满分5 > 高中英语试题 >





Smile, when making an introduction

Every day we meet people in a number of business and social situations.___ 1.___It’s important to do so in a proper way, no matter whether you are introducing yourself to someone, or introducing two people to each other. To keep you aware of this, we have gathered tips to make a proper introduction.

Always stand when making an introduction

When you are seated and someone comes up to greet you, make the effort to stand up. ___2.___

Always maintain eye contact while making an introduction

Many people are not aware of the value of this simple action. ___3.___

Always introduce a person of less authority to one of greater authority

___4.___ For example, when introducing your supervisor to a job candidate, you would give your supervisor’s name first.

In a situation where rank is unimportant, an introduction is based on sex and age

A man is presented to a woman and a younger woman to an older woman. What if you find yourself in a situation where you have forgotten the other person’s name? __5.___ By doing this, you will usually cause the other person to do the same. This is not the ideal situation, but it does happen to all of us.

A. Start with a handshake and reintroduce yourself.

B. When you make eye contact, you are giving a confident image.

C. The most important thing to remember is to say the most important person’s name first.

D. Standing up is the most important to meet a person.

E. By doing this, you show respect for yourself and the other person.

F. And the way we meet and greet them creates an impression.

G. By staring at the other person, you show your interest.


1. F 2. E 3. B 4. C 5. A 【解析】这是一篇说明文。每天,我们都要和形形色色的人打交道,恰当的介绍非常重要。文章就如何进行介绍提出了几条建议。 1.上一句提到“每天我们都会遇见很多人。”承接上文,F选项“我们和他们相遇,和他们打招呼,这都会给对方留下印象。”切题。该选项中的them对应上文中的people。该选项对应下一句中的do so。 2.上一句提到“对方过来和你打招呼,你要站起来。”承接上文,E选项“这样做,你会表现出对对方和自己的尊敬。”切题。该选项中的doing this和上文呼应。 3.该段标题建议我们要和对方进行目光接触(eye contact),和这个主题呼应,B选项“当你和对方进行目光接触的时候,你会给对方留下一个非常自信的印象。”切题。 4.由下文中的“you would give your supervisor’s name first”可知,C选项“在做介绍的时候,要先介绍较重要的人的名字。”切题。 5.该空前面提出一个问题:当你发现自己忘了对方的名字怎么办呢?该空要对这个问题做出回答,A选项“先握手,然后再重新介绍自己。”切题。下文中“cause the other person to do the same”与之相呼应。 【名师点睛】七选五的解题技巧之一是根据上下文词汇来锁定线索。即:要关注空白前后的名词和动词,然后在选项中查找它们的近义词、反义词、同义词、同类词等。其次是一些专有名词,比如说数词、代词、时间、年代、地点/名称等。在本文中,第1小题中的“them”,第2小题中的“doing this”,第3小题中的“eye contact”,第4小题中的“your supervisor’s name first”,第5小题中的“do the same”均与上下文或选项中有相呼应的词语。


2017四川成都七中二诊第二节(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

Five Ways to Improve Reading Comprehension

Help your child keep what he reads—a crucial skill, especially as he gets older and needs to gain important information from textbooks.

Have him read aloud. This forces him to go slower, which gives him more time to process what he reads.    ___1.___.Provide the right kinds of books. Make sure your child gets lots of practice reading books that aren’t too hard.    ___2.___. Stopping any more often than that to figure out a word makes it tough for him to focus on the overall meaning of the story.

    ___3.___. To gain meaning from text, your child needs to read quickly and smoothly—a skill known as fluency. Rereading familiar, simple books gives your child practice at decoding words quickly, so he’ll become more fluent.

Supplement class reading. If his class is studying a particular theme, look for easy-to-read books or magazines on the topic.    ____4.____  .

Talk about what he’s reading.    ___5.___. Ask questions before, during, and after a reading session.

For example:

•Before:  “What interests you in this book? What doesn’t? 

•During:  “What’s going on in the book? Is it turning out the way you thought it would? 

•After:  “Can you summarize the book? What did you like about it? 

A. He should recognize at least 90 percent of the words without any help.

B. Select books that are appealing to your child but not too challenging.

C. Some prior  knowledge will help him  get  better  prepared and make his way through tougher classroom texts.

D. This  “verbal processing” helps him remember and think through the themes of the book.

E. Plus, he’s not only seeing the words, he’s hearing them, too.

F. Have him reread to build fluency.

G. Increase the speed of reading.






On Friday I called my parents, who are in their early 90s now. They were upset as they didn’t______what to send us and our adult kids for Christmas presents. Both of them have suffered serious______problems recently, and I______them not to worry about it because all of us had what we needed and didn’t______anything more.

