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Golf is big business in America,with a t...

Golf is big business in America,with a total economy estimated at nearly 70 billion dollars.The U.S.is also the world's biggest market for golf equipment,according to a report from Golf Datatech.The other top countries are Japan,South Korea,United Kingdom,Canada and China.But the industry is working on ways to make golf more appealing,especially to young Americans.

The CEO of the U.S.-based World Golf Foundation,Steve Mona,believes the current state of golf is healthy and stable.His group says about 20 million Americans regularly play the game.But Mona also sees the need for change,to get more people to discover and play golf.He said the industry has focused on ways to make the game faster,more playable and fun.

Some golf courses have expanded fairways(球道)so golfers have less chance of losing balls in water or trees. Others move up the starting point for young or new players,so they are closer to the hole.

Some new courses also have fewer obstacles than in the past,such as water ponds or sand traps.And the area near the hole is sometimes designed flatter,to keep the ball from rolling too much.

These changes could also attract adult golfers who want to play a faster,less difficult game.But with young people,Mona said it is important to get them interested at an early age.

Drive,Chip and Putting Championship

One program to do this is the Drive,Chip and Putting Championship,for girls and boys.

The name of the competition refers to golf's three main skills.Driving is when a golfer hits the ball far at the start of the game.A chip is a much shorter shot,usually taken close to the hole.Putting refers to hitting the ball softly in the area near the hole,called the green.

Junior Golf Champions

Girls and boys from all 50 U.S. states compete in the championship.Organizers say the program has been one of the best ways to bring young people to golf.But Mona said it is not enough just to get people interested."The challenge for us in the golf industry is we have to change interest into trial,"he said."And then change trial into actual participation in the game."

Sam Schmitz is studying professional golf management at Eastern Kentucky University.He also believes speeding up the game will get more people to try golf."For the younger generation,the biggest complaint about golf is how long it takes,"he said.A full game can last four hours.

1.What is the passage mainly about?

A. How golf can appeal to more people.

B. Why the U.S. is the country of golf.

C. Whether young people like playing golf.

D. How a child can be good at playing golf.

2.We can learn from the passage that       .

A. UK is the world's third biggest market for golf equipment

B. if a hole is very near,a golfer in the game may chip the ball

C. the U.S. has shortened the time of a golf game for the young

D. some golf courses are so distant that people have to drive there

3.Which of the following subtitles can be put in the blank of the passage?

A. Modem Changes on the Fairways

B. Modem Changes on the Obstacles

C. Modem Changes on the Course

D. Modern Changes on the Starting Point

4.What is Sam's attitude towards speeding up the game?

A. Sceptical.    B. Indifferent.

C. Critical.    D. Favorable.


1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D 【解析】文章介绍了美国的高尔夫产业。美国有很多人打高尔夫,随着高尔夫的推广,高尔夫对美国年轻人也十分有吸引力,一些为年轻人举办的高尔夫比赛很受欢迎。同时文章也向我们介绍了一些高尔夫的知识。 1.主旨大意题。文章主要介绍了高尔夫是如何推广,如何吸引更多小孩和年轻人参与的。B、C、D过于片面,故选A。 2.细节理解题。根据第二段“Others move up the starting point for young or new players,so they are closer to the hole.”可知,起步早的人比起步晚的人打球时要更接近洞,所以高手打球比较接近洞。故选B。 3.细节理解题。根据“Some new courses also have fewer obstacles than in the past”可知,高尔夫的课程发生了一些变化。故选C。 4.细节理解题。最后一段中“He also believes speeding up the game will get more people to try golf.”可知,Sam是支持加速游戏的,故选D。 【名师点睛】文章细节的理解一般都是一一对应的。答案与题目在表达形式和意义上直接吻合,一一对应。有时正确选项是原文有关词语和句子的另类表达。根据题目和选项,通过上、下文来进行判断、分析,迅速找出答案所在大致段落,然后仔细阅读,得出正确答案。 例如:本题第4小题。本题的问题是“What is Sam's attitude towards speeding up the game?”通过阅读文章,可知Sam出现在最后一段,所以主要阅读最后一段。Sam的观点(或讲话)有两句“He also believes speeding up the game will get more people to try golf.”和“For the younger generation,the biggest complaint about golf is how long it takes”。与加速游戏有关的是第一句,第一句中Sam持支持态度。故本题选D。

