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Dear Peter,

I’m writing to discuss with you about wildlife protection. ______________________________________


I’m looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua


Dear Peter, I’m writing to discuss with you about wildlife protection. As we know, some wildlife is in danger due to environmental destruction and many wild animals are on the edge of extinction because of hunting. Thought it’s necessary to take measures to help those animals, the measures are difficult to carry out. Firstly, many people lack the awareness of wildlife protection, resulting in hunting the animals illegally. Besides, few people are wiling to provide money for animal protection as they think it is of no use to them. In my opinion, the government should make more laws to protect wildlife. Our schools should teach students to pay attention to wildlife protection. Last but not least, we should do whatever we can to make a difference in the project. Meanwhile, I want to know your opinion. I’m looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】这是一篇提纲类作文。文章主题:你的美国朋友Peter来信和你就野生动物的保护展开讨论,就此话题进行回信,内容要点已经给出:a.野生动物所处的现状;b.保护野生动物面临的困难;c.你的想法。 考生在写这篇文章时,要注意以下几点: 1.通篇以一般将来时与现在时态为主。 2. 要点要齐全。但是不要对要点进行简单的罗列。可以使用适当的连接词,使上下文行文流畅,衔接自然流程。 3. 注意文章要以书信的形式进行叙述,一定要通过简单的例子作为支撑。否则会显得说服力不够,内容不够丰满。 【范文亮点】 文章以“I’m writing to discuss with you about wildlife protection.”开头,直奔主题,开门见山,引出本文的主题与写信目的;some wildlife is in danger due to environmental destruction and many wild animals are on the edge of extinction because of hunting. 简洁概括了造成野生动物濒危的原因。 2.文章采用了“Firstly、Besides、Last but not least”等连接词,使行文更加流畅,“on the edge of extinction处于灭绝的边缘” “In my opinion在我看来”“ As we know众所周知”“ Meanwhile与此同时”“Looking forward to 期望做某事”等高分词组。  







Yesterday was my best friend Li Ming’s birthday. When school was over, I went to be bookshop to buy a book calling Exploring Space, and had them wrapped for him. Because he has wanted to buy this book for weeks, so I knew he would be very pleased with my present. When I got to the party, I gave the present to him and whispered soft, “You will love it.” He could not wait to opening it. All of sudden, the smile on his face disappeared. I saw some big red words in the cover of the book what said, Caring for Your Baby! I had picked up the wrong books in the shop!



If you live in the United States, you’re almost 1.(certain) seen at American crow(乌鸦). Crows range from southern Canada throughout the United States. As2.adult, this bird is entirely black from bill to tail, except for its brown eyes. These3.(noise) birds are often recognizable by their special, loud cry, called a caw. There are often mistaken4.the common raven(渡鸦),but ravens are5.(large), and they have differently shaped bills and pointed wings and tails.

American crows often live family groups. Both members of a breeding pair help build the nests, and the female crow usually6.(lay) four or live eggs in spring or summer. After about five weeks in the nests, the young birds begin learning how to fly and catch prey. Crows sometimes stay near the spot7.they were born to help raise other young crows.

Crows will eat almost anything, from insects and small animals such as frogs fruit and nuts. They prefer open areas with access to trees and they can sometimes 8.(find)around vegetable gardens. Crows also frequently live in suburban9.(neighbor) and in parks. Crows are considered 10.(be)very intelligent birds.



Once upon a time in a far-away place lived an old doll-maker. He had spent his long life creating dolls of all   ______, making all the little girls in the world______. He had kept up in the______of the world and made dolls that say “mama” and_______by themselves. The doll maker was very______, and he knew that his time for special contribution was growing short. So, with______determination in his heart, he made his most beautiful _____. He gave her brown hair, and the bluest eyes. This special doll was given long legs with which she could______and play. She had a beautiful face and he planned this so that she could see the______in others.

On the last day when she was _____, he lifted her up with great care and set her______in front of a large mirror. He asked, “Are you not the most beautiful doll in the world?” The doll looked through her long lashes(睫毛)______of excited expectation._______her pretty face clouded up and then stormed over. “Oh doll-maker, I_______brown hair and I have always longed for green eyes. These re not the_______I’d have chosen for myself, ______look how long my legs are! How unfashionable they will seem to the world. Oh doll-maker, I am not a beautiful doll______!”

We have been created with the most beautiful _______. Don’t look into life’s ______and wish you were_____you’re not. May we thank the great doll-maker for what we have been given.

