满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

假如你是班长李华, 你的笔友Paul来邮件询问你班同学开展“低碳生活”的活动情况...

假如你是班长李华, 你的笔友Paul来邮件询问你班同学开展“低碳生活”的活动情况. 请根据下列要点用英语给他回复邮件。

1. 节约 (水、电、纸);

2. 分类回收垃圾;

3. 低碳交通。

参考词汇:低碳生活: low-carbon lifestyle

注意:1. 词数100左右。

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

3. 开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。

Dear Paul,









Li Hua


Dear Paul, I’m writing to tell you how we students are living a low-carbon life in our daily life as you asked about in your E-mail. Living a low-carbon life is becoming increasingly popular among us students. Firstly, we save. We turn off the lights when we are not using them, use water in a recycling way and write on both sides of paper. Secondly, we sort and recycle garbage. We put garbage into different dustbins and recycle anything we can. Thirdly, we always walk, cycle or take the bus to school. We don’t want our parents to send us to school in their cars. What about the situation in your school? I’m looking forward to hearing from you again. Sincerely LiHua 【解析】这是一篇邮件写作,考生首先要注意邮件的基本格式,同时审题还应该注意写作对象是好朋友paul,内容是就班级开展“低碳生活”的情况介绍。因此作者和写作对象关系应该是亲密的、和谐的。重点是介绍班级是如何开展低碳生活的,包括节约、分类回收垃圾、低碳交通几部分。考生可能对书信邮件的写作比较陌生,不知该如何下笔。其实我们完全可以以不变应万变,用平时议论文的总分总结构来写。 1.表面写邮件目的:正文直接亮出目的(I’m writing to tell you how we students are living a low-carbon life in our daily life as you asked about in your E-mail.)是介绍班级的低碳生活开展情况。并且低碳生活的方式以及越来越流行(increasingly popular) 2.将如何开展低碳生活具体化:首先(turn off the lights when we ...use water in...and write on ...)不用灯时将其关闭,循环用水,纸张双面都充分使用。然后,分类回收垃圾( put garbage into different dustbins and recycle anything we can)。最后以及用步行、自行车、公交车去(walk, cycle or take the bus )上学,不用父母用车接送。 3.问候对方表示关心和礼貌。 【范文亮点】 1.范文在介绍低碳生活的三要点时,Firstly.....,Secondly.....,Thirdly......分三点论述。要点齐全,文章结构得体,连贯通畅,使阅卷人一目了然。 2.范文运用了recycling;increasingly等亮点词汇。 3. 动名词充当主语 Living a low-carbon life is becoming increasingly popular among us students. 4. We turn off the lights when we are not using them, use water in a recycling way and write on both sides of paper. when引导时间状语从句  





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

One day father and mother was waiting at the table for their sons to have lunch. She waited and waited but their son didn’t show up. Mother was sent father to look for their son in his bedroom. To his surprised, their son was lying on his stomach on the floor, totally losing in a book. Father orders their son to leave for food and he himself never returned to the table. Having waited impatient, mother sent their son back to look for his father, only to find that his father was doing exactly same as he had done on the floor.



China, 1.(situate)in one of the most active earthquake 2.(region),has experienced many terrible earthquakes. The most serious earthquake of all time 3.(occur)in Hua County in Shanxi Province in 1556, 4. affected an area of 800 square kilometers. In some communities, 60% of the population 5.(be)killed. The earthquake caused 6. total of more than 830,000 deaths.

The 1906 California Earthquake lasted for only one minute. 7., it caused the worst 8.(nature) disaster in the American history. The fires caused by the earthquake burned for three days, 9. (destroy) more than 250,000 buildings 10. leaving 250,000 people homeless.



I was 22 years old, sitting on my mom’s sofa, waiting for the pain in my back to ease up. A lack of work and money had ______me, my wife, and our baby boy to move back with my parents. We were all crowded together in my old bedroom and I was feeling ______. Thankfully, I had found one new job: helping my son learn how to _______ He had already gone from creeping to crawling (爬) , and had started to pull himself up too. Anytime he took a few steps, ______, he would stumble (绊脚), fall on his butts (屁股), and ______. I bent over and held his hand while he walked along and my ______ wasn’t handling it too well.

As I sat there with my eyes ______ rubbing my sore muscles, I suddenly heard my mom ______: “Joe look!” I opened my eyes and watched my son hold the edge of the coffee table, pull himself up, and ______. Next with a giggle (咯咯笑) he started walking around it, keeping his hands on it for______. Finally, when he reached the end of it, he took two big ______ and made it to the wall. He smiled at us again and then started walking down the hall with his hands balancing on the wall the whole way. I laughed, ______, and cheered. Suddenly, I realized being ______wasn’t so bad, because my boy had learned to walk. It wasn’t long before I was losing ______ running after him in the front yard while his little legs ran as _____ as they could.

