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What is the easiest way to stay warm in ...

What is the easiest way to stay warm in the super cold?1.. At least that is what Santa Claus told me.

During Christmas, Dennis and I went to Finland. We brought back some tips for keeping warm in a cold temperature.

1. There layers()work wonders.

Start with the base layer, which sits right on your skin: choose something that can absorb sweat. 2.. A sweater is a good choice. The most important layer is the outer clothes, which should be waterproof(防水的)and windproof.


You lose heat from every millimeter of uncovered skin, which was the biggest lesson I learned on this trip. My whole body was well covered. But I missed one sport: my face. So it often felt like the wind was going to blow my nose off.

3. Exercise, don’t just stand still.

When it’s cold, exercising may be the last thing you feel like doing, but be smart.4., and you will feel the difference. When we first got to Finland, we were freezing. But after a couple of minutes jumping around, we felt less cold.

4. If you have a heater

You may want to turn it all the way up, but it’s best to keep it at between 18 and 20 degrees.5., but not create a huge difference between inside and outside.

A. Grow a crazy beard.

B. The key is what your layer is

C. Cover every bit of your skin

D. That will keep you comfortable

E. Take a walk, faster than your normal speed

F. Don’t forget to keep your hands and feet warm, too

G. The middle layer keeps your body heat from getting away


1.A 2.G 3.C 4.E 5.D 【解析】在一个冷的天气如何保持温度,本文提出了一些建议。 1.A 根据上句:在超冷取暖的最简单的方法是什么?再根据下句:至少这是圣诞老人告诉我的。可知A. Grow a crazy beard.(留一个疯狂的胡须。)符合题意。 2.G 根据上文:从基本层开始,它正好位于你的皮肤上:选择一些可以吸汗的衣服。再根据下文:一件毛衣是好的选择。最重要的一层是外层的衣服,它应该是防水防风的。可知此空的意思是:中间层保持身体的热量。故选G。 3.C 此空是小标题。根据下文:你从裸露的每毫米皮肤失去热量,这是在这次旅行中我学到的最大的教训。可知此处的意思是:覆盖好你的每一寸皮肤。根据句意可知选C。 4.E 根据上句:锻炼可能是你最不想做的事,但这是明智的。再根据空格下句:并且你将感到不同。可知此处要表达的意思是:散步,比正常速度快。故选E。 5.D 根据上文:你可能想把它一直朝上,但是最好是保持在18摄氏度到20摄氏度之间。再根据空格下句:但不要创造巨大的内部和外部差异。可知此处要表达的意思是:那将让你舒适。故选D。

One October morning, I got off the all-night train in Mandalay, a city in Myanmar. A rough man came up and offered to show me around. The price he asked was less than I would pay for a bar of chocolate at home. So I climbed into his trishaw(三轮车).

As he was showing me around, he told me how he had come to the city from his village. He’d earned a degree in mathematics. His dream was to be a teacher. But of course, life is hard here, and so for now, this was the only way he could make a living. Many nights, he told me, he actually slept in his trishaw so he could catch the first visitors off the all-night train.

And very soon, we found that in certain ways, we had so much in common---we were both in our 20s, we were both fascinated by foreign cultures----that he invited me home.

So we turned off the wide, crowded streets, and came to rough, wild alleyways(小巷). I really lost my sense of where I was, and realized that I could easily get cheated or something even worse.

Finally, he stopped and led me into a hut. And then he reached under his bed. Something in me froze. I waited to see what he would pull out. And finally he took out a box. Inside it was every single letter he had ever received from visitors from abroad.

So when we said goodbye that night, I realized he had also shown me the secret point of travel, which is to go inwardly(向内心)as well as outwardly to places you would never go otherwise, to go into uncertainty, even fear.

At home, its dangerously easy to think we’re on top of things. Out in the world, you are reminded every moment that you’re not, and you can’t get to the bottom of things, either.

1.What do we know about the trishaw puller?

A. He used to be a teacher    B. He works very hard

C. He is a foreigner in Myanmar    D. He received little education

2.Why did the author freeze in front of the bed?

A. He was feeling very cold

B. He didn’t expect to see the letters

C. He was shocked by the room’s bad condition

D. He thought the young man was going to hurt him

3.What is the author’s opinion on travel?

A. Fear nothing

B. Follow your heart

C. Enjoy the beauty of life

D. Be prepared for the unexpected

4.What does the phrase “get to the bottom of things” mean in the last paragraph?

A. Solve the problems

B. Find out the truth

C. Get to know the place really

D. Learn about the bottom of society



On Tuesday, scientists announced that they have discovered the bones of four settlers in Jamestown, Virginia. Jamestown was the first permanent English settlement in what become the United States. The bones were unearthed under the floor of a Jamestown church which was discovered in 2010 and is considered as America,s first Protestant church.

The Jamestown Rediscovery Foundation at Historic Jamestowne and the Smithsonian's Museum of Natural History announced that the settlers held high leadership positions. The men, Rev.Robert Hunt,Capt. Gabriel Archer,Sir Ferdinando Wainman,and Capt. William West, all played a role in the Jamestown settlement. After being lost to history for more than 400 years, the discovery of their remains provides new clues about their life and the importance of religion in the 1600s.

“This is a very important discovery,” Jamestown Rediscovery Foundation President James Horn said in a statement. “These men were among the first founders of English America."

About 100 people settled along the James River in what would become the first English settlement m 1607. During that time, settlers in Jamestown were faced with famine and disease The colony was nearly wiped out due to conflict with Native Americans in the area and with other English settlers.

