满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The building ________ over there last ye...

The building ________ over there last year was for us laid-off workers. We appreciate what the government has done for us.

A. built    B. to be built

C. having been built    D. being built


A 【解析】A 考查非谓语动词作定语。“去年在那儿盖的大楼是为我们下岗工人修建的。我们感激政府为我们所做的事情。”根据句意和时间状语last year,说明大楼已经修建,而且build一词跟中心词the building之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词built作定语,表示被动和完成。 【名师点睛】 谈谈非谓语动词作定语 非谓语动词作定语一直是学生的一个难点,其一是搞不清谓语与非谓语动词之间的区别。其二搞不清非谓语动词的多种形式的具体用法,导致出错率非常高。 如何轻松精准的做此类题呢?只需把握住两点: 一、先判断非谓语动词与其逻辑主语之间的关系是主动还是被动。 二、再看非谓语动词与谓动的时间关系。它们之间的关系通常有三种:1、与谓动同时发生;2、在谓动之前发生;3、在将来发生。 做题步骤:先搞清非谓语动词与逻辑主语之间的逻辑关系。 1如果是主动关系,再看时间,如果与谓动同时发生用doing,如果将来发生用to do。 2如果是被动,再看时间,如果与谓语动词同时发生用being done,在谓动之前done,用表将来用to be done。 逻辑关系 时间 主动 被动 与谓语同时发生 doing(正在做) being done(正在被做) 在谓动之前发生   done(被) 将来发生 to do(将要做) to be done(将要被做)    

My daughter often makes a schedule to get herself ________ of what she is to do in the day.

A. remind    B. to remind

C. reminded    D. reminding



________ from the moon,our earth with water ________ seventy percent of its surface,appears as a blue ball.

A. Seen;covered    B. Seeing;covering

C. Seen;covering    D. Seeing;covered



As the film star began to appear,the children watched ________.

A. fascinating    B. fascinated

C. being fascinated    D. having fascinated



—Time is up but I haven’t finished my job yet.

—________. You must make it before the deadline.

A. Constant dropping wears away a stone    B. Industry is the parent of success

C. Every minute counts    D. Cry for the moon



—Christina, you had a wonderful time at your birthday party, didn’t you?

—______, and ______.

A. So did I; so my friends did    B. So I did; so did my friends

C. So I did; so my friends did    D. So did I; so did my friends



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