满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

假定你是李华。你校下周将迎来一批英国的交换生,学校选派你在欢迎仪式上发言。请你 ...










Dear everyone,

Welcome to our school.









Dear everyone, Welcome to our school.It’s my honor to be here to give a speech to you.Now ,Let me introduce something about our school to you.There are about 3,000 students and 350 teachers in our school,which was built more than 80 years ago,With many trees and flowers around it,the school looks beautiful all year round.So it will be a nice experience for you to study here. I hope we can help each other know more different cultures and improve our grades. Dear friends,I wish you could own a new home away from your own home and get accustomed to the new lif in China. We will be there if you want us to help you.Enjoy your new home and new life. 【解析】试题分析: 本文是在欢迎英国留学生的仪式上的发言稿。文章题干给出了需要介绍的内容。成文时应注意以下几点:(1) 内容完整。介绍学校情况,期待相互帮助并表达美好愿望。(2)人称使用要恰当。(3)时态:一般现在时为主。(4)适当使用一些连词和插入语,使文章自然、流畅。(5)恰当使用一些高级词汇和句型,以增加文章的档次。根据题目的要求和我们上面提到的注意点,列出提纲:第一部分:欢迎到来,介绍学校概况;第二段:希望能相互帮助;第三段:表达美好愿望。 【亮点说明】 1.使用高级句型:非限制性定语从句There are about 3,000 students and 350 teachers in our school, which was built more than 80 years ago;with的独立结构With many trees and flowers around it,the school looks beautiful all year round;it做形式主语So it will be a nice experience for you to study here;.宾语从句I hope we can help each other 、know more different cultures and improve our grades.。2.使用了重要短语:away from远离;get accustomed to习惯于。  








Last month, I gave some of my clothes to a girl who needed it because her parents didn't have money to buy her newly clothes.  In school, this girl was the victim of bullying because of the clothes that she wears.S0 1 went home and was told mom that I'd like collect something for her. Knew what she suffered in the school broke my heart. Sometimes young people are so mean to others which don't have the money to buy some expensive thing. This has to change because it is not clothes or shoes that makes a person.  It is what we have in our heart but our soul that matters.



Home on the Way

People need homes: children assume their 1. (parent) place as home; boarders call school "home" on weekdays; and2.(marry) couples work together to build new homes.

So how about people who have to travel for extended periods of time? Don't they have the right3.(own)a home? Of course they do.

Some regular 4.(travel) take their own belongings: like bed sheets, pillowcases and family photos to make them feel5.at home no matter where they are.  Some stay for long periods in the same hotel and as 6. result become very familiar with service and attend- ants.  Others may simply put some flowers by the hotel window to make things more homely.

Furthermore, driving a camping car during one's travels and7.(sleep) in the vehicle at night are just like home.

Nowadays, fewer people 8.(work) in their local towns, so9.do they develop a sense of belonging? Whenever we step out of our local boundaries, there is always another “home" waiting to 10. (find).  Wherever we are, with just a little bit of effort and imagination, we can make the place where we stay "home".



Unexpected Help

Last October my mother became sick. l was______that we would lose her so my husband and I made a very______decision to leave our business and home to move 280 miles  where my mother was.

We left everyone without saying goodbye, fearing no one would have______our reason. We were______embarrassed too: our electricity had been shut off and rent was______. We have two boys. We got scared and just left…left our home, 85% of our belongings, and our______that we loved.

Two of them were very worried about us. calling, leaving _____and emailing. We felt so ____for what we had done. I finally. _____what we had done and were doing was very unacceptable-our friends______an explanation

So I called, and when asked______things were I just cried. We had made the biggest______ in migrating! My mother is fine now... but we are______.Our children do not like the schools, saying it is like living in a different world.______we could turn back time. We live every day not knowing where we will______.

Luckily, our friends sent a______to us for $5, 000 to help us out! _____in my life could I have ever thought anyone would do something like that for us.  It was_______ and we had very little money. We can't imagine what would have happened had they not sent us that gift

They were our 66Father Christmas". _______we may never see them again, they will forever be remembered every day for what they did Never will they______my memory.

