满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I was in a local store the other day whe...

I was in a local store the other day when suddenly I heard the sound of breaking glass behind me.Curiously,I turned around to see1.had happened.A young mother had turned away from her shopping cart for a second to look at some other goods she was interested in.That second was all it took for her baby boy2.(lift) a big jar of sauce from his seat in the cart.

3.(unfortunate),the big jar was more than he could handle.I smiled when I walked back and saw the look of complete fear4.the boy's face.He seemed not to know why.His arms still remained where the jar5.(be) a few seconds before.On the floor below the cart the liquid of red was slowly flowing across the passage.After making sure that both Mom and the baby were fine,I went downstairs to get help from a store employee.As I glanced back at them,I saw something6.truly warmed my heart.

The baby had finally taken his eyes off the7.(break) jar and looked up at his mom.Instead of8.(scold) him, she smiled down at him.I knew then that this Mom would give her son a lifetime full of9.(laugh) and love.I think we should learn to love.Yet,hard as we try,we often make10.(thing) messy too.


1.what 2.to lift 3.Unfortunately 4.on 5.had been 6.that 7.broken 8.scolding 9.laughter 10.things 【解析】这是一篇记叙文,主要讲了作者在一家商店里看到了一个小孩子不小心打碎了酱油瓶,结果他的妈妈不但没有怪他,反而对他抱以微笑,作者感受到爱的力量。 1.句意:受好奇心驱使,我转过身想看看发生了“什么”,故根据句意可知填what. 2.It takes sth for sb to do…对某人来说,花费……来做某事,句意:她的孩子就是花费那一秒钟从手推车上举起了一大瓶酱油,故填to lift. 3.句意:不幸的是,这一大瓶酱油是远非这个孩子所能举动的,故将形容词unfortunate变为副词unfortunately. 4.On sb’s face在某人的脸上,属于固定介词短语搭配,故填on. 5.句意:他的胳膊仍然停留在几秒钟之前酱油所在的那个位置,又因整篇文章都是一般过去时,而a few seconds before表明这一时态是“过去的过去”,应使用过去完成时,故填had been. 6.句意:我看到了真正温暖我心灵的东西,由句意可知:这里truly warmed my heart是修饰something的定语从句,而定语从句中缺少主语,故用that来引导定语从句,同时做定语从句的主语,故填that. 7.句意:这个孩子最后把视线从打碎的瓶子挪到妈妈的身上,这里break要变换成过去分词作定语修饰jar,故填broken. 8.Instead of中的of是介词,介词后面跟动词要用-ing形式,故填scolding. 9.句意:妈妈将给儿子充满欢笑和爱的一生,这里laugh和love是由and连接的并列成分,因为love在这里是名词,所以laugh也要变为名词laughter. 10.Thing是可数名词,又因其前没有冠词,所以要把它变为复数,故填things.

Thirteen years ago,I fell in love with a white ball of fur that wagged its tail at me.I was about to____a steady job to follow my dream of becoming a travel____,which would possibly make my life harder—not to mention____ an animal that would need care during my long absence.____I never gave it a second thought.She had me at the first wag.

Layla was good at conveying her displeasure with her body language every time I____.But her____at my departures was more than compensated for by our reunions.And when I sat to write my____,she would settle herself next to my desk.I would ____to her what I'd written and she would cock her head or wag her tail____.Of course she didn't____what I was writing.But this exercise with her was my means of self-editing.This helped____what I put on the page.Having such a ready and____audience made me a better writer.Giving a____to Layla in this process turned a task into a joy.

I have no words to describe the____that connected me so____to her.Like many old friends,she and I____much over the years,and I'm so____to her.Whatever success I've had as a travel writer,I____large part to her listening and being at my side.

It does not____if she never understood a word I said.She was my travel partner and will____be.

