满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

【来源】2017届广西玉林市、贵港市2017届高中毕业班质量检测 完形填空(共2...




Heaviest snow in half a century hit the south of the country. It snowed continuously for half a month,___ ___the railways, highways, and runways in the airfields. Ice wrapped and paralyzed(使瘫痪)the power and communication system. Many people were___ ___in railway stations, bus stations and airports, and___ ___in cars, buses and trains. Governments and people did everything they could to fight the snow___ ___, resulting in the good news that no one was killed from___ ___and hunger. Gradually, trapped people all went back home___ ___.While fighting the snow, people forgot their___ ___until a moving story of a swallow couple was widely___ ___on the Internet.

Being hungry and cold, the swallow couple tried to fly___ ___people's home to warm themselves, but every house was closed___ ___.They jumped and flapped their wings to___ ___the attention of the people inside the house, but failed. The wife’s body was___ ___, she could not move any longer. The husband came near and wrapped his wife with his wings. He lost his___ ___soon because of his opened wings. The couple died in the end.

The next morning, the housemaster went to the balcony to___ ___his flowers because of concern and saw a___ ___swallow outside the window pane. Touching it, he found that they were two___ ___together.Moved to tears, he took them in, giving them some___ ___, but in vain. He found a small cardboard box, laid them in and___ ___them in the back garden.

In my hometown, in the countryside, a swallow family lives in the___ ___of my house. I wonder if they will come back this spring___ ___they did.

