满分5 > 高中英语试题 >






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I can hard believe it, and my school life is almost over. Prom night has come and gone, and I received my high school diploma at last. That is a good thing that the exams are finished. I feel so excited to think clearly! It seems strange to think that in a few day’s time I’ll be walking out school gates forever. A first thing I’m going to do is to take a long vacation! Meanwhile, I find myself look back at my senior year, and thinking about that all the wonderful things that have happened.


1. hard→hardly 2. and→but 3. I 和received之间加have 4. that→it 5. so→too 6. day’s→days’ 7. out 和school之间加of 8. A→The 9. look→looking 10. 去掉第一个that 【解析】第一处:考查副词。hard作副词表示“努力地;艰苦地”的意思,而此处应表示我几乎不能相信的意思,hardly意为“几乎不”,故要将hard改为hardly。 第二处:考查连词。句意:我几乎不能相信,但我的校园生活几乎要结束了。前后句为转折的关系,故要将and改为but。 第三处:考查时态。根据前句“Prom night has come and gone”为现在完成时时态,所以and后的并列句应保持时态一致,故要在I与received之间加have。 第四处:考查形式主语。这里为主语从句,“that the exams are finished”为真正的主语,应使用形式主语it引导主语从句,故要将that改为it。 第五处:考查固定搭配。这里表示“我”感到太过激动而无法清晰地思考。“so…to…”表示“太……而……”,而“too…to…”表示“太……而不能……”,故要将so改为too。 第六处:考查名词单复数。形容词few后接名词复数形式,故要将day’s改为days’。 第七处:考查介词。walk out表示“走出”,当后面接地点名词时应加介词of,故要在out和school之间加介词of。 第八处:考查冠词。序数词first前应使用冠词the表示“第一”,故要将A改为The。 第九处:考查固定用法。联系前文并根据副词meanwhile,表明作者回顾高中生活是正在做的事情,所以这里表示“我”发现自己正在回顾自己的高中生活,“发现某人正在做……”用“find sb. doing…”,故要将look改为looking。 第十处:考查宾语从句。第一个that本可用来引导宾语从句,但about后接的是名词all the wonderful things,不是句子,故要去掉此处的that,而第二个that引导定语从句修饰all the wonderful things。故要去掉第一个that。 【名师点睛】 文章改错题中分析句式要细致谨慎,不要错过错误的点,也不要错改正确的地方。如改错第十处,要清楚这里的that是为引导从句而使用的,“thinking about that all the wonderful things that have happened”,所以当后面接的是名词而非从句时,就不应当使用that。  


1.The warden, _________(help) by two women, served the soup from this pot at meal times.

2.He finished his first season as one of the top scorers in the league, _________________ (平均)28.2 points per game.

3.It is not _______ his nature to be “selfish” and “rude”.

4.______ I’m hoping for is a real success.

5.In 1987, Jordan became only the second player _______ (score) more than 3000 points in a season.

6.Hip-hop is an American ________(文化的) movement.

7.It was Oliver Twist _______ was chosen.

8._____ is a custom for American children to spend several weeks at summer camps..

9.However, disco music had a strong beat, and it was easy to dance _____.

10.But there is no doubt that he _________ (应得)the title “outstanding player of his generation

11.___________________ (第一次) rap artists recorded their music, they recorded the backing tracks.

12.“What ?”he said finally ______ a weak voice.

13.The next ________ (一代人) of rappers added their vocals at the same time as the _______(音乐家).

14.No sooner had the boy spoken these words _______ the warden hit him on the head.



It was a busy morning,about 8:30,when an elderly gentleman in his 80s came to the hospital .I heard him saying to the nurse that he was in a hurry for all appointment(约会)at 9:30 The nurse had him take a _______ in the waiting area, ______ him it would be at least 40 Minutes _______ someone would be able to see him I saw him________his watch and decided,since I was__________busy—my patient didn’t_______ at the appointed hour, I would examine his wound .While taking care of his wound,I asked him if he had another doctor’s appointment .The gentleman said no and told me that he _______to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his______.He told me that she had been _______for a while and that she had a special disease I asked if she would be_________if he was a bit late. He replied that she ______ knew who he was,that she had not been able t0 _____ him for five years now. I was________, and asked him,“And you_______go every morning,even though she doesn’t know who you are?” He smiled and said.“She doesn’t know me but I know who she is” I had to hold back ______ as he left.

Now I _______ that in marriages,true love is________of all that is .The happiest people don’t   _____have the best of everything;they just _______the best of everything they have ._____   isn’t about how to live through the storm,but how to dance in the rain.

1.A. breath    B. test    C. seat    D. break

2.A. persuading    B. promising    C. understanding    D. telling

3.A. if    B. before    C. since    D. after

4.A. taking off    B. fixing    C. looking at    D. winding

5.A. very    B. also    C. seldom    D. not

6.A. turn up    B. show off    C. come on    D. go away

7.A. needed    B. forgot    C. agreed    D. happened

8.A. daughter    B. wife    C. mother    D. sister

9.A. late    B. well    C. around    D. there

10.A. lonely    B. worried    C. doubtful    D. hungry

11.A. so far    B. neither    C. no longer    D. already

12.A. recognize    B. answer    C. believe    D. expect

13.A. moved    B. disappointed    C. surprised    D. satisfied

14.A. only    B. then    C. thus    D. still

15.A. curiosity    B. tears    C. words    D. judgment

16.A. realize    B. suggest    C. hope    D. prove

17.A. agreement    B. expression    C. acceptance    D. exhibition

18.A. necessarily    B. completely    C. naturally    D. frequently

19.A. learn    B. make    C. favor    D. try

20.A. Adventure    B. Beauty    C. Trust    D. Life



Money Matters

Parents should help their children understand money.1.so you may start tallking about money when your child shows an interest in buying things,candy or toys,for example.

