满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

At my heaviest I weighed 370 pounds.I ha...

At my heaviest I weighed 370 pounds.I had a very poor relationship with food: I used it to____bad feelings,to make myself feel better,and to celebrate.Worried about my health,I tried many different kinds of____but nothing worked.I came to believe that I could do nothing about my____.

When I was 50,my weight problem began to affect me____.I didn’t want to live the rest of my life with this ____weight any more.

That year,I____a seminar where we were asked to create a project that would touch the world.A seminar leader shared her____story—she had not only 125 pounds,but also raised $25,000 for homeless children.

____by her story,I created the As We Heal,the World Heals____.My goal was to lose 150 pounds in one year and raise $50,000____a movement founded 30 years ago to end hunger.This combination of healing myself and healing the world ____me as the perfect solution.

____I began my own personal weight program,I was filled with the fear that I would____the same difficulties that beat me before.While the____hung over my head,there were also signs that I was headed down the right____.I sent letters to everyone I knew,telling them about my project.It worked perfectly.Donations began____in from hundreds of people.

Of course,I also took some practical steps to lose weight.I consulted with a physician,I hired a fitness coach,and I began to eat small and____meals.My fund-raising focus also gave me new motivation to exercise____.

A year later,I____my goal: I lost 150 pounds and raised $50,000!I feel that I’ve been given a second life to devote to something that is____and enormous.

