满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Whether for a special such as an engagem...

Whether for a special         such as an engagement or a wedding or simply as a gift, diamond rings make the ideal choice.

A. opportunity B. adjustment

C. occasion   D. convenience


C 【解析】 试题分析:考查名词辨析。句意:无论是为了一个特殊场合如订婚、婚礼,还是仅仅作为一份礼物,钻戒都是理想的选择。A机会;B调整;C时刻,场合,机会;D方便,故选C。 考点:考查名词辨析  

It was the driver rather than the passengers who was to        for the accident.

A. accuse B. blame C. analyse D. behave




赞 成 偏 难

赞 成 偏 易

1. 喜欢挑战,越难越好

2. 有助于了解自己的薄弱环节

1. 题目太难会泄气,并害怕今后的高考

2. 题目简单易得高分,增强自信心


注意:1. 词数120左右,开头已为你写好(不计入总词数);

2. 可适当增加细节,使行文连贯。

Recently we have made an investigation on whether the test paper for Senior Three students should be difficult or not.








假设英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处错误。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(, 并在其下面写出该加的词。






Mr. Zhang is sixty years old and had retired. He taught our biology when we were in Grade One. He taught very good. He tried his best to make his classes lively. He usually made good preparations for the lessons and was strict in us. Each time when we made mistakes in our homework, he would ask us to correct it. I was poor in biology. He often helps me with my study

patiently. With his help I made great progresses. He was very kind to his students. As experienced teacher, he was respected or loved by all the students.



Nowadays, it is common that more and more high school students open their own micro blogs on the Internet. For one thing, it can provide a colorful platform to show their talent. For 1., it is a useful way to release their pressure. And all these make it more and more popular with high school students. 2. many parents and teachers hold a different view. They think that managing one’s micro blog will take a lot of time and energy, 3. should be used to study.

In my view, I am greatly in favor 4. this activity. Today the Internet is playing 5. important role in our life. Therefore as high school students of the Information Age, we need to learn to make use of this 6. (value) tool to communicate and display ourselves. What’s more, opening and organizing micro blogs need various abilities such 7. writing, designing, being skillful at computer and so on. Only if we master those abilities can we make a successful micro blog. As a result, we improve ourselves while 8. (organize) our micro blogs.

In fact, micro blog 9. (oneself) is of little harm. It is your attitude towards it 10. matters. We should take the advantages and avoid some bad effects.



I guess you can say I’m not healthy. I throw up almost everything I       , and I have no idea what is going on with my body in the       of doing it. I’m 17 years old, and I have been suffering from this       for about 6 months. That doesnt seem like a       time, but those 6 months feel like 6 years.

I was never       or even close to it. Ive always been short and in shape, but it      me every time to see a really pretty girl because I       think, Why cant I       like that? Also, the town I live in is full of drugs,       , and drinking , and I’ve fallen into all of those. I’m tired of the      that I have been living. My parents are       in me and practically think I’m a failure. I’m always worried if my trousers are going to       me the next day. And on top of that, I’m       friends because they think I’ve changed.

Bulimia(暴食症) is a black hole that,      you have entered, it is extremely hard to get out. And if you do get out, you are so       .

I hope that someday I can say I’ve       from this terrible thing, because all I want to do is to live my life and not to have to       my weight all the time.

At the point I’m going, I might end up in the      , and that is what frightens me most. All I can do is to try and get the      I need. However, I know the best help comes from my heart and the actual need within me to      this illness.

1. A. remember  B. see   C. read   D. eat

2. A. experiment  B. purpose   C. process        D. plan

3.A. accident   B. illness     C. loss    D. punishment

4.A. free    B. meaningful  C. bad    D. long

5.A. fat    B. rude    C. sick           D. wrong

6.A. shocks       B. kills           C. excites         D. encourages

7. A. always          B. sometimes      C. also           D. even

8. A. feel            B. look           C. sound         D. taste

9. A. parties          B. matches        C. lessons        D. lectures

10. A. dream       B. belief          C. life            D. food

11.A. pleased         B. honest         C. interested      D. disappointed

12.A. carry           B. support        C. fit            D. attack

13.A. blaming         B. losing         C. visiting        D. making

14.A. once           B. although       C. unless         D. because

15.A. friendly         B. lovely         C. busy          D. lucky

16.A. suffered         B. returned        C. recovered      D. separated

17.A. add to          B. worry about    C. talk about      D. depend on

18.A. hospital         B. school         C. house         D. station

19. A. education       B. space          C. help           D. money

20.A. catch           B. spread         C. forget         D. stop  



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