满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

书面表达(满分25分) 假定你是高三学生李华。最近你校受中央电视台《朗读者》节目...



1. 全校第一届《朗读者》比赛将在本学期末举行;

2. 每个班级选出一名朗读者,然后全校进行评比;

3. 规则和奖励。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可适当添加细节,以使行文连贯。





Notice To encourage all students to read more English stories and arouse their interest in English, our school will hold the First Reader Competition at the end of the term. Each class will have to choose a reader who will represent his/her class to read a story or poem, which will be selected by himself/herself. Then all readers from every class will compete for the last three places. Every reader will be judged depending on whether they can read story clearly and correctly, whether their story is moving and whether they make any mistakes while reading. The winner will be awarded with several masterpieces of famous foreign writers. The Student Union   【解析】略  







I just come back from Britain last week. I was luckily enough to be one of the student from different countries to visit the UK from Feb. 16 to 28. We paid a visit to many places, like London, Oxford or the Lake District. I learned much about British culture and history in London, where was my favorite. I also liked Oxford, in which I saw much more old buildings. The Lake District was beautiful, but it was pity that it rained heavily when they were there. The most excited thing for me in the Britain was that I made a lot of friends there.




Many years ago, an incident had happened I had    1   (complete) forgotten about until I had to rush to the hospital to see one of my daughters.

While    2   (visit) her, the receptionist called out my name and then a nurse came over to me and said Thank you. I thought:   3    ? She then said Ive been wanting to say what a difference you    4   (make) to my daughters life. I was surprised as she told an incident my daughter could remember but I couldnt for a few moments.

Years ago, when walking with my daughter we saw   5   young high school girl sitting on the foot path crying even a bit 6   (confuse). Apparently she had been laughed at by kids. She also had other emotional    7   (issue) which I didnt know anything about, so I just picked her up asked her where she lived, had a little heart-to-heart talk    8   her in the car, took her home and gave her my name and number. I thought nothing    9 (much) of it.

The nurse told me it had made a big 10   (different) to her life, that somebody cared enough to help her. That nurse looked after my daughter. Karma? I dont know but I felt great.





Though it had been a bad day in the early morning, I thought works had to be done. Filled with    1  thoughts, I got in my car to drive into town. In the few minutes it took me to travel to the    2   . I made a decision. I would be careful not to   3  my bad day off to anyone else. I would be    4   . 

Standing in line at the bank, I was     5  talking to myself. Actually, I was   6  myself. All of the events that had made my bad day were, in fact, so very    7  . I was over-reacting. I tried to   8   those who had been affected by the war, by the earthquake.

A voice broke through my mental thoughts. Somehow I had    9  finished my bank business and the teller was trying to get my    10  . Young lady, she was saying. Her eyes showed    11  as she softly said, I dont know what is happening inside of you, but   12  me that everything will be okay.

My hands were 13   on the counter. She took her hands and placed them gently on top of mine. The   14   was quick but electric. And in that moment my world    15   .

In the moment of her touch I found    16  . I knew that love was being channeled through the 17  of this beautiful woman directly into my heart. I knew that I am   18  . I didnt say a word standing there. I   19   . It was my first smile of the day. But it would not be my   20    , as from that moment on my entire day was changed.

A warm handshake. A kind word. Through these, we open the power of love.

1.A. nervous   B. fearful    C. negative    D. serious

2.A. park    B. bank     C. market    D. company

3.A. give   B. take    C. show    D. pass

4.A. honest    B. wise     C. brave    D. polite

5.A. silently   B. patiently    C. secretly    D. loudly

6.A. controlling   B. warning    C. blaming    D. enjoying

7.A. small    B. special    C. important    D. funny

8.A. serve    B. comfort    C. pity     D. imagine

9.A. ever    B. just     C. never    D. still

10.A. attention   B. payment    C. name     D. address

11.A. surprise   B. doubt     C. wonder    D. concern

12.A. tell    B. advise    C. believe    D. remind

13.A. waving   B. resting    C. feeling    D. placing

14.A. hug    B. touch     C. look     D. talk

15.A. moved    B. ended    C. failed    D. changed

16.A. understanding  B. disappointment   C. excitement   D. shame

17.A. hand   B. tenderness   C. body       D. work

18.A. respected   B. loved     C. scared    D. rescued

19.A. sighed    B. cried     C. smiled    D. complained

20.A. best    B. sweetest    C. last     D. happiest




Ways to Have an Amazing Day

Im a big believer in the Law of the Harvest:     1    . If we plant the seeds of success every day, we will reap a successful harvest. If we delay the planting, we cannot expect to harvest. Here are a few tips for making sure you can answer the pop quiz of life confidently:

Keep Learning

A child has the opportunity to learn about 100 new things a day and they love the feeling of learning something new. Thats why a young child will ask their parents, Why? about a thousand times a week. They are learning and growing. It wouldnt hurt us to look around throughout the day and ask, Why did that happen? How does that work? What can I do about that?     2   

Be Kind

It has been said that you can measure a person by how they treat the people who can do nothing for them. One great way to get more out of your day is to fill it with people you know.     3   The best way to know more people is to take a moment to learn a little about them.


I have noticed for some time that a lot of the happiest and most satisfied people I know have one or more big life goals they are working towards. It may be to run a marathon, write a book, start a business, develop a product, or learn a new hobby or profession. It doesnt really matter what it is as long as it is something big, something that inspires you, and something that will take a lot of time and hard work. 

      5    In fact, most people experience something like a pop midterm. Those are the moments in life where you wake up and realize that you have wasted the last 510 years on cruise control. Some people lose a job and realize they havent taken the time to develop any skills that would help them find another one.

A. Find A Suitable Purpose

B. Be kind to everyone you meet.

C. Look for some ways to serve.

D. We harvest what we sow.

E. Is your life filled with meaningless activities?

F. A lifetime of learning leads to a love for life.

G. Life doesnt always throw us too many pop quizzes.




A fish may not be the first creature that comes to mind when co-operation in the animal world is mentioned, but a new study has shown the caring behavior of one sea species. Scientists have found that pairs of rabbitfishes will help and support each other while feeding. While such behavior has been recorded for birds and mammals, it had formerly been thought to be impossible for fishes to exhibit the same features.

"We found that rabbitfish pairs manage their caring activity quite firmly, thus providing safety for their partner that is looking for food," says Dr. Simon Brandl. "In other words, one partner stays on guard while the other feeds these fishes just watch each others back," Dr. Brandl says. "This behavior is so far unique among fishes and appears to be based on reciprocal cooperation between pair members."

Reciprocal cooperation, which requires an investment in a partner that is later reciprocated(报答), is supposed to require complex cognitive and social skills something that fishes had been considered not to have until now.

Dr. Brandl says the research shows clear support and presents interesting evidence for reciprocal support between the rabbitfish pairs.

"There has been a long debate about whether reciprocal cooperation can exist in animals that lack the highly developed cognitive and social skills found in humans and a few species of birds and primates," he said. By showing that fishes which are commonly considered to be cold, unsocial, and unintelligent are able to have reciprocal cooperative systems, we provide evidence that cooperation may not be as special as earlier expected."

Professor Bellwood says that our opinion of fishes as cold creatures is slowly changing. Our findings should further cause efforts to understand fishes as highly developed organisms with complex social behaviors. This may also require a change in how we study and treat fishes.

【题文1】 What does the first paragraph imply? 

A. Rabbitfishes almost act like birds and mammals.

B. Fishes dont belong to the animal world at all.

C. Fishes have the ability to feed each other.

D. The caring behavior is impossible for fishes.

【题文2】While one rabbitfish feeds, the other one _________.

A. is protecting its partner from any danger      B. is carrying some food for its partner

C. is looking for more food for its partner      D. is hiding behind the back of its partner

【题文3】 What did people use to think about fishes?

A. They have the same behaviors.       B. They show no feelings for others.

C. They have high social skills.        D. They support each other all the time.

【题文4】What can we infer from what Bellwood said?

A. We should change our way of eating fish.    

B. The behaviors of fishes are difficult to learn.

C. More efforts are needed to understand fish.

D. Our study of social behaviors should be careful.



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