1.The basic function of money

Begin explaining the basic function of money by showing how people trade money for goods or services.it’s important to show your child how money is traded for the thing he wants to have.If he wants to have a toy, give him the money and let him hand the money to the cashier . 2.when your child grows a bit older and understands the basic function of money, you can start explaining more complex ways of using money.

2.Money lessons

Approach money lessons with openness and honesty. 3.If you must say no to a child’s request to spend money,explain,”You have enough toy trucks for now.”Or,if the request is for many different things, say.“You have to make a choice between this toy and that toy.”


Begin at the grocery store. Pick put similar brands of a product—a name brand butter and a generic(无商标产品),for example.You can show your child how to make choices between different brands of a product so that you can save money.5. If he chooses the cheaper brand, allow him to make another purchase with the money saved.Later,you may explains how the more expensive choice leaves less money for other purchases.

A. Wise decision.

B. The value of money.

C. Permit the child to choose between them.

D.Tell your child why he can—or cannot—have certain things.

E. Ask yourself what things that cost money are most important to you.

F. Talk about how the money bought the thing after you leave the toy store.

G. The best time to teach a child anything about money is when he shows an interest.



Science can't explain the power of pets, but many studies have shown that the company of pets can help lower blood pressure (血压) and raise chances of recovering from a heart attack, reduce loneliness and spread all-round good cheer.

Any owner will tell you how much joy a pet brings. For some, an animal provides more comfort than a husband/wife. A 2002 study by Karen Allen of the State University of New York measured stress (紧张) levels and blood pressure in people - half of them pet owners –while they performed 5 minutes of mental arithmetic (算术) or held a hand in ice water. Subjects completed the tasks alone, with a husband/wife, a close friend or with a pet. People with pets did it best. Those tested with their animal friends had smaller change in blood pressure and returned most quickly to baseline heart rates. With pets in the room, people also made fewer math mistakes than when doing in front of other companions. It seems people feel more relaxed (放松)around pets, says Allen, who thinks it may be because pets don't judge.

A study reported last fall suggests that having a pet dog not only raises your spirits but may also have an effect on your eating habits. Researchers at Northwestern Memorial Hospital spent a year studying 36 fat people and their equally fat dogs on diet-and-exercise programs; a separate group of 56 people without pets were put on a diet program. On average, people lost about I1 pounds, or 5% of their body weight. Their dogs did even better, losing an average of 12 pounds, more than 15% of their body weight. Dog owners didn't lose any more weight than those without dogs but, say researchers, got more exercise overall-mostly with their dogs - and found it worth doing.

1.What does the text mainly discuss?

A. What pets bring to their owners.

B. How pets help people calm down.

C. People's opinions of keeping pets.

D. Pet's value in medical research.

2.We learn from the text that a person with heart disease has a better chance of getting well if

A. he has a pet companion

B. he has less stress of work

C. he often does mental arithmetic

D. he is taken care of by his family

3.According to Allen, why did the people do better with pets around when facing stressful tasks?

A. They have lower blood pressure.

B. They become more patient.

C. They are less nervous.

D. They are in higher spirits.

4.The research mentioned in the last paragraph reports that

A. people with dogs did more exercise

B. dogs lost the same weight as people did

C. dogs liked exercise much more than people did

D. people without dogs found the program unhelpful



When milk arrived on the doorstep

When I was a boy growing up in New Jersey in the 1960s, we had a milkman delivering milk to our doorstep. His name was Mr. Basille. He wore a white cap and drove a white truck. As a 5-year-old boy, I couldn’t take my eyes off the coin changer fixed to his belt. He noticed this one day during a delivery and gave me a quarter out of his coin changer.

Of course, he delivered more than milk. There was cheese, eggs and so on. If we needed to change our order, my mother would pen a note-“Please add a bottle of buttermilk next delivery”-and place it in the box along with the empty bottles. And then, the buttermilk would magically appear.

All of this was about more than convenience. There existed a close relationship between families and their milkmen. Mr. Basille even had a key to our house, for those times when it was so cold outside that we put the box indoors, so that the milk wouldn’t freeze. And I remember Mr. Basille from time to time taking a break at our kitchen table, having a cup of tea and telling stories about his delivery.

There is sadly no home milk delivery today. Big companies allowed the production of cheaper milk, thus making it difficult for milkmen to compete. Besides, milk is for sale everywhere, and it may just not have been practical to have a delivery service.

Recently, an old milk box in the countryside I saw brought back my childhood memories. I took it home and planted it on the back porch (门廊). Every so often my son’s friends will ask what it is. So I start telling stories of my boyhood, and of the milkman who brought us friendship along with his milk.

1.Mr Basille gave the boy a quarter out of his coin changer____.

A. to show his magical power.    B. to pay for the delivery

C. to satisfy his curiosity.    D. to please his mother.

2.What can be inferred from the fact that the milkman had the key to the boy’s house?

A. He wanted to have tea there.

B. He was a respectable person.

C. He was treated as a family member.

D. He was fully trusted by the family.

3.Why does home milk delivery no longer exist?

A. Nobody wants to be a milkman now.

B. It has been driven out of the market.

C. Its service is getting poor.

D. It is forbidden by law.

4.Why did the author bring back home an old milk box?

A. He missed the good old days.

B. He wanted to tell interesting stories.

C. He missed it for his milk bottles.

D. He planted flowers in it.



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