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Through a series of experiments, an Amer...

Through a series of experiments, an American scientist has gained an understanding of the social structure of ant societies. The ants 1. (examine) by scientists are the only creatures other than man to have given up hunting and collecting for a completely agricultural way of life. In their underground nests they plant gardens on soils made from finely cut leaves. This is a complex 2. (operate) requiring considerable division of labor. The workers of this type of ant can 3. (divide) into four groups according to size. 4. of the groups performs a particular set of jobs.

The making and care of the garden and the nursing of the young ants are done by the smallest workers. Slightly larger workers are responsible 5.cutting leaves to make them suitable for use in the gardens and for cleaning the nest. 6. third group of still larger ants do the construction work and collect fresh leaves from outside the nest. The 7. (large) are the soldier ants, whose duty is to defend the nest.

8. (find) out how good the various size groups are at different tasks, the scientist measured the amount of work done by the ants against the amount of energy they used. He examined first the gathering and carrying of leaves. He selected one of the size groups and then measured 9.efficiently these ants could find leaves and run back to the nest. Then he repeated the experiment for each of the other size groups. 10.this way he could see whether any group could do the job more efficiently than the group normally undertaking it.


1.examined 2.operation 3.be divided 4.Each 5.for 6.The 7.largest 8.To find 9.how 10.In 【解析】试题分析:文章讲述了一位美国科学家通过研究得到对蚂蚁社会的社会结构的理解。蚂蚁是除了人类以外唯一完全过着农业生活的生灵。蚂蚁社会按照大小有明确合理的分工,各司其职,并且每一组都比正常的分工工作做的好。 1.考查动词。句子有谓语动词are,因此“_____1_____ (examine) by scientists”是定语修饰The ant,examine与the ant是被动关系,用过去分词作定语表示被动关系。故填examined。 2.考查名词。空格处是表语,complex是形容词,修饰名词,因此此处用名词,由冠词a推断用单数。故填operation。 3.考查动词。句意:这种蚂蚁中的工蚁根据大小可以分成四组。divide是谓语动词,与主语the workers是被动关系,根据语境可知,句子使用一般现在时,can是情态动词,接be+过去分词构成被动语态。故填be divided。 4.考查代词。根据上文工蚁被分成四组可推断,此处句意为:每一组履行一种特殊的工作。each “每个;各自”可接of短语,置句首单词首字母大写。故填Each。 5.考查介词。句意:较大的工蚁负责剪裁树叶适合在花园里使用和清洁巢穴。be responsible for“为……负责”是常用搭配。故填for。 6.考查冠词。句意:第三组较大的蚂蚁从事建筑工作和从巢穴外收集新鲜的树叶。序数词前需加定冠词,置句首单词首字母大写。故填The。 7.考查形容词最高级。句意为:最大的蚂蚁是兵蚁,职责是保卫巢穴。根据语境推断,共分为四组蚂蚁,这是最大的一组,用最高级。故填largest。 8.考查非谓语动词。句意:为了弄清楚不同大小的蚂蚁在不同的任务中有多好,科学家测量了蚂蚁所做的工作数量与它们所使用的能量。“___8___ (find) out how good the various size groups are at different tasks”作目的状语,不定式常用作目的状语,置句首首字母大写。故填To find。 9.考查副词。“____9____efficiently these ants could find leaves and run back to the nest”是宾语从句,从句句意完整,成分齐全,efficiently是副词,用连接词how修饰。故填how。 10.考查介词。句意:用这种方法,他可以明白是否任意一组都比正常的团队更有效地完成这项工作。in this way“用这种方法”是固定用法,置句首单词首字母大写。故填In。

A BRITISH girl who died after a terminal illness won the right to have her body frozen, the High Court said on Friday. The 14-year-old girl from London had written to a judge______she wanted a chance to “live longer” after suffering from a(n) ______ form of cancer. She had researched and ______ to undergo cryonics(进行人体冷冻), the process through which people are ______ with the hope they will be brought back to life with the help of future medical ______.

“I think being cryo-preserved gives me a chance to be cured and woken up — even in hundreds of years’ time.” The girl launched legal action to request that her mother, who______ supported the child’s ______, be the only person allowed to make decisions about the disposal(处置) of her body. Her parents are divorced and the teenager’s father initially ______ his daughter’s plan.

Judge Peter Jackson ruled in the girl’s favor in October following a private ______ at the High Court of England and Wales in London. The girl was too ______ to attend the hearing and has since died, ______her body being taken to the US and cryogenically frozen. US-based Cryonics issued a(n) ______saying the teenager had arrived at their facility and “packed in dry ice, at 5 p.m. on the 25th of October, about 8 days after ______,becoming its 144th patient.”