1. A. protecting     B. maintaining      C. blocking      D. keeping

2. A. restricted     B. stuck       C. surrounded      D. persuaded

3. A. even      B. still       C. yet       D. nevertheless

4. A. disturbance     B. occurrence      C. incident      D. disaster

5. A. cold      B. disease      C. poverty      D. thirsty

6. A. merrily      B. safely       C. excitedly      D. exhaustedly

7. A. family      B. distant relatives     C. parents      D. animal friends

8. A. broadcast     B. written       C. spread       D. identified

9. A. into      B. through      C. beyond      D. across

10. A. tightly      B. early       C. secretly      D. quickly

11. A. pay      B. attract       C. resist       D. keep

12. A. injured      B. lifted       C. frozen       D. broken

13. A. heat      B. strength      C. direction      D. eyesight

14. A. water      B. plant       C. dig       D. check

15. A. dead      B. drunk       C. lively       D. lovely

16. A. touching     B. embracing      C. living       D. lying

17. A. warmth      B. food       C. kindness      D. fruit

18. A. left      B. sheltered      C. buried       D. threw

19. A. roof      B. basement      C. window      D. wall

20. A. when      B. as       C. unless       D. if


1. C 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. D 8. C 9. A 10. A 11. B 12. C 13. A 14. D 15. A 16. B 17. A 18. C 19. A 20. B 【解析】本文为记叙文。南方下起了几十年不遇的大雪,很多人被困在了回家的路上。在抗灾的过程中,发生了很多感人的故事。然而人类在雪灾中自救的时候,忘记了他们的动物朋友。一对燕子夫妇在这场冰雪中演绎出了动人的爱情故事。 1.考查动词辨析。protecting保护;maintaining维持;blocking堵塞;keeping保持。句意:雪持续下了半个月,堵塞了铁路、公路和飞机跑道。故选C。 2.考查动词辨析。restricted限制;stuck阻塞;surrounded环绕;persuaded劝说。句意:很多人被困在了火车站、汽车站和机场。故选B。 3.考查副词辨析。even甚至;still仍然(没有递进之意);yet仍然,还(用否定疑问句中)常;nevertheless然而,虽然如此,依然。根据语境,此处进一步讲述情况的严重性,“甚至困在了小汽车、客车和火车上”。故选A。 4.考查名词辨析。disturbance动乱;occurrence遭遇;incident事件;disaster灾难。根据语境可知,此处意指“这场雪灾”。故选D。 5.考查名词辨析。cold寒冷;disease疾病;poverty贫穷;thirsty饥渴。根据语境可知,此处指“没有人死于寒冷与饥饿”。故选A。 6.考查副词辨析。merrily快乐地;safely安全地;excitedly兴奋地;exhaustedly疲惫不堪地。句意:渐渐地,所有被困的人都安全地回到了家。故选B。 7.考查名词辨析。family家人;distant relatives远方亲戚;parents父母;animal friends动物朋友。根据下文的a moving story of a swallow couple可知,此处指“人类在雪灾中自救的时候,忘记了他们的动物朋友,直到一对燕子夫妇的感人故事在网上……”。故选D。 8.考查动词辨析。broadcast广播; written写;spread流传;identified认出。根据语境可知,此处指“在网络上流传开来”。故选C。 9.考查介词辨析。into进入;through穿过;beyond超越;across穿过。句意:因为饥饿和寒冷,这对燕子夫妻试图飞进人们的屋子里取暖。故选A。 10.考查副词辨析。tightly紧紧地;early早地;secretly;秘密地;quickly快递地。句意:但是每个房子都是紧紧关着。故选A。 11.考查动词辨析。pay支付;attract吸引;resist抵抗;keep保持。句意:它们跳着,拍打着翅膀希望引起屋内人们的注意。故选B。 12.考查形容词辨析。injured受伤的;lifted被举起的;frozen冻僵的;broken坏掉的。句意:妻子的身体已经被冻僵了,她趴下不动了。故选C。 13.考查名词辨析。heat热量;strength力量;direction方向;eyesight视力。根据语境可知,此处指由于翅膀张开,丈夫身上的热量很快就散发完了。故选A。 14.考查名词辨析。water浇水; plant种植;dig挖;check检查。句意:第二天早上,由于担心,房子的主人去阳台那里查看他的花。故选D。 15.考查形容词辨析。dead死的;drunk喝醉的;lively活泼的;lovely可爱的。根据上文的The couple died in the end.可知,此处指“在窗玻璃外发现了一只死燕子”。故选A。 16.考查动词辨析。touching接触; embracing包或裹着;living活着;lying躺着。根据语境可知,此处指“就这样,两只燕子在饥饿中被冻死在一起”。故选B。 17.考查名词辨析。warmth温暖;food食物;kindness善良;fruit水果。句意:感动的流泪,他把燕子拿到屋里,给他们一些他们再也感受不到的温暖。故选A。 18.考查动词辨析。left留下;sheltered保护;buried埋葬;threw扔掉。根据语境可知,此处应指,房子主人用小盒子将这对燕子夫妇埋在了后花园。故选C。 19.考查名词辨析。roof屋顶;basement地下室;window窗户;wall墙。句意:在我家乡的乡下,燕子一家住在我的房子屋顶处。故选A。 20.考查连词辨析。when当……时;as像……一样;unless除非;if如果。句意:不知道今年他们一家还能不能像往常一样回来。故选B。





    When my sister Diane began playing the violin,she was seven.How did she sound?Terrible.But she didn’t___ ___At twelve,she asked our parents if she could___ ___a full-time music school.They said no.Actually,everyone agreed that my sister___ ___talent.

I was better at my___ ___.My teacher had told my parents that I had great___ ___.So my parents found the best piano teacher in the area to___ ___me.But the only time he was___ ___was Saturday afternoons at 3 p.m.Back then,I was___ ___about the British TV show “The Avengers”,which was___ ___every Saturday at 3 p.m.I let nothing take up.my “Avengers”hour.So I___ ___this amazing opportunity.Today,I don’t even have a___ ___in my house.

    My sister became an engineer,but she___ ___stopped making music.When she was in her 40s,she switched___ ___.She went back to college,got a(n)___ ___in music education,and became a music teacher.She starts kids out on their first instrument and gives them all the encouragement and support she never___ ___.

    Recently,she and a pianist pal put on a recital.A big crowd of friends and family___ ___for her.As she played,I looked around at the___ ___.Everyone was__ ___enjoying the music.It occurred to me that I was the only person who remembered that 7-year-old kid making those perfectly___ __sounds and knew how far she had come,despite    ____ ____.

    Talent is important.But enthusiasm is even more important.

1.A. advance      B. quit      C. reflect      D. listen

2.A. inspect      B. open      C. attend      D. visit

3.A. lacked      B. spotted     C. possessed     D. admired

4.A. major      B. project      C. composition    D. instrument

5.A. patience     B. enthusiasm     C. potential     D. ambition

6.A. train      B. examine     C. correct      D. challenge

7.A. punctual     B. skillful     C. occupied     D. available

8.A. sensitive     B. crazy      C. serious     D. particular

9.A. filmed      B. designed     C. aired      D. commented

10.A. jumped at     B. turned down    C. waited for     D. opened up

11.A. tutor      B. violin      C. musician     D. piano

12. A. never      B. once      C. already     D. even

13. A. attitudes     B. careers      C. plans      D. positions

14. A. scholarship     B. sponsor     C. degree      D. assistant

15. A. provided     B. imagined     C. received     D. expected

16. A. voted      B. feared      C. stayed up     D. turned up

17. A. students     B. audience    C. spotlights     D. platform

18. A. obviously     B. desperately     C. appropriately   D. anxiously

19. A. booming     B. pleasing     C. awful      D. powerful

20. A. everything     B. something     C. everybody     D. somebody





阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A BCD)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

As a temporary teacher, my daily routine___ __driving to a new school___ ___every day, so I’m usually unable to anticipate (预料) the day’s events, good or bad.

