满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Every night, even long after my childhoo...

Every night, even long after my childhood years, she would come to me, push my long hair out of the way and then kiss my forchead to say goodnight.

I don’t________when it started to dislike her hands pushing my hair that way. Finally, one night, I shouted at her. “Don’t do that _______--- your hands are too rought(粗糙的)!” She didn’t say anthing_______. But never again did my mother_______me with that familiar expression of her love. But because of my pride, I didn’t tell her I was_____

As years passed, I missed my mother’s hands and goodnight kisses upon my_______again and again. Sometimes the incidnet seemed very close, sometimes far away. But always________appeared in  my mind.

Now my mom is in her mid-seventies, still doing thins for me and my family with those two hands. Mom no longer has Dad, and on special_______, I find myself drawn next door to ______the night with her. It was late on Thanksgiving Eve. As I slept in the bedroom of my youth, a________hand hesitantly brushed the hari from my forehead. Then a kiss, ever so _______, touched my brow.

In my_______, for the thousandth time, I thought of the night I said the rude words to my mom. _______Mom’s hand in my hand, I told her how sorry I was for that night. But she had forgotten---and forgiven---long ago.

That night, I fell asleep with a new appreciation for my gentle mother and her ________hands. And the guilt(愧疚感)I had had for so long was______to be found.

1.A. remember    B. repeat    C. retell    D. reuse

2.A. anyhow    B. anymore    C. anytime    D. anyway

3.A. in particualr    B. in reply    C. in time    D. in addition

4.A. track    B. please    C. treat    D. trust

5.A. angry    B. anxious    C. sorry    D. terrible

6.A. hand    B. cheek    C. hair    D. forehead

7.A. she    B. they    C. he    D. it

8.A. duty    B. occasions    C. conditions    D. purpose

9.A. charge    B. take    C. cost    D. spend

10.A. friendly    B. familiar    C. similar    D. soft

11.A. rudely    B. gently    C. suddenly    D. gladly

12.A. memory    B. adulthoo    C. youth    D. childhood

13.A. Touching    B. Catching    C. Fetching    D. Stretching

14.A. worrying    B. living    C. tiring    D. loving

15.A. somewhere    B. anywhere    C. nowhere    D. everywhere


1.A 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.C 6.D 7.D 8.B 9.D 10.B 11.B 12.A 13.B 14.D 15.C 【解析】本文讲述母亲的双手给作者带来无私的母爱的故事。那双手已经不再温柔,甚至有些粗糙,但那双手依然给作者带来温暖,母爱永远难以割断。 1.A 考查动词。A. remember 记得; B. repeat 重复; C. retell 复述; D. reuse再用。我不记得是什么时候开始讨厌她用手拨开我头发的方式。故选A。 2.B 考查副词。A. anyhow不管怎样; B. anymore 不再; C. anytime 任何时候; D. anyway无论如何。“你不安B。要再这样了,你的手好粗糙!”故选B。 3.B 考查词组。A. in particualr 特别的; B. in reply 回答; C. in time 及时; D. in addition另外。我冲母亲叫,她没回应。故选B。 4.C 考查动词。A. track追踪; B. please使喜欢; C. treat 对待; D. trust信任。但从此却再没有用这种我熟悉的表达爱的方式来为我的一天画上句号。故选C。 5.C 考查形容词。A. angry生气的; B. anxious 焦虑的; C. sorry 难过的; D. terrible可怕的。但是因为我的骄傲,我没有告诉她我很抱歉。故选C。 6.D 考查名词。A. hand 手; B. cheek面颊; C. hair 头发; D. forehead前额。随着时间的流逝,我开始想念母亲的那双手,想念她印在我前额上的“晚安”。故选D。 7.D 考查代词。但始它总是出现在我的脑海中。故选D。 8.B 考查名词。A. duty责任; B. occasions 场合; C. conditions条件; D. purpose目的。妈妈很久没有爸爸的消息了,在一些特别的节日里,我只能在隔壁很沮丧的度过每个夜晚。故选B。 9.D 考查动词。A. charge充电; B. take拿走; C. cost 使付出; D. spend花费。在一些特别的节日里,我只能在隔壁很沮丧的度过每个夜晚。故选D。 10.B 考查形容词。A. friendly友好的; B. familiar 熟悉的; C. similar 相似的; D. soft柔软的。这是我儿时的卧室,一切都是那么的熟悉,还有一只熟悉的手犹豫着从我的脸上掠过,梳理着我前额的头发。故选B。 11.B 考查副词。A. rudely 粗鲁地; B. gently 温柔地; C. suddenly突然地; D. gladly高兴地。然后,一个吻,带着一如往日的温柔,轻轻落在了我的额头。故选B。 12.A 考查名词。A. memory 记忆; B. adulthoo C. youth 青年; D. childhood童年时代。在我的记忆里,曾几千次再现那晚的情景和我那稚嫩的抱怨声。故选A。 13.B 考查动词。A. Touching触摸; B. Catching 抓住; C. Fetching 去取; D. Stretching拉伸。我一把抓住母亲的手,一股脑说出我对那一晚深深的愧疚。故选B。 14.D 考查形容词。A. worrying 担忧的; B. living 活跃的; C. tiring累人的; D. loving忠诚的。那天晚上,我带着对母亲新的感激安然入睡,我感激她的温柔,和她那呵护的双手。故选D。 15.C 考查名词。A. somewhere 某地; B. anywhere 任何地方; C. nowhere 无处; D. everywhere每个地方。多年来压在我心头的负罪感也随之烟消云散。故选C。 【名师点睛】 本文讲述的是母亲对孩子的爱,整个文章只充满了浓浓的爱意。在阅读时要抓住文章的过去脉络。一定要读懂全文,弄清文章要表达的思想,注意前后段落之间的关系。答题中,一定要认真分析,注意选项与上下文的关系,与前后单词的关系。对于一时没有太大的把握的题可以放到最后再来完成,因为有时答案可以从下文内容体现出来。答完后再通读一篇文章,看看所选选项能不能是语句通顺,语意连贯。

