满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The smallest act of kindness is worth mo...

The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intentions. It was a ________ day and I was going to the funeral (葬礼) of a little boy named Bobby. Bobby died after ________ from and being caught under the tractor which was ________ by his mom, Sue. I knew that I ________ to be there for my friend Sue.

While I was getting dressed for the funeral, a good ________ came to buy Lisa, Bobby’s ________, a stuffed toy (毛绒玩具). I knew this idea to buy the stuffed toy must be ________, since I had never done anything like this before, or even ________ it. For that matter, I left the house ________, stopped at a local store and bought a cute stuffed animal. I didn’t have time to decorate it, so I ________ a pretty gift bag and some ________ tissue paper. I put the stuffed animal in the bag and put the tissue paper over the top of it.

When I walked into the funeral home, I saw little Lisa sitting with her ________ hanging down. I walked over and handed her the pretty gift bag. Lisa ________ with tears in her eyes and gave me a weak ________. She removed the tissue paper, took the stuffed animal out of the ________ and held it close throughout the ________, as if it was her brother. I could see that ________ this stuffed animal made Lisa feel better.

That the smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intentions is ________. I could have ignored this thought to buy the stuffed animal and give it to Lisa. ________, I am very happy that I ________ a small act of kindness that day.

1.A. regular    B. long    C. busy    D. sad

2.A. failing    B. playing    C. falling    D. sleeping

3.A. directed    B. driven    C. repaired    D. pushed

4.A. expected    B. happened    C. needed    D. tended

5.A. idea    B. answer    C. problem    D. aim

6.A. girlfriend    B. sister    C. mother    D. neighbor

7.A. great    B. popular    C. clever    D. old

8.A. found out    B. believe in    C. complained about    D. thought of

9.A. safely    B. excitedly    C. early    D. secretly

10.A. opened    B. borrowed    C. made    D. bought

11.A. thin    B. colored    C. waste    D. new

12.A. arms    B. head    C. hair    D. legs

13.A. looked up    B. turned up    C. stayed up    D. reached out

14.A. suggestion    B. smile    C. excuse    D. introduction

15.A. house    B. store    C. bag    D. car

16.A. night    B. ceremony    C. performance    D. party

17.A. protecting    B. ordering    C. choosing    D. holding

18.A. true    B. simple    C. possible    D. common

19.A. Meanwhile    B. Besides    C. Still    D. However

20.A. did    B. remembered    C. returned    D. received


1.D 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.D 11.B 12.B 13.A 14.B 15.C 16.B 17.D 18.A 19.D 20.A 【解析】本文是一篇记叙文,介绍作者在去参加小男孩Bobby的葬礼的时候,给男孩的 sister买了一个动物毛绒玩具,以此来安慰伤心的Lisa,作者想要表达的观点是:The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intentions.“最小的善行也比最伟大的善意有价值”。 1.考查上下文推理,regular惯常的;long长的;busy忙碌的;sad悲伤的;根据下文“I was going to the funeral of a little boy named Bobby”去参加一个小男孩的葬礼,此处应该是悲伤的的,故选D。 2.考查短语搭配,结合语境,小男孩Bobby的死是从他妈妈驾驶的拖拉机上掉落造成的,fall from 意为从.....掉落。故选C。 3.考查动词辨析,directed指导,管理;driven驾驶;repaired修理;pushed推动;结合语境应该是小男孩的母亲“驾驶拖拉机”故选B。 4.考查语境推理,expected期待;happened发生;needed需要;tended倾向;结合语境,发生了如此不幸的事,作者明白此时自己需要去安慰好朋友Sue。故选C。 5.考查上下文理解,idea主意;answer回答;problem问题; aim目标;当作者穿好衣服正要去参加葬礼时,突然想到一个主意,根据下文“I knew this idea to buy the stuffed toy ....”可知作者想到一个主意,用idea.故选A。 6.考查上下文推理,girlfriend女朋友;sister姐妹;mother 母亲;neighbor邻居;根据下文作者来到葬礼,“I saw little Lisa sitting with her....”,此处的her暗示了Lisa是Bobby的sister.故选B。 7.考查语境推理,great重大的;popular流行的;clever聪明的;old老的;结合语境,作者准备买动物毛绒玩具给Lisa,这种事情作者之前从未做过,甚至想都没想过,可知此事对作者很重大,用great最为合适。故选A 。 8.