1.A. add    B. mix    C. kill    D. share

2.A. diets    B. drinks    C. fruits    D. dishes

3.A. height    B. ability    C. wisdom    D. weight

4.A. temporarily    B. recently    C. seriously    D. secretly

5.A. ideal    B. extra    C. normal    D. low

6.A. attended    B. organized    C. recommended    D. mentioned

7.A. folk    B. success    C. adventure    D. science

8.A. Surprised    B. Amused    C. Influenced    D. Disturbed

9.A. project    B. business    C. system    D. custom

10.A. in search of    B. in need of    C. in place of    D. in support of

11.A. scared    B. considered    C. confused    D. struck

12.A. As    B. Until    C. If    D. Unless

13.A. get over    B. run into    C. look for    D. put aside

14.A. excitement    B. joy    C. anger    D. fear

15.A. row    B. hall    C. path    D. street

16.A. breaking    B. flooding    C. jumping    D. stepping

17.A. heavy    B. full    C. expense    D. healthy

18.A. regularly    B. limitlessly    C. suddenly    D. randomly

19.A. set    B. reached    C. missed    D. dropped

20.A. stressful    B. painful    C. meaningful    D. peaceful


1.C 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.D 11.D 12.A 13.B 14.D 15.C 16.B 17.D 18.A 19.B 20.C 【解析】本文讲述了作者曾因体重而束手无策,参加了一个研讨会后,给自己创建了一个项目,目标是减掉150磅,筹集50,000美金,一年后作者实现了这个目标,感觉自己像被给了第二次生命去为一些有意义的事情。 1.I used it to ___1___ bad feelings,A. add添加;B. mix混合;C. kill杀害;D. share分享。根据上文“I had a very poor relationship with food(我和食物的关系不好)”可知,此处应该是用食物来“杀死”不好的感觉,故选C。 2.I tried many different kinds of ___2___ but nothing worked. A. diets饮食;B. drinks饮料;C. fruits水果;D. dishes餐具。句意:我尝试了不同的饮食方式,但是没有效果。故选A。 3.I came to believe that I could do nothing about my ___3___. A. height身高;B. ability能力;C. wisdom聪明;D. weight体重,结合上文:尝试了不同的饮食方式,但是没有效果,可知此处作者想表达的意思:对于自己的体重什么也做不了,故选D。 4.my weight problem began to affect me ___4___. A. temporarily临时地;B. recently最近地;C. seriously严肃地,严重地;D. secretly秘密地。结合下文可知:“我”的体重严重地影响到了“我”。故选C。 5.I didn’t want to live the rest of my life with this ___5___ weight any more. A. ideal理想的;B. extra额外的;C. normal正常的;D. low低的。句意:“我”不想带着这额外的体重度过余生。故选B。 6.I ___6___ a seminar where we were asked to create a project that would touch the world. A. attended参加;B. organized组织;C. recommended推荐,介绍;D. mentioned提到。句意:“我”参加了一个研讨会,在那我们被要求去创建一个可以触摸世界的项目。故选A。 7.A seminar leader shared her ___7___ story,A. folk民族;B. success成功;C. adventure冒险;D. science科学。根据研讨会领导讲的故事的内容:she had not only lost 125 pounds, but also raised $25,000 for homeless children.她不仅体重减少125磅,而且为无家可归的孩子筹集了25000美元,所以这应该是一个成功的故事,故选B。 8.___8___ by her story,A. Surprised惊讶的;B. Amused愉快的;C. Influenced有影响的;D. Disturbed扰乱的。根据下文作者创建了一个项目,可知作者被研讨会领导人的故事所影响,故选C。 9.I created the As We Heal (痊愈), the World Heals ___9___. A. project项目;B. business商业;C. system系统;D. custom习惯。结合上文,“we were asked to create a project”,出现过project,可推测应该是我创建了“我们痊愈,世界痊愈”的项目,故选A。 10.My goal was to lose 150 pounds in one year and raise $50,000 ___10___ a movement founded 30 years ago to end hunger. 句意:我的目标是减掉150磅,筹集50,000美元,支持30年前创立的“结束饥饿”的运动。A. in search of寻找;B. in need of需要;C. in place of代替;D. in support of支持,故选D。 11.This combination of healing myself and healing the world ___11___ me as the perfect solution. A. scared害怕;B. considered考虑;C. confused困惑;D. struck打击;strike me as意为“我认为,在我看来……”。句意:治愈我和治愈世界的联合在我看来是完美的解决办法。故选D。 12.___12___ I began my own personal weight program, A. As 当……时;B. Until直到;C. If如果;D. Unless除非。根据下文,应该是当我开始我自己的体重计划,故选A。 13.I was filled with the fear that I would ___13___ the same difficulties that beat me before. A. get over克服,恢复;B. run into遭遇,陷入;C. look for寻找;D. put aside放在一边。句意:我害怕我像之前一样陷入困难,打击自己。故选B。 14.While the ___14___ hung over my head A. excitement激动,振奋;B. joy乐趣;C. anger生气;D. fear害怕。结合上一句“ I was filled with the fear…”可知,此处应该是害怕感萦绕心头,故选D。 15.there were also signs that I was headed down the right ___15___. A. row行,排;B. hall大厅;C. path轨道;D. street街道。句意:这里有我朝向正确轨道行走的标志,故选C。 16.Donations began ___16___ in from hundreds of people. A. breaking破坏;B. flooding(洪水般)泛滥;C. jumping跳;D. stepping踏。句意:捐赠开始如洪水般泛滥,来自数百个人。故选B。 17.and I began to eat small and ___17___ meals A. heavy重的;B. full满的;C. expensive贵的;D. healthy健康的。根据上文:“I also took some practical steps to lose weight. I consulted with a…”可知,作者在尝试一些实际方法去减肥,所以此处应该是健康的食物,故选D。 18.My fund-raising focus also gave me new motivation to exercise ___18___. A. regularly定期的;有规律的;B. limitlessly无限制地;C. suddenly突然地;D. randomly随便地。句意:“我”对筹集基金的关注也给了我定期运动的动力。故选A。 19.A year later, I ___19___ my goal: I lost 150 pounds and raised $50,000! A. set布置,树立;B. reached到达;C. missed错过,想念;D. dropped落下。句意:一年后,我实现了目标——减掉150磅,并且筹集了50,000美金。常用搭配reach one’s goal意为“实现某人的目标”,故选B。 20.I feel that I’ve been given a second life to devote to something that is ___20___ and enormous. A. stressful有压力的;B. painful痛苦的;C. meaningful有意义的;D. peaceful和平的。结合上下文,这里something应该是指作者自己创建的项目—lost 150 pounds and raised $50,000,这是一件有意义的事情,故选C。 【名师点睛】 完形填空题旨在考查学生综合运用语言知识的能力。做此题时必须通篇考虑,先掌握大意,再综合运用所学词汇、语法及常识进行推理判断。通读全文,了解大意,紧紧抓住上下文语境所提供的信息,充分利用各种线索答题。语境信息解题法: 对具体的语言知识应该融入具体的语境中去考虑,考生应具有通过上下文提示、暗示或铺垫,对篇章进行整体上的把握的能力。所以,快速浏览全文,迅速领悟篇章主旨,通过上下文语境选择答案选项乃解决完形填空的关键。 例如第3小题 I came to believe that I could do nothing about my ___3___,A. height 身高;B. ability能力;C. wisdom聪明;D. weight体重。通读全文后,可知大意:作者为了解决体重问题,创建了一个“我们痊愈,世界痊愈”的项目,最后实现了既定目标——体重减掉150磅,并且筹集50,000美金,然后根据问题定位到第一段的信息:作者曾重达370磅,和食物的关系很差,尝试过了很多不同的饮食方法,还是没有效果,由此可见,此处作者想表达的意思:“我”对自己的体重毫无办法,故选D。

