满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

A mouse looked through the hole in the w...

A mouse looked through the hole in the wall to see the farmer and his wife open a pckage, and he was devastated to discover it was a mousetrap. Returning to the farmyard,he warned everyday. “There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap inthe house! There is a mousetrap inthe house! ”

The chicken raised her head and said, “Thanks for your warning. Mr. Mouse, but why should I be bothered by a mousetrap?” the pig sympathized, but said, “Wow, Mr. Mouse, I’m sorry for you I can tell this is a great concern to you, but it is none of my business.” The mouse returned to the house, head down and depressed, to face the farmer’s mousetrap alone.

The very night a sound was heard throughthe house----like that of a mouse trap catching its prey. The farmer’s wife rushed to see what was caught. In the darkness, she did not see it was a snake whose tailwas caught by the trap, and it bit her. The farmer rushed her to the hospital and she returned home with a fever.

The farmer killed the chicken to make fresh chicken soup for his wife, but her sickness continued. Frineds and neighbors came to visit her, and to feed them, the farmer butchered the pig. Then she died. So many people came for her funeral that the farmer had the cow cooked to provide enough meat for all of them.

The mouse looked upon it all from his hole in the wall with great sadness.

1.What does the underlined word in the first paragraph mean?

A. Great amused    B. Slightly worried

C. Completely disappointed    D. Extremely shocked

2.What can we infer from what the cow said?

A. He could do nothing to help the mouse

B. He wanted to help the mouse but was too busy

C. He thought the mousetrap would not harm him

D. He felt very sorry for not being able to help the mouse

3.Why did the farrmer kill the pig?

A. To make soup for his wife

B. To punish the pig for not helping the mouse

C. To feed dfriends and neighbors attending his wife’s funeral

D. To provide food for people who visited his sick wife

4.What ddoes the story want to tell us?

A. A danger to one may become a danger to all

B. The unkind will be punished in the end

C. The best friend can be the worst enemy

D. It is important to listen to others

5.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A. Stupid animals    B. A kind mouse

C. The mousetrap    D. Stories in the farmyard


1.D 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.C 【解析】文章通过一个小故事告诉我们有时候我们认为不可能的事情由可能会发生在我们的身上的,所以不要说与我无关。 1.D 词义猜测题。根据第一段中“There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap inthe house! There is a mousetrap inthe house! ”可知老鼠看到鼠夹时应该是非常震惊。可知划线词的意思是“非常震惊”。故选D。 2.C 推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句So many people came for her funeral that the farmer had the cow cooked to provide enough meat for all of them.可推测他认为鼠夹不会伤害他。故选C。 3.D 细节理解题。根据第四段中Frineds and neighbors came to visit her, and to feed them, the farmer butchered the pig.可知杀猪是为了招待那些来看望他生病的妻子的人们。故选D。 4.A 推理判断题。认为只涉及到老鼠安危的鼠夹最后却给其他动物带来了杀身之祸,通过这个故事告诉我们“一个人的危险可能成为所有人的危险”。故选A。 5.C 主旨大意题。本文围绕一个鼠夹展开故事,所以本文的主题应该是“鼠夹”。故选C。













low-carbon 低碳的

air pollution空气污染的

reduce traffic jams 缓解拥堵


2.词数 80-100;


Dear classmates,

The bright-colored public bikes—the Mobikes are now commonly seen on our city streets.







1.So far the boys have be able to swim across the river.

2.Following the rules of the road and don’t drive too fast.

3.Although the sun is shining, but it isn’t very warm outside.

4.He thought he could produce more rice by cross two different plants.

5.Traditional cellphones are on way out as smartphones develop rapidly.