1.A. begin    B. apply for    C. quit    D. look for

2.A. expert    B. agent    C. guide    D. writer

3.A. catching    B. adopting    C. training    D. delivering

4.A. But    B. So    C. And    D. Or

5.A. returned    B. cried    C. left    D. failed

6.A. satisfaction    B. disappointment    C. astonishment    D. embarrassment

7.A. stories    B. letters    C. papers    D. reports

8.A. display    B. offer    C. read    D. perform

9.A. in doubt    B. in return    C. in relief    D. in response

10.A. recognize    B. understand    C. remember    D. appreciate

11.A. shape    B. ignore    C. support    D. introduce

12.A. potential    B. creative    C. patient    D. casual

13.A. voice    B. lesson    C. hand    D. break

14.A. trick    B. ownership    C. hobby    D. bond

15.A. obviously    B. closely    C. directly    D. loosely

16.A. shouldered    B. learned    C. shared    D. suffered

17.A. regretful    B. grateful    C. respectful    D. merciful

18.A. owe    B. devote    C. leave    D. add

19.A. help    B. hurt    C. work    D. matter

20.A. frequently    B. sometimes    C. usually    D. always



When we were kids,my little sister Madison and I were the M & Ms—my parents' two daughters.1.So it was quite a surprise when my mom and dad sat us down to let us know that baby number three was on the way when I was 10 years old.However,as soon as my brother Mac was born,he completely stole my heart and I have learned a few things from having a young brother.


Having a baby in your life means watching your parents endlessly change diapers(尿布),make bottles,and wipe spit-ups every once in a while.I was allowed to do those things and I learned just how important it was to take care of this little life before I even hit middle school.

You watch a child grow up.

3.I remember how excited my family was when we discovered how fast of a reader he was in kindergarten. I'll never forget telling him bedtime stories before he went to sleep at night.It's cool to think about the entirety of his life and how far he has come.

You teach your brother life lessons.

From a young age,my brother watched my sister and me overcome personal challenges,go to high school,and, worst of all,get our hearts broken.4.Watching his sisters go through life's difficulties has taught him how he should act when he gets older.

Now Mac is 11 years old.I have no shame in telling people that one of my best friends is an 11-year-old boy.In fact,our family without him is unimaginable.5.

A.You stay in the know.

B.You learn about responsibility early on.

C.We received a lot of attention,and we liked it that way.

D.All I can say is that my family wouldn't be happy without Mac.

E.I remember the first time Mac crawled,walked,and said my name.

F.Thanks,Mom and Dad,for turning the M & Ms into the Three Musketeers.

G.Nothing makes Mac more upset than a mean guy who hurts a girl's feelings.



It's a scene so common: Coffee shops are filled with customers who seem more absorbed in their study or work than in their drinks.The coffee shop has become a popular place for modern-day students and workers.It's less boring than the library,and yet it is still filled with the same energy as a school.

There might be a good reason why students are drawn to social spaces like coffee shops for study.A recent study conducted by researchers in Belgium indicates that productivity may increase in coffee shops.

As part of the study,about 40 participants were placed side-by-side in pairs and asked to undergo(经历)reaction-time tests.Each participant sat in front of a computer screen,which flashed different colored squares.The goal for each person was to hit the key on the keyboard that corresponded with each square.Though each participant worked separately,they were affected by how hard their neighbor was working.The researchers varied the difficulty levels of each person's test,and they found that if they paired a person working on a medium-difficult test with someone taking a very difficult test,the first person would work harder.Not only that,but the first person's accuracy would also improve.

"It seems like noticing that their partner is working hard motivated people to work hard too,"a researcher explained.But the researchers couldn't exactly explain why."One possibility is that the hard workers' body position got noticeably more tense.So next time you enter a coffee shop to study or work,sitting next to customers who are obviously in the zone may be a wise choice."

1.Why do students prefer to study in coffee shops rather than in libraries?

A. They can enjoy drinks while studying.

B. It's too boring for them to study in a library.

C. They can conduct their academic researches.

D. Coffee shops have a better atmosphere.

2.How would a participant be affected by a neighbor doing a more difficult test?

A. He would work less hard.

B. He would possibly give up.

C. He would achieve better results.

D. He would change the difficulty level.

3.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A. Further research will be done in the future.

B. Sit next to a hard worker if you want to study.

C. Customers should sit tensely in a coffee shop.

D. The researchers have fully explained the result.



Jessica Westervelt,a Spanish teacher at Bethlehem High School in New York,created an activity called “House Hunters”,which was inspired by the popular television show “House Hunters International”,for her Spanish class about four years ago.

