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In Japan, Christmas just isn’t Christmas...

In Japan, Christmas just isn’t Christmas without butter. That’s because the Japanese love to celebrate Christmas Eve with "Christmas cakes," which are filled with whipped cream (生奶油) and topped with strawberries. Making this tasty treat requires some serious amounts of butter. But this year, the creamy golden spread is in short supply on the island nation.

In fact, many Japanese supermarkets are fresh out of dairy (milk) products entirely. Those that do still have butter often limit shoppers to one box apiece, and the price for that box is much higher than normal.

Northern Japan has been suffering unusually old winters in recent years, and all of Japan has had to endure (忍受) hotter summers. This extreme weather has stressed out the nation’s dairy cows. They have not been able to produce their expected amount of milk.

However, even before the bad weather, Japan’s butter supply was in trouble. The number of dairy farms in the country has been steadily shrinking. Not many young people in Japan want to become dairy farmers anymore.

The demand for dairy products in Japan has also been falling. The Japanese diet consists mainly of rice and seafood, and it often doesn’t require many milk products. So the government decided to cut back the number of the country’s dairy cows in 2007. This led to a butter shortage in 2008 as well as the current shortage.

The Japanese government has tried to increase the stock of butter by importing (进口) about 10,000 tons from overseas. But even this emergency supply has done little to end the shortage this Christmas season.

Blogger Audrey Akcasu says Japanese people are using substitutes in their cooking or paying more money for real butter.

"Some bakeries are choosing to replace butter with margarine (人造黄油) this year, claiming the slight change in taste will be less noticeable than the potential higher price we would see if they used imported butter," she writes in Nikkan Gendai, a Japanese newspaper. "But for many shoppers, it’11 have to be margarine or nothing this Christmas."

1.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 1 refer to?

A. The milk.    B. The butter.

C. The strawberry.    D. The Christmas cake.

2.Which of the following is probably very popular in Japan?

A. Being dairy farmers.

B. Enjoying various dairy products.

C. Eating cakes at Christmas.

D. Tasting margarine rather than real butter.

3.Which of the following is Japan actually facing now?

A. A cow crisis.    B. Much milder winter.

C. A shrinking population.    D. Continually falling food prices.

4.What does Audrey Akcasu think of the government’ s importing butter from overseas?

A. It’ s wise.    B. It’ s unnecessary.

C. It’ s ineffective.    D. It’ s unreasonable.


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 【解析】这是一篇社会生活类文章。在日本过圣诞节黄油是必不可少的。但是,今年日本黄油短缺。文章分析了产生这一现象的原因。日本政府想通过进口黄油来解决这一问题,但是,此举可能不会产生什么作用。 1.词义猜测题。第一段第一句提到,日本的圣诞节黄油是必不可少的。第一段倒数第二句提到,制作圣诞蛋糕需要大量的黄油。承接该句可知,划线部分应指黄油。今年,日本黄油短缺。B选项正确。 2.细节理解题。由第一段中的“Japanese love to celebrate Christmas Eve with "Christmas cakes,"”可知,日本人喜欢用圣诞蛋糕来庆祝圣诞节。所以,圣诞节吃蛋糕在日本很流行。故C选项正确。 3.细节理解题。由第五段中的“So the government decided to cut back the number of the country’ s dairy cows in 2007. This led to a butter shortage in 2008 as well as the current shortage”可知,导致黄油短缺的原因是日本奶牛的减少。所以,日本真正面对的是奶牛危机。A选项正确。 【名师点睛】由第三段中的“Northern Japan has been suffering unusually old winters in recent years”可知,近年来,日本北部冬天特别冷。故B选项中的“mild(温和的)”错误。由第三段中的“The number of dairy farms in the country has been steadily shrinking”可知,日本牛奶场的数量下降,不是日本的人口下降,故C选项说法错误。由最后一段中的“the slight change in taste will be less noticeable than the potential higher price we would see if they used imported butter”可知,使用进口黄油会导致价格上升,故D选项说法错误。 4.细节理解题。由第六段中的“But even this emergency supply has done little to end the shortage this Christmas season”可知,政府进口奶油的举动对于结束黄油的短缺起不了作用,故C选项正确。

At 23, I was fresh out of graduate school and working in a nursing home, trying to decide my next path in life. My job involved wheeling residents (居民) to the community hall for activities. Elizabeth would wave from her darkened room but refuse to join the gatherings. Nearly blind, and requiring oxygen, she never left her bedside. I soon learned, though, that she loved books, and every day after work I would read to her.

