满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

You may not know a lot of people when yo...

You may not know a lot of people when you start senior school.Even if you know some freshmen(新生),you still feel nervous that you don't know any upperclassmen or teachers.How are you going to make friends among this sea of unknown faces?

Most senior schools hold a freshman orientation(迎新会)before school actually starts.It is helpful not only because you learn your way around the building and get to meet fellow freshmen.That way,when you show up on your first day of school,you may already recognize a few familiar faces.

When you talk to people in t.he orientation,you'll probably find that a lot of them are feeling just like you are. They're all new to the school and don't know what to expect.Talking about a common concern with your classmates can help you develop friendships.

The work in senior school is something freshmen are probably worried about.The work in senior school builds on what you learned in junior school,giving you a more advanced knowledge of many subjects.So you may find you have more work to do or that it's a bit more challenging.If you ever find your work too difficult,teachers can give you extra help.

Senior school also has more extracurricular activities than middle school did such as clubs,music and theater groups and sports teams.This is a good time to explore your interests and try new things.

Junior school taught you the basic of academics,time management,and social skills while providing you with a little extra support and guidance.Senior school gives you the chance to learn how to be more independent and responsible.

1.According to the passage,when they come to the school on the first day freshmen usually feel       .

A. proud    B. nervous

C. excited    D. afraid

2.Extracurricular activities mainly help students       .

A. build up healthy bodies    B. develop friendships

C. develop their interests    D. improve their learning ability

3.What are freshman probably worried about?

A. The learning task.    B. The ability to adapt.

C. The relationship with teachers.    D. The training in the freshman orientation.

4.The passage is written for       .

A. freshman at senior school    B. freshman's parents

C. junior school students    D. upperclassmen in senior school


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 【解析】本文是一篇议论文。主要是说当我们作为新生的时候,对周围的环境、老师还有同学都是一无所知的。那么我们该如何去结交新的朋友呢?又该如何适应新生活呢?本篇文章就为我们提供了很好的解答。 1.细节理解题。根据文章第一段可以得知,“Even if you know some freshmen(新生),you still feel nervous that you don't know any upperclassmen or teachers.”即使你已经知道了一些新生,你依旧会感到很紧张。故选B 2.细节理解题。根据文章的第五段可以得知,“This is a good time to explore your interests and try new things.”课外活动可以探索你的兴趣并且让你尝试新鲜事物。故选C 3.细节理解题。根据文章第四段中的“The work in senior school is something freshmen are probably worried about.”一些新生最担心的主要是功课问题。故选A 4.主旨大意题。根据全篇大意,本文是一个高年级学生给予刚升入高中同学的关于友谊,学业,额外活动的建议。最后两段将高中与初中对比,可见他是经历过高中生活的,所以并不是高中新生,选D  【名师点睛】阅读理解旨在考查考生对文章整体的理解以及对细节的把握与分析。要在了解了整篇文章框架结构的基础上进行选择。本篇文章较为简单,易于理解,考生只需要对文章有了大致的了解,便可以选出答案。 例如第3小题,只需要将其定位在文章的第四段,在段落的开头便可以看到“The work in senior school is something freshmen are probably worried about.”得知一些新生最主要的是担心自己的成绩。故选A

Everybody should have some first aid ability,because accidents and medical emergencies can happen anywhere at any time.St John First Aid courses give you the knowledge and confidence to provide effective first aid whenever it is needed.

First Aid Level l

Ideal for anyone who wants to learn basic first aid or needs to renew their first aid qualification(资格).Courses can be held at St John or your workplace.

Fee: $162 (include CST)

Duration: eight hours

First Aid Level 2

Include all course content from First Aid Level 1,plus an addition half day.Ideal for special first aiders,health and safety managers and anyone who needs a first aid qualification .

Fee: $ 235 (include GST)

Duration: 12hours

Pre - Hospital Emergency Care (PHEC)

Advanced training for first aiders who already hold unit standards 6400 and 6402.Ideal for people who require advanced first aid skills or a pre - hospital emergency care (PHEC) qualification for their work.

Fee: $635 (includes CST)

Duration: three days

Child First Aid

Ideal for parents,grandparents and other family caregivers.A recognized qualification for childcare workers.

Fee: $65 (includes CST)

Duration: four hours

Outdoor First Aid

First aid response to accidents and medical emergencies in the wilderness.For groups of eight or more.

Duration: one to two days depending on experience

Sports First Aid

First aid response for common sporting injuries and medical emergencies.Include ACC injury prevention advice.

Fee: $65 (includes GST)  (If you are a trainer,you can get a 20% discount.)

Duration: eight hours

1.If you are going to camp,which course should you choose in advance(提前)?