Similar to the show,students work in groups,pretending to be real house agents,and look for three houses in Spanish-speaking countries.She uses the activity to teach vocabulary related to the home,chores,travel and vacation.She created the exercise because she wanted to incorporate her students’ interests into the curriculum.At the time,a group of her students were big fans of the show.

The students look for a house for Westervelt to buy to live in,or rent for vacation.She tells them what she is looking for in a home and gives them a budget.Students work in groups of three,and each student is responsible for finding one house in a Spanish-speaking country that fits the requirements.

The groups usually make a brochure describing the houses they find.Each group presents their findings to the class,while the other students take notes.The entire activity is done in Spanish,so students get to practice their writing,listening and conversation skills.They also get some cultural education when researching homes in Spanish-speaking countries.Westervelt says that students planning to take the class look forward to her project.

Westervelt says,“I think any time that you can find a way to link into something that they are interested in outside of school,it makes it more realistic for them and it makes that activity much more enjoyable for them.”

1.How did Westervelt come up with the idea of the activity?

A. She got it from a TV program.    B. She was inspired by her students.

C. She learned it from a house agent.    D. She was taught that in high school.

2.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “incorporate” in Paragraph 2?

A. change    B. absorb

C. force    D. persuade

3.What are the students supposed to do with the houses they find?

A. Rent the houses for their vacation.    B. Live in the houses for a while.

C. Write an introduction to the houses.    D. Choose and buy one for their teacher.

4.What do Westervelt’s words in the last paragraph mean?

A. Most school activities are not enjoyable.

B. Students should be realistic about study.

C. Out-of-school activities are very important.

D. Learning should be combined with interest.



I opened my door to two little girls.I had met Alyssa,six,two weeks before.Since then,she'd waved to me every time she passed my house.

"Hello.Grandma Bonnie!"Alyssa said."This is my little sister,Ariana.She's three."To her very nervous sister,"It's OK,honey.You'll like her."The three-year-old held a "bouquet"(花束)in one hand,and the other gripped(紧握)a tiny notebook and a huge broken crayon."Go on,"her big sister urged,"tell her."

Ariana looked at me seriously."I want to help raise money for my preschool,"she said,holding out her flowers. "So I'm selling these for one dollar a bunch."

I had a hard time hiding my smile.The bouquet consisted of seven oxalis(醡浆草)flowers.Oxalis is a weed almost impossible to get rid of.Obviously Ariana had pulled these flowers out from her own yard or a neighbor's.

Her big sister smiled,"Aren't they lovely,Grandma Bonnie?And they only cost a dollar for the whole bunch.It's all for Ariana's preschool."The girls' plan did amuse me."All right," I agreed,"one dollar coming up."

Alyssa put the bill in her sister's skirt pocket.Then Ariana handed me my purchase."Uh,"I suggested,"why don't you just keep the flowers and the money? Then you could sell the flowers to someone else."Both girls stared at me, horrified."Oh,no,"Ariana cried."We picked them just for you.See,they're beautiful!"

And so they were.A week later,the flowers were twice as many as when my little neighbor handed them to me.What a bargain!

I had called these tiny plants "weeds"—disgusting,worthless things with no right to exist.But in their innocent hearts,those two little girls saw them as a precious creation to treasure and share out of loving hearts to brighten the day of a lonely old "Grandma".

1.Those two little girls paid a visit to the author to      .

A. say hello to their new neighbor

B. introduce the little sister to her

C. bring her some beautiful flowers

D. collect money for a special purpose

2.What did the author want to do after knowing the girls' wish?

A. Refuse the girls' request directly.

B. Pay one dollar for the whole bunch.

C. Put the bill into the little girl's pocket.

D. Donate money without accepting flowers.

3.How did the author feel when seeing those tiny plants a week later?

A. Grateful.    B. Disgusted.

C. Fortunate.    D. Desperate.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A. Sold a Bunch of Flowers    B. Picked Flowers Just for You

C. Raised Money for Preschool    D. Delighted an Old Grandma



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