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Instagram is containing so many photos o...

Instagram is containing so many photos of food---now a pop-up diner in London is taking advantage of this new trend by letting people settle the bill for their meals simply by uploading photos of their dishes to social networks.

I always thought people's taking pictures of their food was kind of silly, but at this new pop-up restaurant in the UK, I'd probably do it too. “The Picture House” is the world's first pay-by-photo restaurant—you order, click a photo of the food, share on Instagram and eat for free!

The restaurant belongs to frozen food giant (巨人)Birds Eye, who came up with the idea to cash in on people’s addiction with photographing food and sharing the pictures online. They conducted a survey and found out that more than half of the British population regularly took pictures of their meals. So they realized it was a better way to advertise their new dining range.

The pop-up diner was open in Soho, London for three days in May, and is now moving to other major UK cities. They serve two-course meals that customers don't have to pay for, if they photo and Instagram it.

The restaurant is a part of Birds Eye’s “Food for Life,” campaign, a new marketing project that aims at changing the way people look at frozen food. “Taking photos of food enables people to show off and to share their mealtime moments—from the everyday to the special,” said marketing director Margaret Jobling.

The reaction to The Picture House has been great so far. And the pay-by-picture concept has proven to be an effective way. Alternative payment methods are actually gaining popularity among a lot of businesses. Last year, in a cafe in Germany customers pay by how much time they spend there, not by what they eat.

1.Instagram probably is_______________.

A. a restaurant free of charge    B. a campaign of “Food for Life”

C. a new marketing project    D. a program used to share photos

2.“The Picture House” encourages sharing photos of its food to_____________.

A. raise the price of frozen food    B. attract more customers

C. create a new social media trend    D. reward the regular customers

3.Which of the following can serve as the best title for the passage?

A. No Need to Pay.    B. The Pop-up Diner.

C. Pay by Picture.    D. Food for Life.


1.D 2.B 3.C 【解析】本文介绍了英国一家餐厅运用了时下最流行的照片分享软件来招揽客户,只要上传他们餐厅的相片到照片分享软件上,就可以免单,这家餐厅所属的公司通过对人们日常生活的观察,结合自身产业推出的营销策略深受大家喜爱,实践证明这项策略非常成功。 1.D 推理判断题。本文主要讲的是英国一家餐厅将餐厅经营与时下流行的照片分享软件相结合的事例,可知Instagram可能是一种分享照片的程序。故选D. 2.B 细节理解题。根据第三段So they realized it was a better way to advertise their new dining range.可知,他想拓宽餐厅的业务范围,吸引更多的顾客。故选B。 3.C 标题判断题。英国一家餐厅将餐厅经营与时下流行的照片分享软件相结合的事例,人们只要上传照片就可以获得免单。所以最佳标题是C. Pay by Picture,故选C.





I often imagine what my life will be like in three years. __________________________________________.
















In August 1996, Peter Hessler, an American teacher of English, arrive in the town of Fulig on the Yangtze River. He and a colleague were to spend two years there teach English at a teacher training college.  They were the only foreigner in the town. The first semester finished and they had four weeks off. Though they could to anywhere they wished, but they deiced to tak a boat downstream. They finalllyl had a wonderful trip the Three Gorges.



Wouldn’t this be great? You come home from school and your new dog 1.(wait)at the dor to greet you. Or, you have a bad and your new kitten jumps onto your lap for a hug. 2.(have)a pet is a dream for many  teenagers. And finally your mum and dad have agreed. But just because you 3.(allow)to get a pet doesn’t mean you should. Pets are not toys but friends 4.need our love and company. 5.don’t get a pet if you’re not ready to devote.



Every night, even long after my childhood years, she would come to me, push my long hair out of the way and then kiss my forchead to say goodnight.

I don’t________when it started to dislike her hands pushing my hair that way. Finally, one night, I shouted at her. “Don’t do that _______--- your hands are too rought(粗糙的)!” She didn’t say anthing_______. But never again did my mother_______me with that familiar expression of her love. But because of my pride, I didn’t tell her I was_____

As years passed, I missed my mother’s hands and goodnight kisses upon my_______again and again. Sometimes the incidnet seemed very close, sometimes far away. But always________appeared in  my mind.

Now my mom is in her mid-seventies, still doing thins for me and my family with those two hands. Mom no longer has Dad, and on special_______, I find myself drawn next door to ______the night with her. It was late on Thanksgiving Eve. As I slept in the bedroom of my youth, a________hand hesitantly brushed the hari from my forehead. Then a kiss, ever so _______, touched my brow.

In my_______, for the thousandth time, I thought of the night I said the rude words to my mom. _______Mom’s hand in my hand, I told her how sorry I was for that night. But she had forgotten---and forgiven---long ago.

That night, I fell asleep with a new appreciation for my gentle mother and her ________hands. And the guilt(愧疚感)I had had for so long was______to be found.

1.A. remember    B. repeat    C. retell    D. reuse

2.A. anyhow    B. anymore    C. anytime    D. anyway

3.A. in particualr    B. in reply    C. in time    D. in addition

4.A. track    B. please    C. treat    D. trust

5.A. angry    B. anxious    C. sorry    D. terrible

6.A. hand    B. cheek    C. hair    D. forehead

7.A. she    B. they    C. he    D. it

8.A. duty    B. occasions    C. conditions    D. purpose

9.A. charge    B. take    C. cost    D. spend

10.A. friendly    B. familiar    C. similar    D. soft

11.A. rudely    B. gently    C. suddenly    D. gladly

12.A. memory    B. adulthoo    C. youth    D. childhood

13.A. Touching    B. Catching    C. Fetching    D. Stretching

14.A. worrying    B. living    C. tiring    D. loving

15.A. somewhere    B. anywhere    C. nowhere    D. everywhere



Enjoyable Family Picnics

Going for a picnic is great at any age. It can either be a simple lunch in the park or family barbecue at the beach. Whether with little kids or just as a romantic afternoon date, picnics can be fun and relaxing. Just remember to prepare.

Check the weather forecast.1.Prcnics are never much fun when it gets too hot or starts to rain. If it is likely to rain, but you still make up your mind to go, think about bringing umbrellas.

Pick a location suitable for your family’s needs. Different locations are for different types of picnics. 2.Choose one with a playground for them, and perhaps some bathrooms nearby. Do you want a quiet afternoon to read, or a park with a big field to play soccer on?

3.Food is the most important part of a picnic, so don’t forget it! Remember to bring any utensils(器皿)you might need, as well as napkins and a garbage bag to clean up afterwards. Bring some books, balls or anything else that could be fun. Finally, don’t forget your camera.

Other ideas. If it gets hot in the afternoon, why not try a morning picnic to enjoy the songs of the birds in the fresh morning air?4.It can be fun to have a picnic in your backyard. If you’re going on a hike, pack a lunch and turn it into a picnic. But remember to bring extra water!

Remember to prepare, and you’ll soon be enjoying picnics wherever you are. But keep in mind that not everything always go as planned. 5.

A. It may seem obvious but it’s often forgotten.

B. Do you have little kids?

C.Just lean to laugh and enjoy outside

D. Not everybody likes eating outside

E. Another idea is to stay at home

F. What to bring

G. Do you need big trees to keep the heat off on a sunny day?



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