ___to have understanding and compassion for others you will find it __ to show kindness to them.

Criticizing others not only makes them defensive against you, but it also __ you from getting what you need or want from someone. __, try to understand why people do what they do. After all they do have their __ for their words and actions. In understanding their motivations, you are breeding tolerance, sympathy and kindness, and the other person will ___his or her defenses.

Dale Carnegie wrote, “ Perhaps you will____tomorrow the kind words you say today, but the recipient may cherish them over a lifetime.” In showing them kindness, they are more likely to be more productive at work as well as at home, and your act of kindness will make a lasting____on them. They are more likely to do nearly anything for you that you ask____they have more trust in you. It is finding the good in people instead of the bad that __ us to motivate them through our kind ways and receive their kindness in return

1.A. doubtful    B. neutral    C. depressing    D. positive

2.A. argue    B. complain    C. talk    D. think

3.A. someone    B. everyone    C. he    D. anyone

4.A. patience    B. trust    C. kindness    D. funniness

5.A. money    B. effort    C. time    D. energy

6.A. where    B. how    C. what    D. when

7.A. In short    B. For example    C. As a result    D. After all

8.A. working    B. talking    C. worrying    D. complaining

9.A. careful    B. annoyed    C. kind    D. disappointed

10.A. understood    B. accepted    C. promised    D. agreed

11.A. able    B. certain    C. eager    D. afraid

12.A. hard    B. polite    C. easy    D. important

13.A. makes    B. stops    C. allows    D. reduces

14.A. Meanwhile    B. Then    C. Besides    D. Instead

15.A. reasons    B. decisions    C. choices    D. rules

16.A. build up    B. come to    C. let down    D. turn down

17.A. explain    B. forget    C. recall    D. recognize

18.A. choice    B. decision    C. Impression    D. comparison

19.A. although    B. unless    C. once    D. since

20.A. turns    B. warns    C. allows    D. introduces



With the development of society, it is common that many people are rushing all the way and all day, tired and sub-healthy.1. She described all the things she had to do--- one was to make her bed ---from the moment she woke up until she flew out of the door for work. I suggested she experiment by not making her bed for two weeks. She was shocked, probably thinking I’d been brought up by wolves in a forest.2.

Two weeks later she went into my office merrily. She had left her bed unmade for the first time in 42 years--- and nothing bad had happened. “And you know what?” she said. “I don’t dry my dishes anymore, either.”

3. One was discovering that she had choices in her life that she had never seen before. The other was giving herself permission to be less than perfect. This story shows an important principle about managing time: no one can do it all. Each of us has to make choices and accept trade-offs(利弊权衡). The problem is that many people choose in ways that put themselves and their health last. They take better care of their houses and cars than they do of themselves.4.

So what is the solution? There’s an easy way. Decide what  you want in your life, and put that first. On a daily basis, that should include regular meals, enough sleep and time with your family. Exercise, leisure, friendships and hobbies should also be regular aspects of life. 5. The choice is yours: whatever makes you feel good about yourself and your life. Take a nap. Take a walk. Take time to play the piano. Stop bringing your briefcase home from the office. Stop keeping your house as clean as your mother kept hers. Fill more of your time with want-to-dos instead of have-to-dos.

A. Most people do not take time to relax themselves.

B. The point is to do something for yourself every day.

C. This woman had made two major breakthroughs.

D. A patient came to see me about the stress in her life.

E. Above all, you needn’t do anything for yourself regularly

F.They put everyone else’s needs ahead of their own.

G. However, she went along with my idea.



Polar bears are one of the most popular animals for people. Polar bears are different from every other bear in the world. This is because polar bears have white fur. However, there are many facts about polar bears that people might not be aware of .

The skin of polar bears is black, which according to thinkquest.org  allows them to absorb more heat from the sun. Polar bear fur is transparent , because it is made up of hollow guard hairs. Loc.gov explains that the reason polar bears display white fur is that when the sun hits the fur ,the hollow spaces in the hair scatter the light. Since none of the light is absorbed, the light reflected back appears white to human eyes.

Polar bears’ conservation status is considered close to extinction. Global warming is considered the main cause of the decline in polar population. Polar bears use ice floats to hunt for their food. However, these ice floats are melting so polar bears are starting to drown in the search for food ,and the food is becoming more difficult to get. Contrary to popular belief, polar bears do not eat penguins ,because polar bears are not found in the Antarctic region of the world. Polar bears are only found around the Arctic Circle. Polar bears do not drink water. They get all the water they need from the prey they eat.

FES. Gov specifies that polar bears are considered the largest land carnivores(食肉动物) in the world. The polar bear weight ranges between 700--1,500 pounds. Since the polar bear habitat is melting away, their main evolutionary advantages are fading. Polar bears are not able to use their camouflage(伪装) to find prey in habitats not covered with snow. Polar bears do not hibernate(冬眠). However, when the weather gets uncomfortable, or mothers give birth, polar bears will dig themselves a hidden home.

What can we do to help save the polar bears? We can donate to organizations like the World Wildlife Fund, reduce our carbon footprint, and send letters to politicians explaining to them that we need to set up more preserves to help save the polar bear habitat.

1.What do we know about the fur of the polar bears?

A. It absorbs more heat from the sun.

B. It is black and hollow.

C. Light can pass through it.

D. It is white actually.

2.What does “main evolutionary advantages” in Paragraph 4 refer  to?

A. Hibernation habit    B. The function of their fur

C. Eating meat    D. Their weight

3.What do we know from the passage?

A. Polar bears face danger due to the melting of ice floats.

B. The biggest polar bears weigh about 1,000 pounds.

C. Polar bears never hibernate and do not need water.

D. Polar bears are the largest carnivores in the world.

4.Which of the following ways is NOT the measure used to protect polar bears according to the passage?

A. Donating to wildlife conservation organizations.

B. Trying our best to reduce greenhouse gases.

C. Writing letters to make people protect polar bears.

D. Setting up more polar bear conservation organizations.



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