A. Children First Aid.    B. Sports First Aid.

C. First Aid Levell.    D. Outdoor First Aid.

2.If you are a football coach,how much will your spend in learning first aid for sporting injuries and medical emergencies?

A. $162.    B. $78.

C. $65.    D. $52.

3.Pre - Hospital Emergency Care teaches people about       .

A. first aid in children    B. basic emergency care

C. advanced first aid skills    D. injury prevention methods

4.If you want to learn basic first,you need to       .

A. know a little first aid    B. take the course at St John

C. have a first aid qualification    D. spend 8 hours on the course










Dear Paul,



Li Hua









I was reading an article in a book while I came across a word I didn’t know. “Dad, what is the meaning of the word?” My dad, as he usual did after work, was watching his most favorite show. “You have the dictionary, don’t you?” he shot back. He didn’t even look up my face. I went back my room, and there on my study table is that dictionary. I looked it up and found it’s exact meaning. Ten year have passed and I still use that dictionary, along with the lesson I received earlier in life from my old man: to be independent.



I had just visited my best friend in hospital with my mum, 1.hadn’t seen my friend since she’d gone into hospital six months earlier.

I knew where she was coming from as she was2.(grave) ill, but as I’d been visiting her every week I had stopped seeing the obvious; my friend3.(lose) most of her body weight and her hair was falling out, it wasn’t looking good.

After the visit I took my mum to the station4.(see) her off on her train; the mood was understandably bleak but I stayed positive as well you do, don’t you? I went to get 5. (we) some coffee and my mum some food for the journey. I misread the amount of my purchase and didn’t have enough money.

6.some reason, this was the straw that broke the camel’s back; I burst into uncontrollable7.(tear) as a massive queue was gathering behind me. A woman came up to me and offered to pay, putting an arm round my shoulder, no questions8.(ask).

I could barely say thank you through the confusion and the flood of emotion that was pumping through me 9. running off in embarrassment. After composing myself I ran round the station 10.(try)to find this kind lady to thank her properly but never did.



When my grandma fell ill just a few days before Christmas, I felt shocked and sad that she wasn’t going to be at able for Christmas with the people she loved around her. Mother said, “If she can’t come here for Christmas, we’ll take Christmas to her !” She was very _______when we all arrived at the ward with a lot of_______, full of bustle(喧闹)and chatter.

Afterwards, the idea for Secret Santa started to _______in me. The following year, I decided to put my thoughts into action and _______a request on Facebook and Twitter asking people to donate presents to those who were in hospital at Christmas. The _________was incredible.

The first year, in the week _______up to Christmas, I put on a red Santa’s hat and pushed a trolley(手推车) full of presents _______the hospital wards and the local children’s hospice(收容所) handing out some Christmas _______. I made sure those who weren’t _______ also received a present.

And, of course, the nurses and carers were________big boxes of Chocolates. I also took presents into care homes for the __________. Often it was just something little, but I think they were just ________to see a friendly face. It felt good doing something for other people.

________my grandma died last year, I was still determined to keep the ________running for a second year. This time I was overwhelmed(征服)by the response. There were twice as many presents__________as there were the previous year.

We’ll be________presents right up to the Christmas Eve before going to Midnight Mass(子夜弥撒), so it takes a lot of energy and time. But it’s ________ worth to see the looks on the children’s faces when they get their presents, and to see how happy the older folk are with a (n)________and a chat. I love being a real-life Santa Claus.

My grandma always told me Christmas was about giving, not________. “That’s the real spirit of Christmas!” she used to say. ________, I can pass on that message to others.

1.A. positive    B. awkward    C. greedy    D. delighted

2.A. presents    B. fruits    C. flowers    D. foods

3.A. mix    B. push    C. grow    D. check

4.A. cut out    B. put out    C. make out    D. leave out

5.A. honor    B. response    C. proof    D. model

6.A. leading    B. turning    C. adding    D. looking

7.A. beyond    B. around    C. under    D. opposite

8.A. origin    B. trust    C. guide    D. cheer

9.A. rich    B. lonely    C. well    D. outgoing

10.A. treated    B. devoted    C. invited    D. sent

11.A. young    B. elderly    C. deaf    D. blind

12.A. curious    B. pleased    C. generous    D. confused

13.A. Since    B. Unless    C. If    D. Although

14.A. appeal    B. fortune    C. gesture    D. identity

15.A. bought    B. created    C. donated    D. used

16.A. decorating    B. delivering    C. wrapping    D. carrying

17.A. more than    B. less than    C. rather than    D. other than

18.A. report    B. praise    C. outcome    D. visit

19.A. gathering    B. misunderstanding    C. receiving    D. celebrating

20.A. Generally    B. Appropriately    C. Consequently    D. Hopefully



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