满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

1.He was ____________(授予)the first priz...


1.He was ____________(授予)the first prize in the competition

2.The shop tries its best to meet the needs of its ____________(顾客).

3.My husband loves ____________(冒险的)life while I enjoy a more peaceful life.

4.Some believe in the ____________(存在)of life on Mars, while others consider it as a myth.

5.Special ____________(措施)are being taken to protect the local water supplies

6.Much to my surprise, he____________(举止)as if nothing had happened.

7.The method of ____________(减少)the teaching cost has been discussed at the meeting.

8.Such ____________(评论)seem to suggest it had a big influence on the art world.

9.He succeed in ____________(克服)many difficulties in learning English.

10.____________(扩展)your knowledge by reading more books is a wise choice.


1.awarded 2.customers 3.adventurous 4.existence 5.measures 6.behaved 7.reducing 8.comments 9.overcoming 10.Expanding 【解析】该题主要考查名词,动名词,形容词的基本用法。要注意选择正确的形式。 1.主语he和award之间是被动关系,该句用被动语态,故该空填过去分词。 2.商店的顾客不止一个,故该空应填名词复数。 3.修饰名词life用形容词。 4.该空做介词in的宾语,故填名词。 5.该句谓语动词为are being taken,根据主谓一致原则,该空填名词复数形式。 6.由后面的had happened,该空应用一般过去时态。 7.该空做介词of的宾语,且后面有宾语the teaching cost,故该空要填动名词。 8.该空谓语动词为seem,根据主谓一致原则,该空应填名词复数形式。 9.该句考查succeed in doing sth.这个句式,故该空填动名词。 10.该空在句中作主语,且后面有其宾语your knowledge,故该空填动名词。

Several years ago, I decided to change my job and attended an interview. During the interview, the interviewer covered the ______ questions about my work history, education and goals, Then, he asked, "What event or accomplishment in your life has made you the_______ ?"

I paused for a moment, and told him my proudest moment wasn’t anything I did,______ something my daughter did ten years before. Then I told him the story of Julie’ s____.

Many years earlier, my brother ______from St. Louis, telling me .that my mom wouldn’t receive her benefits several months.______ she would have to  live off her small savings.

At the supper table that evening; I told my husband I was going to send Mom some______. Our conversation was cut short by a phone call. A neighbor_______ Julie to babysit.

At fourteen, Julie was always looking for ways to _____ spending money. The following morning, she______ me an envelope.

When I looked at the_______and saw it was for my mom, I gave her a big hug. I told her how proud I was of her for taking the time to______her grandma. She smiled.

A week later, my brother called again, thanking for the check and telling me how Mom cried when me she got Julie’s _______He told me Julie had ______ her grandma the five dollars she had earned babysitting .In her letter, she told Grandma to_______ it on whatever she needed

I continued. "I know that isn’t really a job_______, but that’ s what made me the proudest in my life."

A week later, I was given the job. My boss told me after hearing about my story, he ______ I was the type of employee he wanted to_______ in his organization.

This time’ I was the recipient (接受者) of Julie’ s gift. Once again, her simple act of ______ given from the heart so many years before had________

1.A. challenging    B. awkward    C. difficult    D. expected

2.A. proudest    B. strongest    C. happiest    D. luckiest

3.A. and    B. nor    C. but    D. even

4.A. wish    B. gift    C. bravery    D. secret

5.A. called    B. traveled    C. drove    D. shouted

6.A. However    B. Otherwise    C. Still    D. Therefore

7.A. necessities    B. food    C. money    D. presents

8.A. wanted    B. allowed    C. advised    D. encouraged

9.A. borrow    B. save    C. invest    D. earn

10.A. bought    B. handed    C. spared    D. returned

11.A. address    B. stamp    C. title    D. message

12.A. visit    B. write    C. thank    D. miss

13.A. picture    B. story    C. letter    D. card

14.A. awarded    B. brought    C. lent    D. sent

15.A. change    B. put    C. spend    D. waste

16.A. opportunity    B. accomplishment    C. application    D. interview

17.A. decided    B. promised    C. admitted    D. agreed

18.A. play    B. follow    C. compete    D. work

19.A. patience    B. obedience    C. love    D. gratitude

20.A. come out    B. paid off    C. made sense    D. worked out




Medicine is the science of keeping people healthy, and healing the sick. Humans have practiced forms of medicine for thousands of years. Today specially trained people called doctors practice medicine.