UrbanSpace in midtown New York is a place where white-collars come for lunch during their workdays.For the past a few months,customers have always lined up before a kiosk which sells a very authentic Chinese food in north China—Jianbing,or the Chinese crepe.

The kiosk is branded "Mr.Bing",and is owned by Brian Goldberg,who is born and raised in New York.Goldberg is very involved with Chinese culture.He was a Chinese major back in college in Boston,and studied in China 20 years ago.

"When I went to China,I just love Jianbing so much.It tastes so good.It's hot.It's fresh.It's customizable.They make it how you like it.When I come back to America,I can't find it. So I make it!"said Goldberg.

Goldberg's Jianbing plan is not a whim(突发的想法).It was the theme of his business plan when he was a MBA in Columbia University.As a student,he didn't have enough funds to start.It was until five years ago that he made the first step in Hong Kong.To open the Hong Kong shop,Goldberg spent many weekends flying back and forth from Beijing,Tianjin,and Shandong Province,the origins of Chinese Jianbing.

After tasting tons,he focused on one kiosk in Beijing,Xiaoyan Jianbing,whose chef offered to teach him and his Hong Kong employees the recipe.In Hong Kong,"Mr.Bing" was fairly popular,but Goldberg always thought of going back home.

Two years ago,he moved back to New York and put himself into his Jianbing shop. Selling Jianbing to New Yorkers is surely not the same with selling them to Chinese.To cater to the taste of Americans,Goldberg applied several changes to the recipe after trial and errors.

The Jianbing as you see today at Mr.Bing's is a revised version: fried wonton skin is used to replace dough stick(油条),and a signature Chinese spicy sauce instead of fermented bean curd,and there is meat,which Americans love.

Even with one storefront,Goldberg is selling hundreds of Jianbing each day.He is confident this Chinese snack can be something."Anyway,Americans didn't know much about sushi or burritos(墨西哥玉米面卷饼)back twenty years.But now they are having them all the time."Goldberg said.The great goal of Goldberg is bringing Jianbing to the world and establishing his own signature brand with "Mr.Bing".

1.Which of the following is NOT a possible factor for Americans' love of Chinese Jianbing?

A. It tastes delicious.    B. Its price is very cheap.

C. It is hot and fresh.    D. It has been improved.

2.The underlined sentence 'It's customizable.' in Paragraph 3 means that       .

A. customers can make orders of Jianbing on the Internet

B. customers can make Jianbing by themselves very easily

C. it can be made according to customers' tastes and needs

D. it can be seen distributed among every corner of the USA

3.From Goldberg's experience we can conclude that        .

A. he once studied Chinese in Columbia University 20 years ago

B. he takes possession of several storefronts in Hong Kong,China

C. before setting up his business of Jianbing he did market research

D. he has bought the parent of recipe from Chinese Xiaoyan Jianbing

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A. A man's duty of spreading Chinese culture

B. Jianbing of Mr.Bing attracts New Yorkers

C. A kind of traditional Chinese food—Jianbing

D. Chinese snack can be something in the USA



Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti on Tuesday declared April 25 as La La Land Day in front of the LA City Hall,in honor of this Oscar-winning movie which was filmed across Los Angeles.

The dedication ceremony kicked off by a jazz band,followed by aerial dancers dressed as the characters from the movie,performing a dance medley off the side of City Hall.

"It (La La Land) inspires our heart and inspires our city,"Garcetti said at the announcement,"Have a great La La Land Day!"