Enjoyable Family Picnics

Going for a picnic is great at any age. It can either be a simple lunch in the park or family barbecue at the beach. Whether with little kids or just as a romantic afternoon date, picnics can be fun and relaxing. Just remember to prepare.

Check the weather forecast.1.Prcnics are never much fun when it gets too hot or starts to rain. If it is likely to rain, but you still make up your mind to go, think about bringing umbrellas.

Pick a location suitable for your family’s needs. Different locations are for different types of picnics. 2.Choose one with a playground for them, and perhaps some bathrooms nearby. Do you want a quiet afternoon to read, or a park with a big field to play soccer on?

3.Food is the most important part of a picnic, so don’t forget it! Remember to bring any utensils(器皿)you might need, as well as napkins and a garbage bag to clean up afterwards. Bring some books, balls or anything else that could be fun. Finally, don’t forget your camera.

Other ideas. If it gets hot in the afternoon, why not try a morning picnic to enjoy the songs of the birds in the fresh morning air?4.It can be fun to have a picnic in your backyard. If you’re going on a hike, pack a lunch and turn it into a picnic. But remember to bring extra water!

Remember to prepare, and you’ll soon be enjoying picnics wherever you are. But keep in mind that not everything always go as planned. 5.

A. It may seem obvious but it’s often forgotten.

B. Do you have little kids?

C.Just lean to laugh and enjoy outside

D. Not everybody likes eating outside

E. Another idea is to stay at home

F. What to bring

G. Do you need big trees to keep the heat off on a sunny day?



Could a cave be the place of buried treasure in a small village in Marajgushu, near Navasha, Kenya? A rumor of treasure has some villagers dreaming of wealth, while ohters see it as a cheat. It’s said that in the 1800s a white man left treasure inside the caves.

This system of caves has become the center of excitement in the village. It is unclear where the rumor came from, but some local people believe white settlers hid gold and other precious metals in the cave before leavign the area, many years ago.

Local villager Edward Maina says the rumors have brought a lot of treasure hunters flooding into town to dig in the caves. Villages say original treasure seekers entered the cave nearly two months ago before being arrested by police. Local governmetns closed up the entrance, but they broke back in.

While neither gold nor silver has been found yet, the cave does guard another important resource: water. Many depend on a natural spring coming from the cave and local officials, among them Ward Councilor Gaka Mwaniki, worry the digging could affect or dirty the supply.

“There’s nothing. We’ve seen ourselves there’s nothing in those caves. The cave is natural. It’s the water table that they’re affecting” says Mwaniki.

Local resident James Mbugua Njenga wants the situation brought under control. “If at all there’s treasure inside there, let the government come and dig and protect the water table,”says Njenga.

It might be true. It might be a cheat. Whatever the case, treasure hunters continue to be attracted to the mystery of the caves.

1.What did the treasure hunters do after the cave was closed up?

A. They entered the cave again    B. They gave up seeking treasusre

C. They fought again the police    D. They looked for anohter cave

2.What does the underlined word “supply” refer to?

A. The treasure    B. The water

C. The cave    D. The villagers

3.Mwaniki worries about the digging because of _________.

A. the loss of the treasure    B. the damage to the cave

C. the pollution to the water    D. the flood in the village

4.Njenga thinks that ____________.

A. there is no treasure in the cave

B. the story about treasure must be a cheat

C. treasure seekers should be arrested

D. the government should protect the cave

5.What is the text mainly about?