考查短语辨析,found out找出; believe in相信;complained about抱怨; thought of考虑;结合语境,作者从未做过此事,甚至从来没有考虑过这种事。故选D。 9.考查副词,safely安全地;excitedly兴奋地;early早早地;secretly秘密地;根据语境,“For that matter,I left house....”为了此事,我早早地出门。故选C。 10.考查动词辨析,opened打开;borrowed借;made制作;bought买;结合语境,作者在当地的毛绒玩具店买了一个动物毛绒玩具,因为他没有时间包装,所以买了一个漂亮的礼物包装袋,和一些棉纸放在袋子里面。去商店肯定是买,故选D。 11.考查形容词辨析,thin薄的;colored着色的;waste废弃的; new新的;根据前面a pretty gift bag,作者送给小孩子的礼物,此处用colored着色的最为合适,故选B。 12.考查名词辨析, arms手臂;head头;hair头发;legs大腿;结合语境,作者来到举行葬礼的房间,看见Lisa,肯定是垂着头很伤心。Sit with head hanging down.垂头坐着。故选B。 13.考查短语辨析,looked up仰望;turned up发生;stayed up熬夜;reached out伸出;结合语境,我把礼物递给Lisa,她眼泪汪汪的抬头看着我,给了我一个虚弱的微笑。之前Lisa低着头,look up 符合语境。故选A。 14.考查名词辨析,suggestion建议; smile微笑;excuse借口;introduction介绍。结合语境,作者给悲伤的Lisa一个毛绒玩具礼物,尽管Lisa很悲伤,但根据常识,Lisa会礼貌性的给予送礼物的人一个微笑。故选B。 15.考查名词辨析, house房子;商店store ;bag袋子;car汽车;结合前文,作者送给Lisa的毛绒玩具装在礼品袋里面。Lisa应该是从gift bag中取出毛绒玩具。故选C。 16.考查名词辨析,night夜晚;ceremony仪式;performance表演;party聚会;结合文章内容可知,当时在举行葬礼仪式,用ceremony最为合适。故选B。 17.考查动词辨析,protecting保护;ordering命令;choosing选择;holding握着,结合语境,小女孩Lisa拿着这个毛绒玩具,让她感觉好一点了。故选D。 18. 考查语境推理,true正确的;simple简单的;possible可能的;common普通的;结合上下文,当Lisa拿着这个毛绒玩具,心里得到了一点安慰,这表明作者的这一举动是正确的,故选A。 19.考查连词, Meanwhile同时;Besides除此之外;Still一直; However然而,结合空白处句子,作者差点忽视了这个正确的做法,下一句“I am very happy that....”然而作者很庆幸自己那样做了。此处连词表转折,用however,故选D。 20.考查动词辨析, did做;remembered记住;returned返回;received收到;根据句子语境,作者庆幸自己做了一件善的事。故选A。 【名师点睛】 完型填空旨在考查学生综合运用语言知识的能力,做此题时必须通篇考虑,先掌握大意,在综合运用所学词汇、语法及常识进行推理判断。通读全文,了解大意,紧紧抓住上下文语境所提供的信息,充分利用各种线索作答。先通读全文,作者介绍了自己参加一个小男孩Bobby葬礼,突发奇想,给难过的小男孩的sister送了一个动物毛绒玩具,以此小女孩Lisa得到了一丝安慰,作者通过故事告诉我们“The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intentions”,最小的善行比最大的善意有价值。具体做题时,结合上下文语境推理选出答案。 例如第15小题,由前面文章可知道,作者从玩具店买了一个动物毛绒玩具,然后把他装在了“gift bag”礼品袋中,那么当作者把玩具送给Lisa,他当然从bag中把它取出来。所以要学会前后兼顾文章,有些题目的答案可以在下文中得出合理答案。

You have heard it said many times — the only thing constant in life is change. Change happens in every area in our lives, such as moving into a new apartment or home and changes in career or business. So we cannot avoid change in life. 1. Here are some of the benefits of change:

Change leads to opportunities. You will realize that each change in your life is actually an invitation to new opportunities. Remember every new opportunity has its own benefits.2. However, it is always advisable to consider the benefits that those new opportunities will bring. If you accept changes in your life, you will benefit from each new opportunity.

3. If you are used to doing the same thing over and over again, you may get bored, and lose the interest in your life. Change ensures that your experiences differ from day to day, month to month. Remember that the world is always in a continuous motion.4. These make life exciting.

Change means progress. If you look back to your life ten years ago, you were very different from what you are today. 5. This is called progress. And these growth experiences are the reason why you should appreciate changes in your life.

There, we should take advantage of change and make it work for us in positive ways.

A. Luckily, change is important in our lives.

B. Technologies, trends, and politics keep on changing.

C. Change is one thing that makes our lives interesting.

D. You may reject these opportunities, whenever they come.

E. Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.

F. You have the power to make every day a good day by accepting changes.

G. There are many things that have happened in your life, which helped you grow.



Laughter is a universal way to express joy. But as it turns out, your laughter reveals a lot more than the fact that you are happy. It enables listeners, even those that cannot observe you, immediately to realize if you are having a good time with a close friend or laughing politely with a complete stranger.

