满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I became a gardener when I was twelve.My...

I became a gardener when I was twelve.My early____of gardening nay not have originated from my____for nature.It was to annoy my parents.

At that time,we had a big yard in which a beautiful maple tree stood.But my mother often looked with____at this work of natural art.Those golden leaves seemed like tons of rubbish to her.Seeing the neighbors busy with____, my father ever thought it a waste of time.

At that age,I always did something____to whatever my parents did!If gardening were something they found ____,I would plant a garden!

I planted some lily seeds in the yard.But they____to come up.I continued to plant sunflower seeds and roses. Wild____joy,I found the first rose bloom.One by one,the flowers bloomed their heads off.Eventually,I was____by this land of wonder.

____,my parents showed no interest in my garden.My father even____at me because he found it was____to move around my garden to the driveway.To my mother's ____,I put in her vase my real roses which,in her eyes,were simply weeds rather than____.

Regardless of their____,I kept on planting my garden and____to enjoy the pleasure of gardening.Plants make such good companions: they breathe,they bloom,they____to care and love.

It has been many years since I made my first garden out of my desire to____my parents.Today I become known as Mrs.Greenthumbs,teaching gardening and hosting a gardening show which makes my parents feel very____.And now I could say it is my affection for____that makes me a real gardener.

1.A. memory    B. dream    C. intention    D. design

2.A. hope    B. need    C. idea    D. love

3.A. doubt    B. appreciation    C. surprise    D. excitement

4.A. working    B. playing    C. gardening    D. travelling

5.A. equal    B. similar    C. superior    D. opposite

6.A. harmful    B. valuable    C. upsetting    D. interesting

7.A. failed    B. liked    C. grew    D. happened

8.A. to    B. with    C. in    D. by

9.A. puzzled    B. defeated    C. caught    D. touched

10.A. Instead    B. However    C. Therefore    D. Besides

11.A. shouted    B. laughed    C. glanced    D. jumped

12.A. unusual    B. troublesome    C. impossible    D. dangerous

13.A. sadness    B. displeasure    C. delight    D. relief

14.A. beauty    B. kindness    C. flowers    D. plants

15.A. dislike    B. encouragement    C. threat    D. suggestion

16.A. decided    B. waited    C. continued    D. struggled

17.A. devote    B. turn    C. respond    D. lead

18.A. educate    B. satisfy    C. respect    D. challenge

19.A. proud    B. comfortable    C. strange    D. disappointed

20.A. freedom    B. life    C. growth    D. nature


