满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Parents , the most selfless people on Ea...

Parents , the most selfless people on Earth are the biggest reason for your existence. However, we often____ to appreciate(感激) their efforts. And by the time we realize this, it's ____ late. So, don't wait for any _____day to say sweet things to your parents and tell them how _____you're for whatever they've done for you.

First,____you often forget to call your parents and _____them how much you miss them, they may often feel you're not making any_____to stay in touch with them.

Second, you should hug them. You can't possibly _____whatever they've done for you, but this small gesture(姿势) will______make them feel special.

Third, let your emotions out in time, because you_____know, there might not be a tomorrow to express your____. We all have been mean to our ____at times, and have said things that _____them deeply. If so, all you can do is apologize(道歉) from the bottom of your ____.

Finally, _____them to know that they're the real superheroes in your life. You can never ____them enough. They've always been your____to move forward. They taught you all the small and big things about life. They always _____ you to work hard and become a successful person in life. Even though you may have_____ in a race or failed in an exam, they were and still are your number one____ . So, express yourself before your parents before it’s too late.

1.A. fall    B. fail    C. want    D. wait

2.A. very    B. rather    C. fairly    D. too

3.A. good    B. wonderful    C. special    D. beautiful

4.A. lucky    B. grateful    C. sorry    D. regretful

5.A. when    B. since    C. unless    D. if

6.A. ask    B. inform    C. tell    D. find

7.A. mistakes    B. will    C. dream    D. efforts

8.A. give back    B. send back    C. give away    D. put away

9.A. surely    B. luckily    C. sincerely    D. entirely

10.A. ever    B. never    C. hardly    D. almost

11.A. love    B. regret    C. worry    D. happiness

12.A. teachers    B. friends    C. parents    D. classmates

13.A. inspire    B. move    C. hurt    D. discourage

14.A. soul    B. mind    C. brain    D. heart

15.A. get    B. let    C. bet    D. set

16.A. believe    B. thank    C. apologize    D. know

17.A. advantage    B. hope    C. strength    D. bank

18.A. needed    B. asked    C. forced    D. encouraged

19.A. won    B. lost    C. competed    D. succeeded

20.A. fans    B. heroes    C. Examples    D. teachers


