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Alpacas(羊驼) are members of the camel fam...

Alpacas(羊驼) are members of the camel family, having lived in South America for thousands of years. Their fur gives the animals a teddy bear_like appearance. Alpacas are too small to be used as animals of burden but are valued only for their fur. Generally, their lifespan is around 15 to 20 years.

Alpacas are social animals that live in family groups made up of a male, females and their young. They are gentle, elegant, curious, intelligent and observant. They are safe and pleasant to be around, moving gracefully and slowly around the field, and are therefore unlikely to run into or over anyone, even small children. Occasionally, an alpaca will spit snd kick, but the soft padded(有爪垫的) feet usually do little more than just“get your attention”.

Because these animals are environmentally friendly and need so little grass and food, you can usually raise from two to eight alpacas on an acre of land with grass or hay. A single, 60 pound bale(大捆) of hay can generally feed a group of about 20 alpacas for one day. Alpacas also require access to plenty of fresh water to drink.

Alpaca fur is used for making knittedd and woven(编织) items, just as sheep’s wool is.These items include blankets, sweaters, hats, gloves, scarves, a wide variety of textiles(针织品) in South America, and sweaters, socks, coats and bedding in other parts of the world. The fur comes in more than 52 natural colors as classified in Peru, 12 as classified in Australia and 16 as classified in the United States.

1.According to the text, alpacas can be best used_______.

A. for long distance rides

B. to protect home

C. for children to play with

D. to carry heavy goods

2.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A. Alpaca’s kick can’t hurt you.

B. Alpacas want to draw your attention.

C. You must look out for Alpacas’ attack.

D. You should pay more attention to Alpaca

3.If you have 5 acres of land to raise Alpacas, how much hay do you need a day at most?

A. 60 pounds.

B. 120 pounds.

C. 100 pounds.

D. 180 pounds.

4.According to the last paragraph, which of the following is true?

A. Alpaca fur is a kind of sheep’s wool.

B. Alpaca fur is only used for making sweaters in Australia.

C. The US produces the most Alpaca fur in the world.

D. Alpaca fur produced in Peru comes in the most natural colors.


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 【解析】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了羊驼的特点。羊驼是一种温和无害的动物,能够和人和睦相处。羊驼也是环境友好动物,不需要太多干草喂养。它的皮毛很有用,可以制成多种纺织制品。 1.细节理解题。由“Alpacas are too small to be used as animals of burden but are valued only for their fur. ”以及“They are safe and pleasant to be around, moving gracefully and slowly around the field, and are therefore unlikely to run into or over anyone, even small children.”可知,羊驼不适合重力劳动,它们温顺的性格不会伤害到小孩子。故选C。 2.推理判断题。由“ but the soft padded(有爪垫的)”可知可知羊驼的爪子很软,推测知画线处意为只是为了引起注意力,实际伤害不大。故选A。 3.细节理解题。由“Because these animals are environmentally friendly and need so little grass and food, you can usually raise from two to eight alpacas on an acre of land with grass or hay.”可知,5 acres of land最多可养40只羊驼,需要60+60=120 pound 干草。故选B。 4.细节理解题。由最后一句“The fur comes in more than 52 natural colors as classified in Peru, 12 as classified in Australia and 16 as classified in the United States.”可知,秘鲁多于52种,澳大利亚12种,美国16种,故秘鲁最多。故选D。

Word of the Day Writing Competition

Days are getting colder, and everyone is slowly backing to the warm comfort of their homes. It’s the best opportunity to make good use of the quietness and peace of the season by taking pen and paper(or a computer) out to write.

OxfordWords of Oxford University Press(OUP) is calling all aspiring(有抱负的) authors out there to take part in our writing competition. What we’re looking for are imaginative(富有想象力的) short stories—not more than 500 words---that include every Word of the Day (WOTD) from November.

Each entry will be carefully considered by the OxfordWords team before deciding on a winner. The best storyteller will be given a year’s fee to OxfordDictionaries.com, as well as £50 worth of OUP books, and have his or her piece published on that website.

Before you get started, please make sure you’re read our terms and conditions. Entries can be submitted(递交) through the entry form, or posted into the comment section. Closing date for the competition is 5th January 2015.

And finally, for inspiration, have a look at the charming short story that gives us the idea for this competition, written by a fellow Oxford Dictionaries team member, and including all thirty one Words of the Day from October.

