满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

【来源】[2017·河南省平顶山市高三第一次模拟] The hardest ar...


The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                      —Eric Hoffer

According to legend, a young man while walking in the desert came across a spring of delicious crystal­clear water.The water was so sweet, he __ __ his leather canteen so that he __ __ bring some back to an elder who had been his teacher.After a four­day journey he __ __ the water to the old man who took a __ __ drink, smiled warmly and thanked his student for the sweet water.The young man returned to his village__ __ a happy heart.

Later, the teacher let another student __ __ the water.He spat it out, saying it was __ __.It apparently had become sour __ __ the old leather container.The student __ __ his teacher,“Master, the water was foul.Why did you __ __ to like it?”The teacher replied, “You only tasted the water.I tasted the __ __.The water was simply the container for an act of loving­kindness and __ __ could be sweeter.”

I think we understand this lesson best __ __ we receive innocent gifts of love from young children.__ __ it's a jewel or a stone the natural and proper response is __ __ and expressed thankfulness because we love the idea __ __ the gift.

Gratitude doesn't always come naturally.__ __,most children and many adults value only the thing given _ __ the feeling in it. We should remind ourselves and teach our children about the beauty and __ __ of feelings and expressions of gratitude.__ __,gifts from the heart are really gifts of the heart.

1. A.cleared    B.emptied    C.filled     D.freed

2. A.should      B.could      C.needed          D.dared

3. A.contributed   B.delivered    C.posted        D.presented

4. A.deep     B.long        C.hard          D.broad

5. A.beyond         B.with        C.without        D.under

6. A.breathe         B.suck        Ctaste     D.lick

7. A.sweet     B.dirty   C.salty     D.awful

8. A.because of    B.despite of    C.instead of    D.regardless of

9. A.offended        B.challenged    C.answered        D.demanded

10. A.try     B.intend  C.pretend     Dwant

11. A.feeling    B.gift          C.dish     D.mood

12. A.something      B.nothing       C.everything    D.anything

13. A.before         B.after   C.when     D.until

14. A.Either         B.Neither       C.However      D.Whether

15. A.appreciation   B.excitement   C.disappointment  D.satisfaction

16. A.for     B.within  C.about     D.over

17. A.Luckily       B.Honestly    C.Unfortunately     D.Actually

18. A.rather than   B.other than  C.more than     D.less than

19. A.height      B.depth       C.accuracy    D.purity

20. A.Above all    B.In all      C.After all    D.At all


1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.B 10.C 11.B 12.B 13.C 14.D 15.A 16.B 17.C 18.A 19.D 20.C 【解析】 【文章大意】 本文讲述了一位老者收到他过去的一位学生在漫游沙漠途中找到的甘泉,深切感激学生赠予他甜美的水。从而告诉我们一个道理:当我们从别人那里收到爱的礼物时,我们应该欣赏,并表示感激,因为发自内心给予的礼物才是真正的礼物。 1. 因为水的味道非常甜美,于是他灌满了他的皮水壶。故选C。clear清洁;empty成为空的,把……弄空;fill装满,填满,灌满;free释放,使自由。 2. 这样的话他就能带回一些给曾经是他老师的一位老者。根据句意可知这里用情态动词could,故选B。 3. 他把水呈献给老人,故这里用D合适。contribute 捐献,投稿;deliver递送;post张贴,邮寄;present提出,介绍,赠送。 4. 根据后面“…smiled warmly and thanked his student for the sweet water.”老人开心地笑着并感谢他的学生带来的水,可知这里老人喝了一大口(deep drink),故选A。deep深的,重大的;long长的;hard坚硬的,困难的;broad宽的。 5. 根据语境,年轻人得到老人的感激,怀着愉快的心情回到了村庄。with a happy heart怀着幸福的心,故选B。 6. 根据常识,“水”是用来“品尝”的,句意:老师让他的另一个学生品尝水。故选C。breathe呼吸;suck吮吸,吸入;taste品尝;lick舔,轻轻拍打。 7.D 他把水吐出来,说味道很糟糕。根据语境可知这里选D。sweet甜的;dirty脏的;salty咸的;awful糟糕的。 8. 句意:很明显,由于破旧的皮革容器,水已经变酸了。根据语意可知选A。because of由于;despite of 尽管;instead of代替;regardless of不管,不顾。 9. 句意:学生质疑他的老师:“师父,水是臭的,你为什么要假装喜欢它?”故这里选B。offend冒犯;challenge质疑,挑战;answer回答;demand要求。 10. 根据上下文可知,这里的意思是问老师为什么要假装喜欢。故选C。try尝试;intend打算;pretend假装;want想要。 11. 联系下文gifts of love from young children,可知正确答案是gift。句意:你只品尝了水的味道,我却是在品尝礼物的味道。故选B。feeling情感;gift礼物;dish菜肴;mood情绪。 12. 水仅仅是装载善与爱之行为的容器,而没有什么东西比善与爱更甜美了。故选B。 13. 我认为当我们收到孩子纯真的爱的礼物时,我们能很好地理解这个道理。根据句意可知选C。before在……之前;after在……之后;when当……时;until直到……为止。 14. 从下文“…because we love the idea … the gift.”可知,所以,无论它是一个宝石或一块石头,我们都应该欣赏并感激。whether…or…:不管……还是……。故选D。 15. 无论它是一个宝石或一块石头,我们都应该欣赏并感激。根据句意可知选A。appreciation感激,欣赏;excitement激动;disappointment失望;satisfaction满意。 16. 根据上下文可知这里意为,因为我们爱的是礼物的内涵。故这里介词用within,故选B。 17. 根据语境,此处表达:不幸的是,大多数儿童和成人只看重被赠予的东西本身。故这里选C。luckily幸运的是;honestly诚实地;unfortunately不幸地;actually事实上。 18. 根据句意,大多数儿童和成人只看重被赠予的东西本身,而不是它体现的情谊。故选A。rather than(要)……而不……,与其……倒不如……;而不是;other than不同于;除了(=but,except);more than不只是;很;超过;在……次以上;less than少于。 19. 根据句意:我们应该提醒自己,并教导我们的孩子,感情和对感激之情的表达是美丽而纯洁的。故选择D。height高度;depth深度;accuracy准确性;purity纯洁。 20.C 句意:毕竟,发自内心给予的礼物才是真正的礼物。故选C。above all最重要的是;in all总而言之;after all毕竟,终究;at all根本,完全(不)。




