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假定你是李华。你从互联网上得知第十二届国际未来商业领袖峰会(International Future Business Leader Summit)将在上海举行,并欢迎中学生参加。请你写一封电子邮件申请参加。要点如下:














Dear Sir or Madam, I'm Li Hua, a middle school student from China. I read about your announcement of the 12th International Future Business Leader Summit posted on the Internet. I’m writing to apply for an opportunity to join in it. Ten years of English learning enables me to have a good command of this language. What’s more, I can deepen my understanding of business, improve my leadership and communicate with students from other countries as well. I do hope to be admitted to your summit. I look forward to your reply! Regards, Li Hua 【解析】本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求写一封信。 第1步:根据提示可知,本篇为一封电子邮件;你从互联网上得知第十二届国际未来商业领袖峰会(International Future Business Leader Summit)将在上海举行,并欢迎中学生参加,你写一封电子邮件申请参加,要点如下:自我介绍(包括英语能力),申请参加活动的意图(增长商业知识、提高领导力、加强交流),希望获准。人称使用第一人称,时态应为一般现在时。 第2步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组),如:a middle school student(一名中学生),apply for(申请),opportunity(机会),enable sb. to do sth.(使某人能做某事),deepen(加深),understanding of business(商业理解),improve my leadership(提高我的领导能力),communicate(交流),be admitted(被录用)等。 第3步:根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第4步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰,保持整洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。 【亮点说明】 范文内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。作者在范文中使用了较多高级表达方式,如同位语I'm Li Hua, a middle school student from China.;强调句I do hope to be admitted to your summit.;非谓语动词I read about your announcement of the 12th International Future Business Leader Summit posted on the Internet.全文中没有中国式英语的句式,语言精练,显示了很高的驾驭英语的能力。另外,文章思路清晰、层次分明,上下句转换自然,为文章增色添彩。  

Soon after I got off the ship1.(fill) with tradesmen from small boats, I was stopped by a man selling diamond rings. I really spent some time2.(get) rid of him. Then another man3.(approach) me with some expensive watches and pens, 4.aroused my interest.

“Can I have a look at the pens?” I asked the man, who immediately handed5.to me and said, “it's a pen of high quality, sir. It's 6.£50, but you can have it for £30 as a special favor.” Yet I still thought it was too expensive, so between us there was an 7.(argue) about the price. Finally, I got the pen for £5. What a bargain! Only one tenth of the original price! I was wild 8.joy, without noticing the seller disappear into the crowd quickly. Then I went back to the ship, 9.(extreme) pleased. But this story did not have a happy ending: I couldn't fill the pen with ink and it just didn't work! Even five pounds 10.(be) too much! There was no doubt that I had been fooled by the seller. No wonder he had been in such a hurry to get away!



One winter nine years ago, I volunteered at a homeless shelter in Los Angeles, _______meals for people. There I met Albert, who said he liked my _______. “Want to see mine?” he asked, lifting his_______. He was barefoot. He said he had been hoping to get a pair but had never made it. I felt a _______feeling in my stomach.

The next day, _______, I went to buy socks-about $10 _______. That next morning, I_______my alarm for 5 a.m. and drove to the local park, a common destination for_______people.

It was still_______out. I took out a bag of socks and ________a group of men, standing around a tree, ________with cold. When I handed each of them a pair of socks, they looked confused at first, ________my motives(动机), but took them.

An hour later, I ________ all the socks. Most people were sleeping. I felt like Santa. When they would ________, they would find a very meaningful ________.

Every week I'll hand out many socks. If I'm away for________a week, I will bring socks with me and hand them out to the homeless in other states and countries.

In the past years, this has become my________. It's addictive, I suppose, and it's incredibly satisfying to help make some people's ________a little bit easier. Part of me hopes to see Albert out there, but ________I don't, I'd like to think one of the pairs will________him.

1.A. preparing    B. giving    C. donating    D. buying

2.A. car    B. meals    C. socks    D. help

3.A. leg    B. arm    C. hand    D. head

4.A. magical    B. sinking    C. comforting    D. surprising

5.A. finally    B. in addition    C. however    D. after work

6.A. money    B. worth    C. value    D. worthy

7.A. made    B. placed    C. set    D. fixed

8.A. merciless    B. sleepless    C. jobless    D. homeless

9.A. dark    B. rainy    C. quiet    D. windy

10.A. signaled to    B. shouted at    C. headed for    D. waved at

11.A. trembling    B. smiling    C. jumping    D. sleeping

12.A. proving    B. inquiring    C. demanding    D. questioning

13.A. took off    B. took out    C. gave off    D. gave out

14.A. sit up    B. wake up    C. rise up    D. set up

15.A. meat    B. present    C. act    D. kindness

16.A. less than    B. other than    C. more than    D. rather than

17.A. habit    B. task    C. past-time    D. entertainment

18.A. winter    B. lives    C. families    D. difficulties

19.A. unless    B. until    C. even if    D. as if

20.A. suit    B. fit    C. match    D. find



Most trips will involve some walking, even if the main activity is cycling or horse riding.1. However, if you are going to walk 16-19 km or more a day with a pack on your back, daily for several days, your feet and body will suffer if you have not prepared yourself beforehand.

1. Preparation

2. Start with gentle walks of 3-5 km a day on easy-going areas. Build this up to 16-19 km, walking on local footpaths once or twice a week, wearing your boots and carrying your pack.