At least that is the conclusion reached by a team of scientists led by Greg Bryant, an associate professor of Communication Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles. The researchers began by requesting participants from across the globe to send them audio clips(音频片段) of people laughing. The 48 tapes they received ranged from recent recordings of laughter between two college friends to ones from conversations that occurred a decade ago. The clips also had all possible combinations — interactions between friends, strangers, all-male groups, all-female groups, as well as a mix of both genders(性别).

The team then played the short recording, each lasting less than a second, to 966 people spread across 24 different cultures around the world. The listeners ranged from people living in remote areas to those living in some of the world’s most modern cities. To the team’s astonishment, despite the cultural and regional differences, the listeners were able to identify the difference in laughter between friends and strangers, 61% of the time.

The scientists, who published their findings in the Scientific Journal, say that the accuracy was even higher when it came to recordings of only women laughing. The researchers think that this is probably because women are more transparent in expressing their feelings than men.

Bryant says that the results of this cross-cultural examination show that people all over the world perceive laughter in similar ways. As Neuroscientist Carolyn McGettigan at the Royal Holloway University of London puts it, “A laugh among friends is a special sound, no matter where you live!”

1.What can we learn about Greg Bryant’s research?

A. It was based on tapes from 966 people.

B. Its findings were beyond the team’s expectations.

C. It proved that laughter is a universal way to express joy.

D. Most of his findings were published in the Scientific Journal.

2.Why did the listeners identify all-female laughing more accurately?

A. Women are sensitive to interesting things.

B. Women are less likely to hide their feelings.

C. Women prefer to express their joys by laughing.

D. Women are good at communicating with others.

3.What does the underlined word “perceive” probably mean?

A. Understand.    B. Receive.

C. Explain.    D. Spread.



Many freshmen may get anxious at the thought of living at their new campus and making friends but 18-year-old Melanie Salazar already has someone older and wiser to show her the ropes: her 82-year-old grandfather. The story of Salazar and her grandpa, Rene Neira, is spreading after she showed a photo of her grandpa’s first day of class this term at Palo Alto College (PAC).

I’m so proud of my grandpa for finishing his first day at PAC this term! He is 82 years old and not giving up,” said Salazar then. The old man is now in his second term at the community college with just one class left before he gains his associate’s degree(副学士学位) in economics. Salazar, meanwhile, has just started her studies there. “Grandpa and I are very close,” Salazar said. “I like to say he’s my best friend.” She said that it’s nice to have her grandpa on campus, whether they’re walking to class together or having lunch.

Neira first went to college in the 1950s, but after getting married and starting a family he had to put his dream of getting a degree on hold to raise his family. He took classes throughout the years, but it’s only now that he’s finally close to reaching his goal. With plans to graduate soon, Neira won’t just stop with his associate’s degree. He hopes to attend the University of Texas at San Antonio to get his bachelor’s degree.

Salazar’s sweet social media post is inspiring dozens across the Internet, young and old. “My grandpa is very hard-working,” she said. “He will spend hours in the library studying in his own time because he’s very devoted to his education. It’s amazing that his story can inspire so many people in this way.”

1.What does the underlined part “show her the ropes” in Para.1 probably mean?

A. Show around the campus.    B. Tell her the secret behind success.

C. Teach her how to adapt to college.    D. Show her how to become popular.

2.What does Salazar think of going to college with her grandfather?

A. She has to face lots of challenges.    B. She is filled with pride and joy.

C. She is drawing much attention.    D. She is under a lot of stress.

3.What do we know about Neira?

A. He wants to stay in his college longer.

B. He’s never had college education before.

C. He aims to get the highest college degree.

D. He once gave up education to earn a living.

4.What can be inferred from Neira’s story?

A. Time and tide wait for no man.    B. It’s never too old to learn.

C. Practice makes perfect.    D. No pains, no gains.



假定你是李华,两周前你从网上订购了一套英语书虫系列读物(Bookworm Series),昨天才到货,且包装破损、数量不足。请就此向网店客服写邮件投诉。

要点如下:1.介绍购物情况:2.反映存在问题: 3.提出解决方案。

注意:1.词数100左右: 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

(可能用到的生词: 投诉complaint n.)











1.他过着忙碌的生活,养活一大家子的人,这一点给了他成就感。(lead a...life; support;      achievement)

2.我突然想到这本书是给青少年设计的,有助于建立他们的信心。(hit; intend; build up)

3.只有这样我们才能集中注意力于我们的工作上。 (only句首;focus on)

4. 多亏了他的研究,联合国在消除世界饥饿的斗争中又多了些方法。(thanks to; rid...of; battle)

5.在过去十年中,使用化肥导致了严重的问题。(decade; ing形式做主语; fertilizer; lead to)



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