满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

A woman's home is her castle.She cleans,...

A woman's home is her castle.She cleans,cooks,decorates,repairs,works,plays and relaxes within the walls of her home.Sometimes women choose to stay at home to raise their children instead of working outside of the home. So you think she must be bored.I was one of those women.

After finally getting pregnant,and giving birth,I found my home to be the best place.During the nine months I carried my daughter,my body had been broken and back.Being able to relax was just what my weak body needed. Besides,nursing was a rest because I was unhurried and very comfortable.Staying at home certainly cured my broken body.

Watching other families grow one child after the next was a horrible dream,when I didn’t think I would ever be able to have my own child.But after having Alyssa,my own cute little baby girl,I was able to let my heart recover from the wounds.I watched and I valued every small change of her body and personality.Nothing was more exciting than time spent with my child.I loved to stay at home.

Mentally I remained challenged with new opportunities every day.I learned to be perfect and organized. Everything worked like a clock.By 9:00 in the morning,the house was clean—beds made,bathrooms cleaned,house cleaned,and windows cleaned.I enjoyed finishing them quickly so that I could devote most of the day to my daughter. Between nursing,short breaks and staring at her,I thought of ways to improve my home and myself.Even with all the housework,every day was filled with so much fun!

1.Why did the author say home is the best place in Paragraph 2?

A. She could carry her baby for nine months.

B. She could know her baby better.

C. She could have a good rest to cure her weak body.

D. She could make friends with others.

2.Why did the author enjoy staying at home?

A. Because she had a beloved husband.

B. Because she could heal the wounds physically and mentally.

C. Because her daughter had some kind of rare disease.

D. Because she liked to do so much housework with her little daughter.

3.What can we learn about the author from Paragraph 4?

A. She liked doing work connected with clocks.

B. She was busy but happy when staying at home.

C. She wanted someone to help her with the housework.

D. She preferred to take care of her baby while doing the housework.

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A. My experience as a mother.

B. How can I deal with my body and my housework?

C. How can a stay-at-home mother be bored?

D. Stay at home.


1.C 2.B 3.B 4.C 【解析】妇女的家就像是她的城堡。在家里可休息、休养,做家务,护理孩子。作者通过描述自己怀孕后在家生子、抚养孩子,做家务等,表达了自己在家很忙但享受这一切。 1.C 考查细节理解。第二段“I found my home to be the best place. ……Being able to relax was just what my weak body needed. Besides, nursing was a rest because I home certainly cured my broken body. ”可知在家里受到护理,护理是休息,家能让我虛弱的身体恢复。故选C项。 2.B 考查推理判断。参考上面第1题。 3.B 考查推理判断题。第4段的最后一句“Even with all the housework, every day was filled with so much fun!”及第3段的最后一句“Nothing was more exciting than time spent with my child. I loved to stay at home.”可知作者虽忙但非常享受呆在家里。故选B项。。 4.C 主旨大意题。通读全文可知作者讲述自己在家休养身体和做家务的。故选C。

New York City Tour Guide


With Sam L.

Come to shoot in the Central Park of New York that will allow you to take home digital postcards.This tour is a great introduction to Central Park and combines views of the bridges,lakes and skyline.

At each stop of the photo tour,I will provide you with explanations around photography(摄影),camera settings, etc.You will be able to put these tips to good use immediately.


With Sebastien B.

Love running?Love New York?Do you want to see the sites of the city?Contact me and we'll take a special tour. All you'll need to do is to put on your sports shoes and we'll be off.I'll show you my favorite running spots along the Hudson River or north of Central Park and away from all the tourists.

If you're thinking of training for something,I’ll give you the explanations and tips to make the best of your time training!


With Manhattan W.

Discover unbelievable places to eat.This is the real Greenwich Village gastronomic(美食的)experience.Along the way,find out how the village has kept its unique character throughout the years,from the Dutch and English controlled periods to today.

Tour runs every day from 12:30 PM-2:30 PM.


With Sam L.

We have already prepared NYC for the most unique points for you.During the-hour walking tour,we share these special comers of NYC.

The night tour teaches night photography techniques while discovering the "darker" side of the city that never sleeps: the UN headquarters,42nd street,Grand Central Terminal,the Chrysler Building,Rockefeller Center and Radio City Music Hall.

1.Who will you contact if you want to take pictures of the Central Park?

A. Sam L.    B. Sebastien B.

C. Manhattan W.    D. Rockefeller.

2.How much can you spend running along the Hudson River with Sebastien B?

A. $79.    B. $50.

C. $75.    D. $115.

3.What can you do if you choose Manhattan W as your tour guide?

A. You can shoot some pictures.

B. You can do some sports.

C. You can enjoy some delicious food.

D. You can learn night photography techniques.

4.In which part of a magazine can you read this kind of passage?