As I write, a gentle, much needed rain is falling this morning. It has been a dry___ ___have in Vermont,___ ___dry that the Spring Peepers(雨蛙)were late in coming that many thought these frogs would fail to bless us with their song. But they came, and I cant’ blame them for being___ ___. They are a___ ___of spring, and of rebirth.

   It is late June and the mountain snow has___ ___the higher slopes(斜坡)of the mountains. My family___ ___our garden during the last weekend of May, and frost came twice since then,___ ___not a killing frost. But others were not so lucky: they lost most of young plants this year. Twice this spring has been____ ____enough in the day that my family went swimming, but there was ___ ___on the ground the next morning.

   Planting a garden in Vermont amounts to an act of___ ___. Will our sweat___ ___, or will these efforts be in vain? My family was recently faced with a___ ___decision: shall we leave this place and its people, or shall we stay and make a____ ____? Well, we have decided this is___ ___we will make our stand___ ___the garden, this year we have planted ourselves. Will my family be___ ___with what is needed to grow and flourish(兴旺)? We have no way of knowing this but we do have faith.

   What is planted must be revisited often and the garden must be taken care of with love, which ___ ___to our lives as well. Hopes and dreams must be revisited often or fear that we lose sight of the things___ ___. Commitments must be ___ ___as carefully as any garden plot. But as with gardening, there are no___ ___. But there is faith, and today is a beautiful day.

1. A. summer      B. spring      C. fall      D. winter

2. A. too      B. rather      C. so      D. much

3. A. late      B. lazy      C. swift      D. noisy

4. A. scene      B. reward      C. message     D. sign

5. A. covered      B. decorated     C. left      D. awoken

6. A. weeded      B. watered     C. cleared     D. planted

7. A. luckily      B. properly     C. obviously     D. closely

8. A. fresh      B. warm      C. bitter      D. cool

9. A. snow      B. rain      C. mist      D. frost

10. A. love      B. prayer      C. faith      D. choice

11. A. pay off      B. flood out     C. fall off      D. run out

12. A. primary      B. tough      C. random     D. casual

13. A. mistake      B. profit      C. commitment    D. compromise

14. A. why      B. what      C. how      D. where

15. A. Due to      B. Rather than     C. Along with     D. Regardless of

16. A. blessed      B. surrounded     C. filled      D. satisfied

17. A. occurs      B. applies      C. submits     D. keeps

18. A. hurt      B. change      C. stay      D. matter

19. A. made      B. tended      C. settled      D. reviewed

20. A. harvests      B. possibilities    C. guarantees     D. advantages





    阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A. B.CD四个选项中,选出可以填入空白


Sometimes you meet an ordinary person doing something extraordinary. On a recent trip I met Normand Gallant. Normand is someone you could pass on the street and  ___ ___    notice but he is a very special person who_____ _____   recognition.