There are many parts to a doctor’ s job. Doctors’ first need to identify what is making a person sick. Then they decide on a treatment. They also predict when the patient will feel better.1. When treating patients, doctors work with many other people, including nurses and physician assistants.

Becoming a doctor involves years of education and training. Medical students first graduate from college.2.Students usually earn a Doctor of Medicine degree in medical school. After medical school most graduates enter a residency ( 住院医师实习期), which is a training program usually in a hospital.3.During this time, new doctors can specialize in a particular type Of medicine in such areas as internal medicine (内科学) or surgery (外科). Finally, new doctors must pass a test to get a license to practice medicine.

In the 1900s scientists developed vaccines (疫苗) to prevent many diseases and drugs to treat many others. Doctors transplanted organs from one person into another. They used many machines to help them to identify and treat diseases.4.

Today doctors have many ways to help patients heal.5. For example, scientists are still searching for cures for cancer, AIDS, and many other diseases.

A. They can be used to prevent diseases.

B. In addition, doctors try to prevent illnesses.

C. Doctors thought diseases were caused by the gods.

D. Then they spend three to four years in medical school.

E. But there are still many unanswered questions in medicine.

F. They also learned how good nutrition helped people to stay healthy.

G. During a residency, experienced doctors train the new doctors for three to seven years.



I still remember the first day of fourth grade. Later that day, my teacher read us a chapter from The Witches by Roald Dahl. Instantly, I was impressed by Roald Dahl’s clever and amusing style of writing, as well as the complex details of his story. It was as if the writing had flown off the paper and been illustrated (插画) into a picture book. To this day, I consider Roald Dahl my hero because of his exceptional play of words that has led me to understand the power of writing.

Through writing, Roald Dahl was able to show readers the wonderful but mysterious path of life. He shared with others the strong feelings of great success, joy, tragedy and violent anger. Reading his books is often like riding emotional roller coasters, where  one  moment,  you  are  alongside  the characters, laughing at their foolishness, but the next moment crying for their mistakes.

I remember when I first read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, a classic novel about a penniless family whose son, Charlie, found a golden ticket that changed their lives. The story was centered on how  anyone has  the chance  for success,  but unfortunately also the chances of letting their ego(自我) override their moral values (道德价值).Through Roald Dahl’s  carefully planned plot, Charlie showed me the childish joys of life are often overlooked, when they are actually the foundations for success. He showed me the bitter realities of life, where sometimes, others will move on without you. But mostly, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory opened my eyes to the world of reading -- where there would always be a character by your side, guiding you through your own life journey.

Although I have never met Roald Dahl personally, I was able to understand and gain insight (洞察) into his personality through the characters he developed in his novels. Roald Dahl used his understandings to skillfully strengthen the characters’ thoughts and actions. Roald Dahl is my hero. He is able to put lifelong lessons and his brilliant imagination into a simple novel that can be understood by anybody.

Roald Dahl’ s writing is admirable not only because of his attractive and interesting stories, themes and characters, but also because of the great efforts he put into developing, his unique and individual style of writing.

1.What can we learn about Roald Dahl’ s writing?

A. It’ s full of illustrations.

B. It’ s humorous and vivid.

C. It’ s difficult to understand:

D. It’ s intended for adult readers.

2.What can we infer about Roald Dahl from Paragraph 2?

A. He enjoyed riding roller coasters.

B. He often created stupid characters.

C. He was easily affected by others’ feelings.

D. He could arouse strong emotions in readers.

3.What do we know about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?

A. It deeply influences the author.

B. It talks about Charlie S weaknesses.

C. It s based on Roald Dahl s experiences.

D. It’ s Roald Dahl’ s most successful novel.

4.What does the author say about the characters Roald Dahl created?

A. They have strong beliefs.

B. They have simple thoughts.

C. They reflect Roald Dahl’ s inner world.

D. They are developed from Roald Dahl’s friends.



In Japan, Christmas just isn’t Christmas without butter. That’s because the Japanese love to celebrate Christmas Eve with "Christmas cakes," which are filled with whipped cream (生奶油) and topped with strawberries. Making this tasty treat requires some serious amounts of butter. But this year, the creamy golden spread is in short supply on the island nation.