Jackson said his ______ was based on the best outcome for the girl, not ______ the science itself, in what he ______ as an unprecedented ruling(前所未有的裁决).

By October 6 the girl know her wishes were going to be ______That gave her great _______For the last eight years of her ______the teenager had not had face-to-face contact with her father, who ______ his concerns about the costs and consequences of his daughter being frozen.

1.A. indicating    B. doubting    C. responding    D. explaining

2.A. entire    B. complete[    C. rare    D. natural

3.A. reacted    B. survived    C. continued    D. decided

4.A. dead    B. buried    C. frozen    D. asleep

5.A. benefit    B. change    C. progress    D. influence

6.A. fully    B. heavily    C. really    D. generally

7.A. opinions    B. wishes    C. judges    D. advice

8.A. carried out    B. disagreed with    C. insisted on    D. turned out

9.A. hearing    B. listening    C. talk    D. speech

10.A. excited    B. surprised    C. puzzled    D. ill

11.A. for    B. with    C. on    D. at

12.A. statement    B. movement    C. advertisement    D. argument

13.A. discussion    B. hesitation    C. death    D. treatment

14.A. prediction    B. decision    C. opportunity    D. ambition

15.A. for    B. on    C. in    D. off

16.A. described    B. checked    C. imagined    D. possessed

17.A. displayed    B. finished    C. struggled    D. followed

18.A. success    B. disappointment    C. comfort    D. equality

19.A. life    B. circle    C. reality    D. pain

20.A. made    B. raised    C. considered    D. preferred



How Helping Others Helps You

Volunteering has a positive effect on your community.1. Volunteering can help you learn more about yourself and even put you on a path to your future career. Learn more about the reasons to volunteer below.

Gain valuable life experiences and skills.

Whether you build houses for the homeless or mail flyers for a local politician, you can experience the real world through hands-on work. 2.

Meet interesting people.

3.No matter what groups of people you’re working with, you’ll find that they have information and ways of looking at the world that can broaden your horizons.

Get academic credit.

Some high schools offer academic credit for volunteer work through service learning. 4.To find out if your school offers service learning, talk to your school counselor.5.

It’s eye-opening(令人瞠目的) to realize that doing even small things can have a big impact on others. Rhea, a college sophomore(大二学生), still remembers a visit she made to a senior home with a choir when she was in middle school. “An elderly man in a wheelchair looked up at me and said in a gravelly(粗哑的) voice, “You’ve made my day. This means so much.”She recalls, “No one had ever thanked me in such a way for doing something so small, and a stranger no less!”

A. Make a difference.

B. It’s good for you too.

C. It can help you learn more about yourself.

D. Giving back to your community is valuable in itself.

E. And you can explore your major or career interests at the same time.

F. It’s a program that offers hands-on learning through service to the community.

G. Both the people you are helping and your fellow volunteers can give you new understanding.



Internet data shows that younger adults have become the main audience crazy about changing their appearance. Once the world of the female in her fifties, plastic surgery(整形手术) has become the focus of the younger Internet users.

The recent death of Stephanie Kuleba, an 18-year-old high school cheerleader who died as a result of plastic surgery, brought our attention to the fashion of becoming a more “ideal” body among teenagers. In fact, search data confirms this phenomenon. One of the most popular sites visited from the search term “plastic surgery” is the official site of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (www. plastic surgery. org). Over 25% of the visitors, which is up from 19.6% two years ago, fell within the 18 to 24 years old.

Plastic surgery has become an American obsession (痴迷). Checking other countries, such as the UK and Australia, the 18 to 24-year-old’s being interested in plastic surgery is an obvious US phenomenon. Unlike the other groups who visit sites related to diseases and keeping healthy, younger Internet users rush to sites that deal with personal appearance, such as those focused on body-building, weight loss and skin-care, and obviously plastic surgery.

While television on surgery may be driving the interest of a younger audience, one factor appears to be a key in preventing such teens from changing their bodies: the failing U.S. economy. There has been a decline in all plastic surgery topics over the last year. While older age continue to search for information on procedures such as liposuction(抽脂), it’s younger Internet users who in tough economic times are focusing on improving their outer beauty, though at a discount price.

1.Why does the author mention the death of the 18-year-old cheerleader?