    Not happy with that,they______getting us all-something. Although they were in poor health this year, they still thought it was______for them to send something to us all. My mother said that she was______the other brothers and sisters fruit and delicious food baskets. That gave me a(n)______.I asked her to______,in that case, giving whatever she would have given us to a local food bank.Or______,they donate money she would have______on all of us to the food bank. When I checked with my kids, I knew what I suggested was proven exactly.______,for all of us would be ______to know we had been able to donate to a local food bank.

    She and my father______this idea, but had no idea where a food bank would be.______my father was still quite able and interested in doing his own computer searches,his______to do this has gradually been going down.I looked it up right there and then discovered not one______three local food banks, and the center for a state-wide food bank______right there in their town. I gave them the______and phone number, which they asked for. They seemed to feel a great______at this suggested solution and I was very grateful.

1. A. admit      B. abolish     C. know       D. keep

2. A. finance      B. health      C. work       D. affection

3. A. begged      B. ordered     C. warned      D. rejected

4. A. borrow      B. sell      C. refuse       D. need

5. A. gave up      B. insisted on     C. dreamed of      D. applied for

6. A. difficult      B. strange     C. impossible      D. important

7. A. giving      B. owing      C. lending      D. sharing

8. A. belief      B. mind      C. idea       D. opinion

9. A. allow      B. consider     C. practice      D. avoid

10. A. easier      B. worse      C. less       D. stronger

11. A. made      B. paid      C. spent       D. cost

12. A. real      B. controversial   C. unreasonable     D. right

13. A. delighted     B. disappointed   C. generous      D. energetic

14. A. deleted      B. hated      C. liked       D. found

15. A. Unless      B. Although     C. If        D. When

16. A. chance      B. purpose     C. desire       D. ability

17. A. and      B. so      C. but       D. or

18. A. floated      B. located     C. covered      D. adjusted

19. A. address      B. date      C. appointment     D. sign

20. A. egret      B. curiosity     C. interest      D. relief






An  -year-old student at Stanford University was struggling to pay his fees.Not knowing where to turn for money,he came up with a bright___ ___.He and a friend decided to host a musical conceit on campus to___ ___money for their education.

They___ ___out to the great pianist Ignacy J.Paderewski.His manager___ ___a guaranteed fee of $2, 0 for the piano recital(独奏会).A deal was___ ___and the boys began to work to make the concert a___ ___.

The big day arrived.But___ ___,they had not managed to sell enough tickets.The total___ ___was only $ 1,6Disappointed,they went to Paderewski and explained their plight (困境).They gave him the entire $ 1,600,plus a__ ___for the balance $400.They promised to honour the cheque at the___ ___possible.Paderewski tore up the cheque,___ ___the $ 1,600 and told the two boys to keep the money they needed for the fees.The boys were___ ___,and thanked him heartedly.

It was a small act of___ ___.But it clearly marked out Paderewski___ ___a great human being.___ ___should he help two people he did not even know?We all___ ___situations like these in our lives.And___ ___of us only think“If I help them,what will happen to me?”The truly___ ___people think,“If I don’t help them,what will happen to them?” They don't do it___ ___something in return.They do it____ ____they feel it’s the right thing to do.

1. A. time      B. task      C. idea       D. decision

2. A. receive     B. raise      C. borrow      D. donate

3. A. reached     B. turned     C. pointed      D. called

4. A. increased     B. covered     C. considered     D. demanded

5. A. rejected     B. struck     C. cancelled      D. attracted

6. A. success     B. career     C. background     D. performance

7. A. uncertainly   B. unbelievably  C. unfortunately     D. undoubtedly

8. A. cost      B. bill      C. collection     D. allowance

9. A. benefit     B. profit     C. charge      D. cheque

10. A. soonest     B. latest      C. longest      D. farthest

11. A. took      B. counted     C. deposited      D. returned

12. A. pleased     B. surprised     C. frightened     D. interested

13. A. devotion     B. kindness     C. sympathy      D. teamwork

14. A. like      B. for      C. as       D. to

15. A. How      B. Where     C. When      D. Why

16. A. come across  B. deal with     C. adapt to      D. think of

17. A. both      B. few      C. none       D. most

18. A. able      B. rich      C. great       D. famous

19. A. taking     B. expecting     C. offering      D. Preparing

20. A. because     B. though     C. before      D. so




The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                      —Eric Hoffer

According to legend, a young man while walking in the desert came across a spring of delicious crystal­clear water.The water was so sweet, he __ __ his leather canteen so that he __ __ bring some back to an elder who had been his teacher.After a four­day journey he __ __ the water to the old man who took a __ __ drink, smiled warmly and thanked his student for the sweet water.The young man returned to his village__ __ a happy heart.