    Norm lives in a remote area far from the ____ ____  big hospital, so when his wife____ ____

cancer several years ago, Norm was faced with a four hour___ ___to where she could be treated. That meant lots of____ ____  for meals, fuel, hotels and so on. But in the end the cancer took his wife  ___ ___

    Norm was obviously____ ____ by his wife's passing, but he was also very angry,____ ____  he realized that other people were___ ___ the same sorts of hardships. He wanted to do something but he didn't want to give money to the ___ ___  that support cancer research because he didn't know how much would actually get to the researchers. What he did was to  ____ ____  parties.

        About every three weeks on Saturday evenings, there is a party in Norm's garage. There is music and dancing, and   ___ ___  during the evening Norm tells about a family who are having  difficulties ____ ____the cost of supporting a cancer patient undertaking   ____ ____  far from home. Then a honey-pail is passed around and the money ___ ___, every cent of it goes___ ___ to that family.

       Norm's personal loss has  ___ ___ an act of kindness that honors the ____ ____ of the wife he has lost. Wouldn't it be ___ ___if we had more people in the world like Normand Gallant?  He makes the world a better place.

1. A. often     B. ever      C. always     D. never

2. A. deserves    B. dislikes     C. avoids     D. achieves

3. A. best      B. nearest     C. cleanest     D. cheapest

4. A. discovered   B. cured     C. examined    D. developed

5. A. flight       B. walk     C. drive     D. wait

6. A. trouble      B. expense     C. efforts        D. preparations

7. A. anyway     B. somehow    C. meanwhile   D. instead

8. A. impressed   B. stricken     C. moved     D. terrified

9. A. if      B. although     C. before     D. because

10. A. understanding    B. questioning   C. facing    D. settling

11. A. doctors     B. families     C. organizations D. hospitals

12. A. attend     B. promote     C. throw     D. enjoy

13. A. at some point     B. by this means    C. for some reason    D. in this case

14. A. calculating    B. decreasing    C. budgeting  D. meeting

15. A. research     B. treatment     C. responsibility  D. risk

16. A. collected     B. distributed   C. saved     D. deposited

17. A. gradually    B. smoothly    C. directly     D. explicitly

18. A. served as     B. resulted from C. gone through    D. contributed to

19. A. memory     B. recovery     C. cancer     D. kindness

20. A. interesting   B. nice      C. precious     D. meaningful






Heaviest snow in half a century hit the south of the country. It snowed continuously for half a month,___ ___the railways, highways, and runways in the airfields. Ice wrapped and paralyzed(使瘫痪)the power and communication system. Many people were___ ___in railway stations, bus stations and airports, and___ ___in cars, buses and trains. Governments and people did everything they could to fight the snow___ ___, resulting in the good news that no one was killed from___ ___and hunger. Gradually, trapped people all went back home___ ___.While fighting the snow, people forgot their___ ___until a moving story of a swallow couple was widely___ ___on the Internet.

Being hungry and cold, the swallow couple tried to fly___ ___people's home to warm themselves, but every house was closed___ ___.They jumped and flapped their wings to___ ___the attention of the people inside the house, but failed. The wife’s body was___ ___, she could not move any longer. The husband came near and wrapped his wife with his wings. He lost his___ ___soon because of his opened wings. The couple died in the end.

The next morning, the housemaster went to the balcony to___ ___his flowers because of concern and saw a___ ___swallow outside the window pane. Touching it, he found that they were two___ ___together.Moved to tears, he took them in, giving them some___ ___, but in vain. He found a small cardboard box, laid them in and___ ___them in the back garden.

In my hometown, in the countryside, a swallow family lives in the___ ___of my house. I wonder if they will come back this spring___ ___they did.

1. A. protecting     B. maintaining      C. blocking      D. keeping

2. A. restricted     B. stuck       C. surrounded      D. persuaded

3. A. even      B. still       C. yet       D. nevertheless

4. A. disturbance     B. occurrence      C. incident      D. disaster

5. A. cold      B. disease      C. poverty      D. thirsty

6. A. merrily      B. safely       C. excitedly      D. exhaustedly

7. A. family      B. distant relatives     C. parents      D. animal friends

8. A. broadcast     B. written       C. spread       D. identified

9. A. into      B. through      C. beyond      D. across

10. A. tightly      B. early       C. secretly      D. quickly

11. A. pay      B. attract       C. resist       D. keep

12. A. injured      B. lifted       C. frozen       D. broken

13. A. heat      B. strength      C. direction      D. eyesight

14. A. water      B. plant       C. dig       D. check

15. A. dead      B. drunk       C. lively       D. lovely

16. A. touching     B. embracing      C. living       D. lying

17. A. warmth      B. food       C. kindness      D. fruit

18. A. left      B. sheltered      C. buried       D. threw

19. A. roof      B. basement      C. window      D. wall

20. A. when      B. as       C. unless       D. if







    When my sister Diane began playing the violin,she was seven.How did she sound?Terrible.But she didn’t___ ___At twelve,she asked our parents if she could___ ___a full-time music school.They said no.Actually,everyone agreed that my sister___ ___talent.

