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I can’t tell you how excited I was when I joined my first book club, but I can tell you how much I immediately regretted it. Don’t get me wrong. I love book clubs of course.1.To avoid this continuous and unpleasant matter, and to look smart in the club as well, I have a few tricks to share with you.

1. Make a good excuse for not reading the book.

Some of your club friends might try to shame you for not reading the book.2.. And it is absolutely weong. The best way to defend yourself is to come up with a strong, thoughtful excuse for not reading it.


The Kindle app for your Android or iPhone actually records the most quoted passages by all readers. Simply do a quick Google search for “most quoted passages”+ “the name of the book” and see what comes up. Make sure you’re the first to speak up. When you read the quote, read it forcefully, taking long, thoughtful pauses.

3. Pick an opinion

4.There, you’ll find lots of opinions on the book, which range from glowing to inspiring; simply pick one and use it as your own during the book discussion. This way you don’t have to read the book or think for yourself.

4. Always vote for books that are also movies

Fight hard for books with a movie version. And make sure it’s a short movie you can easily watch while sleeping on the couch. When someone complains that the book you want to read is also a movie –act surprised.

5.You are sure to make yourself look smart. Anyway book clubs are great social platforms, which provide an enjoyable and meaningful addition to your social calendar(日历).

A. Read a quote aloud and slowly.

B. Make your book look worn.

C. I just hate reading and talking to people.

D. Find a suitable website and look up the very book.

E. This is called “didn’t read the book shaming.”

F. You’re deeply considering everything being said.

G. In short, you’ll never feel embarrassed with the tricks.


1.C 2.E 3.A 4.D 5.G 【解析】本文主要介绍了在读书俱乐部里,为了避免连续而令人不愉快的事情发生,也使自己在俱乐部看起来很聪明的几个小技巧。 1.C考查上下文和句意理解。根据上文:我当然喜欢读书俱乐部,再根据下文:为了避免这种连续而令人不愉快的事情,在俱乐部里看起来也很聪明,我有一些诀窍可以和你分享。故C项“我只是讨厌阅读和与人交谈。”承接上下文。故选C。 2.E考查上下文和句意理解。根据上文:你的一些俱乐部朋友可能会因为你没有读这本书而羞辱你。故E项“这就是所谓的‘没读过这本书的羞辱。’承接上文内容,故选E。 3.A考查上下文和句意理解。因为本段主要讲的是引言的问题,所以作为本段的主题句应该是:慢慢地大声地读一段引言。故选A。 4.D考查上下文和句意理解。根据下文:在这本书上你将发现很多的观点。故D项“找一个合适的网站,查一下这本书。”符合本段内容,故选D。 5.G考查上下文和句意理解。根据下文:你一定会让自己看起来很聪明。故G项“总之,有了这些技巧,你将永远不会感到尴尬。”在结尾处对全篇做出总结。故选G。

When you’re working your way through one of life’s storms, it is human nature to focus on getting back to normal, to “bounce back” as quickly as possible to a place where things are calm, familiar and comfortable.

However, actually it is unrealistic to think we can ever truly return emotionally and intelligently to where we were before the storm because every experience changes us in some way. For example, when we experience a major health scare, possibly involving some hospital time, we can never go back to being the person we were before the event even if we fully recover because we have experienced firsthand the fragility(脆弱) of life, not to mention coming face to face with death.

So, now that we can never return, what should we do?

Consider this …how is it that two people can be faced with the same hardship and while one becomes hopeless and feels anger and upset, the other is able to overcome their circumstances and grow stronger than ever as a result of the experience?

At one extreme, we may choose to accept the role of unlucky victim, or become trapped in the “Why is it always me!” negative and frustrating(令人沮丧的) situations. Either way is the result of a fixed mindset(思维模式) that is resistant to growth and change. If this is your approach to life, you will be far less likely to be active in effectively managing change and recovering from bad situations.

But there is another choice. If you are honest enough, you may consider what was once “normal” for you was just the main cause of your storm. You can choose to hug change and uncertainty and learn to grow forward through all of your experiences. Of course, this means doing the work to develop the skills and habits that will enable you to handle life’s occasional storms.

In conclusion, it is up to each of us to choose the meaning we apply to our situations at all times. Different choices will lead to different lives. Of course you can grow forward if you are determined to choose live a positive life regardless of whatever hardships you are facing.

1.What does the author try to convey with the example in the second paragraph?

A. We will understand life much better after an escape from death.

B. It usually takes a long time to recover from a health problem.

C. It’s unlikely to return to where we were after certain events.

D. We can recover from an emotional problem much more easily.

2.When faced with hardships, some people choose to be a victim because of ________.

A. their terrible experiences    B. their negative thoughts

C. their poor health    D. their bad luck

3.What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A. To advise us to manage bad emotions.

B. To persuade us to get back to normal.

C. To offer us useful skills to work with.

D. To encourage us to overcome hardships.

4.If you’re determined to grow forward you have to ________.

A. experience life’s fragility    B. welcome uncertainty and change

C. develop new skills and habits    D. overcome the fear of death



New research brings some good news for lovers of spicy(辛辣的) foods, after finding that eating hot red chili peppers might help to extend lifespan(寿命).