1.C 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.D 10.B 11.A 12.B 13.B 14.C 15.A 16.C 17.C 18.D 19.A 20.D 【解析】本文讲述了作者最初由于喜欢跟父母作对而进行园艺,后来引起父母的不快,但他并没有因此放弃,而是继续坚持和享受做园艺的过程,最终被称为Mrs .greenthumbs,教园艺和举办园艺展览,在园艺方面取得成就。 1.此句意为我做园艺的早期目的不是起源于......A. Memory 记忆 B. dream 梦想 C. intention 目的 D. Design 设计 由下文It was to annoy my parents.可知作者做园艺的目的是惹怒他的父母,故选C 2.此句意为我早期的园艺意图并不是源于我对大自然的热爱。A. hope 希望 B. need 需要 C. idea 想法 D. love热爱 由句意理解可知作者做园艺并不是出于对园艺的喜爱,故选D。 3.此句At that time,we had a big yard in which a beautiful maple tree stood.意为那时,我们有一个大院子,一棵美丽的枫树站在那里。由原文的but 可知此处为转折关系,说明此处应选贬义的词。A. doubt 怀疑 B. appreciation 欣赏 C. surprise 惊喜 D. excitement兴奋 故选A。 4.由后文my father ever thought it a waste of time.可知我父亲认为这是浪费时间。由前文知看到邻居们忙的时候,我父亲认为这是浪费时间。这里所指邻居们忙的事情是指做园艺,A. working 工作 B. playing 玩耍 C. gardening 园艺 D. travelling旅行 故选C。 5.由前文It was to annoy my parents.可知作者喜欢做与他父母意愿相反的事情,所以此句应意为在那个年龄,我总是做一些与我父母做的事相反的事。A. equal 相等的 B. similar 相似的 C. superior较好的 D. opposite相反的 故选D。 6.由上文At that age,I always did something opposite to whatever my parents did!在那个年龄,我总是做一些与我父母做的事相反的事。由此句我会种植一个花园,知我的父母认为花园是让他们心烦意乱的事情, A. harmful有害的 B. valuable 有价值的 C. upsetting令人心烦意乱的 D. interesting有趣的 故选C。 7.由此句知我在院子里种了一些百合种。作者原以为他的父母认为花园是令人心烦意乱的事,会因此而提出异议,由but 知此处与作者的想法相反,A. failed 失败了得 B. liked 相似的 C. grew 成长 D. happened发生了的 故选A。 8.由后文I found the first rose bloom.知我发现第一朵玫瑰盛开。由此句知道作者的心情是十分高兴的,此处考查的是固定搭配,Wild with joy意为欣喜若狂 A. to 到,向 B. with用,具有 C. in 参与,加入 D. by通过 故选B。 9.由前文One by one,the flowers bloomed their heads off.一个一个的,花开放了他们的头。联系此句知道最后,我被这片神奇的土地所感动。A. puzzled 困惑的 B. defeated 击败 C. caught 赶上 D. touched受感动了的 故选D。 10.由此句my parents showed no interest in my garden.知道我的父母对我的花园没有兴趣,此处为转折关系,所以应该用however A. Instead相反 B. However 然而 C. Therefore总之 D. Besides另外 故选B。 11.由此句知我的父母对我的花园没有兴趣。我父亲甚至对我......此处为递进关系, A. shouted 大喊 B. laughed 嘲笑 C. glanced 瞥一眼 D. jumped跳跃 由常理及全文知作者父亲对他是大喊,故选A。 12.由此句知作者的父亲对他大喊的原因是他发现把我的花园搬到车道上很麻烦。A. unusual不同寻常的 B. troublesome 麻烦的 C. impossible不可能的 D. dangerous危险的 故选B。 13.由后文I put in her vase my real roses which,in her eyes,were simply weeds 知我把我真正的玫瑰插在她的花瓶里,在她的眼中,那些只是野草。所以这些事情是令作者的母亲不开心的事情。 A. sadness 悲伤的 B. displeasure不快的 C. delight 快乐 D. relief减轻 故选B。 14.由13小题可知,在作者母亲的眼中作者放在花瓶里的玫瑰只是野草而不是玫瑰花。 A. beauty 漂亮 B. kindness 和蔼的 C. flowers 花朵 D. plants植物 故选C。 15.由前文作者父亲和母亲的表现,可知他们对于作者进行园艺是不喜欢的,而且由后文I kept on planting my garden 知作者依然会种植花园。A. dislike 不喜欢 B. encouragement鼓励 C. threat 款待 D. suggestion建议 故选A。 16.由前文I kept on planting my garden 知作者依然会种植花园。此处的选项应该与kept 相并列,A. decided 决定 B. waited 等待 C. continued 继续 D. struggled挣扎 此处的continued 与kept 相呼应,故选C。 17.此句意为植物造就这样好的伙伴:它们呼吸,它们开花,它们对关心和爱作出反应。 A. devote 奉献 B. turn 转向 C. respond 回应 D. lead领导 由句意理解可知植物对爱和关心做出回应,故选C。 18.由原文开头的想惹怒父母知作者是想挑战他的父母,所以此句应意为自从我第一个离开我想挑战父母的花园以来,已经有很多年了。A. educate教育 B. satisfy 满意 C. respect 尊重 D. challenge挑战 故选D。 19.由前文Today I become known as Mrs.Greenthumbs,teaching gardening and hosting a gardening show 知今天我被称为Mrs .greenthumbs,教园艺和举办园艺展览,这些成绩对于他的父母来说是值得骄傲的。A. proud 令人骄傲的 B. comfortable 舒服的 C. strange 陌生的 D. disappointed失望的 故选A。 20.由全文知作者种植花园是由于对自然的喜爱,所以此句意为现在我可以说是我对大自然的热爱使我成为真正的园丁。A. freedom 自由 B. life 生活 C. growth 成长 D. nature自然 故选D。

How to Buy Used Electronics

We buy used cars,furniture,and sometimes clothes but buying used electronics may be the riskiest of all.1.. Still,buying used electronics may save you money and help reduce environmental waste.Fortunately,you can come out on top if you ask the right questions and take the following steps.

●Research the product itself.