"They lived and died at a hard time in the history of the settlement , when Jamestown almost ended in  failure," Horn said. “The bones of these men help fill in the stories of their lives ”

The Smithsonian and the Rediscovery Foundation found the remains in November of 2013. Scientists used 3-D technology to locate the exact gravesites of the men. The team wanted to identify its findings before announcing the discovery. They identified the men using historical records and studied the chemicals of the bones to learn what the men ate and where they came from.

Findings from the burials will go on display within weeks at Historic Jamestowne. The site also plans to honor the men and will keep their bones in a safe place for future study.

1.The bones found in a Jamestown church_____________.

A. were first discovered in 2010

B. have been buried for over four centuries

C. have proved to be a family of four

D. are complete and easy to recognize

2.The underlined phrase ‘wiped out” in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ______________.

A. supported fully    B. developed rapidly

C. destroyed completely    D. protected successfully

3.What can we learn from Paragraph 6 ?

A. How scientists keep the bones in good shape.

B. Why the four leaders were buried in Jamestown.

C. Why the four leaders chose to settle in Jamestown.

D. How scientists identified the four leaders.

4.This text is most probably__________________.

A. a history paper    B. a research paper

C. a newspaper report    D. a warning message



When Nancy Flexer opened the door to her classroom near the end of her final school year, all 41 years of her career as a beloved first-grade teacher came to life right in front of her.

Cole Elementary School in Tennessee surprised Flexer with a memorable and emotional retirement party featuring former students of all ages, dating back to the first class she taught in the 1973-74 school year. A video of the event shows an overwhelmed Flexer being moved to tears as she hears former students who are now adults tell her how much she affected their lives.

"I'm one of the luckiest people in this world," Flexer said. "I remember I opened the door to the classroom thinking no one was in there, and it was wall-to-wall people and banners and everything. It was the coolest thing that could've ever happened in my life. How many times do we really realize the lives we've touched, the manner in which we've touched them, and that these are memories that stay with them for life?"

Despite being young when they were taught by Flexer, students easily recalled the heartwarming notes she wrote them on report cards, the ways she helped them overcome shyness and awkwardness, and how she inspired them to future academic success to earn scholarships and advanced degrees.

Even though Flexer hadn't seen some of the former students for decades, she instantly remembered the names of every single one there.

A scrapbook(剪贴簿) of her career was presented to her as one student after another recalled the effect Flexer had on his or her life.

“I’ve had many opportunities to move to a school closer to my home, but I said ‘Cole gave me so much in my life that when I retire, I will retire from Cole school and give back what’s been given to me.” Flexer said. “My career could’ve taken me nowhere that would have made me happier. I think of it as a blessing.”

1.We learn from the text that the retirement party__________.

A. was beyond Flexer’s expectations

B. attracted many of Flexer’s friends

C. was full of appreciative parents

D. was organized by Flexer’s students

2.Flexer’s former students ___________.

A. helped her overcome her shyness

B. presented her with cards

C. held a party to express their happiness

D. bore her help and inspiration in mind

3.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. Flexer missed many chances of further studies

B. Flexer once studied in Cole Elementary School

C. Flexer loved her teaching career in Cole

D. Flexer refused many other school’s invitations

4.What would be the best title for the text?

A. An interesting party

B. A teacher’s 41-year teaching career

C. Students’ memories of their beloved teacher

D. Students fro 41 years surprise their beloved teacher




Pick Your Own

Fancy some fresh fruit and vegetables? At Parkside Farm we grow a wide variety of delicious summer fruits and high-quality vegetables for you to come and pick your own. Why not pay us a visit?

About us

Our family has been farming at Parkside Farm since 1938. Although we no longer keep fields of wheat and other crops. We started growing strawberries for Pick Your Own back in 1979. Since then, we have made the Pick Your Own area larger and we now grow about 20 different crops.

Opening times

The season starts in late June, but opening hours are variable the first week. Please ring our message line to check. From July onwards, we are open Tuesdays to Saturdays from 9 am to 5:30 pm (last entry 5 pm). Opening hours are variable on Sundays. Mondays CLOSED.

Crop calendar

Some crops may be in limited supply at certain times, so always ring the message line for daily updates before setting out.

Strawberries: early June to mid-October                Blackcurrants: early July to mid-August

Raspberries: mid-June to mid-August                   Redcurrants: mid-July to mid-August

Blackberries: mid-July to mid-October                  Plums: mid-July to early September


There is a minimum charge of £3 for each adult or child who enters the Pick Your Own area. This means that every person has to spend at least £3 on Pick-Your-Own fruits or they will charged this amount when they leave.

Strawberries: £4.49/kg         Blackcurrants: £4.79/kg     Raspberries: £6.39/kg

Redcurrants: £4.79/kg          Blackberries: £5.39/kg     Plums: £ 2.99/kg

Find us

Parkside Farm is in the Enfield of London, north of the city centre.

For more information , please call our message line on 020 8367 2035 or check our website: www.parksidefarmpyo.co.uk.

1.What do we learn about Parkside Farm from the text?

A. It sells fruit and vegetables online.

B. It doesn’t open on Mondays.

C. It’s situated in the south of London.

D. It has a small Pick Your Own area.

2.If a family of three buy 1 kg of strawberries and 1 kg of plums on the farm, they should pay_______.

A. £6    B. £7.48

C. £9    D. £16.48

3.What is the main purpose of the text?

A. To instruct people how to grow crops.

B. To tell readers how to pick fruits.

C. To advise people to grow crops

D. To attract visitors to pick fruits



假定你是李华,你的好朋友Dickon 就如何提高写作水平征求你的意见。你给他写了一封信,给出了两个建议:一个是建议他学好习惯用语和句子结构并用他们造句;另一个是建议他多阅读和背诵一些好文章。


1. 词数100左右,

2. 为使行文连贯,可以适当增加内容;

3. 信的开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。

Dear Dickon,



Li Hua



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