Hundreds of citizens joined for the festivities by the film's Oscar-winning director Damien Chazelle,Oscar-winning composer Justin Hurwitz,and a few other filmmakers.

"We made this movie;we wanted to make a love letter to Los Angeles,"producer Jordan Horowitz told Xinhua at the celebration,"thank you for embracing the picture that is about romance and love and lacks any kind of cynicism(愤世嫉俗),looking the world in a relative clear-eyed way." The movie-musical tells a love story of a jazz pianist and an aspiring actress in Los Angeles.

La La Land swept the 89th Academy Awards' winner list including the Best Director,Best Actress,Best Original Score and Best Original Song among other awards but failed to clinch the Best Film and Best Actor trophy(奖杯).The film has grossed over 440 million US dollars at the global market.

1.Who acted in the movie La La Land?

A. Eric Garcetti and Damien Chazelle.

B. Justin Hurwitz and Eric Garcetti.

C. Damien Chazelle and Justin Hurwitz.

D. Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone.

2.What can we infer from the passage?

A. A jazz band didn't appear in the dedication ceremony.

B. Many citizens of LA got inspiration from the movie.

C. People will not enjoy the songs and dances in the movie.

D. The movie succeeded in winning the award—the Best Film.



One day,two little boys were walking along the road.They overtook a woman____a large basket of apples.

The boys thought the woman looked very____and tired,so they said,"Are you going to town?If you are,we will carry your____."

"Thank you,"____the woman,"You are very kind.You see I am week and ill."Then she told them that she was a ____,and had a lame son to____.

She lived in a cottage three miles away,and was now going to the____to sell the apples which grew on the only tree in her garden.She wanted the money to____her rent.

"We are going the same way you are,"said the boys."Let us have the basket."And they took____of it,one on each side,and trudged(艰难地走)along with____hearts.

The poor widow looked glad,and said that she hoped their mother would not be____with them."Oh,no,"they replied,"Our mother has taught us to be kind to everybody,and to be useful in any way____we can."

She then offered to give them a few of the ripest apples for their____."No,thank you,"said they,"We do not want any pay for want we have done."

____arriving at home,she told her lame son what had happened on the road,and they were both made happier that day by the____of the two boys.

The other day,I saw a little girl stop and____a piece of orange peel,which she threw into the gutter."I wish the boys would not throw orange peel on the sidewalk,"said she."Someone may tread upon it,and____."

Perhaps some may say that these are little things.____they are.But we must not wait for____to do great things. We must____with little labors of love.

1.A. carried    B. carrying    C. carry    D. carries

2.A. nice    B. ugly    C. old    D. pale

3.A. backpack    B. baggage    C. basket    D. packet

4.A. replied    B. quoted    C. noticed    D. sighed

5.A. farmer    B. widow    C. seller    D. villager

6.A. bring along    B. bring out    C. bring about    D. bring up

7.A. market    B. grocery    C. canteen    D. hospital

8.A. cost    B. pay    C. spend    D. take

9.A. control    B. charge    C. place    D. hold

10.A. heavy    B. light    C. worn    D. brave

11.A. happy    B. content    C. angry    D. friendly

12.A. which    B. what    C. how    D. that

13.A. trouble    B. challenge    C. courage    D. travel

14.A. In    B. By    C. Upon    D. Before

15.A. promise    B. kindness    C. protection    D. relief

16.A. turn up    B. come up    C. pick up    D. put up

17.A. jump    B. fall    C. lie    D. skip

18.A. Such    B. So    C. As    D. Now

19.A. occasions    B. situations    C. periods    D. access

20.A. live    B. deal    C. agree    D. begin



—Why not try that?

—Do you think I can beat Mike?

A. Are you joking?    B. What's up?

C. It's hard to say.    D. Don't mention it.



Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin      to hold extensive talks on Sunday,and they will discuss coordination between the Belt and Road Initiative and Eurasian Economic Union.

A. are expected    B. would expect

C. have expected    D. will expect



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