满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

One day,two little boys were walking alo...

One day,two little boys were walking along the road.They overtook a woman____a large basket of apples.

The boys thought the woman looked very____and tired,so they said,"Are you going to town?If you are,we will carry your____."

"Thank you,"____the woman,"You are very kind.You see I am week and ill."Then she told them that she was a ____,and had a lame son to____.

She lived in a cottage three miles away,and was now going to the____to sell the apples which grew on the only tree in her garden.She wanted the money to____her rent.

"We are going the same way you are,"said the boys."Let us have the basket."And they took____of it,one on each side,and trudged(艰难地走)along with____hearts.

The poor widow looked glad,and said that she hoped their mother would not be____with them."Oh,no,"they replied,"Our mother has taught us to be kind to everybody,and to be useful in any way____we can."

She then offered to give them a few of the ripest apples for their____."No,thank you,"said they,"We do not want any pay for want we have done."

____arriving at home,she told her lame son what had happened on the road,and they were both made happier that day by the____of the two boys.

The other day,I saw a little girl stop and____a piece of orange peel,which she threw into the gutter."I wish the boys would not throw orange peel on the sidewalk,"said she."Someone may tread upon it,and____."

Perhaps some may say that these are little things.____they are.But we must not wait for____to do great things. We must____with little labors of love.