Learning to______ in this world is a lot like first learning to walk . We far too often fall on our butts and cry. Yet, our Heavenly Father is always ready to take our ______ and walk with us while we try again. His love, guidance, and______are always with us even after we find our own ______, even when we start to walk on our own, and even if we run away from Him. Don’t be afraid to step out bravely and love. Don’t be afraid to _____. God loves you and will always be there to help you to love and to walk with you.

1.A. invited    B. forced    C. ordered    D. helped

2.A. happy    B. comfortable    C. down    D. proud

3.A. walk    B. speak    C. eat    D. read

4.A. therefore    B. moreover    C. otherwise    D. however

5.A. cry    B. laugh    C. roll    D. lie

6.A. knee    B. neck    C. back    D. arm

7.A. open    B. closed    C. covered    D. blinded

8.A. whisper    B. scream    C. complain    D. explain

9.A. stop    B. listen    C. smile    D. nod

10.A. strength    B. balance    C. coffee    D. confidence

11.A. steps    B. falls    C. toys    D. candies

12.A. jumped    B. silenced    C. froze    D. clapped

13.A. hungry    B. unemployed    C. unhealthy    D. abandoned

14.A. patience    B. control    C. weight    D. temper

15.A. fast    B. lightly    C. steadily    D. quietly

16.A. love    B. hate    C. adapt    D. obey

17.A. place    B. collar    C. ear    D. hand

18.A. presence    B. protection    C. advice    D. service

19.A. job    B. happiness    C. feet    D. voice

20.A. fail    B. die    C. fight    D. fall



You may have done something wrong, but now you're willing to make things right. 1. If you want to make sure that your apology is effective and doesn’t cause even more hurt, follow the advice below to write a fantastic apology.

State what your letter is about. It’s a good idea to begin by letting them know that this letter is an apology. If you don’t want them to be confused about why you’re writing or what you’re going to say, say something like: “2.”.

State your mistake. Now that you’re apologizing, say what you’re apologizing for and why it was incorrect. 3.. By fully putting it out there in the open, the person that you’re apologizing to will know that you do really understand what you did.

4. This is one of the most important parts of an apology but can be the hardest to say. What you do need to do is admit your responsibility for your mistake openly and without reservation(保留). You might have had good reasons for doing what you did but that shouldn’t keep you from saying that your actions caused someone to get hurt.

Offer a solution that will lead to change. Just saying that you’re sorry isn’t really enough. What really gives an apology some power is finding a way to solve the problem in the future. 5.. When you offer a plan for change and how you’re going to go about it, this shows the person that you’re really serious about making the situation better.

A. I’m sorry if your feelings got hurt.

B. I want to write you a letter to apologize.

C. Accept responsibility.

D. Be very exact and descriptive.

E. An apology letter is a great way to start making amends(修补)for a mistake.

F. It is never too late to make an apology.

G. This is better, even, than just saying that it will never happen again.



As I went through school, I came to understand that life was about competition. The only thing that mattered was doing better than everyone else. I watched this cycle through the lives of my four older brothers. I watched them win awards time and time again and admired by teachers and adults alike. And I wanted all of that. But then I learned that I couldn’t compete with my brothers or with others for that matter. I didn’t enjoy math and science nearly as much as I enjoyed English literature. My stomach would often hurt thinking about the amount of time I’d have to put in studying and working to get ahead of everyone. Around the seventh grade, I decided that I didn’t care about being a top student anymore. I just wanted to do what brought me joy. I wanted to just read and write for days.

Then I watched my older brothers enter the workplace and not enjoy the career path they had chosen. That made my stomach hurt, too. At the same time, they were making a lot of money and were able to afford expensive cars and go on trips that seemed enjoyable, but I decided that I’d not trade the cars and trips for having a job that brought me joy.

So I did just that. I majored in English in college with a concentration on creative fictions. For the past decade, I’ve had a career in a non-profit organization serving children in need. It has brought me great joy. There’s not a daily drive to compete in the market place and be better than another organization so that we increase our profits. The drive is to serve another person with excellence. And the other unexpected aspects are that while I have never made a lot of money, I have a car and have been fortunate to take some pretty amazing trips for work.

1.What did the writer think of life at early school?

A. Competitive.    B. Stressful.

C. Enjoyable.    D. Difficult.

2.Why did the writer change his attitude towards competition?

A. He failed competition repeatedly.

B. He wanted to follow his heart.

C. He was afraid of competition.

D. He often had stomachaches.

3.What can we learn about the writer?

A. He makes great contributions to society.

B. He is less successful than his brothers.

C. He doesn’t travel anywhere.

D. He finds great pleasure in his work.

4.The writer may agree that          .

A. we should not compete with others

B. we should try to do better than others

C. we should do what we really like

D. we should be devoted to helping others



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