A. To show cheerleaders pay more attention to their appearance.

B. To warn people that plastic surgery is not as safe as it is said to be.

C. To prove the fact that people will pursue beauty at any cost.

D. To draw attention to the issue of young people having plastic surgery.

2.While young people are surfing on the Internet, they are very interested in____________.

A. how to be physically and mentally healthy.

B. how to make themselves look young.

C. how to prevent and cure diseases.

D. how to have more attractive appearance.

3.What may affect young people’s decision on whether to have plastic surgery?

A. The safety of the operation

B. The total expense of the surgery.

C. The need for having the operation.

D. The results of the surgery.



Getting ripped off from time to time is just part of traveling---don’t let it ruin your day or your overall experience. But there are things you can do to avoid some of the most common rip-offs. Let me share my travel tips for how to avoid hidden fees, disappointed experiences and overpriced items.

Baggage Fees

Depending upon the airline, you can pay $15 to $75 for the first checked bag, and more for overweight bags. When possible, pack a bag lightly enough to a carry-on or fly airlines that still allow free checked bags(two bags for Southwest and one for JetBlue). Many airline programs allow members with a high status to have a free checked bag, so check your status.

Overpriced Hotel and Airport Food

To avoid the overpriced water sold at airports, bring an empty water bottle with you through security at the airport. Then, fill it up at a water fountain or ask a waiter at a coffee shop to fill it up for you. Pick up some snacks at a local corner store instead of hitting the hotel room mini bar, which can lead to expensive surprises on your final bill.

Tourist Trap Restaurants

If you’re visiting a restaurant or attraction that has online presence, Google it or search it on Yelp to see what the locals say about it and to find any available coupons(优惠券) that might get some extra savings. Often restaurants run deals on Yelp where if you “check in” at that restaurant and review it, you get a free dessert or 15% off the total bill, etc. By researching online, you’ll not only see whether there are any coupons or extra savings available, but people will tell you if the chef changed a month ago and the food is awful now.

1.To have a free checked bag, you shall not_______.

A. take a light carry-on    B. have a high status

C. take overweight bags    D. choose Southwest Airlines

2.If you want to drink free water at an airport, you can______.

A. take a bottle of water through security

B. go to a water fountain

C. go to a store at the airport

D. order a coffee at a coffee shop

3.The passage is probably written by______.

A. a travel agent

B. an economical person

C. an experienced traveler

D. a skilled net-worker



Researchers at the University of Kansas say that people can accurately judge 90 percent of a stranger's personality simply by looking at the person's shoes.“Shoes convey useful information about their wearers,”the authors wrote in the new study published in the Journal of Research in Personality.

Lead researcher Omri Gillath said the judgments were based on the style,cost,color and condition of someone's shoes. In the study,63 University of Kansas researchers looked at pictures showing 208 different pairs of shoes worn by the study's participants. Volunteers in the study were photographed in their most commonly worn shoes,and then filled out a personality questionnaire.

Some of the results were expected:People with higher incomes most commonly wore expensive shoes,and flashier shoes were typically worn by outgoing people. However,some of the more specific results are strange enough. For example,“practical and functional”shoes were generally worn by more“pleasant”people,while ankle boots were more linked with“aggressive”personalities. The strangest of all may be that those who wore“uncomfortable looking” shoes tend to have “calm” personalities. And if you have several pairs of new shoes or take extreme care of them,you may suffer from“attachment anxiety”,spending lots of time worrying about what other people think of your appearance. There was even a political calculation in the mix with more liberal(主张变革的)types wearing“shabbier and less expensive” shoes.

The researchers noted that some people will choose shoe styles to mask their actual personalities,but researchers noted that volunteers were also likely to be unaware that their footwear choices were showing the deep side of their personalities.

1.What does this text mainly tell us?

A. Shoes can hide people's real personalities.

B. Shoes convey false information about the wearer.

C. People's personalities can be judged by their shoes.

D. People know little about their personalities.

2.The participants were asked to__________________.

A. provide pictures of their shoes

B. look at pictures of different shoes

C. design a personality questionnaire

D. hand in their commonly worn shoes

3.Which of the results is beyond people's expectation?

A. Wealthy people often wear expensive shoes.

B. Pleasant people like wearing uncomfortable shoes.

C. Aggressive people are likely to wear ankle boots.

D. Flashier shoes are typically worn by outgoing people.

4.People suffering from “attachment anxiety” tend to_______________ .

A. wear strange shoes    B. worry about their appearance

C. have a calm character    D. become a political leader

5.The author wrote the text in order to_____________ .

A. inform us of a new study

B. introduce a research method

C. teach how to choose shoes

D. describe different personalities



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