In fact, many Japanese supermarkets are fresh out of dairy (milk) products entirely. Those that do still have butter often limit shoppers to one box apiece, and the price for that box is much higher than normal.

Northern Japan has been suffering unusually old winters in recent years, and all of Japan has had to endure (忍受) hotter summers. This extreme weather has stressed out the nation’s dairy cows. They have not been able to produce their expected amount of milk.

However, even before the bad weather, Japan’s butter supply was in trouble. The number of dairy farms in the country has been steadily shrinking. Not many young people in Japan want to become dairy farmers anymore.

The demand for dairy products in Japan has also been falling. The Japanese diet consists mainly of rice and seafood, and it often doesn’t require many milk products. So the government decided to cut back the number of the country’s dairy cows in 2007. This led to a butter shortage in 2008 as well as the current shortage.

The Japanese government has tried to increase the stock of butter by importing (进口) about 10,000 tons from overseas. But even this emergency supply has done little to end the shortage this Christmas season.

Blogger Audrey Akcasu says Japanese people are using substitutes in their cooking or paying more money for real butter.

"Some bakeries are choosing to replace butter with margarine (人造黄油) this year, claiming the slight change in taste will be less noticeable than the potential higher price we would see if they used imported butter," she writes in Nikkan Gendai, a Japanese newspaper. "But for many shoppers, it’11 have to be margarine or nothing this Christmas."

1.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 1 refer to?

A. The milk.    B. The butter.

C. The strawberry.    D. The Christmas cake.

2.Which of the following is probably very popular in Japan?

A. Being dairy farmers.

B. Enjoying various dairy products.

C. Eating cakes at Christmas.

D. Tasting margarine rather than real butter.

3.Which of the following is Japan actually facing now?

A. A cow crisis.    B. Much milder winter.

C. A shrinking population.    D. Continually falling food prices.

4.What does Audrey Akcasu think of the government’ s importing butter from overseas?

A. It’ s wise.    B. It’ s unnecessary.

C. It’ s ineffective.    D. It’ s unreasonable.



At 23, I was fresh out of graduate school and working in a nursing home, trying to decide my next path in life. My job involved wheeling residents (居民) to the community hall for activities. Elizabeth would wave from her darkened room but refuse to join the gatherings. Nearly blind, and requiring oxygen, she never left her bedside. I soon learned, though, that she loved books, and every day after work I would read to her.

In dim (微暗的) light we made our way through "King Lear," "Henry IV,  ....  Jane Eyre," the poems of Rupert Brooke.

Two golden hours might pass before I’ d pack up to return to my apartment. Before I could leave she’ d press my hand, saying, "Child -- my literary child. You bring me such joy." Elizabeth’ s husband had died a decade earlier, and their only child, a daughter, was  estranged (疏远的) for what heartbreaking reason I never knew.

One day an old friend of hers visited and brought her some soup. Smiling broadly, Elizabeth squeezed  my  arm. "Tomorrow,  child,we shall feast."

The next evening I found Elizabeth’ s bed empty. "I’ m sorry," the nurse whispered. She handed me a box and nodded. "She left everything to you." At home I unpacked it, finding two white sweaters, the dozen leather-bound books and, at the bottom, the can of soup.

That summer I decided my path. I returned to school to study literature.

And for 26 years the soup has stayed in my kitchen. It’s remained unopened and now is rusted (生锈的). But the memories are preserved.

1.Why did Elizabeth refuse to join the gatherings? -

A. She had many books to read.

B. She was not a very social person.

C. She was restricted in her movements.

D. She had no interest in those activities.

2.What do we know about Elizabeth?

A. She loved writing poems.

B. She often visited her friends.

C. She got divorced ten years ago.

D. She had little contact with her daughter.

3.What can we know about the author?

A. She used to be a doctor.

B. She was inspired by Elizabeth.

C. She taught literature for 26 years.

D. She didn’t like the taste of the soup.

4.What would be the best title for the text?

A. A book-loving friend

B. An unforgettable literary journey

C. An interesting nursing experience

D. A short-term job and its lifelong impact



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