On one particular day, I was teaching in a very___ ___class. I was managing behavior all the morning and by lunch time, I needed coffee to___ ___the afternoon. So at my lunch___ ___, I drove to a nearby plaza to get a cup of___ ___. Upon returning to the car, I realized I had___ ___my keys and my phone___ ___. I had about 15 minutes to get back to the school which was a good 4–or–5 minute___ ___. I thought of rushing back, but it being____ ____, I thought a nasty fall on ice would only make the situation much___ ____.

So I ran into a McDonald’s which was in the___ ____plaza and asked the man at the counter who ____ ____to be the manager to help me call a tab. I____ ____explained my situation and he hurried to the back to use the phone____ ____I paced in the restaurant.

The manager returned____ ____to tell me that the cab company had put him on hold and then the line got____ ___. My expression began to resemble some combination of hopelessness and fear.

Almost immediately, the manager grabbed his coat and____ ____to drive me to the school. Without____ ____, I followed him into his car and made back into my classroom with 2 minutes to ____ ____before the bell!

1.A. concludes     B. involves     C. relates      D. connects

2.A. almost      B. hardly      C. really      D. luckily

3.A. easy      B. pleasant     C. difficult     D. noisy

4.A. cost      B. pick      C. finish      D. survive

5.A. stop      B. stay      C. pause      D. break

6.A. tea       B. milk      C. coffee      D. wine

7.A. locked      B. forgot      C. threw      D. shut

8.A. down      B. inside      C. up      D. outside

9.A. distance      B. drive      C. walk      D. time

10.A. summer      B. fall      C. winter      D. spring

11.A. worse      B. easier      C. better      D. simpler

12.A. other      B. another     C. next      D. same

13.A. turned      B. explained     C. happened     D. came

14. A. quickly      B. briefly      C. slowly      D. hurriedly

15.A. after      B. until      C. when      D. while

16.A. even      B. only      C. still      D. yet

17.A. disconnected    B. stuck      C. troubled     D. interrupted

18.A. dragged      B. pulled      C. offered     D. pushed

19.A. problem     B. choice      C. alternative     D. hesitation

20.A. spare      B. leave      C. ring      D. control





A new study, a project of the researchers from the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania, finds the fitness tracker probably does not help with weight loss.

    The devices are designed to record your physical activity. They are usually worn around the wrist, where they measure a person’s heart rate. The research team looked at two groups of individuals. The first wore a fitness tracker and took part in health counseling (咨询) with experts to consider the best weight-loss plan. The researchers compared this group with people who only got health counseling.

The study found that those only speaking with the health experts lost nearly 6 kilograms, but those using a fitness tracker lost only 3.5 kilograms. John Jakicic, the lead researcher, questioned the use of electronic devices for weight control in place of “effective behavioral counseling for physical activity and diet.”

The study involved 470 subjects aged between 18 and 35. Some of them were overweight, while others were considered obese (肥胖的).Over three fourths of the subjects were women. All the subjects were told to increase physical activity and start on a low-calorie diet. They had their weight measured once every six months. After six months, researchers divided the group into two parts: one continued with monthly counseling, while members of the other group were given a fitness tracker. Eighteen months later, both groups “showed significant improvements in fitness, physical activity, and diet,” with no major difference between groups. However, when it came to losing weight, the people who only spoke with experts lost nearly twice as much weight.

Jakicic said, ”the study’s findings are important because effective long-term treatments are needed to address America’s obesity. More information is needed, he added, to learn how to best use these devices to change “physical activity and diet behaviors” in adults who want to lose weight.

1.All the subjects in the study were asked to_____________.

A. start on a high-calorie diet    B. wear a fitness tracker

C. increase physical activities    D. record their heart rates

2.Why does Jakicic think the findings are important?

A. Wearing fitness trackers hardly helps people lose weight.

B. Physical activity and diet have no effect on weight loss.

C. Handling obesity requires effective long-term treatments.

D. There are great differences in fitness between both groups.

3.What can we infer about the study mentioned in the text?

A. The study went on for about two years.

B. More than 120 men took part in the study.

C. Health counseling helps lose almost 6 kilograms.

D. Wearing a fitness tracker is useful for keeping slim.

4.The purpose of the text is to________

A. describe how the researchers were conducting the study

B. indicate regular counseling for weight control is necessary

C. convince readers to wear fitness trackers for weight control

D. warn women are more likely to suffer from weight problems






We’ve reached a strange–some would say unusual–point. While fighting world hunger continues to be the matter of vital importance according to a recent report from the World Health Organization, more people now die from being overweight, or say, from being extremely fat, than from being underweight. It’s the good life that’s more likely to kill us these days.