Consuming hot red chili peppers might reduce death risk, say Chopan and Littenberg from the research team. In hot peppers, such as Mexico peppers, the strong flavor comes from a compound(复合物), which does not exist in sweet peppers or onions. Studies have suggested that this compound can offer a welth of health benefits.

A study of more than 16,000 people in the United States revealed that individuals who consumed red chili peppers had a lower risk of death from all causes over an average of 18 years than those who did not eat the spicy food. Compared with participants who did not consume hot red chili peppers, those who did were found to be at 13 percent reduced risk of all-cause death.

For example, a recent study reported by Medical News Today, found that the compound might have the potential to stop breast cancer, while an earlier study linked the compound to a reduced risk of digest system cancers. Still, the available data suggested that hot red chili pepper consumption was most strongly associated with a reduced risk of death from heart disease.

While the researchers are unable to identify the concrete compound by which red chili peppers might extend lifepan, the team says that it is likely due to the compound that is effectively against obesity(肥胖症).

Overall, the team says that these latest findings support those of the 2015 study, linking spicy food intake to reduced risk of death by showing “a significant decrease in death associated with hot red chili pepper consumption.” However, Chopan and Littenberg note that the earlier study was only conducted in Chinese adults, so the now research makes these findings more credible.

1.What can be inferred from the passage?

A. The study only goes for American people.

B. Red chili pepper can all-cause disease.

C. The compound protects people against obesity.

D. Onion consuming can reduce death risk.

2.What is the finding of the new research mainly about?

A. Hot red chili pepper lovers develop no cancers.

B. Hot red chili peppers help control breast illness.

C. Hot red chili peppers decrease heart disease.

D. Hot red chili pepper intake may increase lifespan.

3.Which of the following has the closest meaning to the underlined word “credible”?

A. Convincing.    B. Practical.    C. Encouraging.    D. Attractive.



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If you are drowning in paperwork, perhaps it is time to use Canvas and transfer all your paperwork online. Digitalize your work orders, forms etc so that they can be filled up and completed right on any mobile device. This makes it easy to create, edit, gain valuable data and send it to the people who need it in seconds.

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1.Who is more likely to use the app Canvas?

A. A secretary.    B. A photographer.    C. An artist.    D. A musician.

2.To save photos, ________ can be of some help.

A. Bigstock and Canvas.    B. Backupify and Bigstock.

C. Rhapsody and Backupify.    D. Rhapsody and Canvas.

3.What do the four apps have in common?

A. Users will access them via email accounts.    B. They offer free entertainment services.

C. They can help brush up users’ work skills.    D. Users can try them without paying money.

4.Where can you find more information about such apps?

A. A magazine.    B. A TV show.    C. A website.    D. A newspaper.



"Joe? Is that you?" The woman speaking to me at the baseball game looked a little familiar. "Marci?" I asked.

"It IS you!" she cried out, smiling broadly. "Gosh, it's good to see you again!"

It was good to see Marci, too. Off and on during the past few decades, I've wondered about her. I almost tried to search for her a few years ago after talking to a friend who had indicated that the 1990s had been pretty rough for Marci. So meeting her at the baseball game was really out of expectation.

We spent a few minutes talking about our lives—the good old, bad old days. Then Marci grew quiet for a moment. “You know, Joe,” she said, “ I’ve always wanted to tell you…how…how sorry I am for the way I treated you. You must have been hurt both physically and mentally.” I was a little embarrassed. I turned and looked at her. “It’s OK,” I said, “No big deal!” “But I was such a jerk.” she continued. Yes you were, I thought. “We were both pretty young,” I smiled. “I know.” she said, “It’s just always bothered me, remembering how mean I was to you. And I’ve wanted to tell you that I’m sorry.”

The expression on her face was warm and sincere. And there was something in her eyes—it looked a lot like relief. “OK,” I said. "Apology accepted!” Overcome by the sweetness of the moment, I reached an arm around her and gave her a quick hug. Just then, the crowd erupted with a huge cheer, and Marci and I both returned our attention to the game. By the time I looked over to where she had been, she was gone. But the warm, wonderful feeling of our brief exchange was still there, and continues to this day whenever I think about it .

It isn't enough to just say “I’m sorry” and "You're forgiven." But when those words are truly felt and sincerely expressed, they can open the door to miracles of the heart. Forgiveness can bring peace to an injured soul—even years after the fact. Even at a baseball game.

1.What kind of life did Marci live during the late 20th century according to the passage?

A. Happy.    B. Busy.    C. Hard.    D. Simple.

2.What does the underlined word “jerk” in the third paragraph mean?

A. A humorous person.

B. A cruel person.

C. A careless person.

D. An honest person.

3.Why did Marci look in relief after talking with the author?

A. Because her favorite team won the game.

B. Because she learned Joe was living a good life.

C. Because she made an apology to the author.

D. Because she found she was not mean any longer.

4.What might be the best title for the passage?

A. Excitement of A Baseball Game

B. Mental Burden of A Woman

C. Miracles of Forgiveness

D. Relief of Finding A friend



假定你是李华,你的外教Jill Robbins女士对中文很感兴趣,让你方便时带去书店买几本文学名著。请你给他写一封电子邮件,约她周末去书店。信的内容包括:







参考词汇:四大名著four ancient classics

Dear Miss Jill Robbins,



Li Hua



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