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The following are about modern wonders o...

The following are about modern wonders of the world.

The Suez Canal

More than 3, 000 years ago, a king of Egypt ordered that a river be built to connect the Mediterranean. Sea (地中海) and the Red Sea. This kind of man-made river is called a canal. However, ancient Egyptians did not keep this canal in use. As years passed, the sands of the great deserts of Egypt closed the small canal.

In 1859, Egyptian workers began rebuilding the canal. It was opened and named the Suez Canal on November I7th, 1869. Though closed several times because of war or political problems, the Suez Canal is still the fastest crossing from the Atlantic Ocean to the Indian Ocean today, saving shipping companies a great deal of time and money.

The Channel Tunnel

The great canal connects oceans. The next great wonder connects land. It is called the Channel Tunnel, or “Chunnel”, connecting Britain with France. The tunnel is 50 kilometers long, built about 45 meters below the earth under the English. Channel (海峡).

The work began in 1987 and it took seven years to finish. The cost was more than 13, 000 million dollars. The Chunnel opened In 1994.

Today, the Chunnel is very busy. High-speed trains carry cars, trucks and passengers from Britain to France and back again. The trains are famous for their smooth, quiet ride. The money paid for the trip is slowly paying for the huge cost.

The Three Gorges Darn

The Three Gorges Dam is perhaps the largest construction project on earth. The work began, in 1993.The Three Gorges Dam is built to produce power and control China’s Yangtze River. The completed dam produces large amounts of electric power.

Completed in 2009, the dam creates a huge lake about 632 square kilometers. Some critics say the dam harms the environment and damages historical areas. More than one million people had been resettled before the dam was finished. Chinese government officials say it will lead to increased economic development in cities near the dam, and the terrible floods caused by the Yangtze have become memories of the past.

1.Which of the following took the longest time to build?

A. The Red sea.    B. The English Channel.

C. The Chunnel.    D. The Three Gorges Dam

2.What do we know about the effects the Three Gorges Dam has on China?

A. It helps to protect the historical sites.

B. It saves time for ships to travel upstream.

C. It reduces the number of flood victims.

D. It powers an area of 632 square kilometers.


1.D 2.C 【解析】本文介绍了关于现代世界的几个奇迹工程,介绍了这几个工程的基本情况和现在工程给人们生活带来的好处. 1.D 细节理解题.A 项 The Red sea 没有提到建造时间,排除.B 项 The English Channel 没有提到建造时间,排除. C 项 The Chunnel 文章中没出现,排除.D 项 The Three Gorges Dam 有建造时间,正确.故选D. 2.C 细节题理解题.由原文"and the terrible floods caused by the Yangtze have become memories of the past."(长江所造成的可怕洪水已成为过去的记忆),可知它减少了水灾受害者的数量.故选C.

Spring had come to the mountains of my hometown. Fresh green grass and sweet-smelling ______ were coming up in my yard. Bees and butterflies were ______ among them. It was the liveliest day I had ever seen.

______,today dark storm clouds and heavy April rain took the sunshine out of the spring. Rain drops hit my front window as I ______ to the local store for another week’s worth of food. I walked in and wiped the water out of my hair and off my glasses. After filling my cart (购物车), I paid for my food, and headed towards the door. Nature ______ called, so I found myself leaving my cart and rushing to the ______. After answering the call, I was cleaning up ______ I heard a sudden noise behind me. I ______ and saw that an elderly gentleman had fallen to the floor. I rushed over to see ______ he was all right. With the aid of another customer, I helped him to his feet. He was unhurt and ______ us both several times. I headed back to my ______ and pushed it to my car. The rain didn’t stop ______ I was shining on the inside.

In this life I have found time and time ______ that we are most alive when we stop to help ______. I have found that we are most ourselves when we share kindness, ______ joy, and do all we can to make this world a better place.

1.A. trees    B. fruits    C. flowers    D. seeds

2.A. running    B. dancing    C. planting    D. growing

3.A. However    B. Therefore    C. Besides    D. Otherwise

4.A. rode    B. walked    C. left    D. drove

5.A. slowly    B. loudly    C. suddenly    D. luckily

6.A. store    B. restroom    C. car    D. rain

7.A. when    B. while    C. since    D. after

8.A. asked    B. entered    C. lived    D. turned

9.A. that    B. before    C. if    D. because

10.A. helped    B. thanked    C. blamed    D. questioned

11.A. cart    B. yard    C. customer    D. phone

12.A. and    B. but    C. for    D. so

13.A. away    B. alike    C. around    D. again

14.A. others    B. them    C. other    D. himself

15.A. hide    B. return    C. replace    D. spread




-Sure, How can I help you?

A. How are you doing?    B. What do you think of it?

C. Can I ask you a favor?    D. Have you been busy?



Time is       , but we are not making any progress.

A, getting around            B. dying away                C. ripping off                D. running out



Team sport can help to develop a child’s       skills.

A. social    B. original    C. formal    D. classical



He       have watched TV at home for 1 saw hint in the classroom.

A. shouldn’t    B. couldn’t    C. mustn’t    D. may not



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