满分5 > 高中英语试题 >






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Have you ever gone to a music festival? During a summer holiday in Hungary, I went to attend my the first music festival. It was really an excitement to us! Since 2002 the Sziget Festival had been running every year in Budapest. It lasts for a week, which famous singers and bands from around the world perform very brilliant. In Hungarian the word ‘sziget’ mean island, which is a very appropriate name although the festival takes place on a large island in the middle of the Danube River in Budapest. Thousands people come on special “party trains” from other country such as France and Italy.


【解析】本文介绍了作者第一次参加匈牙利布达佩斯的“Sziget Festival”音乐节的情况。 1. have gone表示已经去了,表示短暂性动作;have been表示曾经去过,表示延续性动作。根据语境可知,此处用have been,故把gone改为been。 2. 名词前面有my修饰,不需要冠词修饰。故把the去掉。 3. 此处是人称错误,上文提到的是我参加音乐节,此处应该用“我”的宾格me。故把us改为me。 4. 根据语境分析,并结合时间状语since 2002,该句应该用现在完成进行时,主语是the Sziget Festival,谓语用has been running,故把had改为has。 5. 此处是一个非限制性定语从句,关系词在从句中作时间状语,应该用关系词when或者把句子改写成用and连接的两个分句。故把which改为when或者and。 6. brilliant在句中修饰谓语动词perform,应该用副词修饰动词。故把brilliant改为brilliantly。 7. 句子主语是“the word ‘sziget’”,是单数可数名词,谓语用第三人称单数,故把mean改为means。 8. 根据句意可知,因为音乐节举办在“Budapest”的“Danube River”上,所以说名字很合适。前后句是因果关系。故把although改为because。 9. 此处表示“成千上万的”,thousands of是固定搭配。故加上of。 10. 此处泛指其他国家,并不是一个国家,应该用复数。故把country改为countries。  



Be aware of,   be supposed to,  rather than,   in particular,  upside down,  reflect on,  make it


1.The speaker talked about sport in general and about football __________.

2.Teachers __________treat all the students alike.

3.---You have only 15 minutes to catch the train.

----All right. I guess I can __________.

4.She pretended to be reading because she was holding the book ___________.

5.He ______________ the risk, but he had no choice but to go ahead.




1.For their golden wedding a______________, Maude and James threw a party for all their friends and family.

2.Bring your baby to the _______________(诊所), and we’ll take a look at her.

3.Kate’s _____________(嘴唇) were by and cracked because of the cold weather.

4.The management encourages t________________(协作) between departments.

5.Bob attaches great importance to physical exercise. He goes _____________(慢跑) every morning.

6.Edward felt a great deal of ______________(同情心) for her sister when her husband died.

7.“I am not coming with you and that’s final!” ________________(声明) Mary.

8.I have two tickets for the theatre on Saturday evening. Would you care to a_______________ me?

9.He made a _________________(利润) by selling the shirt for more than he bought it.

10.We have an a___________(足够的) supply of firewood to last the winter.



When I was eight, I wrote my first poem. My mother read and cried, “Buddy, you didn’t really write this beautiful poem!” Shyly, but _________, I said yes. She poured out her_________. “It was nothing short of talent!” “What time will Father be home?” I asked. I could_________wait to show my work to him. I spent quite some time_________for his arrival. I wrote the poem out in my finest flourish(花体字), drew a fancy border around it and_______I placed it right on my father's plate on the dining table. My father had begun his motion-picture career as a writer. I was sure he would be able to_______my poem.

At almost 7 o'clock my father burst in. He seemed _______. He circled the dining-room table, complaining about his employees. _______ he paused and glared at his plate. "What is this?" He was reaching for my poem. “Ben, Buddy has written his first poem!” my mother began. "And it's beautiful, absolutely amaz…”“If you don't mind, I'd like to decide for myself." Father said. I _______my head as he read that poem. It was only ten lines. But it seemed to take hours. Then I heard him dropping the poem back on the table. Now came the moment of __________ “I think it's terrible," he said. I couldn't look up. My eyes were getting____________.

“Ben, these are the first lines of poetry he's ever written," my mother was saying. "He needs encouragement.”

“I don't know why." My father held his ground. "Isn't there enough __________ poetry in the world already?" I couldn't____________it another second. I ran from the dining room crying. Up in my room I ____________ myself on the bed and cried the worst of the disappointment out of me.

That may have been the end of the story, but not of its ____________for me. I realized how__________ I had been. I had a mother who said, "I think it's wonderful!" and a father who drove me to hear with "I think it's awful." Every one of us needs that mother force, from which all creation flows; and yet the mother force alone is __________. It needs the balance of the force that __________, "Watch. Listen. Review. Improve."

