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On a cloudless summer day, 13-year-old C...

On a cloudless summer day, 13-year-old Charlie Finlayson was ready for a long hike with his father, David.

Around noon, David was inching his way across a cliff 800 feet above the valley, searching for a line of cracks that would lead them to the top. Charlie stood on a rock a dozen yards to the right as he fed rope to his dad. Reaching up, David missed his step. In the next moment, he heard a sharp crack from above as something larger broke loose.

When Charlie saw his father sailing through the air alongside the huge rocks that had struck him, he pulled the rope fiercely.

“Tell me it’s OK,” Charlie begged, struggling to control his fear.

“I think I broke my leg,” David told him. “And we must get off this mountain.” He proposed a plan: Charlie would lower David half a rope length at a time, then lower himself to the same level, and at a new place, begin again.

As hours passed, they came to the base of the cliff, and David was shaking with cold and exhaustion.

Worried that David would die if he fell asleep, Charlie kept the conversation going; they talked about past travels. Eventually Charlie allowed himself to catnap, checking on his father each time he awoke. When the sun rose on their camp, Charlie was relieved to see that his father was awake.

Just after dawn, Charlie headed off on the trail toward the volunteers’ cabin 12 miles away, bringing back a helicopter that would carry his father to safety.

“Charlie’s as strong as anyone I know,” says his father, “I’m so proud of him.”

1.What happened to David when he climbed up?

A. He missed his step and broke his leg.

B. He lost his way across the cliff.

C. He caught sight of a sharp crack from above.

D. He stood on a rock a dozen yards from the cliff.

2.How did Charlie feel at his father’s sailing through the air?

A. Puzzled.

B. Fearful.

C. Relieved.

D. Proud.

3.What does the underlined word “catnap” in Paragraph 7 mean?

A. become less calm

B. continue talking

C. comfort himself

D. take a short sleep

4.What might be the best title for the passage?

A. A Father and His Brave Son

B. An Accident Happened in a Valley

C. A Story on a Cloudless Summer Day

D. A Boy Saved His Father’s Life from Cliff


1.A 2.B 3.D 4.D 【解析】文章介绍一对父子在旅途中发生意外,13岁的儿子勇敢的表现让他们度过了危机。 1.细节理解题。根据文章的描述Reaching up, David missed his step.以及“I think I broke my leg,”可知David在向上爬山时失足,伤到了腿,故选A。 2.细节理解题。根据三四两段的内容When Charlie saw his father sailing through the air alongside the huge rocks that had struck him, he pulled the rope fiercely. “Tell me it’s OK,” Charlie begged, struggling to control his fear. Charlie努力控制他的害怕,可知当时Charlie感到害怕,故选B。 3.词义推测题。根据划线单词所在的句子Eventually Charlie allowed himself to catnap, checking on his father each time he awoke.最终允许自己catnap,每一次他醒来时都看看他的爸爸好着没,可知catnap的意思时小睡一会,故选D。 4.主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章介绍一对父子在旅途中发生意外,13岁的儿子勇敢的表现让他们度过了危机。可知这篇文章标题用A Boy Saved His Father’s Life from Cliff(一个男孩从悬崖救回父亲)合适,故选D. 【名师点睛】 关于细节理解题 用细节定位法:细节理解题属于直接解答性问题,是阅读理解题中最简单的一种,多数属中低难度的送分题。但由于高考所占的比例很大,应特别引起注意。事实和细节题的命题特点是:把某词语、某个句子或某具体事实用不同于原文的另一方式或句型表达,即同义改写。解答这类题的窍门是:A)注意掌握英语的多种表达法;B)正确分析词语在句中的作用;C)熟练运用英语的句型转换;D)读懂题干所提出的问题,并准确地找到文中涉及该问题的句子。 比如文章第1小题,我们首先读懂题干“What happened to David when he climbed up?向上爬山时发生了什么?” ——然后快速浏览文章,——定位到句子Reaching up, David missed his step.以及“I think I broke my leg,” David told him.可看出爬山时失足,并伤了腿——得出正确答案。

Teen Conference

Are you ready to explore the University of Idaho campus, learn life skills for beyond high school, meet new friends and get reacquainted with old ones? Then Idaho 4-H Teen Conference is for you.

●June 27---30 , 2017

●Moscow, Idaho

●Grades 8 to 12

At this conference, teens will:

●Gain leadership skills

●Participate in educational workshops

●Experience campus life and learn about opportunities at the University of Idaho

●Learn about state, national and international 4-H opportunities

●Develop a passion for 4-H

●Make new friends throughout the state of Idaho

Adults at Teen Conference

Adults are welcome to attend Teen Conference as chaperones(监护人). Please review adult chaperone position description and discover if this opportunity is for you. To apply, please complete the online chaperone application.

College students may also attend as collegiate(学院的)volunteers. Please review the collegiate volunteer position description. To apply, please complete the collegiate volunteer application.