How to Do Man-on-the Street Interviews

The man-on-the-street interview is an interview in which a reporter hits the streets with a cameraman to interview people on the spot. 1. But with these tips, your first man-on-the-street interview experience can be easy.

• When your boss or professor sends you out to do man-on-the –street interviews for a story, think about the topic and develop a list of about ten general questions relating to it. For example, if your topic is about environmental problems in America, you might ask, “Why do you think environmental protection is important in America?” 2.

• Hit the streets with confidence. 3. Say, “Excuse me, I work for XYZ News, and I was wondering if you could share your opinion about this topic,” This is a quick way to get people to warm up to you.

• Move on to the next person if someone tells you she is not interested in talking on camera. Don’t get discouraged.

4. Each interview that you get on the street shouldn’t be longer than ten minutes. As soon as you get the answer you need, move on to the next person. Make sure that as you go from interview to interview, you are getting a variety of answers. If everyone is giving you the same answer, you won’t be able to use it. A safe number of interviews to conduct is about six to ten. 5.

• If your news station or school requires interviewees to sign release forms to appear on the air, don’t leave work without them.

A. Limit your time.

B. As you approach people, be polite.

C. If you don’t own a camera, you can buy one.

D. For new reporters, this can seem like a challenging task.

E. To get good and useful results, ask them the same question.

F. That number of interviews should give you all the answers you need.

G. With a question like this, you will get more than a ‘Yes” or “No” reply.



George Aldrich, whose official title is chemical specialist, works at NASA’s White Sands Test Facility in New Mexico. He uses his nose to protect astronauts from unpleasant or harmful odors (气味). His near four-decade career has involved smelling objects from technical handbooks to astronauts’ personal things.

It’s crucial that all items taken aboard the International Space Station (ISS) are odorless. Since astronauts are allowed to bring personal items aboard, all their objects must be smell-checked before leaving Earth. In a video provided by Science Channel, Aldrich relates on specific occasion when an astronaut wanted to build a ship in a bottle in space. Everything in the ship-building process had to be sniffed — right down to the glue.

Aldrich and his team are responsible for making sure that objects are not only odorless but also harmless to astronauts. When the ISS heats up, a process called off-gassing occurs, which means chemicals flow out from certain substances (物质). Objects that would be safe on Earth could give off unpleasant odors or become dangerous when exposed to high temperatures in the ISS’s unique environment.