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.A 10.B 11.A 12.C 13.C 14.D 15.A 16.B 17.C 18.D 19.B 20.A 【解析】文章的主题是:及时表达对父母的感激和爱。虽然父母是对我们最无私的一个人,但是我们在生活依然会忽视父母对我们的付出,文章告诉我们父母一直是支持、鼓励我们的人,所以我们应该经常对他们表达出自己的爱和感激,不要等到一切都太晚了才后悔莫及。 1.考查上下文,根据文章空白处上一句,父母是世界上对我们最无私的人,接着下句However...出现转折,推测出句意应该是“我们对父母的感激太少”,短语fail to表示“未能....”,符合语境。故选B。 2.考查副词使用,very非常;rather宁可;fairly相当的;too太。根据句意“当我们意识到的时候,这一切都晚了”,用too,故选D。 3.考查形容词词义辨析,good day 好日子;wonderful day; 精彩的日子;special day特殊的日子;beautiful day 美丽的日子;根据后面的“ to say sweet things to your parents ”,这里作者表达的是,不要等生活好起来,才对父母说甜言蜜语。故选A. 4.考查形容词辨析;lucky幸运的;grateful感激的;sorry抱歉的;regretful遗憾的;结合上下文语境,前文说我们不要意识到这一切都晚了的时候才给父母表达感激,所以此处应该是表达感激的意思,故选B。 5.考查连词,when当...的时候;since因为;unless除非;if如果;根据句意,“我们忘记给父母打电话告诉他们我们有多想他们,他们就会觉得我们对他们不上心”,这里考查应该用if,句子是if引导的条件状语从句。故选D。 6.考查动词辨析,ask询问;inform通知;tell告诉;find发现;根据语境,这里的意思是“告诉父母我们多么想念他们”,用tell符合句意。故选C。 7.考查名词辨析,mistakes错误;will愿望;dream梦想;efforts努力;结合上一句“如果忘记给父母打电话告诉他们自己有多么想念他们”,所以接下来的一句应该是“他们就会觉得你没有为联系他们做出过努力”,“make effort”符合语境。故选D。 8.考查短语辨析,give back归还;send back退还;give away放弃;put away抛弃;根据句意“你应该拥抱他们,你可能不能回报父母对你的付出,但是这个小的拥抱动作会让他们有不一样的感觉”,give back有“归还,回报”的意思,一般后面可接抽象的事物,如“恩情”等,而send back一般表示退还某种具体的东西,故选A。 9.考查副词使用,surely确切地;luckily幸运地;sincerely真诚地;entirely完全地;结合语境“surely make them feel special”更为合适,虽然不能回报父母,但是拥抱这个小举动会实实在在地让他们感觉不一样。故选A。 10.考查副词使用,ever永远;never决不; hardly很难;almost几乎;根据下一句,“是否可能明天还能对他们表达爱”,前一句应该是“我们绝对不会知道”,符合首句主题句“Third, let your emotions out in time”传递的“我们应该及时表达对父母的爱”的意思。故选B。 11.考查名词辨析,love爱;regret遗憾;worry担忧;happiness幸福;根据语义“我们决不会知道,未来是否有机会对父母表达爱”,故选A。 12.考查名词辨析,teachers老师;friends朋友; parents父母;classmates同学;这里谈论的是我们曾经对父母做过刻薄的事。故选C。 13.考查动词辨析, inspire激励;move移动;hurt伤害;discourage打击;根据空出下一句“If so, all you can do is apologize from the bottom of ...”,如果做过此事,你应该给父母道歉。可见之前表达的应该是“伤害过他们”,故选C。 14.考查语境,soul 灵魂;mind理智;brain大脑;heart心底。结合句子意思,如果曾经伤害过父母,就应该发自内心地道歉。from the bottom of heart,“发自内心的,打从心里的”符合语境,故选D。 15.考查动词辨析,get得到; let让;bet打赌;set设置;根据空白处句子意思“让他们知道你视他们为超级英雄”,用let,故选B。 16.考查动词辨析,believe相信;thank感谢;apologize道歉;know知道;根据上下文语境,你可以从未感激他们,他们一直是你前进的动力。用thank,故选B。 17.考查名词辨析,advantage 优点;hope希望;strength力量;bank银行;根据空白处下一句“They taught you all the small and big things about life.”他们事无巨细都一一教你,可见前一句表达的应该是父母是我们前进的支持力量。故选C。 18.考查动词辨析,needed需要;asked要求; forced强迫;encouraged鼓励,结合前面句子,父母一直是我们的坚强后盾,所以这里表达的是他们一直鼓励我们努力工作直到成功。故选D。 19.考查上下文推理,won赢;lost失利;competed竞争;succeeded成功;空白处前文说父母一直在支持我们,这里出现. Even though ,尽管...表示转折,意思为“尽管我们会在比赛和考试中失利”,用lost,故选B。 20.考查名词辨析,fans粉丝;heroes英雄;Examples例子;teachers老师;结合前一句,即使我们在比赛或者考试中失利,父母依然是我们的粉丝。故选A。 【名师点睛】 完型填空旨在考察学生综合运用语言知识能力。做此题时候需要通篇考虑,先掌握大意,再综合所学词汇、语法以及常识进行推理判断,通篇阅读,本篇文章的主题是:及时对父母表达感激和爱。再根据上下文语境与所提供的信息,充分利用各种线索答题。考生要学会结合上下文选择,学会站在作者的语境考虑。例如第17题They've always been your___17___to move forward. 他们(指父母)总是你前进的什么?根据后一句“They taught you all the small and big things about life”他们总是事无巨细一一教你。可知父母在生活中永远是你的支持后盾。故选C。

Do you remember those times when your mother told you to avoid talking to strangers? But now you’re not a child anymore. In fact, there are many advantages of talking to strangers.

●You can meet a really great person.

