满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

A little boy wanted to meet God. He thou...

A little boy wanted to meet God. He thought it was a long trip to where God lived, _______ he packed his suitcase with lots of food and drinks and he started his_________

When he had gone about three blocks, he _______an elderly man. The boy sat down next to him and ________his suitcase. He was about to take a drink when he noticed that the man looked _______, so he offered him a drink.

The man________it and smiled at the boy. His smile was so pleasant that the boy wanted to see it again, so he ________him another one.

The man ________smiled at him. They sat there all afternoon eating and smiling, but they never said a word.

As it grew dark, the boy ________it was time to leave, but before he had gone more than a few steps, he______, ran back to the man, and gave him a hug. The man________him his biggest smile ever.

When the boy_______home a short time later, his mother was surprised by the look of ________on his face. She asked him what made him so happy.

He replied, “I had lunch with God, and God’s got the most beautiful ________I’ve ever seen!”

Meanwhile, the elderly man returned to his home. His son was________by the look of joy on his face and asked him the ________question as the little boy’s mother. The elderly man replied, “I ate and drank in the park with God.” However, he _______, before his son responded, “You know, he’s much _________ than I expected.”

Too often we underestimate the_______of a touch, a smile, a kind word, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. We should treat the people we meet________; they come into our lives for a reason. Embrace all equally!

1.A. if    B. so    C. but    D. or

2.A. work    B. study    C. journey    D. exploration

3.A. came across    B. picked up    C. learned from    D. took away

4.A. hid    B. opened    C. examined    D. ignored

5.A. worried    B. anxious    C. thirsty    D. tired

6.A. refused    B. avoided    C. received    D. accepted

7.A. lent    B. bought    C. made    D. offered

8.A. again    B. still    C. only    D. just

9.A. imagined    B. realized    C. announced    D. pretended

10.A. played around    B. sat around    C. turned around    D. got around

11.A. gave    B. promised    C. supplied    D. begged

12.A. left    B. called    C. missed    D. returned

13.A. joy    B. confidence    C. disappointment    D. horror

14.A. drink    B. food    C. face    D. smile

15.A. sad    B. nervous    C. amazed    D. excited

16.A. same    B. strange    C. unique    D. unusual

17.A. replied    B. added    C. reminded    D. thought

18.A. braver    B. shorter    C. younger    D. cleverer

19.A. power    B. quality    C. favor    D. difficulty

20.A. differently    B. proudly    C. calmly    D. kindly


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.D 8.A 9.B 10.C 11.A 12.D 13.A 14.D 15.C 16.A 17.B 18.C 19.A 20.D 【解析】试题分析:本文讲述一个小男孩带着一些食物和啤酒,踏上找上帝之路。在路途之中,小男孩遇到一个看起来有些饥饿的老人,于是与他分享自己的食物,老人向他投以善意的微笑,而后两人有进一步的友善接触,善意让他们成为彼此的上帝。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 考点:考查人生感悟类阅读。 【备考提醒】 为了保证较高准确率,建议同学们做好以下几点: 1、保持正常的考试心态。笔者在教学中发现,越是容易的试题,同学们越是容易失分。为什么呢?因为在这种情况下,同学们极易产生麻痹思想,认为题目好做,就不引起高度重视,于是思维不发散、不周密。而命题人就是利用同学们的这一弱点,设计陷阱题。所以,无论试题难易与否,我们都要保持正常的考试心态。试题容易,不欣喜;试题难,不悲观。 2、根据前面讲到的方法,认认真真、细细心心做好事实细节题。 3、做好语义转换题。这类题是根据英语中一词多义和某些词语在文中能表达一定的修辞意义的原则而设计的。要求同学们解释某生词的含义,确定多义词或短语在文中的意思,确认文中的某个代词所指代的对象,或者对英语中特有的表达、格言、谚语进行解释。这种题要求同学们一定要根据上下文猜测词义或理解句子,切不可望文生义。 4、做好简单推理判断题。简单推理判断题要以表面文字为前提,以具体事实为依据进行推理,做出判断。这种推理方式比较直接,只要弄清事实,即可结合常识推断出合理的结论。

Sir, do you have anything ________ this afternoon? If there is nothing to do,I wonder if I can ask for a leave.

A. typing    B. typed

C. to type    D. to be typed



The building ________ over there last year was for us laid-off workers. We appreciate what the government has done for us.

A. built    B. to be built

C. having been built    D. being built



My daughter often makes a schedule to get herself ________ of what she is to do in the day.

A. remind    B. to remind

C. reminded    D. reminding



________ from the moon,our earth with water ________ seventy percent of its surface,appears as a blue ball.

A. Seen;covered    B. Seeing;covering

C. Seen;covering    D. Seeing;covered



As the film star began to appear,the children watched ________.

A. fascinating    B. fascinated

C. being fascinated    D. having fascinated



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