Of course, humans aren’t the only testers or the first to be exposed to potentially dangerous objects. Before Aldrich sticks his nose into a substance, it has been examined by machines. Even though machines can detect unsafe substances, computers cannot tell exactly how things smell to humans. While something could be technically fine, it could be smelly to an astronaut.

Aldrich’s nose is not alone there. He is the head of a hard-sniffing team of smell testers. Together they smell each object and rate it on a scale (等级) of 1 to 4. According to NASA, I cannot be detected, and 4 is considered not bearable. After the scientists conclude their tests, the scores are averaged. If an item is rated more than 2.4 on the scale, it fails the test and is not allowed on the flight.

1.Which can describe the smell check from Paragraph 2?

A. Quite dangerous.    B. Extremely strict.

C. Rather boring.    D. Very complex.

2.What is a threat to astronauts’ safety at the ISS?

A. Negative emotions.    B. Odor-related disease.

C. The off-gassing process.    D. Changes in temperature.

3.What should be done before Aldrich and his team start their work?

A. Using machines to test objects.

B. Having a meeting to make the scale.

C. Using computers to examine their noses.

D. Listing potentially dangerous substances.

4.What is the text mainly about?

A. An unusual smell tester.    B. Astronauts’ life at the ISS.

C. Strong odors in a spaceship.    D. The smell of personal items.



One of America’s best-known artist colonies, the MacDowell Colony, will turn 110 next year. It is a place where artists of all types can sweep away distractions (令人分心的事物) and just create.

MacDowell’s operations are funded by foundations, corporations and individuals. Writers, composers, photographers, filmmakers and sculptors — both famous and unknown —compete for the 32 free studios at the place. Once accepted, an artist can stay for as little as a couple of weeks, or as long as a couple of months.

When they arrive, artists find a kind of isolation (隔绝) hard to find in our world. There’s no phone. No fax. No friends. No family. It’s just a cabin in the snowy woods.

Writer Emily Raboteau lives in New York City. She came to MacDowell to work on a novel. She received a desk, chairs, pencil and paper — and ice grippers. The walk from one isolated, one-room studio to another is icy, so colony residents (居住的人) fasten the ice grippers to the bottom of their shoes.

Another colony resident, Belfast composer Elaine Agnew, plays a piece called “To a Wild Rose,” written by Edward MacDowell. She says it’s so famous that every pianist in the world has played the tune. A hundred years ago, Macdowell owned the land where the colony now sits. He liked its isolation and his ability to get work done there. After his death, his wife, Marion, encouraged other artists to come.

And for the last century, artists have accepted the invitation, coming to step outside of their daily lives for a short time. Privacy is respected, but cooperation and discussion is common.

Screenwriter Kit Carson — who wrote Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 and the film adaptation of Sam Shepherd’s play Paris, Texas — has visited MacDowell twice. He says that the interdisciplinary (学科间的) discussion there is valuable.

“You sit around at dinner, talking, and then somebody runs off and brings you back some stuff and shows it to you,” he says. “That, I didn’t realize, was part of the magic here, because people are really open to showing their opinions here.”

1.What do the colony residents have in common?

A. They find it hard to survive the loneliness.

B. They usually stay in the colony for months.

C. They are already famous in their own field.

D. They are nearly cut off from the outside world.

2.Why does the author mention Elaine Agnew?

A. To show the wide range of the residents.

B. To introduce the origin of the colony.

C. To admire her great musical talent.

D. To show respect for MacDowell.

3.Where does the magic of the MacDowell Colony lie according to Kit Carson?

A. It has a homely feel.    B. It values work-play balance.

C. It encourages privacy greatly.    D. It has an idea-sharing atmosphere.

4.What would be the best title for the text?

A. Wonderland for artists    B. Creativity at work

C. Happy birthday!    D. Power of silence



One morning, my newspaper wasn’t delivered on time. Since I always brought it to work, it upset me that I would have to pick one up on my way to work. After breakfast, I was already running late, but figured I could make it if I hurried.

