满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

请阅读下面图文信息,并按照要求用英语写一篇120词左右的文章。 CCTV曾播出过...












1.婆婆mother-in-law    n.

2.盆basin    n.



CCTV has broadcasted such a public service advertisement.










CCTV has broadcasted such a public service advertisement.A mother washes her mother-in-law’s feet every night after work.Then,she does the same for her son.On a Mother’s day,the son holds a basin of water with both hands for his mother who is very tired after work,saying,“Mum,let me help you wash your feet!” After seeing the PSA I am moved by the little boy who shows his love and devotion to his mother.It is his mother who sets a good example for him.It is obvious that parents have a deep influence on their children. As for me,I will try my best to be a good daughter/son.At home,I can help them do the housework.While at school,I will be an excellent student.In a word,I will live up to my parents’ expectations.(115 words) 【解析】这是一篇图画类作文。文章内容要点已经给出。同学们在写这篇文章时,要注意以下几点:1. 图片介绍用过去时或一般现在时。2. 要点要齐全。分析父母的言行对孩子产生的影响是重点,图片可以简要描述。可以适当的加一些变化,使用连接词,使上下文行文流畅,衔接自然流程。3. 先介绍联系图画内容,突出从母亲给婆婆洗脚到儿子给妈妈洗脚的过程,再联系生活实际根据要求自由发挥。 【范文亮点】 1. 范文采取了定语从句(the son holds a basin of water with both hands for his mother who is very tired after work);时间状语从句(While at school,I will be an excellent student.)等句式。 2. 文章采用了devotion;a basin of;try one’s best to等高级单词或短语。  

The German company said 5,000 of the "Futurecraft 4D" shoes will be available at retail stores in the fall arid winter.As it is pressed for time,it still plans to start mass producing them next year and expects to have made more than 100,000 pairs by the end of 2018.The company would not disclose where the shoes will be manufactured.

Adidas cooperated with Silicon Valley-based start up Carbon to create the shoe,which uses a new technology called digital light synthesis(合成).

Although the common 3D printed materials are often rigid(僵硬的),the new materials are flexible with Silicon Valley-based start up Carbon's technology.

The technology works by using UV lasers to project a pattern for a midsole(鞋底夹层)liquid.It tums the liquid into a solid and the result is a flexible,but more durable midsole.

The technology could make the most of the time and money to produce the shoes in large quantities which may be loved by humans in the future.

"We can produce up to 100 times faster than 3D printing and additive manufacturing processes,"an Adidas spokesperson told CNNTech.

Title: Adidas just debuted its newest shoe

Passage outline

Supporting details

Plans of the German company

●The shoes will come into the1.in the fall and winter.

●The company intends to start mass producing them next year,2.to have made more than 100,000 pairs by the end of 2018.

Creation of the "Futurecraft 4D" shoes

●Adidas cooperates with Silicon Valley-based startup Carbon to create the shoe.

●Rigid3.the common 3D printed materials are,the new materials are flexible.

4.of the technology

●With the technology,the new midsole is more durable.

●The technology could male full5.of time and money to produce shoes which perhaps are liked by human beings.






1.这项活动旨在增强人们的环保意识。(mean to)

The campaign was_______people's awareness of environmental protection.

2.政府呼吁每个人注意即将到来的沙尘暴。(appeal to)

The government is_______pay attention to the coming sandstorm.


Please_______to your father when he comes back.


Whether we will_______tomorrow will depend on the weather.


The support of our members is,_______the Association.





get across            put forward            add to            lead the way            be determined to do

consist of         have access to            hang on            persuade...to do        have enough of


1.I have nothing to_______my earlier statement.

2.Don't let yourself_______buy things you don't really want.

3.It is not easy to learn English well,but if you_______,you will succeed in time.

4.After_______to the students what he meant,the teacher began to do the chemistry experiment.

5.The manager was very satisfied with the plan_______by Joseph.

6.In ancient times,China_______in science for the four great inventions.

7.Come on,Mike!Be realistic and do not daydream!I_______your impractical plans since the meeting began.

8.He started to work even harder than before,_______come back stronger than he ever was.

9.The English language_______the grammar and vocabulary will keep on changing.

10.We should save water in daily life.After all,across the world,1.1 billion people don't_______clean drinking water.



'Off we go!'cried Mr Wonka.'Hurry up,everybody!Follow me to the next room! And please don't worry about Augustus Gloop.He's bound to come out in the wash.They always do.We shall have to make the next part of the journey by boat!Here she comes!Look!'

A steamy mist was rising up now from the great warm chocolate river,and out of the mist there appeared suddenly a most fantastic pink boat.It was a large open row boat with a tall front and a tall back (like a Viking boat of old),and it was of such a shining sparkling glistening pink colour that the whole thing looked as though it were made of bright,pink glass.There were many oars(桨)on either side of it,and as the boat came closer,the watchers on the riverbank could see that the oars were being pulled by masses of Oompa-Loompas—at least ten of them to each oar.

'This is my private yacht!'cried Mr Wonka,beaming with pleasure.'I made her by hollowing out an enormous boiled sweet!Isn't she beautiful!See how she comes cutting through the river!'The gleaming pink boiled-sweet boat glided up to the riverbank.One hundred Oompa-Loompas rested on their oars and stared up at the visitors.Then suddenly,for some reason best known to themselves,they all burst into shrieks of laughter.

'What's so funny?'asked Violet Beauregarde,a girl who was chewing gum.

'Oh,don't worry about them!'cried Mr Wonka.'They're always laughing!They think everything's a colossal joke! Jump into the boat,all of you!Come on!Hurry up!'

As soon as everyone was safely in,the Oompa-Loompas pushed the boat away from the bank and began to row swiftly downriver.