Think about your overall physical fitness if you are overweight, or if you have been ill or are recovering from an injury. You need to be sure that this won't cause health problems or severe discomfort.

2. Care of your feet

Never underestimate the importance of comfortable feet on a walking trip; uncomfortable or sore feet can make your trip truly miserable, so it is worth taking care of them properly.

3. Keeping your feet clean will make you more comfortable and washing them every day is advisable. Dry feet well after washing.

3. Deciding on footwear

4. Badly fitting boots can cause discomfort and blisters(水泡),and this will be enough to ruin your day. Boots should give good ankle support, and this is especially important for mountain walking. 5. For extreme conditions, such as snow and ice, jungle or desert, you will need specially designed boots.

A. A short hike is within most people's capabilities.

B. The most important criterion(标准)with walking boots is that they fit you properly.

C. Take a short walk daily for several days, and your feet and body will improve a lot.

D. Remember that the same boots will not necessarily be suitable for every trip.

E. During the expedition, keep your toenails cut short, so that your boots don't press on them.

F. If you are not an experienced walker, get in some training walks as part of your preparation.

G. To prepare for your walking trip, you have to wash your feet every day for several days.



Ashley C.Ford, a New York City writer, recently appealed to her 66 000 Twitter followers. “A cool thing you can do today is to try to find out which of your local schools have kids with overdue(过期未付的)lunch accounts and pay them off.”

Children from the poorest families get free or reduced-price breakfast and lunch. But some struggle to pay even reduced prices. Some of the IOUs(借据)come from kids who simply forget their lunch money or parents who can afford to pay but neglect to keep prepaid accounts up to date.

People around the country have been inspired by Ashley C. Ford to donate money to pay off debts owed by parents that can follow kids throughout their school careers.

It really hit home for me,” said Kristina Arwood, who launched a campaign that raised $20,000 to pay lunch debts in her region. “I grew up on free and reduced-price lunches, but even that 40 cents was hard to get together with four kids. There were times I wouldn't eat because I didn't have money.”

The effort drew some criticism from people who said some of the money is owed by parents who can afford the $2.50 for lunch but let their accounts run into the red. But the response has been mostly positive.

“It's unrealistic to think donations are going to fix this problem for all school districts,” said Diane Pratt-Heavner, spokeswoman for the association.

Ford said her real aim was to inspire a bigger wave of community giving. She said, “It was just one idea; another school might need help with uniforms or tutoring. The point was to do something that helps people in your community.”

1.Kids with overdue lunch accounts may be those ________.

A. who refuse to bring their lunch money to school

B. whose parents are unwilling to pay the accounts in advance

C. whose family fail to pay for their meals even at reduced prices

D. who would have the debts follow them throughout their school years

2.Which of the following statements about the campaign launched by Ashley C.Ford is RIGHT?

A. It could solve the problem of school children failing to pay their meals.

B. It received wide support and criticism from some people as well.

C. It raised enough money to cover the IOUs in all school districts.

D. It also focused on helping kids with their school uniforms.

3.What did Kristina mean by saying "It really hit home for me" in Paragraph 4?

A. She was rather surprised at what the kids experienced.

B. She felt as if she were stricken by the kids' sufferings.

C. She felt touched because of her similar experiences in childhood.

D. Her family were suffering because of her donation to the campaign.

4.What is Ashley C. Ford's real aim to appeal to her Twitter followers to donate to the kids?

A. To ensure that the government get universal free meals for all students.

B. To arouse people's concern about those who need uniforms or tutoring.

C. To raise enough money to pay the lunch debts in all the schools.

D. To encourage more people to take action to help those in need.



It seems that electronic devices just keep getting smaller. Scientists in the United States have announced the creation of the first transistor with only two dimensions(二维).

A transistor is a small electronic device that transfers or carries electronic current. Scientists hope these new 2D transistors will be used for building high-resolution(高分辨率)displays that need very little energy.

Two groups of scientists created these 2D transistors. They report that the transistors are only a few atoms thick.

Usually transistors are made with the element silicon(硅). Computer processors, memory chips, TV screens and other electronic devices contain billions of silicon-based transistors. But these very small electrical parts have certain limitations.

Dimitris Ioannou is an electrical engineering professor at George Mason University. He says the traditional transistor has been improved as much as it can be.He adds that researchers have been looking for new materials with special features and they want transistors to be seen through and soft.

“If the layers are very thin, the transistor can become flexible, so it doesn't have to be rigid(坚硬的), like it would be in a silicon chip. So people can think of applications like wearable electronics, television screens and other things,” said Ioannou.

These new transistors can also carry higher current. They also can move the current much faster than traditional transistors. This is important for high-definition screens.

Dimitris Ioannou says the scientific success could prove very useful in the future. "Now, how good and how useful it will be, it's still in the stage of research, but it certainly is an advance," said Ioannou.

1.Which of the following statements about the newly created transistor is TRUE?

A. They are expected to be used in high-resolution displays.

B. The transistors are made with the element silicon.

C. They are rigid, just like traditional transistors.

D. They have already been put into actual use.

2.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 mean?

A. The traditional transistors have been changed into two-dimensional ones.

B. Many of the traditional transistors have been improved over the years.

C. The traditional transistor has been developed to its fullest.

D. The traditional transistor has been developed quite well.

3.What is Dimitris Ioannou's attitude towards the creation of the new transistors?

A. Negative.    B. Neutral.

C. Indifferent.    D. Positive.



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