   Worse still, nearly 18 million children under the age of five around the world are estimated to be overweight. What’s going on?

   We really don’t have many excuses for our weight problems. The dangers of the problem have been drilled into us by public–health campaigns since 2001 and the message is getting through-up to a point.

   In the 1970s, Finland, for example, had the highest rate of heart disease in the world and being overweight was its main cause. Not any more. A public–health campaign has greatly reduced the number of heart disease deaths by 80 percent over the past three decades.

   Maybe that explains why the percentage of people in Finland taking diet pills doubled between 2001 and 2005, and doctors even offer surgery of removing fat inside and change the shape of the body. That has become a sort of fashion. No wonder it ranks as the world’s most body –conscious country.

   We know what we should be doing to lose weight—but actually doing it is another matter. By far the most popular excuse is not taking enough exercise. More than half of us admit we lack willpower. Others blame good food. They say: it’s just too inviting and it makes them overeat. Still others lay the blame on the Americans, complaining that pounds have piled on thanks to eating too much American–style fast food.

   Some also blame their parents—their genes. But unfortunately, the parents are wronged because they’re normal in shape, or rather slim.

   It’s a similar story around the world, although people are relatively unlikely to have tried to lose weight. Parents are eager to see their kids shape up. Do as I say—not as I do.

1.What’s the “strange” point mentioned in the first sentence?

A. The good life is a greater risk than the bad life.

B. Starvation is taking more people’s lives in the world.

C. WHO report shows people’s unawareness of food safety.

D. Overweight issue remains unresolved despite WHO’s efforts.

2.Why does the author think that people have no excuse for being overweight?

A. A lot of effective diet pills are available.

B. Body image has nothing to do with good food.

C. They have been made fully aware of its dangers.

D. There are too many overweight people in the world.

3.The example of Finland is used to illustrate _______.

A. the cause of heart disease    B. there are too many overweight people in the world

C. the effectiveness of a campaign    D. the fashion of body shaping

4.Which would be the best title for the passage?

A. Actions or Excuses    B. Overweight or Underweight

C. WHO in a Dilemma    D. No Longer Dying of Hunger





While dog keepers realize their dogs can read their moods accurately,scientists have always been a little doubtful.Now thanks to some researchers at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna,Austria,we finally have some convincing evidence.

For their study, biologist Corson Miller and his team exposed eleven selected dogs to digital images of women that were either angry or happy. Half the dogs were rewarded for touching the screen when shown a happy face, while the other half got their treat for selecting those that appeared angry.

Interestingly, the dogs were not provided with the entire face. Some dogs were shown only upper halves while the others observed lower halves. That’s because the scientists believe humans show their emotions on their entire face.

After some training like how to recognize small differences like the wrinkles between the eyes or the changes in their shape that accompany the happy or angry expressions, the dogs were mostly able to identify the correct expression not only on a familiar face but on a strange face. The researchers concluded the dogs were smart enough to read human emotions.

They also found those being trained to read angry expressions took a longer time to learn. They guess it may be because dogs find angry faces disgusting, causing them to withdraw quickly. However, once the smart dogs realized they were getting rewarded, the trepidation seemed to disappear. In fact, the dogs had such a good time playing the computer "game" that scientists had a hard time keeping them away from the touch screens after the study was completed.

The researchers also noticed only dogs with a male owner had a harder time understanding the expressions correctly. Since the touchscreen models were all females, this confirmed what has been observed in previous studies-dogs are more efficient at reading facial expressions of people that are the same gender as their owner.

1.How did the scientists conduct the experiment?

A. By mixing the selected dogs together.

B. By leaving dogs to women who are either happy or angry.

C. By showing digital pictures of women’s happy or angry faces.

D. By rewarding only half of the dogs touching the screen.

2.Which of the following statements is TRUE about the dogs in the study?

A. The dogs were not all provided with the entire face.

B. The dogs couldn’t read strangers facial emotions.

C. According to their size,the dogs were given either upper or lower halves.

D. The dogs could make out small changes accompanying facial expressions.

3.The underlined word "trepidation" in Paragraph 5 probably means         .

A. curiosity    B. horror    C. excitement    D. doubt

4.How might the results change if the dogs with female owners are shown pictures of male faces?

A. They would be scared away at the sight of the pictures.

B. They found it easy to tell the emotions on the entire face.

C. They could only tell emotions on partial faces rather than on entire faces.

D. They found it hard to tell the moods on the faces of a different gender.



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