2..Some do not last as long,for instance they might have an expensive rechargeable battery that cannot easily be replaced if it has worn out.

●Ask about who fixed the product.

If the producer did it,then there is less risk involved than if it was done by a third party.3..

●Make sure the product comes with a proper insurance.

If you are buying from a retail chain or other respectable sellers,chances are that some sort of insurance is available.Find out how long this lasts and what it covers.


If you are buying from someone besides a retail chain,this is especially important.While this will not guarantee that it will not break later,it at least makes sure that you have a current working product.

●Hold on to any receipt you received.

This is especially important if you are paying with cash.Receipt can prove that you purchased it and when.5.. You never know when it can come in handy.

A.Keep it in a safe place.

B.Test the product before buying it.

C.Some products have lots of life left.

D.Ask about return and exchange policy.

E.They do not always have a solid quality.

F.You will be told if there is anything missing.

G.You might also need to find out what was fixed.



There's a curious thing about people.All of us are driven in some way or another to achieve—we want to run faster,be more creative,win more awards,and earn more money.But here's the thing: if you want to offer warm of wisdom,constructive criticism or "360-degree feedback",then think again.Most of us would rather not hear it.

Our easily-broken egos(自尊心)are partly to blame.We all want to meet our own expectations of ourselves,and so being critiqued can present a huge threat to our egos.Yet as decades of psychological theory and research have indicated,people have endless tricky strategies of remaining positive in the face of criticism.For this reason,rather than us welcoming feedback with open arms,our first response is often an automatic defense.These reactions serve to make us feel better about ourselves.

Psychological research exposes this unhealthy appetite for ignorance.In one study,students watched a false educational film about a serious disease called "TAA Deficiency".In fact,TAA Deficiency is completely fictional,but the students were not told this information;instead,they were asked whether they wished to provide a cheek test for assessing(评估)their risk of developing the disease.Half of the students were told that if they ever developed TAA Deficiency,then the treatment would involve them taking a two-week course of pills.Of this group,52% agreed to provide the cheek test.The other half of students learned the treatment would involve taking the pills for the rest of their lives.Of this group,only 21% agreed to the test.

These findings show a common pattern seen in other studies within and beyond the context of healthcare.That is,people are especially resistant to hearing feedback when they believe it could lead them to do something difficult- or unpleasant.

1.The author implies in Paragraph 1 that people should      .

A. be cautious when giving advice    B. be satisfied with what he has

C. offer constructive criticism    D. care less about others

2.How do people usually react when facing criticism?

A. They try to avoid it.    B. They deal with it seriously.

C. They tend to defend themselves.    D. They turn to psychological theory.

3.Why didn't most of the second group agree to the test?

A. They didn't believe in it.    B. They knew it was just an experiment.

C. They were sensitive to the negative result.    D. They didn't like the way they were treated.

4.What can be the best title for the passage?

A. Meeting Criticism    B. Rethinking Feedbacks

C. Improving Healthcare    D. Fighting TAA Deficiency



A bite from a tsetse fly is an extremely unpleasant experience.To make matters worse,several species of tsetse fly can transmit diseases.One of the most dangerous is a parasite(寄生虫)that causes "sleeping sickness".

After the initial bite,sleeping sickness symptoms often start with a fever,headaches and aching muscles.As the illness goes on,those infected become increasingly tired,which is where it gets its name.

It is worth noting that sleeping sickness is no longer as deadly as it once was.In the early 20th Century several hundred thousand people were infected each year.By the 1960s the disease was considered "under control" and had reached very low numbers,making its spread more difficult.But in the 1970s there was another major infection,which took 20 years to control.Since then,better screening programs and earlier treatments have reduced the number of cases dramatically.In 20is this figure dropped to fewer than 3,000.The World Health Organization (WHO) hopes the disease will be completely removed by 2020.More problematically,a series of new studies have shown that the parasite is more complicated than previously believed.

Sleeping sickness has always been considered—and analyzed—as a blood disease,because the parasites can readily be discovered in the blood of its victims.However,in a recent study found that the parasite can stay in the skin and fat,as well as in the blood.There may even be a higher density(密度)of the parasite in the skin than in the blood. That means a person can have no symptoms but still both harbor the disease and spread it.The finding could explain the mysterious 1970s infection,and why the disease can spring up in areas that had previously been cleared.