A. The seeking of hidden treasure in central Kenya

B. A great finding of a cave in central Kenya

C. The life of the villagers in central Kenya

D. The worry about pollution in central Kenya



Here are Travelbag, we’ve seen the world---we want you t o as well. To help you on your way, we’ve put the World on Sale. The offers you see below are just a taste of the great deals we have available. To find out more, call us on 0800 804 8911 and let our experts make your perfect trip, at the perfect price. Book by: 30 Apr.

Middle East & Indian Ocean


was £349 now £299

Includes fligths

3nts.4* Coral Oriental (B&B)

Valid(有效的):01 Sep----30 Sep


was £1,085 now £835

Includes flights

7nts,3+*Le Tropical (AI), Mauritius

Valid: 01 May---22 Jun

Far East

Thailand Beach (Cha Am)

was £700 now £575

Includes flights

10nts, 3* Holiday Inn Regent Beach,

Cha Am

5 FREE nts included in price

Valid: 01 Sep---31 Oct.

Malaysia, Langkawi

was £689 now £599

Includes fliglhts

7nts, 3* Mutiara Burau Bay Beach

Resort, Langkawi

Valid: 01 May---31 May.


New Zealand

was £1,059 now £989

Self-drive, 5-day car hire

2nts, 3* Best Western  President,

Auckland, Scenic Wonders Self-drive

Valid: 05 Apr---13 Jun


was £1,049 now £979

Includes fligths

3nts, 3* Quality Inn Cambridge

2nts, 3* York Gardens Resort

2nts, 2 * Comfort Inn, Cessnoc

Valid: 15 Apr.----15 Jun.



was £799 now £649

includes flights

7nts, 3* Golden Tulip Continental (B&B), Rio


Las Vagas

was £540 now £485

Includes flights

5nts, 3* Circus Circus, Las Vagas

Valid: 01 May---30 Jun.



1.The underlined words in the first offer most probably mean ______________.

A. 3 nights at 4 stars    B. 3 nights and 4 days

C. 3 or 4 places    D. $3.4

2.In which of the following places may you have to change your hotel?

A. Rio    B. Mauritius

C. Sydney    D. Malaysia, Langkawi

3.If you want to enjoy the scenery along the driving way, you can visit_________.

A. Dubai    B. Thailand Beach(Cha Am)

C. Las Vagas    D. New Zealand

4.It can be inferred from the text that ___________.

A. the ad is intended for foreign travelers

B. the offer to Rio has the longest valid time

C. the booking service will last until the end of May

D. taking planes is the only way to go to those places

5.The writer’s purpose of writing this article is to __________.

A. have more people to buy from Travelbag

B. compare travel costs in different countries

C. teach tourist how to save more money

D. inform tourists of some places of interest



A mouse looked through the hole in the wall to see the farmer and his wife open a pckage, and he was devastated to discover it was a mousetrap. Returning to the farmyard,he warned everyday. “There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap inthe house! There is a mousetrap inthe house! ”

The chicken raised her head and said, “Thanks for your warning. Mr. Mouse, but why should I be bothered by a mousetrap?” the pig sympathized, but said, “Wow, Mr. Mouse, I’m sorry for you I can tell this is a great concern to you, but it is none of my business.” The mouse returned to the house, head down and depressed, to face the farmer’s mousetrap alone.

The very night a sound was heard throughthe house----like that of a mouse trap catching its prey. The farmer’s wife rushed to see what was caught. In the darkness, she did not see it was a snake whose tailwas caught by the trap, and it bit her. The farmer rushed her to the hospital and she returned home with a fever.

The farmer killed the chicken to make fresh chicken soup for his wife, but her sickness continued. Frineds and neighbors came to visit her, and to feed them, the farmer butchered the pig. Then she died. So many people came for her funeral that the farmer had the cow cooked to provide enough meat for all of them.

The mouse looked upon it all from his hole in the wall with great sadness.

1.What does the underlined word in the first paragraph mean?

A. Great amused    B. Slightly worried

C. Completely disappointed    D. Extremely shocked

2.What can we infer from what the cow said?

A. He could do nothing to help the mouse

B. He wanted to help the mouse but was too busy

C. He thought the mousetrap would not harm him

D. He felt very sorry for not being able to help the mouse

3.Why did the farrmer kill the pig?

A. To make soup for his wife

B. To punish the pig for not helping the mouse

C. To feed dfriends and neighbors attending his wife’s funeral

D. To provide food for people who visited his sick wife

4.What ddoes the story want to tell us?

A. A danger to one may become a danger to all

B. The unkind will be punished in the end

C. The best friend can be the worst enemy

D. It is important to listen to others

5.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A. Stupid animals    B. A kind mouse

C. The mousetrap    D. Stories in the farmyard















low-carbon 低碳的

air pollution空气污染的

reduce traffic jams 缓解拥堵


2.词数 80-100;


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The bright-colored public bikes—the Mobikes are now commonly seen on our city streets.



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