1.A. carried    B. carrying    C. carry    D. carries

2.A. nice    B. ugly    C. old    D. pale

3.A. backpack    B. baggage    C. basket    D. packet

4.A. replied    B. quoted    C. noticed    D. sighed

5.A. farmer    B. widow    C. seller    D. villager

6.A. bring along    B. bring out    C. bring about    D. bring up

7.A. market    B. grocery    C. canteen    D. hospital

8.A. cost    B. pay    C. spend    D. take

9.A. control    B. charge    C. place    D. hold

10.A. heavy    B. light    C. worn    D. brave

11.A. happy    B. content    C. angry    D. friendly

12.A. which    B. what    C. how    D. that

13.A. trouble    B. challenge    C. courage    D. travel

14.A. In    B. By    C. Upon    D. Before

15.A. promise    B. kindness    C. protection    D. relief

16.A. turn up    B. come up    C. pick up    D. put up

17.A. jump    B. fall    C. lie    D. skip

18.A. Such    B. So    C. As    D. Now

19.A. occasions    B. situations    C. periods    D. access

20.A. live    B. deal    C. agree    D. begin


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.B 9.D 10.B 11.C 12.D 13.A 14.C 15.B 16.C 17.B 18.B 19.A 20.D 【解析】本文是一篇记叙文。男孩看到面色苍白的女人,上前帮助,并运送了一路的苹果,男孩也得到了回报。一天,作者看到做好事的小女孩,他们做的都是微不足道的小事,但是勿以善小而不为。 1.本空前一句“two little boys were walking along the road.”使用现在进行时,奠定了本篇的时态。本空也应使用现在进行时,故选B。 2.A. nice好;B. ugly丑;C. old老;D. pale苍白。根据and连接的单词tired,可知这个女人很累,脸色苍白和累对应。故选D。 3.A. backpack背包;B. baggage行李;C. basket篮子;D. packet包。第一段“a large basket of apples”可知女人拿了一篮苹果,很重,所以这两个男孩帮女人拿的是篮子。故选C。 4.A. replied答复;B. quoted引用;C. noticed注意到;D. sighed叹气。男孩帮女人拿东西,女人回答谢谢,本空应选replied,回答,答复。故选A。 5.A. farmer农民;B. widow寡妇;C. seller卖家;D. villager村民。根据前文我们无法得知女人的身份,但是第六段“The poor widow looked glad”表明了女人的身份。故选B。 6.A. bring along把……带来;B. bring out拿出来;C. bring about带来;D. bring up抚养。女人有一个坡脚儿子需要抚养,其他几个选项不符合句意。故选D。 7.A. market市场;B. grocery杂货;C. canteen食堂;D. hospital医院。女人需要出售她的苹果,卖苹果的地方应该是集市,市场。故选A。 8.A. cost成本;B. pay支付;C. spend花费;D. take采取。女人卖苹果赚钱,这笔钱要用来支付租金。故选B。 9.A. control控制;B. charge收费;C. place放置;D. hold持有。男孩说“Let us have the basket.”所以他们应该是要帮女人提篮子,A、B、C均不符合男孩前面那句话的意思,故选D。 10.A. heavy重;B. light轻,明亮;C. worn穿;D. brave勇敢。本空后面的词是hearts,男孩是乐于助人的,心中充满光明。A、C不适合形容心,男孩们只是提篮子,不需要什么勇气,所以D不正确,故选B。 11.A. happy快乐;B. content内容;C. angry愤怒;D. friendly友善。男孩帮助女人,可能会耽误回家的时间,所以女人希望他们的妈妈不会责备他们晚回家,而且后面男孩回答“Our mother has taught us to be kind to everybody”可知,他们的妈妈是个善良的人,本空和后面的回答有一定的转折。故选C。 12.A. which哪个;B. what什么;C. how如何;D. that那个。本空引导从句,we can后面省略了do,从句不缺少成分,用that。故选D。 13.A. trouble麻烦;B. challenge挑战;C. courage鼓励;D. travel旅行。男孩本来可以直接去他们的目的地,但是中途帮助了女人,女人在一定程度上是给男孩添了麻烦,故选A。 14.A. In在……里;B. By在,靠;C. Upon在……上;D. Before之前。固定搭配,upon arriving到达,故选C。 15.A. promise答应;B. kindness善良;C. protection保护;D. relief救济。两个男孩帮助了女人,而且从“Our mother has taught us to be kind to everybody”可以看出,男孩是乐于助人的,善良的,故选B。 16.A. turn up出现;B. come up发生;C. pick up捡起;D. put up举起。这个橘子皮原本是被人扔在地上的,之后女孩把橘子皮扔在了沟槽,所以女孩应先把橘子皮捡起,故选C。 17.A. jump跳越;B. fall倒下;C. lie躺;D. skip跳过。别人踩了橘子皮,可能会摔倒,A、C、D不符合,故选B。 18.A. Such如此;B. So所以;C. As作为;D. Now现在。句意:也许有人会说那些事是小事,……他们才会去做。这两句构成转折关系,只有B表示转折关系。故选B。 19.A. occasions场合;B. situations场景;C. periods时段;D. access访问。句意:但我们不能等待……做伟大的事情。结合前文可知,此处等待的是一个情形,一个发生重要事件的场合,故选A。 20.A. live生活;B. deal交易;C. agree同意;D. begin开始。展示大爱的机会不是随时都有,必须从小爱开始。故选D。 【名师点睛】完形填空题旨在考察学生综合运用语言知识的能力。做此题时必须通篇考虑,先掌握大意,再综合运用所学词汇、语法及常识进行推理判断。阅读全文时要一气呵成,即使有空格、生词或不明白的地方,也有快速读完,理解全文大意。读时要注意找出关键词、中心词。切记不要在未掌握大意的基础上,边阅读边做题,这样做的结果是速度慢、准确率低。 例如:第5题。正确答案widow与上文没有任何关系,下几段中也没有明显提示。做题时可以先跳过,做下面的题,不要把大量的时间浪费在一题上,而读到第6段的时候,突然出现The poor widow,全文只有这一个地方与第5题是有关联的。读到这里,可知第5题选B。

—Why not try that?

—Do you think I can beat Mike?

A. Are you joking?    B. What's up?

C. It's hard to say.    D. Don't mention it.



Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin      to hold extensive talks on Sunday,and they will discuss coordination between the Belt and Road Initiative and Eurasian Economic Union.

A. are expected    B. would expect

C. have expected    D. will expect



Not only      his students to know more about modern science,but      hard to develop a curiosity about nature among them.

A. he wants; also he tries    B. does he want; he also tries

C. wants he; he also tries    D. does he want; does he try



Just be patient.You      count on your English improving significantly in just two weeks.

A. mustn't    B. needn't

C. can't    D. won't



Mr.Wang gave us a lecture the other day,of which most      about how the ancient city was discovered.

A. was    B. were

C. had been    D. have been



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