1.What's the danger of a tsetse fly bite?

A. It makes people sleepy.    B. It causes skin disease.

C. It brings about deaths.    D. It transmits deadly parasites.

2.What can we infer about sleeping sickness from Paragraph 3?

A. It's still a threat to human health.    B. It's not that dangerous at present.

C. It's incurable in the early 20th century.    D. It's completely under control in the 1960s.

3.What does the underlined "harbor" most probably mean?

A. carry    B. resist    C. exchange    D. hide

4.What does the latest research indicate according to the passage?

A. Sleeping sickness is a blood disease.    B. Skin is more suitable for the parasite to grow.

C. Sleeping sickness can be spread with no signs.    D. Parasites in the skin caused the 1970s infection.



I was nervous,no doubt about it,but I felt pretty fearfully sitting there unmoving on top of the horse,so I picked up my canter(使马慢跑).I went a few times around the stadium,saying I was warming up my horse.But really,I was taking some time to collect my thoughts and prepare myself before I jumped.Or to put it in a more simple and realistic tone,I was delaying.

Finally the time eame when I had to just suck it up and jump the horse.I swallowed,turned,and began heading straight for the jump.My palms began to sweat and I tightened myself.There was no turning back from this now.

I sat up in my jumping position as my horse picked up his speed to jump.Fear rushed through me as well as a sense of excitement.Before I knew it,I was up in the air,flying over the jump.As scared was,I was determined not to mess this up.My horse landed with a small beat on the other side of jump and continued cantering around the field like nothing had ever happened.Miraculously,I was seated firmly on the horse,unharmed.Surprised,I slowed down to a smooth running to process the that I hadn't just been thrown off a leaping animal.

My riding instructor congratulated me,proud that I got through it.I admit that I was proud as well.I'm not usually the kind of person that faces their fears.Instead,I usually run away from them.

1.What is the author's real purpose to go around the stadium several times?

A. To warm his horse up.    B. To judge the distance.    C. To make sure to succeed.    D. To calm himself down.

2.How did the author feel before the horse landed?

a.interested                b.excited                    c.frightened                d.proud

A. a; b    B. b; c    C. c; d                     D,a; d

3.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. The instructor used to be proud of the author.    B. The author used to stay away from challenges.

C. The author feared nothing much from then on.    D. The instructor believed the author could succeed.



"Guinness" is on Tuesday nights on Fox.It is a disgusting show that I regret watching.The producers seem to show the sickest records.There is nothing wrong with the book,and it's an honor to be in it,for the most part.The program,however,doesn't show the record for the person who lifted the most weight.Instead,they show the person who lifted 30 pounds with his ears and tongue,which was truly disgusting.Television can do without a show like this.

"Saturday Night Live" is not the same show that it once was.Now the weekly comedy show struggles to come up with a single funny scene.Despite the good acting and the interesting hosts,the humor is simply not there.As the ratings continue to drop,the show must find a solution to its growing problem of lack of funny material.Until then,it will probably get worse."Saturday Night Live" can be seen on NBC on Saturday nights from 11:30 p.m-1.00 a.m.

"The Wayans Bros.",an exciting comedy starring Shawn and Marion Wayans,airs every Wednesday at 9:00 p.m.In the show,Shawn and Marion play brothers who live together and own a news stand.Shawn,the smooth-talking one of the two,and Marion,the younger brother who is forever acting like a five-year-old,seem to have a conflict every week,but always resolve it with a brotherly hug.

"Gilmore Girls",now in its seventh (and final) season,is an amazing television show that follows the lives of the mother/daughter team of Lorelai and Rory Gilmore.Lorelai got pregnant with Rory at the age of 16 and decided to move out of Hartford,Connecticut,to seek refuge in a small town nearby.She and Rory have a close relationship and share everything.

1.What makes the author regard "Guinness" as disgusting?

A. The time the program is shown.    B. The mood the show presents.

C. The record the book contains.    D. The way they lift weight.

2.What type of show is "Saturday Night Live" supposed to be?

A. Comedy.    B. Tragedy.    C. Cartoon.    D. Thriller.

3.Which of the following tells stories between different generations?

A. Guinness.    B. Saturday Night Live.    C. The Wayans Bros.    D. Gilmore Girls.

4.Where does the article most probably come from?

A. TV forecast.    B. TV review.    C. TV advertisement.    D. TV news.



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