1.A. scared    B. shocked    C. puzzled    D. determined

2.A. slow    B. long    C. quick    D. correct

3.A. heard    B. understood    C. mistaken    D. forgiven

4.A. mentally    B. politically    C. physically    D. financially

5.A. up    B. down    C. ahead    D. behind

6.A. pets    B. friends    C. relatives    D. colleagues

7.A. cards    B. messages    C. reasons    D. gifts

8.A. bad    B. proud    C. worthy    D. emotional

9.A. doubted    B. checked    C. realized    D. interpreted

10.A. lacked    B. sensed    C. deserved    D. demanded

11.A. how    B. why    C. what    D. where

12.A. progress    B. contribution    C. mistake    D. breakthrough

13.A. curious    B. doubtful    C. painful    D. ambitious

14.A. As if    B. If only    C. Even if    D. What if

15.A. make up    B. open up    C. show up    D. wind up

16.A. letter    B. bag    C. box    D. check

17.A. Often    B. Still    C. Never    D. Later

18.A. Easter    B. Christmas    C. Halloween    D. Thanksgiving

19.A. If    B. Since    C. While    D. When

20.A. steal    B. hurt    C. lose    D. slip



Meaningful relationships make life more enjoyable. In order to attract an ideal mate, you'll need to spend some time preparing yourself to make sure you're ready to be in a relationship with a new person.

Define what an ideal relationship means to you. As you set out to create your ideal relationship, make sure you consider what you want from it. 1.If you want attention and

affection, look for someone who gives you that.

2. 0ften, one of the biggest things that can get in the way of your future happiness is your past.  In order to move forward in your life, you need to say goodbye to anything you may be struggling with from your past.  Creating an ideal relationship requires commitment to the possibilities of the future, not bitterness about the past.

Be positive. No one wants to be around someone who is bad-tempered or pessimistic all the time. 3.If you want to find an ideal relationship, try to picture the future as full of opportunities. Nobody is perfect, but being positive about yourself and your life will be attractive to potential partners.

Work towards positive changes in your life. 4.0ften, these character quirks(怪癖) are what make people lovable and memorable.  Your family and friends should love you in spite of your flaws.5.Of course you shouldn't change yourself for someone else, unless it is a positive change that you want to make for yourself.

A.Let go of the past.

B.Everyone has faults.

C. Welcome your future challenges.

D. Optimism attracts more optimism.

E. Work on talking things out, even when you're upset at one another.

F. However, there are things you need to work on to attract your ideal partner.

G. If you are looking for stability and security,  search for a partner with those qualities.



Staring lovingly at your reflection in the mirror gets old, especially if it's not a magical one that tells you you're the fairest of them all.  But what if all that time you already spend in front of a mirror could actually make you the most beautiful person in the land? Many smart mirrors already make this promise, but HiMirror is the first one you can actually buy, and it costs $ 189.  The secret comes in the form of a camera that takes pictures of your natural appearance to analyze your complexion (面色), before offering you tips on how to get better skin. I tried it out recently and was impressed by how many things it could do.

The 5. 5-pound mirror houses a 14-inch LCD screen and has a camera sitting in the middle of a ring flash, which helps light your face for better images. HiMirror takes a picture of your face every day to analyze your wrinkles, dark spots, dark circles and red spots. The idea is to track how your skin changes over time, and flag your so-called problems so you can take early measures to improve upon your skin and achieve your beauty goals. HiMirror pairs with an IOS or Android app so you can track your complexion on the go.

In addition, HiMirror will play tutorial videos on proper skin-care techniques, stream music from Spotify and show you the weather forecast and UV index for the day.  You can also tell it the types of beauty products you use, so it can determine whether they've been effective in treating your target areas. Adding a product to what the company calls your "Beauty Box" simply requires holding up its bar code to the camera and scanning it.  It's not clear yet how many brands and products this feature supports, but most big brands are recognized.

1.How does HiMirror work?

A. By making you the most beautiful person in the world.

B. By introducing some specialists to give you some help.

C. By recommending the types of beauty products to you.

D. By taking photos of your face to analyze your complexion

2.HiMirror tracks complexion with the help of____   .

A. a "Beauty Box"    B. music from Spotify

C. the weather forecast    D. an IOS Or Android app

3.The last paragraph is mainly to tell us

A. how to use HiMirror properly    B. other functions HiMirror has

C. when HiMirror goes on the market    D. the inspiration of designing HiMirror

4.What can be the best title for the text7

A. A magic mirror to make you beautiful

B. Some tips about using a smart mirror

C. A magic mirror to go on the market

D. Some reactions of using a smart mirror



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