Talking to a stranger is a good habit because you never know whom you may meet. 1. You can also meet someone who will give you a chance to get your dream job.


You have some opinion about different subjects and you know your friends’ and relatives’ points of view about them, too. But there are millions of other people who think differently and can give you unpredictable yet smart ideas that will broaden your horizons.

●You can improve your social skills.

3. Asking appropriate questions and attentive listening are two skills that many of us don’t have. You can better these skills when talking to a stranger.

●You can offer someone comfort.

The thing you’ll definitely like about talking to strangers is that you can make someone’s day better. 4. Praise people and they will think something pleasant about you. Having a sweet short dialogue is one of those perfect chances to make people cheerful.

●You can find the solutions you didn’t know about.

Talking to someone you don’t know is all about finding out something you didn’t know. You may have some problems that you can’t solve for a long time. However, someone you suddenly meet can figure out the right solution you didn’t even think about before. 5.

A. It may be a help you needed to get a long time ago.

B. You can expand your world view.

C. You can meet a person who will become your best friend in future.

D. Smile and people will smile in return.

E. Whatever social skills you have, you can make them better when talking to strangers.

F. You shouldn’t miss these unexpected chances of meeting people.

G. Why not speak to someone until your turn comes?



Jack Ma, the founder and executive chairman of e-commerce giant Alibaba Group, and US president-elect Donald Trump met at Trump Tower in New York City on Jan,9th 2017, with Trump calling it a "great meeting" and Ma saying the meeting was "very productive"

"We had a great meeting, and a great, great entrepreneur(企业家), one of the best in the world, and he loves this country, and he loves China," Trump said. "Jack and I are going to do some great things."

The two met with reporters briefly after the meeting, and said they discussed plans to create 1 million US jobs by allowing US small and medium-sized businesses to sell to China through Alibaba's platforms.

"We're focused on small business," Ma told reporters. And he had complimentary words for Trump: "I think the president-elect is very smart, he's very open-minded to listen. I told him my ideas about how to improve trade, especially to improve small business, cross-border trade."

"We also think that the China and USA relationship should be strengthened — should be friendlier," Ma said. "The door is open for discussing the relationship and trade issues."

The meeting comes in tensions between China and the incoming Trump administration(政府). Trump has repeatedly criticized China for its economic policies and accused the country of "stealing jobs away" from the US.

Trump also has said he may raise tariffs(关税) on Chinese goods sold in the US.

1.When Jack Ma and Trump met at the beginning of this year, _________

A. Trump has taken office as a new president of USA.

B. Jack Ma and Trump took a friendly attitude towards each other.

C. they discussed plans to allow US businesses to sell to Asia.

D. Trump will do some great things through JingDong’s platforms.

2.The underlined word “complimentary” probably shows “_____”.

A. praise    B. criticism

C. anger    D. pride

3.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Before the meeting at Trump Tower, they two met with reporters briefly.

B. Jack Ma and Trump met at the background of good relations between China and Trump administration.

C. Their meeting focused on some big business and home trade.

D. Trump may raise tariffs on imported goods from China.



When we first gave our daughters (then 13 and 15 years old) cell phones for emergencies, we made them sign an agreement in which we strictly ruled where and when they could use their phones and even we could check their every text message. However, in less than a year, we lost control of the situation.

There is a terrible reality that almost every teenager sends between 50 to 100 messages a day - some as many as 300, and 70% of teenagers admit hiding their online behavior from parents. According to a study, teenagers need as much sleep or more than they get as children - that's between 9 and 10 hours of sleep a night, but only 20% of them are getting it. When they don't get enough sleep, they perform poorly in school, feel very hungry, are more likely to have flu and are very emotional.

Recently, we adopted a "check in at tuck in" (盖被子时交手机) rule at our house, an idea I learnt from a parenting expert. It is very simple. At bedtime, when we "tuck in" our children for the night, they must "check in" their phones. They will probably bargain like this:

"But I use it for my alarm clock."

"I'll wake you up."

"My friends might need me."

"If there is an emergency, they can call the fixed phone and I'll wake you up."