As I pulled into the parking lot of the store, I noticed a young man in a wheelchair who seemed to be struggling. “Someone else will stop and help him,” I thought.

However, no one stopped. I got out, and walked over to see what the trouble was.

“Is there anything I can do?” I asked. It was then that I noticed he wasn’t able to speak, and was still struggling with the chair.

I looked down at the chair and noticed that the clamps (夹具) holding the electronic keyboard had apparently become loose causing the equipment to slip down, out of his reach.

I pulled it back into place and then re-tightened the clamps. He hit a key on the keyboard. An electronic voice told me, “Thank you.” He then found the control that steered (操纵) the chair, turned and left.

I got back in my car and headed off to work, completely forgetting my newspaper. As I drove, I felt a deep gratitude (感激). I was truly blessed to have the physical abilities that allow me to live a normal life. Here was this young man who relied on machines to get around and communicate. He probably dreamed about doing all the things that I thought were normal and simple.

It’s funny; fifteen minutes before that happened, I was whining because my morning paper hadn’t arrived on time. I was glad I helped the young man, because he helped me gain a new viewpoint on everything I had in my life.

1.Why did the author stop at the store?

A. To do his job.    B. To have breakfast.

C. To buy a newspaper.    D. To drive a colleague to work.

2.What was the young man trying to reach?

A. The clamps.    B. The car key.

C. The wheelchair.    D. The electronic keyboard.

3.What does the underlined word “whining” in the last paragraph mean?

A. Complaining.    B. Worrying.

C. Arguing.    D. Crying.

4.What did the author learn from the experience?

A. Treasure what we have.    B. Treat the disabled nicely.

C. Technology has changed our lives.    D. Don’s get annoyed over small things.



Bandhavgarh National Park in India is best known for its amazing setting, as well as having the highest concentration of tigers in India. In addition to tigers, there are also bears, deer, wolves, birds, etc.

Location: In Madhya Pradesh state, almost 200 kilometers northeast of Jabalpur. The nearest village is Tala, which is the access point of the park.

Opening Hours and Safari (游猎) Times

Safaris operate twice a day, starting at dawn until late morning, and mid afternoon until sunset. The best time to visit the park is early in the morning or after 7 p.m. to spot the animals. The park is closed from July 1 to September 30 due to the monsoon season (季风季节).

Bandhavgarh Zones

Bandhavgarh is divided into three main zones: Tala (the park’s best zone, with the most tigers), Magdhi (the second best zone to see tigers), and Khitauli (scenic and less visited, although tiger sightings do occur there; particularly good for birding).

Entry Fees and Charges for Jeep Safaris

Bandhavgarh has become expensive to visit in recent years. Entry fees have increased since October 2014. When going on a safari, separate fees must be paid for park entry and jeep hire. Entry tickets are priced per vehicle (up to six people). For 2015-16, park entry tickets cost as follows:

·Tala Zone: 2,400 rupees for Indians, 4,800 rupees for foreigners. (Up to six people)

·Other Zones: 1,200 rupees for Indians, 2,400 rupees for foreigners. (Up to six people)

Jeep Hire

Expect to pay about 2,200 rupees to hire a jeep, in addition to the entry cost. This can be done at the park entrance. All hotels can arrange jeep hire and tours, but at a higher rate. It’s much less trouble though. Besides, unlike many national parks in India, it’s possible to take private vehicles into Bandhavgarh.

1.When can you visit the park?

A. In July.    B. In August.

C. In September.    D. In October.

2.How much should five Americans pay for entry fees to visit Magdhi Zone?

A. 1,200 rupees.    B. 2,400 rupees.

C. 4,800 rupees.    D. 6,000 rupees.

3.Which of the following statements is TRUE about jeep hire in the park?

A. Tourists don’t have to hire jeeps.

B. Hiring jeeps from hotels costs less money.

C. Tourists can only hire a jeep from the park.

D. Jeep hire fees are included in the entry cost.



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