In dim (微暗的) light we made our way through "King Lear," "Henry IV,  ....  Jane Eyre," the poems of Rupert Brooke.

Two golden hours might pass before I’ d pack up to return to my apartment. Before I could leave she’ d press my hand, saying, "Child -- my literary child. You bring me such joy." Elizabeth’ s husband had died a decade earlier, and their only child, a daughter, was  estranged (疏远的) for what heartbreaking reason I never knew.

One day an old friend of hers visited and brought her some soup. Smiling broadly, Elizabeth squeezed  my  arm. "Tomorrow,  child,we shall feast."

The next evening I found Elizabeth’ s bed empty. "I’ m sorry," the nurse whispered. She handed me a box and nodded. "She left everything to you." At home I unpacked it, finding two white sweaters, the dozen leather-bound books and, at the bottom, the can of soup.

That summer I decided my path. I returned to school to study literature.

And for 26 years the soup has stayed in my kitchen. It’s remained unopened and now is rusted (生锈的). But the memories are preserved.

1.Why did Elizabeth refuse to join the gatherings? -

A. She had many books to read.

B. She was not a very social person.

C. She was restricted in her movements.

D. She had no interest in those activities.

2.What do we know about Elizabeth?

A. She loved writing poems.

B. She often visited her friends.

C. She got divorced ten years ago.

D. She had little contact with her daughter.

3.What can we know about the author?

A. She used to be a doctor.

B. She was inspired by Elizabeth.

C. She taught literature for 26 years.

D. She didn’t like the taste of the soup.

4.What would be the best title for the text?

A. A book-loving friend

B. An unforgettable literary journey

C. An interesting nursing experience

D. A short-term job and its lifelong impact



Shopping is one of the best ways to relax after a stressful week. Nothing is more satisfying than finding a perfect item -- and when I’ m bored with shopping for clothes I move on to make-up and shoes. I never shop in sales -- the reason the items haven’ t sold at full price is usually because they are badly made or horrible colours.


I hate shopping and it bores me enormously. I really cannot understand  such  a useless  and expensive habit. I only shop for clothes when I can’ t get out of it and when I do, I make sure I buy good quality and as much as I can afford, to put off having to go again for as long as possible. I have friends who will spend a Whole day going from shop to shop trying on lots of different clothes and not buying anything. That’s really stupid.


I can’ t see the point in spending a lot of money on clothes, when they are so much cheaper abroad. I do most of my shopping when I go on holiday, and get great clothes for half the price. I love finding bargains! I also buy a lot in sales. The clothes may be out of fashion a bit, but they’ re good quality, and if you wait long enough, they come back into fashion!


I personally still spend half of my wage on clothes. I usually only ever wear something three times before I throw it in the back of my wardrobe (衣橱). I never wear a party dress more than once. If I lost my job and couldn’t afford to buy lots of clothes, I would never be able to go out of the house again.


1.What does Pam focus on when shopping for clothes?

A. Price.    B. Brand.

C. Pattern.    D. Quality.

2.Who is a bargain hunter?

A. Blanca.    B. Pam.

C. Meghan    D. Shelly.

3.Which of the following can best describe Shelly?

A. She has no taste for clothes.

B. She is addicted to shopping.

C. She is always leading the fashion.

D. She goes shopping only when necessary.












交换生 exchange student

Dear Chris,

I’ m Li Jin, Monitor of Class One,Grade Eleven.








Li Jin









The earthquake affects the students of the destroying areas in many ways. How can we help them? One expert says the child will have feelings of fear, angry and feel they are not safe after the quake. They will find it hardly to focus. They will tend to cry and shout and tremble. And they might be afraid to be alone. The teenagers will find it difficulty to live in a balanced way. If things get worse they might not be able to concentrate to their studies. He also says we can do something help the children. The first thing we can do is that to build up trust with them, and be their friends. Then you have to give them sense of safety. Thirdly, try to satisfy their psychological needs. Be a good listener, if he or she need to talk.




1.The doctor made a _____(处方)for his long term condition.

2.The little birds were a _______to beat their wings when they saw their mother flying in the sky.

3.Many children from w_____families in China are pursuing education abroad regardless of the cost.

4.Western diet c______a lot of sugar and fat in the form of hamburgers, sandwiches and French fries.

5.Without the keyword, nobody can have a______ to my computer.

6.India became i_______of Britain in1947.

7.College students should visit the library______(经常地,频率高地)

8.Be careful about these chemical______(物质),For they might be poisonous.

9.People in China are working hard to_____(创造)a strong and prosperous country.

10.When you are in physical or mental disorder, please seek_______(专业的)help.



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