Find out more about our Word of the Day service and sign up to receive the words via email, or on Facebook, Google, and Twitter.

1.What type of writing is this test?

A. An exhibition guide.

B. An art show review.

C. An announcement.

D. An official report.

2.The stories for the competition must______.

A. be about OxfordWords

B. have more than 500 words

C. contain all the words of WOTD

D. be handed in before 5th January 2015

3.The winner of the competition can______________.

A. read all the books of OUP free of charge

B. use OxfordDictionaries.com for free for a year

C. be allowed to be on the OxfordWords team

D. publish all of his or her works on OxfordDictionaries.com











Dear Peter,

I’m writing to discuss with you about wildlife protection. ______________________________________


I’m looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua









Yesterday was my best friend Li Ming’s birthday. When school was over, I went to be bookshop to buy a book calling Exploring Space, and had them wrapped for him. Because he has wanted to buy this book for weeks, so I knew he would be very pleased with my present. When I got to the party, I gave the present to him and whispered soft, “You will love it.” He could not wait to opening it. All of sudden, the smile on his face disappeared. I saw some big red words in the cover of the book what said, Caring for Your Baby! I had picked up the wrong books in the shop!



If you live in the United States, you’re almost 1.(certain) seen at American crow(乌鸦). Crows range from southern Canada throughout the United States. As2.adult, this bird is entirely black from bill to tail, except for its brown eyes. These3.(noise) birds are often recognizable by their special, loud cry, called a caw. There are often mistaken4.the common raven(渡鸦),but ravens are5.(large), and they have differently shaped bills and pointed wings and tails.

American crows often live family groups. Both members of a breeding pair help build the nests, and the female crow usually6.(lay) four or live eggs in spring or summer. After about five weeks in the nests, the young birds begin learning how to fly and catch prey. Crows sometimes stay near the spot7.they were born to help raise other young crows.

Crows will eat almost anything, from insects and small animals such as frogs fruit and nuts. They prefer open areas with access to trees and they can sometimes 8.(find)around vegetable gardens. Crows also frequently live in suburban9.(neighbor) and in parks. Crows are considered 10.(be)very intelligent birds.



Once upon a time in a far-away place lived an old doll-maker. He had spent his long life creating dolls of all   ______, making all the little girls in the world______. He had kept up in the______of the world and made dolls that say “mama” and_______by themselves. The doll maker was very______, and he knew that his time for special contribution was growing short. So, with______determination in his heart, he made his most beautiful _____. He gave her brown hair, and the bluest eyes. This special doll was given long legs with which she could______and play. She had a beautiful face and he planned this so that she could see the______in others.

On the last day when she was _____, he lifted her up with great care and set her______in front of a large mirror. He asked, “Are you not the most beautiful doll in the world?” The doll looked through her long lashes(睫毛)______of excited expectation._______her pretty face clouded up and then stormed over. “Oh doll-maker, I_______brown hair and I have always longed for green eyes. These re not the_______I’d have chosen for myself, ______look how long my legs are! How unfashionable they will seem to the world. Oh doll-maker, I am not a beautiful doll______!”

We have been created with the most beautiful _______. Don’t look into life’s ______and wish you were_____you’re not. May we thank the great doll-maker for what we have been given.

1.A. pages    B. sorts    C. aims    D. ranks

2.A. young    B. happy    C. strong    D. healthy

3.A. wars    B. accidents    C. trends    D. events

4.A. clean up    B. look out    C. leave out    D. stand up

5.A. wise    B. merciful    C. selfish    D. rude

6.A. special    B. little    C. normal    D. common

7.A. text    B. essay    C. creation    D. fiction

8.A. sing    B. speak    C. wait    D. dance

9.A. beauty    B. wealth    C. kindness    D. story

10.A. destroyed    B. completed    C. sold    D. brought

11.A. nervously    B. angrily    C. gently    D. toughly

12.A. short    B. fond    C. tired    D. full

13.A. Suddenly    B. Luckily    C. Actually    D. Generally

14.A. admit    B. hate    C. admire    D. hide

15.A. name    B. reason    C. color    D. organ

16.A. but    B. if    C. so    D. and

17.A. in advance    B. on purpose    C. at all    D. in time

18.A. clothes    B. qualities    C. skin    D. family

19.A. mirrors    B. incidents    C. expenses    D. difficulties

20.A. nothing    B. either    C. none    D. someone



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