I was better at my___ ___.My teacher had told my parents that I had great___ ___.So my parents found the best piano teacher in the area to___ ___me.But the only time he was___ ___was Saturday afternoons at 3 p.m.Back then,I was___ ___about the British TV show “The Avengers”,which was___ ___every Saturday at 3 p.m.I let nothing take up.my “Avengers”hour.So I___ ___this amazing opportunity.Today,I don’t even have a___ ___in my house.

    My sister became an engineer,but she___ ___stopped making music.When she was in her 40s,she switched___ ___.She went back to college,got a(n)___ ___in music education,and became a music teacher.She starts kids out on their first instrument and gives them all the encouragement and support she never___ ___.

    Recently,she and a pianist pal put on a recital.A big crowd of friends and family___ ___for her.As she played,I looked around at the___ ___.Everyone was__ ___enjoying the music.It occurred to me that I was the only person who remembered that 7-year-old kid making those perfectly___ __sounds and knew how far she had come,despite    ____ ____.

    Talent is important.But enthusiasm is even more important.

1.A. advance      B. quit      C. reflect      D. listen

2.A. inspect      B. open      C. attend      D. visit

3.A. lacked      B. spotted     C. possessed     D. admired

4.A. major      B. project      C. composition    D. instrument

5.A. patience     B. enthusiasm     C. potential     D. ambition

6.A. train      B. examine     C. correct      D. challenge

7.A. punctual     B. skillful     C. occupied     D. available

8.A. sensitive     B. crazy      C. serious     D. particular

9.A. filmed      B. designed     C. aired      D. commented

10.A. jumped at     B. turned down    C. waited for     D. opened up

11.A. tutor      B. violin      C. musician     D. piano

12. A. never      B. once      C. already     D. even

13. A. attitudes     B. careers      C. plans      D. positions

14. A. scholarship     B. sponsor     C. degree      D. assistant

15. A. provided     B. imagined     C. received     D. expected

16. A. voted      B. feared      C. stayed up     D. turned up

17. A. students     B. audience    C. spotlights     D. platform

18. A. obviously     B. desperately     C. appropriately   D. anxiously

19. A. booming     B. pleasing     C. awful      D. powerful

20. A. everything     B. something     C. everybody     D. somebody





阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A BCD)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

As a temporary teacher, my daily routine___ __driving to a new school___ ___every day, so I’m usually unable to anticipate (预料) the day’s events, good or bad.

On one particular day, I was teaching in a very___ ___class. I was managing behavior all the morning and by lunch time, I needed coffee to___ ___the afternoon. So at my lunch___ ___, I drove to a nearby plaza to get a cup of___ ___. Upon returning to the car, I realized I had___ ___my keys and my phone___ ___. I had about 15 minutes to get back to the school which was a good 4–or–5 minute___ ___. I thought of rushing back, but it being____ ____, I thought a nasty fall on ice would only make the situation much___ ____.

So I ran into a McDonald’s which was in the___ ____plaza and asked the man at the counter who ____ ____to be the manager to help me call a tab. I____ ____explained my situation and he hurried to the back to use the phone____ ____I paced in the restaurant.

The manager returned____ ____to tell me that the cab company had put him on hold and then the line got____ ___. My expression began to resemble some combination of hopelessness and fear.

Almost immediately, the manager grabbed his coat and____ ____to drive me to the school. Without____ ____, I followed him into his car and made back into my classroom with 2 minutes to ____ ____before the bell!

1.A. concludes     B. involves     C. relates      D. connects

2.A. almost      B. hardly      C. really      D. luckily

3.A. easy      B. pleasant     C. difficult     D. noisy

4.A. cost      B. pick      C. finish      D. survive

5.A. stop      B. stay      C. pause      D. break

6.A. tea       B. milk      C. coffee      D. wine

7.A. locked      B. forgot      C. threw      D. shut

8.A. down      B. inside      C. up      D. outside

9.A. distance      B. drive      C. walk      D. time

10.A. summer      B. fall      C. winter      D. spring

11.A. worse      B. easier      C. better      D. simpler

12.A. other      B. another     C. next      D. same

13.A. turned      B. explained     C. happened     D. came

14. A. quickly      B. briefly      C. slowly      D. hurriedly

15.A. after      B. until      C. when      D. while

16.A. even      B. only      C. still      D. yet

17.A. disconnected    B. stuck      C. troubled     D. interrupted

18.A. dragged      B. pulled      C. offered     D. pushed

19.A. problem     B. choice      C. alternative     D. hesitation

20.A. spare      B. leave      C. ring      D. control



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