'Hey,there!Mike Teavee!'shouted Mr Wonka.'Please do not lick the boat with your tongue!It'll only make it sticky!'

'Daddy,'said Veruca Salt,'I want a boat like this!I want you to buy me a big pink boiled-sweet boat exactly like Mr Wonka's!And I want lots of Oompa-Loompas to row me about,and I want a chocolate river and I want...I want...'

'She wants a good kick in the pants,'whispered Grandpa Joe to Charlie.The old man was sitting in the back of the boat and little Charlie Bucket was right beside him.Charlie was holding tightly on to his grandfather's bony old hand.He was in a whirl of excitement.Everything that he had seen so far—the great chocolate river,the waterfall,the huge sucking pipes,the minty sugar meadows,the Oompa-Loompas,the beautiful pink boat,and most of all,Mr Willy Wonka himself—had been so astonishing that he began to wonder whether there could possibly be any more astonishments left.Where were they going now?What were they going to see?And what in the world was going to happen in the next room?

'Isn't it marvellous?'said Grandpa Joe,grinning at Charlie.Charlie nodded and smiled up at the old man.

Suddenly,Mr Wonka,who was sitting on Charlie's other side,reached down into the bottom of the boat,picked up a large mug,dipped it into the river,filled it with chocolate,and handed it to Charlie.'Drink this,'he said.'It'll do you good!You look starved to death!'Then Mr Wonka filled a second mug and gave it to Grandpa Joe.'You,too,'he said. 'You look like a skeleton!What's the matter?Hasn't there been anything to eat in your house recently?'

'Not much,' said Grandpa Joe.

Charlie put the mug to his lips,and as the rich warm creamy chocolate ran down his throat into his empty tummy,his whole body from head to toe began to tingle with pleasure,and a feeling of intense happiness spread over him.

1.How many children followed Mr Wonka to the next room?

A. Three.    B. Four.

C. Five.    D. Six.

2.Which of the following gives the correct order of what happened?

a.The Oompa-Loompas burst into laughter.

b.Mr Wonka asked Charlie to drink chocolate.

c.Augustus Gloop was in the wash.

d.Mike Teavee licked the boat with his tongue.

e.There appeared a pink boat on the chocolate river.

A. e-a-c-d-b    B. e-a-c-b-d

C. c-e-a-d-b    D. c-e-a-b-d

3.From what Veruca Salt said in Paragraph 8,we know that       .

A. her father is disatisfying Veruca Salt all the time

B. she likes dreaming about possessing everything

C. Mr Wonka will sell his pink boat to her cheaply

D. she is a girl who has been spoiled by her father

4.The underlined sentence 'You look like a skeleton!'indicates that       .

A. Grandpa Joe likes taking exercise as a daily routine

B. Charlie and his family members are always starving

C. Mr Wonka considers Grandpa Joe as a sick old man

D. Charlie is frightened by Grandpa Joe's appearance

5.According to the passage,Mr Wonka can be described as       .

A. childlike,optimistic,clever and considerate

B. courageous,pessimistic,helpful and sharp

C. brilliant,enthusiastic,extreme and friendly

D. humorous,proud,quick-minded and serious



Golf is big business in America,with a total economy estimated at nearly 70 billion dollars.The U.S.is also the world's biggest market for golf equipment,according to a report from Golf Datatech.The other top countries are Japan,South Korea,United Kingdom,Canada and China.But the industry is working on ways to make golf more appealing,especially to young Americans.

The CEO of the U.S.-based World Golf Foundation,Steve Mona,believes the current state of golf is healthy and stable.His group says about 20 million Americans regularly play the game.But Mona also sees the need for change,to get more people to discover and play golf.He said the industry has focused on ways to make the game faster,more playable and fun.

Some golf courses have expanded fairways(球道)so golfers have less chance of losing balls in water or trees. Others move up the starting point for young or new players,so they are closer to the hole.

Some new courses also have fewer obstacles than in the past,such as water ponds or sand traps.And the area near the hole is sometimes designed flatter,to keep the ball from rolling too much.

These changes could also attract adult golfers who want to play a faster,less difficult game.But with young people,Mona said it is important to get them interested at an early age.

Drive,Chip and Putting Championship

One program to do this is the Drive,Chip and Putting Championship,for girls and boys.

The name of the competition refers to golf's three main skills.Driving is when a golfer hits the ball far at the start of the game.A chip is a much shorter shot,usually taken close to the hole.Putting refers to hitting the ball softly in the area near the hole,called the green.

Junior Golf Champions

Girls and boys from all 50 U.S. states compete in the championship.Organizers say the program has been one of the best ways to bring young people to golf.But Mona said it is not enough just to get people interested."The challenge for us in the golf industry is we have to change interest into trial,"he said."And then change trial into actual participation in the game."

Sam Schmitz is studying professional golf management at Eastern Kentucky University.He also believes speeding up the game will get more people to try golf."For the younger generation,the biggest complaint about golf is how long it takes,"he said.A full game can last four hours.

1.What is the passage mainly about?

A. How golf can appeal to more people.

B. Why the U.S. is the country of golf.

C. Whether young people like playing golf.

D. How a child can be good at playing golf.

2.We can learn from the passage that       .

A. UK is the world's third biggest market for golf equipment

B. if a hole is very near,a golfer in the game may chip the ball

C. the U.S. has shortened the time of a golf game for the young

D. some golf courses are so distant that people have to drive there

3.Which of the following subtitles can be put in the blank of the passage?

A. Modem Changes on the Fairways

B. Modem Changes on the Obstacles

C. Modem Changes on the Course

D. Modern Changes on the Starting Point

4.What is Sam's attitude towards speeding up the game?

A. Sceptical.    B. Indifferent.

C. Critical.    D. Favorable.



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