满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Spring had come to the mountains of my h...

Spring had come to the mountains of my hometown. Fresh green grass and sweet-smelling ______ were coming up in my yard. Bees and butterflies were ______ among them. It was the liveliest day I had ever seen.

______,today dark storm clouds and heavy April rain took the sunshine out of the spring. Rain drops hit my front window as I ______ to the local store for another week’s worth of food. I walked in and wiped the water out of my hair and off my glasses. After filling my cart (购物车), I paid for my food, and headed towards the door. Nature ______ called, so I found myself leaving my cart and rushing to the ______. After answering the call, I was cleaning up ______ I heard a sudden noise behind me. I ______ and saw that an elderly gentleman had fallen to the floor. I rushed over to see ______ he was all right. With the aid of another customer, I helped him to his feet. He was unhurt and ______ us both several times. I headed back to my ______ and pushed it to my car. The rain didn’t stop ______ I was shining on the inside.

In this life I have found time and time ______ that we are most alive when we stop to help ______. I have found that we are most ourselves when we share kindness, ______ joy, and do all we can to make this world a better place.

1.A. trees    B. fruits    C. flowers    D. seeds

2.A. running    B. dancing    C. planting    D. growing

3.A. However    B. Therefore    C. Besides    D. Otherwise

4.A. rode    B. walked    C. left    D. drove

5.A. slowly    B. loudly    C. suddenly    D. luckily

6.A. store    B. restroom    C. car    D. rain

7.A. when    B. while    C. since    D. after

8.A. asked    B. entered    C. lived    D. turned

9.A. that    B. before    C. if    D. because

10.A. helped    B. thanked    C. blamed    D. questioned

11.A. cart    B. yard    C. customer    D. phone

12.A. and    B. but    C. for    D. so

13.A. away    B. alike    C. around    D. again

14.A. others    B. them    C. other    D. himself

15.A. hide    B. return    C. replace    D. spread


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.B 11.A 12.B 13.D 14.A 15.D 【解析】本文讲述了作者在下雨天去商店购物,在商店的卫生间帮助了一位老人,心情也因此明朗了起来,告诉我们在生活中,当要经常帮助有困难的人,分享善意,传播喜悦,并尽我们所能使这个世界变得更美好. 1.C.考查名词辨析.A.trees 树;B.fruits 水果;C.flowers 花;D.seeds种子.句意:新鲜的青草和芳香的花朵出现在我的院子里.空格前 sweet﹣smelling 意思是闻起来很香,而且对应的季节是 spring 春天.故选C. 2.B.考查动词辨析.A.running 跑;B.dancing 跳舞;C.planting 种植;D.growing 生长.句意:蜜蜂和蝴蝶在花丛中跳舞.根据语境及句意,故选B. 3.A.考查连词辨析.A.However 然而; B.Therefore 因此;C.Besides 另外;D.Otherwise 否则.句意:但是,今天乌云密布,四月的大雨带走了春天的阳光.上文讲到春天到来时怡人的风景,而第二段则讲到暴风雨来临,则两句中间需转折,故选A. 4.D.考查动词辨析.A.rode 骑;B.walked 走;C.left 离开; D.drove 开.句意:当我开车去当地的商店买另一个星期的食物时,雨点落在了我的窗前."front window"指的是汽车前面的窗户,可知作者正开着车,故选D. 5.C.考查形容词辨析.A.slowly 慢慢的;B.loudly 大声的;C.suddenly 突然;D.luckily 幸运的.句意:我突然想去卫生间.这里讲到作者购物结账之后准备出门,此时出现另外一个情景"Nature called",意思是"人有三急",故此处应表示当时的情况突然发生,故选C. 6.B.考查名词辨析.A.store 商店;B.restroom 卫生间;C.car 车;D.rain 下雨;句意:所以我离开了我推车,跑向卫生间.前文提到"Nature called",故作者就要去卫生间,故选B. 7.A.考查连词辨析.A.when 这时;B.while …的时候;C.since 自从…;D.after…之后.句意:我正在清理的时候,突然听到后面嘈杂的声音."be doing sth…when…"表示"正在做某事…突然…",故选A. 8.D.考查动词辨析.A.asked 询问.B.entered 进入.C.lived 住在;D.turned 转向.句意:我转过身去,看见一位上了年纪的先生倒在地板上.前文提到我听到后面候嘈杂的声音,所以应该是转身,故选D. 9.C.考查连词辨析.A.that 连词,无意义;B.before 在…之前;C.if 是否,如果;D.because因为. 句意:我冲过去看老人是否还好.根据语境及句意,故选C. 10.B.考查动词辨析.A.helped 帮助.B.thanked 感谢.C.blamed 责备;D.questioned 询问.句意:他没有受伤,十分感谢了我们.前面提到:With the aid of another customer,I helped him to his feet.我们帮助了老人,所以老人谢谢我们.故选B. 11.A.考查名词辨析.A.cart 购物车; B.yard 院子;C.customer 顾客;D.phone 手机.句意:我回头走到我购物车的位置.前文提到我离开购物车去厕所,此处前后照应,故选A. 12.B.考查连词辨析.A.and并列连词; B.but 转折连词;C.for 因果连词,因为;D.so 因果连词,所以.句意:外面的雨没有停,但是我内心却非常阳光.对比雨天和助人为乐之后我的内心.故呈转折关系.故选B. 13.D.考查固定短语辨析.A.away远离; B.alike 同样的;C.around 周围;D.again 再次.句意:在生活中我一次又一次的发现…固定搭配"time and time again"表示"一次又一次"故选D. 14.A.考查代词辨析.A.others 其他人; B.them 他们;C.other 其他的;D.himself 他们自己.句意:当我们停下来去帮助其他人的时候,我们是活着的.根据语境及句意,故选A. 15.D.考查动词辨析.A.hide 躲藏;B.return 回报;C.replace 代替;D.spread 传播.句意:我发现,当我们分享善意,传播喜悦,并尽我们所能使这个世界变得更美好时,我们是最为自己的.根据常识,快乐是需要传播,扩散的.故选D


-Sure, How can I help you?

A. How are you doing?    B. What do you think of it?

C. Can I ask you a favor?    D. Have you been busy?



Time is       , but we are not making any progress.

A, getting around            B. dying away                C. ripping off                D. running out



Team sport can help to develop a child’s       skills.

A. social    B. original    C. formal    D. classical



He       have watched TV at home for 1 saw hint in the classroom.

A. shouldn’t    B. couldn’t    C. mustn’t    D. may not



The bus       the heavy snow and we had to walk the rest of the way.

A. stuck in    B. stuck to    C. was stuck to    D. was stuck in



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