Those__________voices of my childhood ring in my ears through the years, like two opposing winds blowing me. __________ the two poles of confirmation and doubt, both in the name of love, I try to follow my true course.

1.A. proudly    B. slowly    C. anxiously    D. honestly

2.A. praise    B. surprise    C. criticism    D. belief

3.A. seldom    B. hardly    C. frequently    D. instantly

4.A. waiting    B. planning    C. praying    D. preparing

5.A. embarrassedly    B. confidently    C. nervously    D. casually

6.A. read    B. revise    C. appreciate    D. polish

7.A. allergic    B. fragile    C. tired    D. upset

8.A. Excitedly    B. Suddenly    C. Surprisingly    D. Instantly

9.A. shook    B. raised    C. turned    D. lowered

10.A. truth    B. struggle    C. decision    D. discussion

11.A. wet    B. wide    C. dark    D. bright

12.A. terrible    B. elegant    C. fluent    D. inaccurate

13.A. stop    B. see    C. stand    D. control

14.A. seated    B. threw    C. stuck    D. kept

15.A. difficulty    B. development    C. significance    D. challenge

16.A. enthusiastic    B. fortunate    C. desperate    D. ridiculous

17.A. incomplete    B. contradictory    C. inappropriate    D. constructive

18.A. orders    B. persuades    C. warns    D. announces

19.A. conflicting    B. warning    C. disturbing    D. inspiring

20.A. In    B. Between    C. Among    D. For




Ways to Increase Your Confidence

There are some ways you can use to increase your self-confidence. Some of them you’ll need to practice a lot before they start to work. It’s like playing the guitar or soccer. 1.But as you do them, you build a deeper confidence in yourself.


Exercise will improve your confidence and your way of looking at life. Plus, being healthy and looking better can also help you feel more confident.

Create something

Everyone is a creative(有创造力的) person, Rediscovering your creativity is a good way to improve your confidence in yourself. Creating something is a wonderful but not always easy experience. But when you’re done, you not only feel good about yourself.3.

Use your body.

If you start to walk fast you’ll soon start to feel nervous. If you start to walk slower you’ll soon start to feel more relaxed. To feel more confident, use your body in more confident way. 4.Learn how confident people around you or on the TV use their bodies.

Compare yourself to yourself.

This will take away a lot of unnecessary pain in your life. 5.Compare yourself to yourself. Improve yourself and see how you grow and become a more successful, more confident and happier person.

A. Take exercise

B. Take it into the future

C. This makes you more active

D. Walk, sit, stand and move in a more confident way

E. Sometimes you will also discover new parts of yourself

F. Pay attention to yourself, not the other people around you.

G. They might not work too well the first or second time you try them



Hey there

So you’re about to spend four years of your life and tens of thousands of dollars of your parents’ moneyand all you really know about college is that all of your friends are going.Do you ever stop to wonder why you’re going?

Relax.You’re making the right decision.First of allyou’ll discover what interests you by taking courses in many subjects.For exampleit’s hard to decide if you want to be a painter if you’ve never painted any picturesonce you’re in a drawing­room on campusyou’ll know one way or the other.College is also a lot of fun—after you graduateyou’ll be working every weekday for 50 or so years.And remember that college graduates earn about twice the income of those who never attend college.

Finding the right college can be difficult.FortunatelyJohnson Review is here to help you every step of the way.

*Researching Schools.To usthe most important decision you’ll make is to choose the school that really fits you best—not the one that is the most competitive or has the best­equipped rooms.

*Applying to School.On JohnsonReview.comyou’ll find hundreds of actual college applications and links to many more.

*Raising Your Scores.American College Test is one of the most difficult parts of the admissions course.It’s not the most importantthoughand not everyone needs to prepare for the test.Butif you think you can do betterfind the right course for better scores.

*Paying for School.Most families need financial aid for the high cost of college.The problem is that financial aid seems difficult to get and many families get caught up in the price of college rather than learning the ways to get financial aid.If you really do your researchyou’ll learn that you can afford to attend any collegeno matter the cost.

For more informationcall 600­3681 or visit JohnsonReview.com.Wherever you gohave a nice trip!

Johnson Smith

Founder and CEO

Johnson Review

1.The author thinks you should choose the college that is ________.

A. well­equipped    B. competitive

C. suitable    D. famous

2.What does the author advise you to do to pay the high cost of college?

A. To ask the family for help.

B. To make a study of financial courses.

C. To do research on the price of college.

D. To get to know how to ask for financial aid.

3.What’s the author’s purpose of writing this text?

A. To suggest ways to prepare for college learning.

B. To help readers find the right college.

C. To make Johnson Review popular.

D. To introduce college life.

4.Where may the text be taken from?

A. A journalist book.    B. A travel book.

C. A grammar book.    D. An advice book.



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