Later, the teacher let another student __ __ the water.He spat it out, saying it was __ __.It apparently had become sour __ __ the old leather container.The student __ __ his teacher,“Master, the water was foul.Why did you __ __ to like it?”The teacher replied, “You only tasted the water.I tasted the __ __.The water was simply the container for an act of loving­kindness and __ __ could be sweeter.”

I think we understand this lesson best __ __ we receive innocent gifts of love from young children.__ __ it's a jewel or a stone the natural and proper response is __ __ and expressed thankfulness because we love the idea __ __ the gift.

Gratitude doesn't always come naturally.__ __,most children and many adults value only the thing given _ __ the feeling in it. We should remind ourselves and teach our children about the beauty and __ __ of feelings and expressions of gratitude.__ __,gifts from the heart are really gifts of the heart.

1. A.cleared    B.emptied    C.filled     D.freed

2. A.should      B.could      C.needed          D.dared

3. A.contributed   B.delivered    C.posted        D.presented

4. A.deep     B.long        C.hard          D.broad

5. A.beyond         B.with        C.without        D.under

6. A.breathe         B.suck        Ctaste     D.lick

7. A.sweet     B.dirty   C.salty     D.awful

8. A.because of    B.despite of    C.instead of    D.regardless of

9. A.offended        B.challenged    C.answered        D.demanded

10. A.try     B.intend  C.pretend     Dwant

11. A.feeling    B.gift          C.dish     D.mood

12. A.something      B.nothing       C.everything    D.anything

13. A.before         B.after   C.when     D.until

14. A.Either         B.Neither       C.However      D.Whether

15. A.appreciation   B.excitement   C.disappointment  D.satisfaction

16. A.for     B.within  C.about     D.over

17. A.Luckily       B.Honestly    C.Unfortunately     D.Actually

18. A.rather than   B.other than  C.more than     D.less than

19. A.height      B.depth       C.accuracy    D.purity

20. A.Above all    B.In all      C.After all    D.At all






As I write, a gentle, much needed rain is falling this morning. It has been a dry___ ___have in Vermont,___ ___dry that the Spring Peepers(雨蛙)were late in coming that many thought these frogs would fail to bless us with their song. But they came, and I cant’ blame them for being___ ___. They are a___ ___of spring, and of rebirth.

   It is late June and the mountain snow has___ ___the higher slopes(斜坡)of the mountains. My family___ ___our garden during the last weekend of May, and frost came twice since then,___ ___not a killing frost. But others were not so lucky: they lost most of young plants this year. Twice this spring has been____ ____enough in the day that my family went swimming, but there was ___ ___on the ground the next morning.

   Planting a garden in Vermont amounts to an act of___ ___. Will our sweat___ ___, or will these efforts be in vain? My family was recently faced with a___ ___decision: shall we leave this place and its people, or shall we stay and make a____ ____? Well, we have decided this is___ ___we will make our stand___ ___the garden, this year we have planted ourselves. Will my family be___ ___with what is needed to grow and flourish(兴旺)? We have no way of knowing this but we do have faith.

   What is planted must be revisited often and the garden must be taken care of with love, which ___ ___to our lives as well. Hopes and dreams must be revisited often or fear that we lose sight of the things___ ___. Commitments must be ___ ___as carefully as any garden plot. But as with gardening, there are no___ ___. But there is faith, and today is a beautiful day.

1. A. summer      B. spring      C. fall      D. winter

2. A. too      B. rather      C. so      D. much

3. A. late      B. lazy      C. swift      D. noisy

4. A. scene      B. reward      C. message     D. sign

5. A. covered      B. decorated     C. left      D. awoken

6. A. weeded      B. watered     C. cleared     D. planted

7. A. luckily      B. properly     C. obviously     D. closely

8. A. fresh      B. warm      C. bitter      D. cool

9. A. snow      B. rain      C. mist      D. frost

10. A. love      B. prayer      C. faith      D. choice

11. A. pay off      B. flood out     C. fall off      D. run out

12. A. primary      B. tough      C. random     D. casual

13. A. mistake      B. profit      C. commitment    D. compromise

14. A. why      B. what      C. how      D. where

15. A. Due to      B. Rather than     C. Along with     D. Regardless of

16. A. blessed      B. surrounded     C. filled      D. satisfied

17. A. occurs      B. applies      C. submits     D. keeps

18. A. hurt      B. change      C. stay      D. matter

19. A. made      B. tended      C. settled      D. reviewed

20. A. harvests      B. possibilities    C. guarantees     D. advantages



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