1.A. pages    B. sorts    C. aims    D. ranks

2.A. young    B. happy    C. strong    D. healthy

3.A. wars    B. accidents    C. trends    D. events

4.A. clean up    B. look out    C. leave out    D. stand up

5.A. wise    B. merciful    C. selfish    D. rude

6.A. special    B. little    C. normal    D. common

7.A. text    B. essay    C. creation    D. fiction

8.A. sing    B. speak    C. wait    D. dance

9.A. beauty    B. wealth    C. kindness    D. story

10.A. destroyed    B. completed    C. sold    D. brought

11.A. nervously    B. angrily    C. gently    D. toughly

12.A. short    B. fond    C. tired    D. full

13.A. Suddenly    B. Luckily    C. Actually    D. Generally

14.A. admit    B. hate    C. admire    D. hide

15.A. name    B. reason    C. color    D. organ

16.A. but    B. if    C. so    D. and

17.A. in advance    B. on purpose    C. at all    D. in time

18.A. clothes    B. qualities    C. skin    D. family

19.A. mirrors    B. incidents    C. expenses    D. difficulties

20.A. nothing    B. either    C. none    D. someone



Secrets to a great life

A great life doesn’t happen by accident. A great life is the result of allocating your time, energy, thoughts, and hard work towards what you want your life to be. 1.

A great life is the result of simplifying your life. People often misunderstand what simplify means.  2.When you focus on simplifying your life, you free up energy and time for the work that you enjoy and the purpose for which you are here. In order to create a great life, you will have to make room for it in yours first.

A great life is the result of your best effort. 3. It may mean re-evaluating how you spend your time, or choosing to spend your money in a different way. It may mean looking for new ways to spend your energy that coincide with your particular definition of a great life.

4.It's easy to spend your days just responding to the next thing that gets your attention, instead of intentionally using the time, energy and money you have in a way that's important to you. Focus on removing the obstacles that get in the way of you making sure you are doing things of greater significance.

A great life is the result of starting. There’s the old saying everyone’s familiar with “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” In order to even move from the couch to the refrigerator, you have to start. There’s no better time to start than today.5.Today, right now, is the right day to start to take a step in the direction of your heart’s desires.

A. Look around at someone’s life you admire.

B. It’s not a way to remove work from your life

C. A great life is the result of doing important things

D. Don’t wait for a raise, or until the kids get older.

E. A great life is the result of controlling your thoughts.

F. Use these “secrets” to start creating your own great life today!

G. Creating a great life requires that you make some adjustments.



Scientists said they have found evidence of a giant planet far out in our solar system. In a statement, the California Institute of Technology(Caltech) said this planet travels a strange “highly elongated orbit in the distant solar system”.

The discovery was made by two researchers at Caltech; Konstantin Batygin and Mike Brown. They used mathematical modeling and computer simulations (模拟)to find the planet. So far, there have not been any direct observations of the planet. “My jaw hit the floor,” said astronomer Mike Brown, the moment he realized there might be a ninth planet.

The scientists said it would take this planet 10,000to 20,000 years just to make one full orbit around the sun. The new planet, called “Planet Nine” has a mass about 10 times the size of Earth.

It is believed that the planet orbits, or travels, around the sun from a great distance. The planet Neptune’s average distance to the sun is about 4.5 billion kilometers. But “Planet Nine” could be 20 times farther away from the sun than that. While they did not get a picture of “Planet Nine” yet, the scientists say they are using the biggest and best telescopes on Earth to try to find it.

Brown and Batygin reported their finding in The Astronomical Journal. They say that this new planet is so large that there should be no doubt that it is a true planet, once they confirm it.

Robert Massey is with the Royal Astronomical Society in London. He told AFP that planets have been predicted before, and then were not found. But, he said the work of the these researchers is definitely worth following up. “It would be a really exciting thing to find. At the moment it’s simply a prediction.”

1.How was the evidence of the ninth planet found?

A. Through a special telescope

B. Through researchers’ direct observation

C. Through studying its special orbit in the solar system

D. Through mathematical modeling and computer simulations

2.What can we know about “Planet Nine” from the text?

A. It is much smaller than the earth

B. It travels a normal orbit like other planets

C. Its distance to the sun is about 90 billion kilometers

D. Its picture has been caught by the biggest and best telescope

3.What’s Robert’s attitude towards the discovery of “Planet Nine”?

A. Worried    B. Supportive

C. Indifferent    D. Opposed

4.What’s the best title for the text?

A. The discovery of the largest planet

B. A big prediction of the solar system

C. A ninth planet may be in the solar system

D. The ninth planet has been found in the solar system



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