A few weeks ago, when I drove my younger daughter to a friend's house for a sleepover, she handed me her phone. "I guess I should check this in now, since you won't be there to tuck me in tonight. I'll call you from Ellie's phone if I need you."

1.The first paragraph that the writer writes is to______.

A. show the writer's family life

B. lead to the topic of the passage

C. advise to buy cell phones for children

D. introduce the writer's two daughters

2.The cell phones were bought for children in hope of_______.

A. controlling their online behavior

B. working hard through the Internet

C. replacing alarm clocks with cell phones

D. keeping in touch if something urgent happened

3.Which of the following is NOT caused by sleeping less?

A. Performing well in school.

B. Feeling very hungry.

C. Being easy to have flu.

D. Being very emotional.

4.Which is probably the best title for the passage?

A. How to Take Control of Children

B. How to Help Children Sleep Well at Night

C. How to Get Children off Cell Phones at Night

D. How to Assist Children with Cell Phones



Are you looking for some new and exciting places to take your kids to? Try some of these  places:

Head to a natural history museum. This is where kids can discover the past from Dinosaur (恐龙) models to rock collections and pictures of stars in the sky. Also, ask what kind of workshops and educational programs are prepared for kids and any special events that are coming up.

Go to a Youtheater. Look for one in your area offering plays for child and family visitors. Pre-show play shops are conducted by area artists and educators where kids can discover the secret about performing arts. Puppet (木偶) making and stage make-up are just a couple of the special offerings you might find.

Visit art museums. They offer all kinds of activities to excite your kids' interest. Many offer workshops for making hand-made pieces, traveling exhibits, book signings( 签名) by children's favorite writers, and even musical performances and other arts.

Try hands-on science. Visit one of the many hands-on science museums around the country. These science play-lands are great fun for kids and grown-ups alike. They'll keep your child mentally and physically active the whole day through while pushing buttons, experimenting, and building. When everyone is tired, enjoy a fun family science show, commonly found in these museums.

1.If a child is interested in the universe, he probably will visit _________ .

A. a Youtheater    B. a natural history museum

C. an art museum    D. a hands-on science museum

2.What can kids do at a Youtheater?

A. Look at rock collections.    B. See dinosaur models.

C. Give performances.    D. Watch puppet making.

3.What does "hands-on science" mean in the last paragraph?

A. Learning science by doing things.    B. Science games designed by kids.

C. A show of kids' science work.    D. Reading science books.

4.Where does this text probably come from?

A. A science textbook.    B. A tourist map.

C. A museum guide.    D. A news report.



Many people go to school for an education. They learn languages, history, geography, physics, chemistry and mathematics. Others go to school to learn a skill so that they can make a living. School education is very important and useful. Yet no one can learn everything from school. A teacher,no matter how much he knows, cannot teach his students everything they want to know. The teacher’s job is to show his students how to learn. He teaches them how to read and how to think. So much more is to be learned outside school by the students themselves.

It is always more important to study by oneself than to memorize some facts or a formula(公式). It is actually quite easy to learn a certain fact in history or a formula in maths. But it is very difficult to use a formula in working out a maths problem. Great scientists, such as Einstein, Newton and Galileo didn’t get everything from school. But they were all so successful. They invented so many things for mankind. The reason for their success is that they worked hard all their lives, wasting not a single moment. They would ask many questions as they read and they did thousands of experiments.

Above all, they knew how to use their brains.

1.The subject which is not spoken of in the article is _____

A. maths    B. history

C. psychology    D. physics

2.The teacher’s job is to teach ___________.

A. everything the students want to know

B. the students everything that they know

C. the students some facts of formulas

D. the students how to learn

3.Einstein, Newton and Galileo did so many things for mankind because_____.

A. they learned a lot at school.

B. they knew how to learn new things outside class by themselves.

C. they were so useful.

D. they went to college and learned form professors.

4.From the passage we know that if we want to be successful , we should _______.

A. only learn more at school

B. needn’t go to school

C. only learn science subjects

D. learn to learn at school and learn more outside school



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