Please contact your local UI Extension country office to learn how to apply. All participants will be informed by April 1 before registration begins.. Scholarships include:

●Youth scholarships sponsored by the Friends of 4-H

●Adult chaperone scholarships

Conference Proceedings

●Gem State News 2016

Be sure to visit the Idaho 4-H Teen Conference Facebook page.

For more information, contact Shana Codr, 4-H Program Specialist.

1.Who is the Idaho 4-H Teen Conference intended for?

A. Program specialists.

B. Adults as chaperones.

C. College students only.

D. Teens of Grades 8 to 12.

2.How can the participants possibly know about scholarships of 4-H?

A. By calling the Friends of 4-H Teen Conference.

B. By visiting the university’s official website.

C. By visiting the Idaho 4-H Teen Conference Facebook page.

D. By contacting the local UI Extension country office.

3.Where can you probably find this passage?

A. In a personal diary.

B. In an official report.

C. On a campus website.

D. In a tourist guidebook.




1. 安慰对方;

2. 分析心理压力过大可能导致的后果;

3. 给出相应的建议及其理由。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Chris,



Li Hua







注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

As is known to we all, America’s national pastime is baseball. It has played in the country since the first settlers arrive. It was a national ball what was liked by many Americans at that time. Although baseball possibly developed from an English game, it is now thought of like an American sport. From the Little League to the Major League, player of all skill levels enjoy testing their power on the “ Field of Dreams”. Famous players, exciting music but the standard stadium food of hot dogs, popcorns and peanuts are popularly among Americans. In a fact, Americans make go to the baseball game a favorite summer outing for many Americans nowadays.



Though quite 1. few Chinese students say that their knowledge of English grammar is good, 2. most would admit that their oral English is poor.

Whenever I speak to Chinese students, they always say, “My oral English is poor.” 3., their oral English does not have to remain “poor” ! I would like to suggest that there may be some 4. (reason) for the problems with their 5. (speak) English. First, they fail to find suitable words to express 6. (they) due to a limited vocabulary. Second, they are afraid of making mistakes. The 7. (three) reason is that not enough attention 8. (pay)to listening.

If you don’t use your English beyond the classroom,you will forget 9. you know. Remember: USE IT OR LOSE IT! You can learn how to speak English better 10. speaking English more.



It was August 2nd, 1927. The news had spread ______ .

A man named Craig Pierce was coming to the city of Bristol. He wanted to make recordings of local people singing and playing musical instruments. And he said he would ____ fifty dollars for each song recorded. That was a huge ____ in those days. Many people came to Bristol that day to ____ for Mr. Pierce. But one group seemed to have just the sound that he was ____.  They were a man named A.P. Carter,his wife Sara,and her cousin Maybelle. They ____ themselves the Carter Family.

Their first recordings were sent to _____ throughout the United States. Many listeners were ___ at what they heard. Instead of classical or jazz songs that radio stations usually played,a new ___ was born.  The Carter Family sounded ____ . They did not sound ____ they had taken music lessons. But it did not matter. The people in poor rural areas thought they sounded just like their ____ .

The Carters sang songs about living in the mountains of Virginia,Tennessee,and North Carolina. They sang about the _____ of a young man for a special girl. They sang about the beauty of nature. They sang about death and sadness. And they sang religious songs that told of the hope for a(an)  ____  life after death.

A.P. Carter sang in the group and also searched for ____ songs. He often traveled long ____ to small towns in the southeastern United States. He wanted to hear the songs that ____ people sang in their communities. He wrote down the words but kept the music in his ____. When he returned home, he helped Sara and Maybelle fit them to the Carter Family musical ____. The Carter Family soon became popular. Within three years, the Carter Family sold 300,000 recordings.

Life is like a stage, on which gold will _____.

1.A. wide    B. fast    C. well    D. short

2.A. bring    B. take    C. lend    D. pay

3.A. sum    B. celebration    C. money    D. instrument

4.A. wait    B. listen    C. play    D. learn

5.A. looking for    B. looking after    C. picking up    D. picking out

6.A. asked    B. called    C. wished    D. showed

7.A. rural areas    B. big cities    C. radio stations    D. families

8.A. surprised    B. good    C. slow    D. annoyed

9.A. story    B. singer    C. song    D. sound

10.A. interesting    B. great    C. appealing    D. different

11.A. in case    B. as if    C. even if    D. as long as

12.A. teachers    B. farmers    C. neighbors    D. owners

13.A. beauty    B. love    C. respect    D. description

14.A. bitter    B. early    C. worse    D. better

15.A. new    B. modern    C. same    D. exact

16.A. directions    B. distances    C. places    D. trains

17.A. talented    B. famous    C. local    D. old

18.A. diary    B. memory    C. songs    D. stories

19.A. style    B. program    C. show    D. concert

20.A. develop    B. distinguish    C. shine    D. change



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