A. Advertisement.    B. History.

C. Science.    D. Politics.










3.参考词汇:state of mind 心态


Dear Xiao Wang,

I have received and read your letter, in which you mentioned that you wanted to lose weight by dieting.








Li Hua




增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在其下写出该加的词。

删除: 把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。

修改: 在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2.只允许修改10, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Music plays a important role in my life and listen to music is my favorite activity.  Usually I preferred to express my feeling through music, and I like pop music best. I don’t like rock music because of I think it’s too noisily. When I am tired after studying or when I am nervous before exams, music helps me feel relaxing and fresh. I am not good at singing or I can play the piano and the violin. In addition, I am fond of listening to foreign song in order to learn more about the cultures of different countries as well learning about the world better. Music makes your life more colorful.



1. the improvement of life standards,there are a growing number of people travelling each year, 2. is a good way to enjoy life. Some people would like 3. (take) a package tour, while others would rather 4. (travel) on their own. I prefer to 5. latter, because I feel that it’s much 6. (convenient) and cheaper than taking a package tour as I did before.

First of all, travelling on my own, I can arrange my time and route more freely. For example, when I get to someplace I like, I 7. choose to stay longer and don’t have to think about others. Secondly, to save time, the schedule is relatively(相对地)tight joining package tours, and tourists can only stay very short time in each tourist attraction. 8. is difficult to enjoy every landscape carefully. 9., in order to earn money, some travel agencies(旅行社)force tourists to consume. In the meantime, travelling on my own is much cheaper and get more fun. Finally, the trip is designed to relax. However, many people say that package tours are not to make them really relax, 10. even more tired.

On the whole, I prefer to travel on my own, which is more convenient.




I bumped into a stranger as he passed by, “Oh, excuse me, please.” was my reply. He said, “Please ______ me too; I wasn’t even watching you.” We were very polite, this stranger and I. We went on our way and we said ______. But at home a ______ story is told. How we treat our loved ones, young and old?

Later that day, I was cooking the evening meal, and my daughter stood beside me very ______. When I turned, I nearly knocked her down. “Move out of the ______ ,” I said with a ______. She walked away, her little heart was broken. I didn’t realize how harshly I’d spoken.

____ I lay awake in bed, God’s still small voice came to me and said, “While ______ with a stranger, common politeness you use, ______ the children you love, you seem to abuse. Look on the ______ door, you’ll find some flowers there by the door. Those are the flowers she brought for you. She picked them herself: pink, yellow and ______. She stood quietly not to spoil the ______, and you never saw the tears in her eyes.”

By this time, I felt very small, and now my tears began to fall. I quietly went and knelt by her ___ . “Wake up, little girl, wake up,” I said. “Are these the flowers you ______ for me?” She smiled, “ I found them out by the tree. I picked them because they’re ______ like you. I knew you’d like them, especially the blue.” I said, “Daughter, I’m sorry for the way I acted today; I   ____ have yelled at you that way.” She said, “Oh, mom, that’s okay. I love you ______ .” I said, “Daughter, I love you too, and I do like the flowers, especially the blue.”

Are you aware that: If we die tomorrow, the company that we are working for could easily  _____us in a few days. But the family we left behind will feel the loss for the rest of their lives. And come to think of it, we pour ourselves more into work than to our family—an ____   investment indeed.

So what’s behind the story? You know what is the full word of family?

FAMILY=(F)ather (A)nd (M)other, (I) (L)ove (Y)ou!

Fill life with love and bravery ______ we shall live a life uncommon.

1.A. pass    B. excuse    C. help    D. ask

2.A. hello    B. sorry    C. good-bye    D. again

3.A. similar    B. love    C. family    D. different

4.A. still    B. noisily    C. surprised    D. quiet

5.A. table    B. house    C. corner    D. way

6.A. smile    B. frown    C. sigh    D. anger

7.A. Where    B. With    C. While    D. During

8.A. doing    B. treating    C. dealing    D. saying

9.A. but    B. so    C. and    D. then

10.A. bedroom    B. kitchen    C. garage    D. basement

11.A. red    B. purple    C. blue    D. white

12.A. flowers    B. meal    C. kitchen    D. surprise

13.A. table    B. room    C. bed    D. flowers

14.A. bought    B. planted    C. picked    D. painted

15.A. delicious    B. pretty    C. honest    D. horrible

16.A. mustn’t    B. shouldn’t    C. couldn’t    D. needn’t

17.A. anyway    B. already    C. somehow    D. someday

18.A. fire    B. employ    C. blame    D. replace

19.A. clever    B. wise    C. bad    D. unwise

20.A. or    B. but    C. and    D. then



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