Betty Ford was born in 1918 in Chicago. Her family moved to Michigan when she 1. (be) young. Betty did everything2. (careful) and enjoyed music best. After high school, she went to school 3. (learn) more about dancing. Later on, she met a famous 4. (dance), Martha Graham. She joined Graham’s troupe(表演团) in New York. After five years, Betty moved back to Machigan  5. started a dancing group there. She taught dancing to children with disabilities. Betty met Gerald Ford in 1947. They got 6. (marry) the next year. Gerald chose to work for Congress (国会) after  7. (wed). He was in Congress for 25 years. Betty took care  8. their children. A short time later, Nixon gave up his position of the president. As a result, Gerald Ford 9. (elect) president and Betty became  10. First Lady.



How to Save More and Spend Less

There are many simple ways to save more money without feeling the pain. You can even turn it into a challenge or a game to make it more enjoyable.


You went shopping and now your pocket is heavy with loose change. Count it, keep what you might need for bus tickets and put the rest in a piggy bank. After two months, empty the piggy bank and deposit(存储) the amount in your saving account.

Give up your expensive habits.

Cut down on the beer and cigarettes. Not only will this keep you healthier, but it’ll let you save up on unwanted expenses. 2. If you don’t stop now, you’ll end up paying a lot more for them anyway.

Visit ATMs less often.

Reducing the times you use the ATM can help you cut down on your costs. 3. By doing so you won’t have to make unnecessary withdrawals(取款).

Use cash.

Every time you use your credit card or cellphone to pay for something, you’re losing track of exactly how much you’ re spending. If you’re buying something, buy it with cash. This will give you a clearer idea of how much you’re actually spending. 4.

Carry your own bag when shopping.

With the government taking measures to reduce plastic usage, most shops have moved onto paper and cloth bags. 5. Instead of paying for these, carry your own bag.

A. Save your change.

B. Instead of turning to those machines, manage your finance well.

C. However, these are more expensive when compared to plastic ones.

D. Seeing more money leaving your hands, you’ ll be more aware of spending.

E. Even the government is increasing the tax on these to reduce the use of them.



What Ls the best way to catch someone who is telling a lie?

For a long time, the traditional method of catching liars was to watch their body language, Many people - from parents to police officers depend on this method, But does a person’s body tell us the truth?

According to a new study, it is not the case. Researchers in the UK recently found that talking seems to be the best way to smoke out a liar. Their study look place at an airport.

The researchers asked volunteers to pretend they were real passengers and then lie to airport security officers. Some of the officers used conversation methods to question them, while other officers depend on their body language. The officers using the talking method were 20 times more likely to catch the liars.

Like many methods, this talking technique has a name. It is called. Cant rolled Cognitive Engagement or CCE for short. Here are four ways of catching a liar.

① Use open-ended questions.

These are the opposite of “Yes” and “No” questions. Open-ended questions force the person to continue the story of their lies until they are caught in their own web of lies.

② Surprise them.

Ask questions they may not think you are going to ask. Ask questions that are surprising or off-topic. This will make it harder for them to keep lying.

③ Look for small details that do not make sense.

Ask them details in their stories and look for facts that seem to disagree with each other. But do not let them know you know. Just let them dig themselves deeper into a hole.

④ Watch for changes in confidence and speaking styles.

Liars will often change their speaking styles when they are questioned. For example, when they feel in control they may be very talkative. But if they feel they are losing control, they may not talk much at all.

1.What is the best title of this passage?

A. How to Catch a Liar    B. Airport Security Improved

C. CCE Method Never Fails    D. Lie with Body Language

2.Which of the following methods is most likely to help you catch a liar?

A. Ask the person if he is telling the truth.

B. Surprise the person by raising your voice.

C. Focus on the person’s body language.

D. Notice changes in the person’s confidence.

3.Why should you ask open-ended questions in order to catch a liar?

A. Because they are easy to answer.

B. Because they are harder to lie about.

C. Because they are off the topic.

D. Because they change your talking style.

4.Who does the word “them” refer to in the fourth paragraph?

A. Security officers.

B. Real passengers.

C. Study volunteers.

D. English researchers.

5.Which of the following is NOT true about the CCE method?

A. It aims to smoke out liars through conversations.

B. It works better than simply reading body languages.

C. It focuses on what someone says and how he says it.

D. It has been widely used by parents and police officers.



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